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I am currently Investigating the Church.    I am a Christian who already attends Church on Sundays but was having a bit of a faith crisis regarding stuff like the trinity.   I found out someone at work was a member and I had never met a member before so I added them on Facebook and chatted to them for about two months.  


Anyway I have decided to attend your Church for the first time next Sunday,  I am also meeting with the missionaries both on Sundays and after Christmas in my own home.  


The things I am reading are making me very happy and I feel like this was supposed to happen at this time.  Anyway.. my question is this.  How can you conduct proper investigations on line?  I am educated to degree level and sometimes find I want to delve a little deeper into a certain topic then the Official Church Website goes,  my friend advised me to download the LDS Gospel app... which I find useful but sometimes is a bit too deep and confuses me.   Can anyone recommend any websites or anything.   I have been stung quite a few times with quite vicious websites which tell me I am going to hell or I must have mental health problems to investigate the Church which really upsets me. 


Any help most appreciated :)


Thanks  x

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If you ever have questions you can always speak with a missionary from our church or ask questions here.

You can also look up talks (similar to sermons) given by our apostles and other respected members of our church on , Just go ahead and use the search function. (like this  (I assume this is what you have found already)

BYU our church university sometimes also has good devotionals
I especially like this one on grace

  Depending on what you would like to look for, we may be able to recommend some other sources depending on what you wish to look up.

Such as the Encyclopedia of Mormonism (Generally a good overview, though not official church material)

Or scholarly work done by the Neal A. Maxwell Institue (Might be a bit more difficult to read though.)

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Well, you're probably already following the right first steps.  The missionaries will have some basic materials to get you acquainted with our basic beliefs.  Their discussions should help you with any questions you may have.


You've already figured out that you have to start at the beginning and move forward into deeper things later.  No need to take calculus if you aren't quite getting long division.


When you go to church, they usually have an introductory Sunday School class that is made for investigators and the recently baptized.


As far as online research goes, I'm not really sure why the Church website wouldn't be able to help you.  That is where many of us go to do our research.  But it's a bit like Google.  You just need to know what you are looking for and what terms to put into the search engine.


There are also other sites that aren't actually Church sponsored, but can be very helpful.  "Ask Gramps" is one that is gaining a lot of popularity.


This particular board on our forum here is a place where you can ask basic questions.  You'll probably get multiple points of view.  But then you can use that to glean search terms to punch into the Church website.


If your friend at work is a Mormon, you can ask him for his point of view and ask for some search suggestions for the Church website and read whatever articles or speeches you want that pop up in the search engine.

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Thanks for all the advice! 


The Guy at work I speak to all though lovely I am very careful when questioning just because I don't want to unintentionally offend him. 


He has introduced me to a Lady who I am speaking to via facebook but that is more so I have someone to hold my hand when I go to Church next Sunday and I don't want to keep messaging her every two minutes!.


I think once I have spoken to the missionaries next Sunday I will feel better.. might just plod on with reading The Book of Mormon till then.


Yeah its defiantly a don't know what to search for rather then not being helpful re the Official Web Site... there is just loads and loads of info too so its knowing how to shift through what is important and what isn't. 


Crypto-  Thank you very much for the advice re speaking to the missionaries on line,  I have just had the most amazing conversation regarding the plan of salvation and how it is applicable to my own set of circumstances.   Anyway we have exchanged email addresses so I am sure they will be able to help me find what I am looking for. 


Thanks again!

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How not to learn about the church: random Google searches (which is a whole lot like reading tabloids).  But you already seem to know this :).


Recommend texts (besides the most important scriptures)-- 

Mormonism 101: the Sunday School manual "Gospel Principles".  It's specifically designed to be introductory but not as basic as  

Mormonism 202: the other Sunday School manuals and/or study guides.  The standard Sunday School manuals are scripture-based chapter by chapter, providing commentary and cross-references.   There other speciality Sunday School manuals on topics such as the importance of family.

General conference talks: General Conference is a world-wide church meeting that happens every 6 months.  Church leaders and the man we believe to be a modern-day prophet of God speak to us on a variety of topics.  Some talks are very basic, others more advance oriented.  


In person interactions:

Members of the Body of Christ were never meant to be alone: community is a huge part of the Christian life.  Meeting with the missionaries and attending church is a great place to start.  We are all brother and sisters in faith: helping each other grow spiritually, emotionally, and all other ways.  


If you have any questions, specific or general, feel free to ask people in-person, here, or online missionaries at   I assure, there's no such things as a dumb question and we're pretty impossible to offend.

