I know who I'm voting for


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Guest MormonGator
3 minutes ago, Eowyn said:

Themselves and the rest of us, unfortunately.


So true. We had so many good candidates this cycle and Hillary was beatable. But because Trumpers don't understand how politics works and are easily duped by a snake oil salesmen, they blew it for all of us. 

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you do know that there is virtually no difference between those lizards. the poison has just a different colour. and both groups supporting these... questionable money grabbers did not do their homework, much less used that wonderful brain, the Lord saw fit to give them to conclude that CLUMP is simply a choice between pest and cholera 

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6 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

So true. We had so many good candidates this cycle and Hillary was beatable. But because Trumpers don't understand how politics works and are easily duped by a snake oil salesmen, they blew it for all of us. 

I wonder if the continued blind and rabid support is less enthusiasm for him, and more wanting to prove they didn't screw up in a big way.

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4 minutes ago, Eowyn said:

I wonder if the continued blind and rabid support is less enthusiasm for him, and more wanting to prove they didn't screw up in a big way.

I would rather compare them to thrashing drowning people who hold on to anything they can grab, no matter that they push down others or swim in the wrong direction for the gain of some short lived... breathing break

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Guest MormonGator
3 minutes ago, Eowyn said:

I wonder if the continued blind and rabid support is less enthusiasm for him, and more wanting to prove they didn't screw up in a big way.

"A frantic orthodoxy is rooted not in faith, but in doubt."-Reinhold Niebuhr  

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Guest MormonGator
12 minutes ago, Hemisphere said:

I would rather compare them to thrashing drowning people who hold on to anything they can grab, no matter that they push down others or swim in the wrong direction for the gain of some short lived... breathing break

 Great minds. On my Facebook I said "Watching the GOP nominate Trump is like watching your best friend drown while you attach an anvil to his leg." 

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No matter who you, personally and individually vote for, either Trump or Clinton will be the next president of the united States of America. All the whining about the nominating process and the results and whatever else will not change that fact.

So, the issue is, as far as I can tell, which one will be less dangerous to the united States of America?

I'll vote for a non-DemoComm, and probably not for the GOP nominee, either. Hitliary is toxic with fast-acting effects. Trump may be toxic, but the effects will be slower. This difference may (but probably will not) give us, the patient, the time to recover.

Again, I offer the fact of our 33¼ grandchildren as evidence that I care and care deeply about the future of this country at least as much as anyone. Further, I offer my 21 years,5 months military experience to the same end. So how you vote, if you do, and if you can affects me at the solar plexus level, and I plead with you not to allow the most evil woman I have known (of) to sit at the Resolute desk. She will destroy, utterly, any chance of those grandchildren (and yours, too) of enjoying the freedoms our fathers spilt their blood to secure for us. Trump may do nothing better, but he will do nothing worse. So, if, in your state, the voting is close for Trump- v. Clinton-electors, please do what you can to deny hers their chance to cast the ballot for her.


Edited by LeSellers
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1 hour ago, MormonGator said:

 :: snickers :: If Trumperdoodles saw the iceberg, they wouldn't have voted for him in the primary. And they brought this on themselves. 

How dare you use such an epithet as Trumperdoodles.  They're called Trumpkins, duh.

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Guest Godless
1 hour ago, MormonGator said:

So true. We had so many good candidates this cycle and Hillary was beatable. 

That's the problem: the GOP had way too many candidates from the start. For better or worse, Trump stood out in a crowd of boring politicians, an even more boring brain surgeon, and whatever Carly Fiorina is. The entire Republican Party wanted to take the Oval Office after Obama, and the result was a heavily diluted field of more-of-the-same candidates vs. a loud-mouthed Oompa Loompa. Trump made the most noise (and headlines), called out the other candidates for what they were, and now the GOP has a cartoon character running against a well-established politician. America will survive this election, but the GOP may not.

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The whole discussion is moot, since Trump has made a deal with the devil to be our next prez, and humans can't do anything about it.  

