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i believe in aliens.

I don't care much about it, but i am guessing they come here. We know Christ atoned for worlds without number, and he did it here.

If i was from another planet, i would wanna come see the place where He lived and died.

I wanna go see Jerusalem, a far away land, I am sure God's children on other planets see it much the same way.

As for looking different, I dont know nor care. Maybe if another world has lighter gravity, the people would be taller and skinnier. Maybe if they had lower light conditions, they would have lighter skin. But would still be human/children of GOd.

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If God made Man, can't he also make Aliens?


The answer is yes, he can and yes he does.

The real question however is why does he make some of them illegal?

I Personally believe in Aliens, and that every once in a while they come to earth,

but what about you? I have met people who do, and people who don't, this is a place

to discuss that, NOT to argue with each other (just look at no rainbows = Jesus is coming :wacko: )

I think they could be real because, why would God only make one planet with life? ;)

... and I believe that crop circles are made by Big Foot mummies who look like Elvis.

Oddly enough, there is just as much proof for my belief as their is for yours.

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When the average human being who primarily exists within a third dimensional 'world' attempts to think about the presence of higher beings or 'aliens' either from another third dimensional 'world' or that may exist within higher dimensional 'worlds', it's almost like observing a hypothetical group of ants in a colony trying to figure out why, periodically, some amongst them seem to end up flattened when the sky darkens and falls down on them for no apparent reason -- or -- when a bright light appears suddenly and many are engulfed in flames right before their very eyes. Of course, they would have no real perceptual ability to understand the foot of a human being, let alone what a human being is -- along with having no idea that some very vicious of these humans have magnifying glasses and like to 'fry ants' when they are kids. With knowledge and long study, however, some amongst them might start to see things a little more clearly -- as much as can be expected from an ants point of view.

Here's a very good introduction from a, generally, LDS point of view on this subject which may help to introduce some of the conceptual realities involved when we're attempting to discuss and attempting to deal with the reality of 'aliens', 'higher beings' (including Heavenly Father and the other gods), and 'other worlds' from our current point of reference. :D

Thoughts on Higher-dimensional Realms

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A PET study of voluntary movement in schizophrenic patients experiencing passivity phenomena (delusions of alien control)

Introduction: Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal beliefs, behaviours and experiences. The presence of delusions and hallucinations (in particular those of the ‘first rank’ of Schneider; see Koehler, 1979) has suggested temporal lobe dysfunction on the basis of a resemblance to the psychosis of temporal lobe epilepsy (Trimble, 1990). Recent PET blood flow studies have supported this concept (Liddle,1987; Liddle et al., 1992).

Schizophrenic patients experiencing passivity phenomena believe their thoughts and actions to be those of external, or alien, entities. We wished to test the hypothesis that voluntary motor action in such patients would be associated with aberrant patterns of activation within the cerebral motor system. We used H2 15O PET to study patients while they performed paced joystick movements on two occasions 4–6 weeks apart. During the first scan passivity symptoms were maximal, while by the second scan these symptoms had significantly improved in five of the seven patients. Two control groups were also scanned on two occasions: deluded schizophrenic patients without passivity phenomena and normal subjects. In normal subjects, performance of freely Keywords: schizophrenia; passivity; delusions; PET; cerebral blood flow. Abbreviations: rCBF 5 regional cerebral blood flow; SPM 5 statistical parametric mapping.


Schizophrenia is a serious disorder and shouldn't be ignored if someone is showing symptoms. I can see you wanting to give someone a blessing if he/she is seeing aliens, but I'd be doing it on the way to the psychiatrist--just in case.


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Guest the_big_picture

Life in other planets is basicly proven and proven again, the queston is, is there intelligent life like us?'

Heres what Nasa say, they found a comet from mars that have fossiles of unearthly bacteria probably from when mars had life.

This is the only evidence I'l post, so stop asking is there life, ask is there intelligent life?

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Life in other planets is basicly proven and proven again, the queston is, is there intelligent life like us?'

Heres what Nasa say, they found a comet from mars that have fossiles of unearthly bacteria probably from when mars had life.

This is the only evidence I'l post, so stop asking is there life, ask is there intelligent life?

The only life that we have found outside our planet is Tabloid and Scam!

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Well, I am on the road so someone else will have to give me the reference, but Joseph Smith said that only indigenous beings visit this earth. This was in reference to angellic visitations.

I personally don't believe that little green men have ever landed or that alien spacecraft have come to the earth. The notion does sell a lot of books, movie tickets, t-shirts, and other useless junk. I personally love:

Alien Workshop

There are countless planets with human life on them, but they aren't visiting...



