In a rush to go to the temple

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Hello everyone

I am a long time forum lurker but just signed up to post this question. I appreciate any insight or advice you may have.

I grew up in the church and had a strong testimony when younger. Due to family issues I left my home at 17  and went out on my own. Before things got bad at home I was preparing myself for a mission and was a Priest. many years went by where I did not attend church. I got married raised a family etc. Of course my testimony shrank during that time but in my heart I always believed that the church was true.

Now I have started attending church again regularly. I  read my scriptures daily, pray multiple times a day and have strengthened my testimony. My goal is to gain the Melchizedek Priesthood, and become temple worthy so I can receive my endowments. I also would like my wife and children to become active members so we can become sealed as a family but that is really on them to accept the church. They are currently taking the missionary lessons. 

How long do you think this will take? Since I have technically been a member for 30 years I don't think there is an official  time limit imposed like there may be for converts? I have had discussions with my Bishop and explained my above goals but he doesn't seem to be in a rush.

The reason i want to get this done sooner rather than later is I have stage 4 cancer. I could live 4 months or 40 years. That said three years is the national average for my particular illness. The bishop knows I have cancer but we have never discussed a prognosis or how serious it may be. As of today I am a functioning healthy adult. Just bald and weak from chemo. 

Thank You for reading

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Hi Newbutoldmember!

Sorry to hear about your cancer.  My advice is to be as transparent and clear with your bishop/branch president as you're being here with us.  Share your sense of urgency.  Let him get to know you.  

There isn't a time limit for stuff like this.  But we really can't say here - it's between you, God, and your church leaders.

God bless!

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33 minutes ago, Newbutoldmember said:

1. Now I have started attending church again regularly,...

2. I have had discussions with my Bishop and explained my above goals but he doesn't seem to be in a rush.

3. I have stage 4 cancer. I could live 4 months or 4 years.

I'm about to step out of the office in a moment but thought I would leave just a couple of minor off the cuff thoughts.
1. Congratulations on returning to activity and trying to set an example to your family. How long have you been coming back "regularly"? Attending church is a great start. Serving in a calling, paying your tithing, etc. are all addition things or requirements for a temple recommend.
2. Ultimately your Bishop, as I think you know, is the person who would know best how to help you on your way to the temple.
3. I wish you the best on your journey Brother.

Edited by NeedleinA
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41 minutes ago, Newbutoldmember said:

How long do you think this will take? Since I have technically been a member for 30 years I don't think there is an official  time limit imposed like there may be for converts? I have had discussions with my Bishop and explained my above goals but he doesn't seem to be in a rush.

Talk to him again, and listen.  He could understand the rush and not outwardly show it in a way you recognize, or maybe he didn't hear you correctly and could use another chat to get in touch.

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Let me provide a few comments in a addition to the good advice given. 

In the Temple we receive vital ordinances. But as with every ordinance in this gospel there is the outer form which then must be followed by an inner, and spiritual, change. Let me give baptism as an example. When we are baptized we are immersed into the water and then raised up out of it. This is followed by hands being placed on our head and these words; "receive the Holy Ghost". This ordinance is the outward sign which points to the inner change that must occur. This spiritual change is called the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost. To receive just the outward form does no good as Joseph said, "The baptism of water without the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost attending it, is of no use: they are necessarily and inseparably connected. An individual must be born of water and the spirit in order to get into the kingdom of God." (HC 6:316). If we receive the outward symbol and are prepared by exercising faith and repenting of all our sins, the Lord will baptize us with fire and the Holy Ghost. We will feel it in our hearts. This is what he promised to the Lamanites and Nephites when he visited them, "Blessed are ye if ye shall give heed unto the words of these twelve whom I have chosen from among you to minister unto you, and to be your servants; and unto them I have given power that they may baptize you with water; and after that ye are baptized with water, behold, I will baptize you with fire and with the Holy Ghost." (3 Ne 12:1)

As with baptism so go the Temple ordinances. In the Temple we are given the outward forms. But the real work is spiritual and internal. We must enter into the ordinances through the covenants. We must so live as to merit the conditional promises given to us during the ceremonies. This includes the endowment and sealing ordinances. We must see the spiritual change required and make these changes internally with all our heart. When we do so the Lord will pour out his spirit as a confirming witness of the covenants we have entered into. 

So, my suggestion is to prepare yourself spiritually. First, if you have not, receive the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost. This is the first step. Exercise faith, commit to follow Jesus Christ and repent of any sins if you have not done so already. Then plead to the Lord in prayer that you may be cleansed through reception of the Holy Ghost. When the Lord sees fit the spirit will wash over you. For days you will feel enlightened, love for other will increase, and many cares will be put in their proper perspective. 

If you have received the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, then prepare yourself to accept further commitments. Of course you will be paying tithing, living faithful to your spouse, and attending church, but you now will need to be ready to give all you are to the Lord. Work on this before you attend the temple. Then, when you do enter, you will be ready to receive not just the form but the actual power of the ordinances.

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