The Word of Wisdom limitations? Antidepressants, Supplements, etc...


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I know about the Word of Wisdom. But I am curious about many things. I know we don't use caffeine or any other harmful substances that may harm our bodies as our bodies are Temples and are sacred.

But what does the Church say about Herbal Tea? No caffeine. What if there's a tea that has good effects on the body? Ginseng, Red Ginseng, Rosea, and many other teas have health benefits. I am assuming that the church is saying not to consume teas with caffeine (green and white teas have a little flouride which is harmful), but what about other teas?

Also, I want to ask you if Supplements are allowed in the church. I could not find any reference about taking supplements in the church.

I had depression. and I had psychiatrist and psychologist. They have prescribed my Zoloft, and Flouxetine (a long time ago). I found out about this stuff and it's even more harmful for the body during prolonged use and brain as the updated news have confirmed it through scientific research. I asked my doctor about it and he confirmed that there are many side effects on these antidepressants! So I got off it. 

Now, I still had depression, but when I started to research about alternative medicine, I tried L-tyrosine, 5HTP, Mucuna Pruriens, Vitamin C, and other supplements....I've never felt any better! It works for me! I don't think these supplements are harmful unless taken in excess (anything in excess can be harmful), but I'm curious...what does the LDS Church say about taking supplements too?

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Someone else will have to give you a more official answer on the herbal teas.  These are my thoughts:

1) The WOW forbids use of "hot drinks" which are defined as "tea and coffee".  It's not about the caffeine.  (Though I agree with you, caffeine is of no lasting use - it's like using a credit card to delay payment - only works for the first month.)  I have heard things from medical professionals which convince me the heat itself is something to be avoided (I take my Postum warm, not hot :D).  I know there are Mormons who consume herbal teas.  I don't (no desire, too lazy to find out how related they are to regular tea, blah blah blah).

2) Medicines are not forbidden by the WOW.  Indeed, the WOW makes it clear that we are to use the things God put on the earth in wisdom and moderation and as God intended.  Some plants are clearly medicinal in nature and I personally see nothing wrong with using them as such.

3) I wouldn't trust big pharma farther than I could throw one of their factories.  I'm not saying all pharmaceuticals are bad, nor all pharmaceutical manufacturers, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were. ;)  Again, the key is wisdom and moderation.  What is the "number needed to treat"?  What percentage of people suffer from the side effects?  How severe are the side effects?  Given these numbers, you'll know how much more likely you are to suffer side effects with no benefit, and how bad the side effects are.  As you've learned, find out long term effects (or at least as best they know - since the drug may not have been on the market for long).  Then you can make a wise decision - with much prayer.

4) I don't know anything about those particular supplements you named (if you haven't, you should research them the same as a drug - where do they come from, what's in them, is it something the WOW forbids (like concentrated tea in a pill), etc.).  But I don't see anything wrong with taking supplements per se.  And I've never heard the church teach against using supplements (again, assuming it's not illegal and/or a concentrated or distilled version of something forbidden).

I'm glad you've been able to find relief without prescription drugs.

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1 hour ago, curious_mormon said:


Caffeine: Actually there's noting in the Word of Wisdom about caffeine.

Herbal tea: use wisdom and consult with the Lord.

Supplements & Medication: again, use wisdom, consult the Lord and medical professionals.  



Edited by Jane_Doe
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16 hours ago, curious_mormon said:

But what does the Church say about Herbal Tea?

Absolutely nothing.  Tea is a species of plant that has many different varieties.  Green Tea, Black Tea,etc. are varieties of the same plant species.  Avoid them.  Ginseng is a completely different species of plant which is in no way even related to tea.

That which we call "herbal tea" is simply a drink made from the dregs of some herbs that are normally consumed in another way.  Have you ever had soup?  Did you put some herbs in it?  oregano?  parsley? garlic?  What's the difference between soup and herbal tea?  None of it contains anything from the tea plant, nor any species of plant similar to the tea plant.

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15 hours ago, Jane_Doe said:

Caffeine: Actually there's noting in the Word of Wisdom about caffeine.


You know I asked my daughter what she learned in primary a few weeks ago, this is something I typically do and she told me they learned about the WOW. I said great tell me about it.  She said that we shouldn't drink tea or coffee because they have caffeine and that is bad for you. Also that alcohol is bad so we shouldn't drink beer or wine. So I said well what about chocolate? She said that came up and the primary leader said that chocolate was ok because there was only a little bit of caffeine in it.  SMH!!!  

Needless to say we had a long conversation about what the WOW really says and how we observe it under the guidance of our modern prophets.

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40 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Absolutely nothing.  Tea is a species of plant that has many different varieties.  Green Tea, Black Tea,etc. are varieties of the same plant species.  Avoid them.  Ginseng is a completely different species of plant which is in no way even related to tea.

That which we call "herbal tea" is simply a drink made from the dregs of some herbs that are normally consumed in another way.  Have you ever had soup?  Did you put some herbs in it?  oregano?  parsley? garlic?  What's the difference between soup and herbal tea?  None of it contains anything from the tea plant, nor any species of plant similar to the tea plant.

(Echoing the above thoughts)

Green tea, black tea, white tea, etc all come from the same plant.  The different varieties are simply due the way it's prepared.  

"Herbal tea" is simply a tea which is made from something other than the tea plant.  

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On 9/12/2016 at 9:23 PM, curious_mormon said:

I know about the Word of Wisdom. But I am curious about many things. I know we don't use caffeine or any other harmful substances that may harm our bodies as our bodies are Temples and are sacred.

But what does the Church say about Herbal Tea? No caffeine. What if there's a tea that has good effects on the body? Ginseng, Red Ginseng, Rosea, and many other teas have health benefits. I am assuming that the church is saying not to consume teas with caffeine (green and white teas have a little flouride which is harmful), but what about other teas?

Also, I want to ask you if Supplements are allowed in the church. I could not find any reference about taking supplements in the church.

I had depression. and I had psychiatrist and psychologist. They have prescribed my Zoloft, and Flouxetine (a long time ago). I found out about this stuff and it's even more harmful for the body during prolonged use and brain as the updated news have confirmed it through scientific research. I asked my doctor about it and he confirmed that there are many side effects on these antidepressants! So I got off it. 

Now, I still had depression, but when I started to research about alternative medicine, I tried L-tyrosine, 5HTP, Mucuna Pruriens, Vitamin C, and other supplements....I've never felt any better! It works for me! I don't think these supplements are harmful unless taken in excess (anything in excess can be harmful), but I'm curious...what does the LDS Church say about taking supplements too?

The Church doesn't take a stance on supplements. If you live the Word of Wisdom in its simplicity with simple faith, the Lord will lead you in the specific measures you need to take of both spiritually and physically. If you direct your blessings in the service of others, you will progress.

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