I am being released...

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I have served as Elders Quorum President for just over five years and will be released this Sunday. I am happy......and sad all at the same time. I taught Gospel Doctrine a couple times lately and lot's of folks told the Bishop how much they enjoyed my lessons. I jokingly told my wife that I would be released soon and called as GD teacher....well, sort of jokingly. I had the feeling that it was going to happen.


Sunday, our Bishop asked how I felt about being called as.....Gospel Doctrine teacher. I of course said, whatever the Lord would have me do Bishop.


As I ponder my stewardship of the EQ....I am feeling kinda blue thinking about being released. Anyone else feel that way after being released from a long time calling?

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Guest MormonGator

For those without callings, they can make their own "callings". Visit the shut ins. Go out with the missionaries. Do family history. Mow the lawns of the families they home teach. Share the gospel online. Volunteer to help the Scout troop.

Absolutely. I do not have a formal calling, nor do I ever want one, but I still manage to do all of that.

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I know what you mean about being sad.

For 3 years I have struggled as a Primary Chorister so much so that one day I told my husband I can't wait to be released. A few months later, I got released, and I told my husband, that was one time that I wished God wasn't listening to me. I sorely missed the calling and even today, I get excited when the current Primary Chorister goes on vacation because she calls on me to substitute!

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I've never had a long term calling, but I have a feeling I won't be released from my current callings until I am on my way out the door of the YSA branch. So...I imagine it'll be a happy moment, assuming I'm leaving due to marriage rather than being put out to the greener pastures of mid-single life in a family ward.

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Executive secretary is BestCalling.  I was trained by a seasoned bishop, and then trained the next two.  Got to hear everything that went on the ward, and when assignments and callings were flying around, none of them ever headed my way.  Got to give meaningful support to people just by sitting in the clerk's office and playing minecraft while an appointment ran late.  I disliked making the phone calls and could never remember people's names, but they all got to know me so that was good enough.

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The most difficult release for me was when I was released from the bishopric in Federal Way Washington.  I was quite young (30's) and the wife and I had many friends - we moved to Utah to a growing upscale area - where we were unknown and neither of us were "called" for over a year - not even as a home or visiting teacher.  For a few months it was a nice vacation and fun to be able to sit with the family at church and not have to prepare anything.  But having had callings since I was 12 - not having a calling was awkward and at times a little discouraging.   Quite a change from going as long as 3 week not seeing my kids awake to having lots and lots of family time.

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I was EQP for just over five years as well. I was always told it was a 5 year calling. So after 5 years of trying to make something of the EQ, when I was released I was so happy that I didn't have the burden, but was sad because I was far from perfect and had recognized many many things I should have been doing differently but never corrected them. The bishop had told me that I was leaving it in much better condition than what I received it in, but I still felt guilty over not doing many things better. That only lasted a few weeks though, since I was called into the bishopric shortly after. I didn't have any time to think about it. 

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I'm senior high counselor in our stake. Five years of serving a wonderful stake presidency with assignments as stake director of public affairs and over our area Spanish branch.  It is definitely one of my favorite callings.


However, my two favorite callings are: GD/Institute instructor and Stake Mission Presidency (now a defunct calling).

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Another good thing about the Exec Sec calling - I got to be in the room when the bishop gave a verbal smackdown to a representative from the stake that had come to tell bishop he was doing it wrong.  He got out the handbook and went point by point on his responsibilities, noting the dates he had done those things.  Then he listed the stake's responsibilities, and the dates he asked the stake to do their job.  Then he had a few choice words about the importance of the subject and how the stake seemed to be more concerned with minutiae than with the souls being impacted by the stake's inaction, called them to repentance, and asked if there were any questions.


That was cool.

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Another good thing about the Exec Sec calling - I got to be in the room when the bishop gave a verbal smackdown to a representative from the stake that had come to tell bishop he was doing it wrong.  He got out the handbook and went point by point on his responsibilities, noting the dates he had done those things.  Then he listed the stake's responsibilities, and the dates he asked the stake to do their job.  Then he had a few choice words about the importance of the subject and how the stake seemed to be more concerned with minutiae than with the souls being impacted by the stake's inaction, called them to repentance, and asked if there were any questions.


That was cool.

I did that in the chapel one Sunday right after Sacrament meeting. I never raised my voice but I did give that High Councilor a verbal smack down. He was going to chastise me at the time for not having a Teacher Development class. He never got to far with that before I unleashed on him my silent verbal assault. Gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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