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FYI, has pretty much everything online for you.  All the church manuals are there from children's classes to college level education manuals.  All the general sermons for the past 50 years. Even the hymn book is online, so you have more than enough to browse. The online scriptures have great secondary resources too. I love the Bible Dictionary and the Topical Guide.


Here are some quick links:

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Guest MormonGator

OP-Becoming LDS is the greatest thing to have happened to me and my family. Hope you find peace, wherever you find it. 


Read everything you can about the church, good and bad, than make up your own mind. 

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Thanks for the advice all.


Jane Doe - I had a quick look at the Gospel Principles stuff on the app,  I might have a better read when I have time, thanks.


Bytebear - I never thought to actually look on the web site for tips... I just don't think it occurred to me as we have nothing like the amount of resources you have in the Anglican Church (available to lay people anyway).


Changed - Yes I agree totally!  that's why I have kind of stepped away a bit from using the app.. I found It really useful when I first started looking into the Church as I did look at both pro and against sites (I think that is important to look at both ends of the spectrum)  having access to stuff like D & C meant that I could look at where they were getting this info from and then reason if that was the correct interpretation or were there perhaps hidden agenda's or if the practices were any different then any other religion or if scripturally accurate.   What I am finding now is that I am perhaps interpreting things a little wrong, by not learning the basic stuff I am getting the wrong end of the stick perhaps on certain stuff.   This is the reason I decided to start attending Church as its much easier to speak to someone face to face  :)


MormonGator - That's lovely, thank you very much.

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Bytebear - I never thought to actually look on the web site for tips... I just don't think it occurred to me as we have nothing like the amount of resources you have in the Anglican Church (available to lay people anyway).



When you say that the amount of resources we have is nothing like the Anglican church, do you mean the the Anglican church has a lot more or a lot less?  Pardon the naive question, I've never had the opportunity to attend Anglican church (though I have visited Episcopalian a couple of times).

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Hi Jane Doe,


They don't really have a lot of information available to be honest for just regular Church goers, for lay people you go to Church for an hour on a Sunday and you get an A4 printed sheet with some info about what is happening in the Church and a few Scriptures on.    I used to be a Church Warden, which is someone who is in charge of accountancy for donations and making sure the services run smoothly, solving minor disputes etc... because I did this I received some extra training in stuff like Child protection and had to have a criminal records check, but nothing like the amount of resources available on the LDS website.


The Anglican Church do have a beginners doctrine class called the Alpha Course but its very basic.  It makes Gospel Principles look like a PHD discussion. 


Of course there are Christian Book shops.. I have Just finished a book called "what's so amazing about Grace" which is about challenges that the writer has had in his life where he has had to adjust his outlook and not judge a person (loving the person hating the sin) the author has worked with prostitutes and in prisons and stuff... it was a really good read.    Its hit and miss though when you don't really have any recommendations to go off.


Lastly, I think that the main difference is that the Anglican Church has a paid clergy, these people have degrees and usually more in Theology so the general coconscious is that if its not your Job you don't need to bother about it.   In fact most of the old testament is hardly discussed in case it confuses people :eek:


Sorry for the long reply, just wanted to give you an honest answer

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Guest MormonGator



Lastly, I think that the main difference is that the Anglican Church has a paid clergy, these people have degrees and usually more in Theology so the general coconscious is that if its not your Job you don't need to bother about it.



 Dude, I have to say this. 

That is a perfect observation. When I joined the church I was stunned that lay people are given so much authority and power. To me it's a catch-22. We don't have to worry about paying our clergy, but sometimes paid clergy is trained in theology and had advanced degrees in such so they can explain things better. 

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Yes, they may have more academic qualifications but I am not sure if that makes them able to explain things better.


As I said in my original post I have been having major problems with the concept of the Trinity.   I have spoke to clergy regarding this for them to try and use scripture for its justification.   I am not sure how that is even possible when they acknowledge themselves that the concept of a Trinity was decided at a meeting in the second century (or might be the third).


Another point I would make is that these people (however well meaning and motivated to do good) are paid to live and breathe Church 24/7.   As a Church Warden I found this made some (not all) very removed from actual real life and what people experience on a day to day basis.


I cant really comment on your Church so I wont.

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Guest MormonGator

Yes, they may have more academic qualifications but I am not sure if that makes them able to explain things better.



 It can't, unless your degree is in communications or English, and even then you need a natural talent at it. 

