Best Post-Election Reaction


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23 minutes ago, estradling75 said:

Of course it is worrisome...  but as long as you are willing to marginalize and ignore and delude yourself on the reasons he came to power.. rather the face it openly, honesty and head on... then the only thing you are going to do is continue to be surprised that him (or people like him) win and gain power


The thing is, the people who I know among family that support Trump, are rich, own big houses and fancy cars. So, I don't know what their beef is. You should see the stuff they are posting on Facebook. Animosity and hostility towards specific demographics, for no other reason I can see, but they are personally annoyed that people don't think like they do and do things they don't agree with. That's who I see brought Trump to power, people with a deep seated hatred for groups of people, and blame those people, for all the ills that they actually don't have.


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5 minutes ago, Blueskye2 said:

The thing is, the people who I know among family that support Trump, are rich, own big houses and fancy cars. So, I don't know what their beef is. You should see the stuff they are posting on Facebook. Animosity and hostility towards specific demographics, for no other reason I can see, but they are personally annoyed that people don't think like they do and do things they don't agree with. That's who I see brought Trump to power, people with a deep seated hatred for groups of people, and blame those people, for all the ills that they actually don't have.


And thus you fail...  And Trump rises

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Trump wasn't my first choice (that would be Jeb Bush, sigh).  However, now that he is here, I respect his office and support him.

I'm scared to death, but not because Trump is president-elect.  No, there are bigger things going on in the world than party politics.

No, I'm scared to death because North Korea is a couple of years away from being able to hit the U.S. mainland with a nuke, and Trump is going to have to do something about it NOW.  

North Korea is a far worse threat than anything else, including ISIS, and people just laugh it off and don't care.  

I just hope Trump is up to doing something about North Korea before it is too late.  

(granted I would still be scared if anyone was in charge on this issue).

And that is my reaction to Trump winning the election.  Now that we have Trump, I will be praying for his success, in this issue and otherwise.

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34 minutes ago, estradling75 said:

And thus you fail...  And Trump rises

All hail Donald Trump. Did you know people employed by the Trumps in their hotels are required to stop what they are doing and rise, whenever a Trump family member sashays nearby.  You may have elected self-stylized royalty.  Yay for us!

But seriously, I neither expect good or bad. Just waiting to see. 

As for the angry mobs, I get why they are protesting, I don't support criminal behavior that some are participating in. Burning the president elect in effigy will gain you a visit from the secret service, as it should. I think people writing or chanting "not my president" are in dire need of an American civics course. 

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Guest MormonGator
10 minutes ago, estradling75 said:

And instead of seeking understanding... you mock and belittle... 


12 minutes ago, Blueskye2 said:

All hail Donald Trump.

I think all of us, myself included might need to take a deep breath and move on to other topics. It's sort of going around in circles. The people who dislike Trump like myself aren't going to be convinced otherwise-and nor will the people who like him change their minds either. 

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21 minutes ago, estradling75 said:

And instead of seeking understanding... you mock and belittle... 

Keeping it real. I recall when Pres. Obama ran for office in 2007, and that poster of him was popular, the one with HOPE written on it and all my liberal lefty friends and coworkers were acting like the savior of the world had arrived and was elected. I thought they were over baking it, acting rather foolish really, and I like Pres. Obama. 

I see the same thing now with Trump. I get it, it's just populism. The cult of personality. I think people who are ardent supporters of Trump are over baking it. All hail Donald Trump is me, expressing that I see the same foolishness that I did eight years ago.

He's just a man and there is only one a Savior of the world, who is neither republican or democrat. 

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5 minutes ago, Blueskye2 said:

Keeping it real.

And when those on the opposite side of the political spectrum just "Keeping it real" and "Call it like they see it" they are labeled as intolerant, ignorant, bigots. 

And there is no one more intolerant, ignorant, or bigoted then someone that clearly sees danger ahead, but refuses to modify there own responses and behaviors that lead to them being in danger in the first place... instead they double down and blame everyone else

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I think what we're seeing here is there's been a lot of resentment building for a long, long time and it's finally being released.  Maybe this is good... relieve the pressure.  A lot of Conservatives have been feeling very disenfranchised for the last 8+ years.  Yes, since even before Obama was elected.  There was a Republican President but he didn't really do much to defend Conservatives on social issues.  GWB was all about foreign policy and the war. 

Whatever else Trump has done, he's emboldened people to fight back against those who are perceived as their would-be oppressors.  I know that sounds a bit melodramatic, but I do believe it's accurate.  Religious freedom has been threatened by Government policies that are increasingly encroaching into the way people worship.    Laws  that can punish sermons in Church not only violate that, but also freedom of speech which has come under fire too with laws now ready to criminally punish people for using the "wrong" pronoun.  The Second Amendment gets attacked every time there's a media frenzy over violence committed with a gun.  These are all issues that trouble Conservatives deeply, and it isn't even a complete list.