Up until now, every prediction I've made in my life has turned out a flop.  But this one still has legs:

Donald Trump will win the presidency, despite the fact that almost every single American voter actively campaigns against him (on Facebook at least).
President Trump will do a bunch of stuff that you'll hate and I'll like. He'll do a bunch of stuff that you'll like and I'll hate. And then he'll do one or two things that the entire world hates. People will cross aisles and form new alliances in order to stop it, but some of it will happen anyway.
People will start drawing analogies with Nixon. Some folks will try to make the best of it, and you'll hear the old phrase resurrected "Yeah, he's a [beep], but he's our [beep]." In Washington, Pro Trump liberals will suddenly remember things like Nixon ending the war in VietNam. Anti Trump conservatives will openly rebel in every way feasible, from impeachment, to attempting a constitutional convention.
I predict the Trump presidency will end it's second term early, but whether by resignation, impeachment, or natural-death-conspiracy-fodder I can't tell. The event will mark a rare coming-together of Americans and the world in a unified shout of "Good riddance". Then our collective attention will swing to Lady Gaga's televised live birth - a genderfluid child born pregnant, having won it's first Oscar in-utero, and the world will not speak the name Trump for two decades. Our grandchildren will eventually figure out that he actually saved us all despite all our best efforts to stop him. If we hadn't banded together against him, we never would have been ready for the evil space emperor and his gelatinous armies.

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Guest MormonGator
13 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

How dare you use such an epithet as Trumperdoodles.  They're called Trumpkins, duh.

I've actually seen Trumperdoodles/Trumpkins/Trumpers complain about being called those names. No, seriously. They complain about being called a name. Which is what their hero/God/king/fearless leader did all though the primary. 


10 minutes ago, Godless said:

 and now the GOP has a cartoon character running against a well-established politician.

Exactly. And ironically that's also what I called him on my FB a few days ago. A cartoon character.  Great minds 2.0 

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1 hour ago, MormonGator said:

 He has no chance of winning. None whatsoever. 

I said the following statement a little over a year ago.


On the Democrat side, the fix is in for Hillary.  No matter who you have running against her, the party elites feels for her because Obama "stole" the nomination from her.  Now they will pull every trick out of their bag to hand her the nomination.

On the Republican side there is too much disunity.  What we'll see is that each candidate will rise and fall. But Cruz is going along fairly steady.  He's a slow-growth campaigner.  The only thing that can stop him is Trump.  He is an anomaly.  He doesn't follow any common pattern that we've seen in any campaign in the past two or three decades.  I can't make heads or tails of him, his positions, or his campaign.  He doesn't follow any rules.  He's completely unpredictable and may be the wildcard that throws Cruz for a loop.  I sure hope not. 

In the end Hilary will win -- not because she is so popular (my liberal friends tend not to like her much) -- but simply because we cannot get behind a single candidate on the Republican side.  She will win with a record low voter turnout.  Many hardcore red states will end up voting for her.  Or at least, many of them will not go to Trump.

So far so good on my prediction.  But, like NT, my predictions are mostly correct, then fall apart in the end.  We'll see.

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Guest MormonGator
3 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

I said the following statement a little over a year ago.

So far so good on my prediction.  But, like NT, my predictions are mostly correct, then fall apart in the end.  We'll see.

Sometimes predictions are dead on because they are based in statistical analysis. Look at the polls. Trumpermaniacs are literally the only ones who close their eyes and say "Can't hear you, can't hear you, can't hear you!" when presented with those pesky things called facts. 

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1 hour ago, Godless said:

The entire Republican Party wanted to take the Oval Office after Obama, and the result was a heavily diluted field of more-of-the-same candidates vs. a loud-mouthed Oompa Loompa.

You know, an actual Oompa Loompa would be the best candidate we've had since Reagan.

How's that for depressing?

OTOH, having him sing the State Of The Union addresses would make them a lot more tolerable.

Edited by NightSG
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On 8/11/2016 at 4:07 PM, anatess2 said:

 Even Cruz - a fiery conservative - accomplished nothing.


On 8/11/2016 at 10:17 AM, anatess2 said:

How do you come to the conclusion that Trump does not support the Constitution?

Maybe because of the fact that his supporters seem to expect a smattering of ideologically pure conservative senators, to be able to manhandle three branches of government into following their lead?

