Will BYU have to provide housing for same-sex married couples?

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It seems absurd, but if the Supreme Court rules that marriage is a Constitutional right then the IRS may deny tax-exempt status to schools that refuse to offer same-sex housing, just as it did to Bob Jones University in 1983, for denying housing to interracial married couples.



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I think that's the endgame; but it's worth noting that ib the BJU case there was a clear, extensive, and stringently enforced federal statute prohibiting racial discrimination by private actors. We aren't quite there for gays--yet.

The next move, I think, is to modify the Civil Rights Act of 1963 to add gays as a protected class. That will be when things really get unpleasant.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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It seems absurd, but if the Supreme Court rules that marriage is a Constitutional right then the IRS may deny tax-exempt status to schools that refuse to offer same-sex housing, just as it did to Bob Jones University in 1983, for denying housing to interracial married couples.


BYU is funded by the Church, and since the Church does not recognize or sanction SSM, I doubt it.
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