And you know?  None of that would have been so bad except that it wasn't just the  winds of change blowing against us.  It felt like an all-out assault.  It wasn't enough to just disagree with us, we had to endure being ridiculed, threatened, sometimes jailed all for upholding valued and beliefs that have been in place for centuries and have only just recently, in the last few years, been changed by a culture that seems to be so desperate for validation that it must silence all who don't hop onto the bandwagon.

So now, for the first time in a LONG time, many Conservatives feel that, imperfect as he may be, they have someone in the Government who just might fight for them aggressively and effectively.  That makes them feel heady and bold, and sadly some aren't mature enough to handle it graciously.

At the same time we have a left wing that just isn't used to defeat.  The steady stream of political victories for the left over the last decade or so has made them a bit complacent.  I think a lot of it is due to the fact that most Millennial voters have been on the "winning" team their whole adult life and aren't used to having to deal with the fact that sometimes they just can't have their way.  They're feeling angry and betrayed, because reality just kicked their butt up between their shoulder blades and their coping skills aren't developed enough to deal with it in a mature manner.

No offense to our Millennial friends here is intended, as I don't mean this as an indictment of Millennials in general.  It's just that if you're in the Millennial generation, Obama has been President for most of your adult life and you may not have been old enough to vote yet when GWB won in 2004.  If you're a liberal Millennial you haven't had to taste defeat in social issues since you were children, because even when GWB was President states had started legalizing same sex marriage (as I recall, Massachusetts was the first) and you've been riding a wave of social/political victories ever since.  Sure, there were some stumbling blocks here and there but nothing that lasted long. 

So Conservatives are venting their repressed anger and frustration, Liberals are afraid of the series of political defeats they're in for, and it's turning us all into jerks.


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6 minutes ago, estradling75 said:

And when those on the opposite side of the political spectrum just "Keeping it real" and "Call it like they see it" they are labeled as intolerant, ignorant, bigots. 

And there is no one more intolerant, ignorant, or bigoted then someone that clearly sees danger ahead, but refuses to modify there own responses and behaviors that lead to them being in danger in the first place... instead they double down and blame everyone else


Double down and blame everyone else ...hmmm, sounds like every Trump speech ever made. But he's gonna fix that for us.  I'm waiting to see if and what the "fixes" are, but I'll be at the protests if he follows through with even half of his retoric. 

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12 minutes ago, Blueskye2 said:


Double down and blame everyone else ...hmmm, sounds like every Trump speech ever made. But he's gonna fix that for us.  I'm waiting to see if and what the "fixes" are, but I'll be at the protests if he follows through with even half of his retoric. 

What?....  You say Trump (and the forces that got him elected) is the "problem" then you wait to see if he fixes himself....  Seriously???!

Talk about someone that continues the same tactics

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5 hours ago, anatess2 said:


Yes, gloating:  This post was you, wasn't it?

On 11/10/2016 at 7:27 AM, anatess2 said:

And here's more... Yesterday, somebody finally showed the political class that:

1.) You don't have to filter your entire life into a facade of perfection, hiding and lying to the people about who you really are, filtering your speech and actions so you don't "offend anyone", and you don't have to hire a cadre of political scrubbers, analysts, statisticians, etc. to shape and mold you into the political elite image of "Presidential" to be able to send your message to the American people.  The people are now wise to Character Assassination tactics especially those waged by spin-masters pretending to be journalists.  The people have also shown their capacity to forgive past faults as they encourage the dismantling of the facade of perfection in their leaders.  The people finally grew out of the stage of being "children who expect their parents to be perfect" into adults who recognizes the flaws but embraces their strengths to accomplish the goal.



You don't realize how very close to war you have sent the pacific theater with the Philippines in the balance.  The Philippine government heaved a hugh sigh of relief last Wednesday.

Oh, we'll be happy to vacate the region--with one proviso.  The Philippines will need to promise not to come back to us and demand the expenditure of American blood and treasure to save their own bacon, once they realize they can't stand up to the local expansionist, ultra-nationalist, totalitarian bully whose aggression has been entirely foreseeable for the past two decades. 