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I've already posted my thoughts (considering I made the thread), but I would like to elaborate:

I do believe that some "Alien Visitations" could be Satan trying to scare the willies out of you, but

I'm not sure about others, I believe that Aliens are a vantage point that satan tries to use, considering

the only media we get on it are terrifying, creepy encounters, are creepy people that worship aliens.

And I don't think that said other life is in this solar system.

P.S. I don't believe Roswell, I think it's some other conspiracy.

My other two cents :monkey:

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Why would aliens be giant insects with superior intelligence?

Why couldn't someone traveling in space be like our astronauts? Just simple scientist studying the Universe?

If we believe the Scriptures and believe that Adam was the first man, would we not be the first planet and the first family?

"Aliens" or "Space Travelers" would probably contact world leaders of their impending arrival and most likely the United Nations.

Aliens dropping in on farmers is just not that superior.

They obviously cannot come here to take over clean air or water. Maybe they just found a pop can with a theme park discount and want a vacation.

Maybe aliens want to come here to study medicine, agriculture, and art... etc. Maybe they have come to be baptized.

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Guest the_big_picture

To be honest, I dont think they would care about making contact. If you saw a rat nest at a park you where exploring, would you make contact with the rats?

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Guest the_big_picture

They can see a diffrence between rats and people. Just as people can see a diffrence between rats and flyes.

Rats are very smart, they show compasion and they show anger, does that mean that you would contact the rats cause they are superior to all other creatures of the subway?

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Are Subway Trains computer programmed to run the route or do they have driver's? The NY Times has ran stories about rats infesting the subways but none of the reporters have witnessed intelligent rats or aliens among the homeless people living there.

This topic is slowly drifting toward the Ninja Turtles isn't it?

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Are Subway Trains computer programmed to run the route or do they have driver's? The NY Times has ran stories about rats infesting the subways but none of the reporters have witnessed intelligent rats or aliens among the homeless people living there.

This topic is slowly drifting toward the Ninja Turtles isn't it?

Totally.... LOL!!! nice, very nice!

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well I'm a believer!!! B)

I have a friend who is a truck driver, and some of the stories he has told us about some of the things he has seen and had done, are not from this planet, not do they have any resemblance to satan.

He mostly has observed them collecting dirt samples in the fields as he drove by and then seeing them enter a very unearthly vehicle and flying away. He has witnessed that more than once. he said they looked like us.

one time the ship passed by him and melted all his electrical wires in his truck.

another time he was outside for early morning seminary and him and his students saw something over there heads. :dontknow:

When my husband and i were driving to Ca. from UT. we saw something in the sky just before Vegas, and we both knew that it wasn't anything from around these parts. :hmmm:

I just don't think they want to make contact, just think of star trek, they are only there to observe.

In my opinion they were once like we were but they progressed and they are just observing us in our progression.

I had a dream a while ago that for some reason i visited another world. The only thing I remember was that they were telling me how envious they were of us here on earth as this was were Jesus had lived. Then being my being was thrust backed to earth. The thrust back to earth felt very real.

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I am always open to possibilities...for the most part.

Life outside of this planet..easy. I believe in that. I think as we explore the moons od Saturn and Jupiter we will find oodles of life. I suspect it will be more than moss too. I think we will find plankton and fishies and stuff. I think that will be a big blow to evolutionists. The mutations that allegedly happened here are so remote in the odds that for there to be other instances WITHIN our solar system..Darwyn is toast! har har!

Now, as far as the intelligent life goes. Who knows? Why couldn't God do eden again? That said, I am a big fan of the theory of relativity and getting past that whole speed of light thing is troubling. You could say..ohhh, black holes and warpins space time...blah blah blah...yeah..three issues. 1. The amount of energy requires to power such a thing would be unimaginable. 2. Kinda a one way trip. 3. To make wormholes functional ya kinda have to get energy sources on both sides. How to get the battery on the other side is a bit of a pickle.

So I got me a big issue with brainy life ever reaching us with a ship to play pranks on rednecks, cows, crops, and crazy people a few fries short of a happy meal. Now, would I be overly shocked if SETI ever found a broadcast from many lightyears away? Not really...I hope the aliens do not have reality tv...we got enough of that here.

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Here's some interesting art work with 'extra-terrestrial' religious themes:

This painting hangs above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monestary in Kosovo, Yugoslavia - painted in 1350AD

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A disk shaped object is shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and Jesus - Fitzwilliam Musuem, Cambridge, England - Painted in 1710 by Flemish artist Aert De Gelder

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This painting was done by Carlo Crivelli (1430-1495) and is called "The Annunciation with Saint Emidius" (1486) and hangs in the National Gallery, London

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Below: Sego Canyon, Utah. Estimated up to 5,500 BC - According to Indian folklore, two objects collided high in the sky and one crash-landed in the region of Death Valley. Some men arrived (presumably in another ship) and spent some time repairing the damaged craft and were observed by the local Indians.

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