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One thing I like about the LDS clergy, is they do have experience just being a regular parishoner, and will be one again after their calling is complete.  And although, you occasionally have "questionable doctrine" taught from the pulpit (since talks are given by anyone, including youth), we are taught life is a learning experience, and so it's taken in stride, and we really are mostly on the same page doctrinally, even with the "deep" stuff, and we fully acknolwedge that we don't have everything figured out yet (Articles of Faith #9)

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Of course there are Christian Book shops.. I have Just finished a book called "what's so amazing about Grace" which is about challenges that the writer has had in his life where he has had to adjust his outlook and not judge a person (loving the person hating the sin) the author has worked with prostitutes and in prisons and stuff... it was a really good read.    Its hit and miss though when you don't really have any recommendations to go off.



I've heard amazing things about that book!

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If you ever get the chance to read that book, do its great! deep though have you questioning how much you judge others for sure!


Thanks for all the replies.  I will let you know how it goes on Sunday.. I am getting the lady I have been speaking to, to meet me outside Church in case I get an attack of the shy :D

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Just wanted to let you know how it went at Church on Sunday.  It was great I really enjoyed it although I couldn't bring myself to have the sacrament, I know I can its just the old Catholic in me.  I am going to start going on a Sunday for a while get a better feel of it x

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Last Sunday in our ward was a Christmas Sacrament Meeting.  So, the format went like this:

1.) Opening Hymn and Opening Prayer

2.) Ward Business

3.) Passing of the Sacrament

4.) Christmas Songs by the Ward Choir

5.) Bishop gives a Christmas Talk

6.) Closing Hymn and Prayer


Usually it goes like this:

1.) Opening Hymn and Opening Prayer

2.) Ward Business

3.) Passing of the Sacrament

4.) Speaker 1 (usually Youth)

5.) Speaker 2

6.) Intermediate Hymn

7.) Speaker 3

6.) Closing Hymn and Prayer


And on First Sunday of the Month (Fast Sunday) it goes like this:

1.) Opening Hymn and Opening Prayer

2.) Ward Business

3.) Passing of the Sacrament

4.) Testimonies (Random people from the congregation go up to bear testimony) 

5.) Closing Hymn and Prayer


The Christmas Songs by the Ward Choir was great.  They sang the songs out of the Sing a Song of Christmas musical by Janice Kapp Perry.  The Primary Children also came up and sang. 

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Guest MormonGator



Just wanted to let you know how it went at Church on Sunday.  It was great I really enjoyed it although I couldn't bring myself to have the sacrament, I know I can its just the old Catholic in me.  I am going to start going on a Sunday for a while get a better feel of it x

 Former Catholic too. I can tell you I feel more "connected" to Christ by taking the sacrament that I ever did taking the Eucharist. 

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Yeah but its really only for people who are baptised LDS is it not?  I read somewhere that non members can take it so they don't feel left out but it has no actual meaning if you haven't actually be baptised.  Don't know how true that is but if that's the case there would be no point in me taking it, it just devalues the sacredness of it all.    I don't mind not taking it.  

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Yeah but its really only for people who are baptised LDS is it not?  I read somewhere that non members can take it so they don't feel left out but it has no actual meaning if you haven't actually be baptised.  Don't know how true that is but if that's the case there would be no point in me taking it, it just devalues the sacredness of it all.    I don't mind not taking it.  


What you read is sort of accurate.  


As an non-baptized person (in the LDS view), you taking the sacrament does not renew your baptismal covenants (because you haven't made them yet).  However, taking the sacrament is s still a fantastic thing to do, in remembrance of our Lord.  


You'll also notice that all the kids partake, including those under age 8 and not baptized (8 is the youngest you may be baptized LDS).

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Yeah but its really only for people who are baptised LDS is it not?  I read somewhere that non members can take it so they don't feel left out but it has no actual meaning if you haven't actually be baptised.  Don't know how true that is but if that's the case there would be no point in me taking it, it just devalues the sacredness of it all.    I don't mind not taking it.  


I don't know about "devalu[ing] the sacredness", but otherwise, you are correct.

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In Catholicism the Eucharist is a very sacred thing, non members who have not had the ordinances of Baptism and 1st Holy Communion/ confession for the forgiveness of sins are not allowed to partake.   Also people who get divorced and remarried without getting a marriage annulment are not allowed to partake.   That is what I meant with Sacredness,  the act is sacred to me so if it has no actual meaning (for non baptised LDS) I would not partake (unless I became a baptised member of your Church)


Merry Christmas :)

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