Do you spirtually prepare for General Conference


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Do you spiritually prepare for General Conference in any way(s)? Or do you not? Do you mind sharing? I don't usually. I feel if I do more each time it could be really beneficial. Maybe I can find a suggestion(s) that myself and others will benefit from :)

Edited by Treble.clef
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I haven't thought about this a  lot, so I'm glad you brought it up. I think 2 things I'd like to do this time are to make sure we all get to bed at a good time the night before so we're not sleepy, and to prepare some food ahead of time. We try to make it a nice weekend eating foods we enjoy, but that means I'm sometimes cooking and missing the messages. 


We do try to have conference packets for the kids, and I will often take notes, which helps me concentrate and get more out of it.

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I will pass on something I learned on my mission from a great Stake President in one area I served.  This is his method and it has had a profound spiritual impact on me as well.  This Stake President introduced the idea to me this way.


Elder - suppose that tonight your phone rang and on the other end was our President and Prophet.   Suppose he chatted with you for a few moments and then he told you he had a very important assignment for you.  That he had fasted and prayed and that he has determined that you should prepare a 10 minute address to be presented at the up coming general conference.


He would not give you a topic but instructed you to let the spirit be your guide pertaining to the subject of your talk.  He (the stake president) then challenged me to prepare my conference talk.  I promise all that consider this possibility seriously as though they would prepare to speak that they will be inspired far beyond how to prepare.  I also promise that you will listen to each talk with greater purpose and intent - also hearing echo of many ideas but with fuller explanations than your preparation and that some talks will touch you in ways you have not experienced at conference before.


I thought to also add that on the Thursday before conference that the brethren will have a fast and gather in the upper room of the Salt Lake Temple.  We may not attend that solemn assembly but we can fast with and in behalf of them.

Edited by Traveler
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How do you prepare for the sabbath exactly?

Things like...

1.) Make sure everything that needs doing is done and the day is cleared of non-Sabbath activities so we can attend to the Sabbath without distractions. For example - fill up the car with gas, iron the clothes, plan the menu, and for general conference, check that we are getting the proper channel we need on TV.

2.) Study the materials - like Sunday School and RS topic, etc.

3.) Ponder the week and seek repentance for wrong doings.

And before I go to bed on Saturday, I turn off my electronics. Only my husband's phone remains on (for emergencies). I turn it off Saturday at noon for General Conference weekend.

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General Conference weekend is an extremely busy weekend for me as I report and post on every single talk given during all sessions of conference.  So knowing that I will pretty much be busy for 10 hours on Saturday and approx. 6 hours on Sunday I have to make sure I have most done before Saturday gets here.

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Do you spiritually prepare for General Conference in any way(s)? Or do you not? Do you mind sharing? I don't usually. I feel if I do more each time it could be really beneficial. Maybe I can find a suggestion(s) that myself and others will benefit from :)


I extra-focus on being close to the Savior. 

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What actions do you take to extra-focus on being close to the Savior?


Same things I do when I'm focusing on being close to anyone:


think of that person often,

reflect on how that person has changed my life in the past,

and open up my ears to the what they're saying to me now/future.  

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I will pass on something I learned on my mission from a great Stake President in one area I served.  This is his method and it has had a profound spiritual impact on me as well.  This Stake President introduced the idea to me this way.


Traveler, I really like this idea.  I'm going to do it.  This could be just the thing I have been looking for...Thanks!

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