Now, given that the Philippines have already done this once, they will probably want to think very carefully before committing to never, ever doing it again. American foreign policy has operated, for the last seventy years, on the assumption that most of the world would want--nay, expect--our help in a go-to-pot situation like the Philippines faced in 1942.  But if you guys are willing to let Duterte twist in the wind even when it's clear he's in over his head (and no, he can't claim asylum in the US and spend his retirement like a king on a Hawaiian plantation)--we'll take that deal.  We've gotten pretty good lately at throwing our allies to the wolves--from South Vietnam to Iraq to Syria to the Ukraine.  And in the meantime, Duterte can go about massacring political enemies--er, drug addicts --to his foul little heart's content.


The results of this election cycle is not something you get to GLOAT about like it was some football game...

And yet . . . you did.

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15 minutes ago, estradling75 said:

What?....  You say Trump is the "problem" then you wait to see if he fixes himself....  Seriously???!

Talk about someone that continues the same tactics

Yes indeed I do believe people can change, and I do understand people make mistakes.  All people sin, even admired politicians. The grace of forgiveness and the change it wroughts, are strongly held beliefs of mine. So I'm waiting, for the future to arrive, with hope in faith, love and charity. I keep all leaders in my prayers and they are in the prayers of my Church. Not really a political tactic or strategy, just practicing patience, which is difficult for me, as I am not a patient person and often wonder when God is going to step in. Which often, He already has and I fail to recognize that truth.  Then I get the wonderful moments of realization and also realize just how much He has to give. 

 If you're looking for my weakness, to use in your arguments against me, there it is.  I am a person of faith. I believe God can use an objectively immoral person to achieve His Good.  After all, I a sinner, have experienced His grace. I patiently wait, to see, and also to listen to where He guides me. 

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12 minutes ago, unixknight said:

No offense to our Millennial friends here is intended, as I don't mean this as an indictment of Millennials in general.  It's just that if you're in the Millennial generation, Obama has been President for most of your adult life and you may not have been old enough to vote yet when GWB won in 2004.  If you're a liberal Millennial you haven't had to taste defeat in social issues since you were children, because even when GWB was President states had started legalizing same sex marriage (as I recall, Massachusetts was the first) and you've been riding a wave of social/political victories ever since.  Sure, there were some stumbling blocks here and there but nothing that lasted long. 

Does being born in mid1982 count as being a millenial? :)  

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6 minutes ago, Blueskye2 said:

Yes indeed I do believe people can change, and I do understand people make mistakes.  All people sin, even admired politicians. The grace of forgiveness and the change it wroughts, are strongly held beliefs of mine. So I'm waiting, for the future to arrive, with hope in faith, love and charity. I keep all leaders in my prayers and they are in the prayers of my Church. 

Ok... lets say you get your miracle... and Trump repents... or impeached or whatever...  You well then you would have removed the Symptom...  But the Cause is still there... and until you address and treat the Cause... you are just waiting for Trump version 2 to come along to start it all over again.  Someone else will come along and capitalize on the exact same things Trump did... and you will once again be right back here.

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14 minutes ago, Blueskye2 said:


Double down and blame everyone else ...hmmm, sounds like every Trump speech ever made. But he's gonna fix that for us.  I'm waiting to see if and what the "fixes" are, but I'll be at the protests if he follows through with even half of his retoric. 

If we take immigration – for example.  Trump has not said he will do anything illegal or contrary to any existing law.  For those that think immigration is broken – why didn’t they make any effort fix the immigrations laws rather than just not enforcing them?  Because the laws has not been enforced without prejudice – we have created the immigration crisis (mess).  

My problem with many political views – is that so many think laws do not apply or should not apply to them – for whatever excuse they want to make of it.  There are a lot of problems in this country – it is obvious that the establishment (regular and established Democrats and Republicans) either will not or cannot address this countries problems.  I do not think Trump will do much to make a difference – but I consider that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again (electing the same party before country politicians) – expecting different results.

I am not convinced that with Trump there will be much of a difference.  But I also find it interesting that some think the difference will be worse than what is already going on.  I am personally confused why having the same laws for everybody is a problem????  Which is basically what Trump has proposed.  We will see if he is honest – for sure we do know his opponent has not been honest. 


The Traveler

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14 minutes ago, Blueskye2 said:


Double down and blame everyone else ...hmmm, sounds like every Trump speech ever made. But he's gonna fix that for us.  I'm waiting to see if and what the "fixes" are, but I'll be at the protests if he follows through with even half of his retoric. 

If we take immigration – for example.  Trump has not said he will do anything illegal or contrary to any existing law.  For those that think immigration is broken – why didn’t they make any effort fix the immigrations laws rather than just not enforcing them?  Because the laws has not been enforced without prejudice – we have created the immigration crisis (mess).  

My problem with many political views – is that so many think laws do not apply or should not apply to them – for whatever excuse they want to make of it.  There are a lot of problems in this country – it is obvious that the establishment (regular and established Democrats and Republicans) either will not or cannot address this countries problems.  I do not think Trump will do much to make a difference – but I consider that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again (electing the same party before country politicians) – expecting different results.

