Hillary openly panders to Mormons


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1 hour ago, MormonGator said:

It's pretty obvious that @anatess2 and I disagree on this issue and we can both get very passionate and tart on it. Just so that everyone knows I do consider Anatess a friend and hope she considers me one too.

Only if @zil allows it.  She is the jealous type... :D


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3 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

Only if @zil allows it.  She is the jealous type... :D

Pfffff.  I'm only number 4 (and he keeps threatening to demote me :( ).  You should probably worry about number 1 more.  (On the other hand, if you decide to join us, you should know that I handle all the office stuff, so be nice or your allowance might get lost in the shuffle... :twistedsmall: )

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32 minutes ago, mordorbund said:


How much can we trust the polls? Weren't they pretty unreliable in the primaries? Or have those kinks been worked out?

It's a toss-up.  In my opinion though, it may not be very reliable (same as the primaries), but it does point to certain trends.

The problem this year is Trump is a very different candidate.  They're attacking him in the traditional manner - same exact way they buried Sarah Palin, but highly intensified as it comes from both sides - but the predictive results of these things on the polls can be wrong.  So, there is that element of unpredictability that can affect the numbers - that thing that has no historical basis.  Like in the primaries, they thought a $$$ negative ad buy would sink Trump.  The polls reacted predictably on the ad buy but then the vote count went a completely different way.

But yeah, a lot of polls are not there to predict who's gonna win - it's there to sway public opinion.

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Guest MormonGator
17 minutes ago, zil said:

Pfffff.  I'm only number 4 (and he keeps threatening to demote me :( ).  You should probably worry about number 1 more.  (On the other hand, if you decide to join us, you should know that I handle all the office stuff, so be nice or your allowance might get lost in the shuffle... :twistedsmall: )

  If @anatess2 wants wife status, I'll need her resume and three letters of recommendation by noon Friday. Vote will be on Sunday. You will hear back from us on Monday. 

But don't call us, we'll call you. 

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5 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

  If @anatess2 wants wife status, I'll need her resume and three letters of recommendation by noon Friday. Vote will be on Sunday. You will hear back from us on Monday. 

But don't call us, we'll call you. 

Sorry... I'm looking for wife #2 - the woman in charge of laundry.  I want my first wife status, thank you.  :D

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People don't trust Clinton's sincerity when she claims to have fought for religious freedom.  I wonder why...

"Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed."  -Hilary Clinton a few days earlier when she was feeling a bit more honest

Ohhhh that's right.  We gotta pay for abortions, in her mind. 

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I would make a observation concerning Trump – he is not really a Republican nor is he much in line with the Democrats.  From all that I have found in my attention to the current race and diverse claims – Trump is as close as we have ever been to an “Independent” candidate that puts country before one of the primary political parties.  His arguments are not the party talking points we are used to from the past but are carefully crafted logical missiles aimed directly at the heart of the Washington establishment political machine.

For example, he is not anti-immigration – he is anti-Washington machine policy of selectively ignoring and selectively enforcing certain and particular immigration laws and the various talking points employed by both the Republican and Democratic machines concerning immigration.

What I love the most about Trump is what opposing individuals claim to oppose and why.  It demonstrates exactly from which side of the Washington political machine they listen to for their blind following of talking points.

Please do not read into my post that I am a Trump supporter.  I believe him to be a bad possibility for president but for reason that I do not see being pointed out anywhere – The fact that Trump has any traction is a sign of just how badly the two major parties are ignoring the real need of this country.  Trump is tapping into the “throw the established bums out of Washington” resentment that has been building in the American citizens for years.  Interesting this resentment has been building in every country I know of in the world with the single exception or Russia – and this fact has me more concerned that any other single or collective  arguments spewed about in this current political climate.   


The Traveler

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6 hours ago, Traveler said:


I would make a observation concerning Trump – he is not really a Republican nor is he much in line with the Democrats.  From all that I have found in my attention to the current race and diverse claims – Trump is as close as we have ever been to an “Independent” candidate that puts country before one of the primary political parties.  His arguments are not the party talking points we are used to from the past but are carefully crafted logical missiles aimed directly at the heart of the Washington establishment political machine.

For example, he is not anti-immigration – he is anti-Washington machine policy of selectively ignoring and selectively enforcing certain and particular immigration laws and the various talking points employed by both the Republican and Democratic machines concerning immigration.

What I love the most about Trump is what opposing individuals claim to oppose and why.  It demonstrates exactly from which side of the Washington political machine they listen to for their blind following of talking points.

Please do not read into my post that I am a Trump supporter.  I believe him to be a bad possibility for president but for reason that I do not see being pointed out anywhere – The fact that Trump has any traction is a sign of just how badly the two major parties are ignoring the real need of this country.  Trump is tapping into the “throw the established bums out of Washington” resentment that has been building in the American citizens for years.  Interesting this resentment has been building in every country I know of in the world with the single exception or Russia – and this fact has me more concerned that any other single or collective  arguments spewed about in this current political climate.   