Look, any reasonably informed observer understands that governmental gridlock is actually a feature, not just a bug, of the constitutional system.  The framers understood it would be hard to get stuff done in a government with separated powers; but they thought it was worth it to prevent a single strongman from gaining control of the entire system.  The way you cut through gridlock is either to stick with your principles and hope other like-minded folks join you (Cruz), or make deals (McCain).  Trump has eviscerated both and offers a third way, which boils down to little more than the force of his own personality.

But the ability of his own personality to get things done when it really counts, is open to question.  Think of it this way:  If he couldn't even get his own wife to stay with him (two different wives, actually), how's he going to get two branches of government to stick with him?  "But . . . but . . . " you might protest, "Trump didn't fail at his marriages.  It was he who sent them packing."  Well, okay, then; but if he'll break his vow and cut loose the mothers of his own children--why don't you think he'll betray you similarly, once your own ideals and expectations prove inconvenient to him? 

5 hours ago, anatess2 said:

If Clinton is going to win it's because Republicans did not vote Trump.  Romney did not win because Republicans did not vote Romney.  And yeah, I will bet you dollars that both of you will say Romney is a candidate who deserved the Republican vote. 

Romney never said he didn't want the support of those not predisposed to support him.  Trump did, repeatedly; as did several of his most prominent supporters in these forums.  The idea, I believe, was that centrist Democrats would flock to Trump's banner; rendering ideological conservatives irrelevant.

Now that all these "Trump Democrats" are turning out to be politically impotent if not outright nonexistent, Trump and his supporters are deciding that they need us after all; and they're hoping that the intra-party civil war they've inagurated just goes away. 

News flash for Trumpkins:  it won't. 

You backed the wrong horse in the primary, and now the general is unwinnable.  We've had four months to make peace with that, and redirect our efforts to the very winnable struggle for dominance within the Republican party.  Our aim is to relegate Trump and his merry band of liars, libertines, ignoramuses, closet racists and thugs, back to the shadows of this party; and put a grownup in the driver's seat.  If we don't win it, then the Republican party won't be much use to anyone.  Certain Trump supporters have already shown us the direction they hope Trump takes the United States, in the forms of idols like Rodrigo Duterte or Vladimir Putin. 

We can recover from a Hillary in the White House.  I don't know if we can recover from a Duterte or a Putin--or a President Trump who openly admires and emulates either of those two.


Trump got more votes than Romney for a reason - people are tired of smooth-talking politicians who promise they're this or they're that yet they can't get anything done.

Is that also why Trump got a lower proportion of the Republican primary turnout than any other candidate since Richard Nixon?

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7 minutes ago, Just_A_Guy said:

Our aim is to relegate Trump and his merry band of liars, libertines, ignoramuses, closet racists and thugs, back to the shadows of this party;

Not that I completely disagree with you.  But... That's pretty harsh.

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12 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Not that I completely disagree with you.  But... That's pretty harsh.

*Shrug*  Some of them, I assume, are good people.

Tell ya what - next time I'm in New York, I'll take a selfie of myself grabbing lunch at a Trump restaurant and put it on Twitter with a statement about how much I love Trumpkins.  That'll make everything better, right?


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12 minutes ago, Just_A_Guy said:

*Shrug*  Some of them, I assume, are good people.

Tell ya what - next time I'm in New York, I'll take a selfie of myself grabbing lunch at a Trump restaurant and put it on Twitter with a statement about how much I love Trumpkins.  That'll make everything better, right?


I somehow can't picture you going to a Trump restaurant at all, much less taking a selfie while there.  But yeah, there is no shortage of those "selfies at the terrace" shots.

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Guest Godless
18 minutes ago, Just_A_Guy said:

Tell ya what - next time I'm in New York, I'll take a selfie of myself grabbing lunch at a Trump restaurant and put it on Twitter with a statement about how much I love Trumpkins.  That'll make everything better, right?


I hear the taco salad is pretty good. :P

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Somebody the other day said, "A cat could run for president and win, this year!" I quipped, "I'd vote for the cat!"  In the last three days I've mentioned this I think I've gotten enough affirmations to win 5 or 6 electoral college votes. :-)


Cat 2016 - Making America Sane Again

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