I am not convinced that with Trump there will be much of a difference.  But I also find it interesting that some think the difference will be worse than what is already going on.  I am personally confused why having the same laws for everybody is a problem????  Which is basically what Trump has proposed.  We will see if he is honest – for sure we do know his opponent has not been honest. 


The Traveler

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5 minutes ago, estradling75 said:

Ok... lets say you get your miracle... and Trump repents... or impeached or whatever...  You well then you would have removed the Symptom...  But the Cause is still there... and until you address and treat the Cause... you are just waiting for Trump version 2 to come along to start it all over again.  Someone else will come along and capitalize on the exact same things Trump did... and you will once again be right back here.

Thus the world has turned for millennia.  I do what I can but I am not naive.  Trump is the same as, and all the same as will follow, and what is removed is replaced with the same or similar. It's been that way for longer than 24 years or whatever.

I don't put my hope in men (or women).  I work to the best of my ability, not perfectly of course, to align myself to people of good will and put my time, treasure and talent where people of good will are working to do the same. 

There are I'm sure people of good will in government, but have no direct contact with them and they are not here working, among us mere humans. They are ensconced 2000 miles away. I am here, and here is where I focus myself and my resources. Refugees who are settling here, the homeless, the hungry, the seekers after Truth, is where I'm at. Trump has never said anything, at all, ever about assisting the truly disenfranchised of our society and our growing desert of faith where people thirst for God. He only talks of helping those who have something, to have more. Never speaks of giving or serving, always gimme or getting. So, he is not working in the same place I am and the majority of all politicians, are not.

Instead they are measuring people in terms of commodities, and people are allowing themselves to be measured as commodities, and revolting for not having a higher commodity value.  I don't find that liberating, in the least. 

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I couldn't decide if this belonged better here or in the Special Snowflakes thread, but here is a quote from this article: (which in and of itself isn't a bad article)



And many parents, specifically those who supported Hillary Clinton and hoped and expected she'd become the first female president of the United States, woke up with the tough job of explaining the results to their children.

"I am at a loss. I am terrified for my lovely and sweet gender-non-conforming child," said Cecily Kellogg, mom to a 10-year-old daughter and founder of a content marketing and social media management firm. "I don't know what to say. I can only hold her, let her cry and tell her I will keep her safe."



I'm sorry, but if you can't tell your kid who the new president is, you have a lot of work to do as parent and child. How dare the special snowflakes learn who the country elected!


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6 minutes ago, Blueskye2 said:

Thus the world has turned for millennia.  I do what I can but I am not naive.  Trump is the same as, and all the same as will follow, and what is removed is replaced with the same or similar. It's been that way for longer than 24 years or whatever.

I don't put my hope in men (or women).  I work to the best of my ability, not perfectly of course, to align myself to people of good will and put my time, treasure and talent where people of good will are working to do the same. 

There are I'm sure people of good will in government, but have no direct contact with them and they are not here working, among us mere humans. They are ensconced 2000 miles away. I am here, and here is where I focus myself and my resources. Refugees who are settling here, the homeless, the hungry, the seekers after Truth, is where I'm at. Trump has never said anything, at all, ever about assisting the truly disenfranchised of our society and our growing desert of faith where people thirst for God. He only talks of helping those who have something, to have more. Never speaks of giving or serving, always gimme or getting. So, he is not working in the same place I am and the majority of all politicians, are not.

Instead they are measuring people in terms of commodities, and people are allowing themselves to be measured as commodities, and revolting for not having a higher commodity value.  I don't find that liberating, in the least. 

Right you can't do much about the government or other people.. but you can deal with your part... and what you do to add to the situation that created Trump...  And you had a chance... you talked to Trump supporters... but instead of seeking to understand why they feel the way they do....  You discounted them, you dismissed them...  You labeled them and then do your best to ignore them.

And that is wait everyone for the last 8+ years has been doing

Whole sections and groups have been marginalized and hurting and no one cared, most specifically by those group that make big show of helping, supporting and validating others, because they weren't the right race, gender or social class.

Then Trump comes along and gets these people who feel voiceless and unseen...  And convinces them that he sees them, that he will give them a voice...  Not surprisingly they overlook his many character flaws and give him a chance.

And the whole political establishment didn't see it coming... because that group was right, nobody saw them, nobody heard them so no one could predict them

But go ahead... continue the cycle... continue to ignore them... continue to "call it like you see it" and make no effort to understand.  They will continue to latch on to whatever voice does not do so, no matter how flawed in character


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