The Traveler

I'll give you one word.  Globalism.  It's a failed experiment everywhere it is tried.

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Guest MormonGator
On August 10, 2016 at 5:54 PM, mordorbund said:


How much can we trust the polls? 

If you like Trump, you won't believe the polls that show him losing. 
If you dislike Trump, you won't believe the polls that show him winning, if there are any. Which there aren't. From credible sources anyway. 



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On August 10, 2016 at 1:09 PM, LeSellers said:

Pandering is what she does best. Well, that and having people killed if she doesn't like them. Oh, and attacking the women who dare accuse her husband of rape. 

I nearly forgot, losing eMails.


As detestible as she is the murders have yet to be proven, furthermore if the spate of deaths are politically related, its also possible that another party that wants people against hillary is responsible.

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Guest LiterateParakeet
On August 10, 2016 at 2:25 PM, Eowyn said:

"Many people say so" has bcome, as you know, the latest meme of Trumpisms. If I had tried "many people say..." to back a point up in any research paper in any class, I'd expect red marks on my paper. 

Yeah, that would be the "Appeal to Popularity Fallacy".  Bad logic.  


See @MormonGator I'm a good student, LOL!

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I'm not a Hillary fan (or Trump either) but I thought her "speaking to Mormons" was pretty bold, and well played.  Not enough to make me a fan, but I was impressed.

I'll never not for Hillary because she's bad for families.  I don't have to tell you guys how the family is an important unit of society.  This article outlines some of my concerns about her:


I don't like Trump either (he's bad news for anyone who isn't white and his brand of Christian) so I'll vote third party...probably for Johnson.  

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8 hours ago, Blackmarch said:

As detestible as she is the murders have yet to be proven, furthermore if the spate of deaths are politically related, its also possible that another party that wants people against hillary is responsible.

I don't see any significant difference between her doing it (ordering it done) or someone else ordering it done or doing it because he wants her in the Oval Office.

The effect is the same, and "birds of a feather …" 'n all.


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24 minutes ago, LiterateParakeet said:

he's bad news for anyone who isn't white and his brand of Christian

One wonders what he's done or said that points to this.

Everything he has said, from "the wall" to a temporary ban on immigration, is just either common sense or executing the law as we have it.


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Guest LiterateParakeet
11 minutes ago, LeSellers said:

One wonders what he's done or said that points to this.

Everything he has said, from "the wall" to a temporary ban on immigration, is just either common sense or executing the law as we have it.


Well we could start with him being the first candidate I'm aware of to evoke a response from the church.  Our leaders are against his anti-Muslim policies because of our own history of persecution.  

Another area he disagrees with our Church Leaders is immigration.  They suggest a compassionate stance, and Trump is simply hateful.   http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/07/04/trump-stands-by-views-dangerous-mexican-illegal-immigrants-admits-surprised-by.html

Here's an example of why I don't think he likes anyone but his brand of Christian:


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33 minutes ago, LeSellers said:

I don't see any significant difference between her doing it (ordering it done) or someone else ordering it done or doing it because he wants her in the Oval Office.

The effect is the same, and "birds of a feather …" 'n all.


i'm saying it could also be done to keep her out of office. If you have a statue of a Christ next to a Statue of Buddha, which one do you defile to get people pissed off at Buddhists?

but more importantly if you are going around accusing someone of murder then you'd had best have good proof better than coincidence. IT should be interesting to see what wikileaks is promising to spew in the near future.

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edit: to add- if the deaths and murder are politically motivated it seems to be a pretty sloppy job quite frankly, considering that the powers being accused would have all sorts of other options for silencing or disappearing individuals. (out of those I'd wager that the deaths would be more likely candidates rather than the murder, and that one is coincidence if it does turn out to be a case of the clinton platform as being ultimately responsible)

Another angle: if somebody who supports a certain political platform and then commits a crime in order to further that platform along completely under their own volition, should the leaders of that platform be held accountable for the crime?

Edited by Blackmarch
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2 hours ago, LiterateParakeet said:

Well we could start with him being the first candidate I'm aware of to evoke a response from the church.  Our leaders are against his anti-Muslim policies because of our own history of persecution.  

Another area he disagrees with our Church Leaders is immigration.  They suggest a compassionate stance, and Trump is simply hateful.   http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/07/04/trump-stands-by-views-dangerous-mexican-illegal-immigrants-admits-surprised-by.html

Here's an example of why I don't think he likes anyone but his brand of Christian:


This really bugs me.

The Church did not disagree with Trump.  They don't do that.  The Catholic Pope did not disagree with Trump either.  That is simply YOUR interpretation of what they said.  The Church commented on the issue of the day - Immigration and Refugees and gave their thoughts as guidance.

Now explain to me how the Church's stance do not align with Trump's platform.  A temporary Muslim ban while we straighten out our immigration process does not conflict with the Church's stance.  Mormons must know this as they voted for Cruz who has a more extreme platform than Trump on immigration and aligns with him on the Refugee crisis.

Trump is simply hateful?  You gotta love political correctness and how if one is not following PC guidelines one is considered hateful.

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