I need advice


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So I need some advice and am curious as to what may happen.  I was raised in the church and was ordained an elDer when I turned 18.  I have been largely inactive for the last 20 years.  My girlfriend and I are talking marriage and we both want a temple marriage and to be saealed to our kids from previous relationships.  She talked with her bishop sunday, but he told me I had to talk with my home ward bishop.  I have a meeting with him friday.  My question is, about 15 years ago my girlfriend at the time got pregnant with me and decided to have an abortion.  This has weighed heavily on me since and now I  scared I will be excommunicated or disfellowshipped from the church and never be able to take her to the temple.  Can anyone tell me what I can expect?  Thank you.

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The best advice I can give is to talk to your Bishop.  He is the one that has stewardship over you and can best answer your question about "what will happen."   

It's awesome that you are considering a temple marriage.  I wish you the best.

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36 minutes ago, Chanbran said:

  Can anyone tell me what I can expect?  Thank you.

You can expect to talk to your bishop... and he will tell you what to expect down the road after listening to your story and asking any questions he feels he needs to ask



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What does it matter if you are excommunicated?  Excommunication is just a name for a stage in the repentance process.  The important thing is, by going to your bishop, you have started that process, which is key to obtaining your long term goal of eternal marriage.  Don't be afraid of excommunication.  If excommunication has to happen, it has to happen.  You will be much happier and better off excommunicated but working your way back than you are right now.  The guilt of a past abortion is a heavy burden to bear.  Dont you think it is time you freed yourself from this type of pain and sorrow, which without repentance will get in the way of your eternal goals, once and for all?

By the way, if you repent, even if you are excommunicated for a few months, you will be able to eventually reach your goal of eternal marriage.  That is what repentance is all about!

Edited by DoctorLemon
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Hi. I returned to the church after being inactive for decades. Some stupid mormons told me that I would have to repent of all my sins - which were many! Like Santas christmas list. In short, no. No one, including my bishop, could have cared less. In fact, when I tried to tell the bishop. He snorted, Loudly and said. "Sunday, you were inactive". End of discussion.

Edited by Sunday21
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5 minutes ago, Sunday21 said:

Hi. I returned to the church after being inactive for decades. Some stupid mormons told me that I would have to repent of all my sins - which were many! Like Santas christmas list. In short, no. No one, including my bishop, could have cared less. In fact, when I tried to tell the bishop. He snorted, Loudly and said. "Sunday, you were inactive. End of discussion.

It would depend on the seriousness of the sin being confessed.  Inactive or not.

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Chanbran, just wanted to say good for you.  Some folks would just quietly start coming back to church and set about heading towards the temple, just choosing to not mention stuff in their past.  Kudos to you for identifying and bringing up the stuff.  I speak from personal experience - dealing with the stuff can be painful at the time, but life is so much better having it totally dealt with.  

Go forth boldly - you are a child of God - He didn't send you here to fail.  He sent you here to stumble and then walk straighter.

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53 minutes ago, pam said:

It would depend on the seriousness of the sin being confessed.  Inactive or not.

I agree in general with this, however the bishop does not need a blow by blow account of all sins. Like Sunday said you were/are inactive and everything that goes along with it need not be spelled out. 

Now onto the abortion question. It bothers you and you need to assuage that guilt and seek repentance if needed regarding this issue.  With regards to abortion did you materially participate in the financing or actively encourage your then GF to get an abortion? if the answer is yes you MAY and its a big may be subject to church discipline. How long ago did it happen? has it happened again? Are you remorseful?

Speak with your bishop, lay it on him he has stewardship over you.

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You still have to be able to answer the 2nd to last temple recommend question: "Have there been any sins or misdeeds in your life that should have been resolved with priesthood authorities but have not been?"

And the last question: "Do you consider yourself worthy to enter the Lord's house and participate in temple ordinances?"


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