"men On A Mission" Calendar


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Now why couldn't the stripling warriors have just sent chalk drawings of themselves nude, to the Lamanites.

Religious intolerance would have ended instantly!


:wow: Good one!

I looked at the site, and the rationale is "we just wanted to show that we are normal people too".

What?? :blink:

WE ARE NOT TO BE LIKE THE WORLD! Where in the heck does this crud come from within the Church?

So we want to show we are like the rest of the world? Is this to be part of the lesson plan, in their opinion? I can just hear the missionaries now: "see, we like to create feelings of lust in others, just like the playboy pinups, so Joseph Smith's story is true!"

Gimme a flippin' break...

And Shan, you're right. Those young men are not honoring their temple covenants, but nothing would happen to them, at least from the church's side. The niggly little thing called 'agency'... :) And if it were women, there'd be a huge outcry...

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Extremely surprised! I wonder if these guys are still active members, or if it's something they did as an act of rebellion after leaving the church? If they are still members, what do the church authorities think of it? What would they think of women who did the same thing?

A pleasant way to begin my morning though! :wub:

yes, at least the guy msnbc was interviewing about it yesterday is an active member. He was talking light heartedly about it and that it was a "fun" thing to do.

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Okay Brandon #1 got more hair with his shirt off?

Casey doesn’t even look like the same guy

Mormons Exposed? Advertising themselves as Eye Candy? What are they really selling?

Geeze! There is more to this the what they are claiming….

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Okay Brandon #1 got more hair with his shirt off?

Casey doesn’t even look like the same guy

Mormons Exposed? Advertising themselves as Eye Candy? What are they really selling?

Geeze! There is more to this the what they are claiming….

LDS members should be putting thier moral and modest standards before all else, this is on par with looking at Maxim or other provocative material, It provokes thoughts that cause people to swell on things and is that "little toe" the adversary gets in the door on your mind.

If you can justify to yourself, there's nothing wrong with looking at it, then there's nothing wrong with buying it, then there's nothign wrong with hanging it up.

I certainly hope they don't come out with a Sister Missionary calendar (even though i know they will) because our young LDS women already have a "bad rap" in the eyes of the world for being "repressed" and "rebellious"

LDS members are to be in the world and not of the world. "being normal people"... horrible.

"The natural nan is an enemy to god" we are to cast away our selfish and carnal desires if we are to rise above it.

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First off, I thought it was interesting that in all the "behind-the-scenes" photos, it's women loading down these supposedly "hot" missionaries with makeup and only the Lord knows what else.

Second, several of these women have definitely never been to the temple based on the way they're dressing...or else they figured they'd leave their garments at home during the photo-shoots. (yeah, I had to get my baseless attack in somewhere :lol:)

Third, trying to show a guy as sexy while he's grinning like an idiot and reading his Book of Mormon is about the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

Fourth, can we say "Photoshop?" Someone's been using the "dodge" and "burn" tool, not to mention applying Guassian blurs with multiply and screen blend modes like there's no tomorrow!

Fifth, these guys make me want to discard my Christian reserve and slap 'em upside the head. It's those kinds of missionaries that give the rest a bad name.

No offense to Utah here...but...I bet the majority are from Utah. Looks like the Sons of Zion are now trying to keep pace with the Daughters of Zion.

Don't these flippin' idiots listen to anything the General Authorities have said about porn and using images to titillate others? So it's not hard porn...so what. These guys make me want to just take a baseball bat to their faces so they can't have any more "pretty face" photo shoots as ridiculous as this ever again.

I can't wait until they have kids who ask, "But daddy, why can't I dress like this or that, you posed for those sexy man calendars? Why is it wrong now?"

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There's an FAQ:

Q: What is Mormons Exposed?

A: Mormons Exposed is a new brand launching a forward-thinking product - a steamy 2008 calendar featuring twelve handsome former Mormon missionaries who have dared to pose bare-chested in the first-ever Men on a Mission calendar. Usually seen riding their bicycles and preaching door-to-door, the calendar celebrates these missionaries' great looks and beautiful bodies, as well as the amazing stories of service of these deeply spiritual men.

Q: What has been the public response to your project, thus far?

A: While the project is intended to be tongue-in-cheek, we understand that some people are offended by it. Thus far, reactions have hailed from each polar ends of the spectrum. We believe there's real heart in looking at these young men who have sacrificed two years of their lives to selfless service, and that's why some definitely celebrate it. Yet, whatever the reaction solicited, the project is already achieving what we set out to do - it is sparking dialogue, which is the first step toward understanding.



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Understanding what? That missionaries can wear body-makeup too? They're freakin' idiots. Guys, get over yourselves, and then clothe yourselves. :rolleyes:

p.s. I love how everyone waits for an LDS presidential candidate to enter the scene before movies start getting made about MMM, and missionaries start acting like three year olds. What's next? An all-LDS strip club in SLC?

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First off, I thought it was interesting that in all the "behind-the-scenes" photos, it's women loading down these supposedly "hot" missionaries with makeup and only the Lord knows what else.

Second, several of these women have definitely never been to the temple based on the way they're dressing...or else they figured they'd leave their garments at home during the photo-shoots. (yeah, I had to get my baseless attack in somewhere :lol:)

Third, trying to show a guy as sexy while he's grinning like an idiot and reading his Book of Mormon is about the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

Fourth, can we say "Photoshop?" Someone's been using the "dodge" and "burn" tool, not to mention applying Guassian blurs with multiply and screen blend modes like there's no tomorrow!

Fifth, these guys make me want to discard my Christian reserve and slap 'em upside the head. It's those kinds of missionaries that give the rest a bad name.

No offense to Utah here...but...I bet the majority are from Utah. Looks like the Sons of Zion are now trying to keep pace with the Daughters of Zion.

Don't these flippin' idiots listen to anything the General Authorities have said about porn and using images to titillate others? So it's not hard porn...so what. These guys make me want to just take a baseball bat to their faces so they can't have any more "pretty face" photo shoots as ridiculous as this ever again.

I can't wait until they have kids who ask, "But daddy, why can't I dress like this or that, you posed for those sexy man calendars? Why is it wrong now?"

Exactly CK.

Reminds me of the old line: You can buy anything in this world for money...That is what drove these 12 idiots. It isn't to promote 'understanding'.

They've messed up on at least 2 of the TR interview questions, garments and honesty.

I'm sure that membership will go up greatly because of these guys are 'helping' promote understanding...

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In addition to that, they can't keep their stories straight.

On one hand, they claim its to open up dialogue and break stereotypes about missionaries.

Then in their youtube video, they claim the proceeds will go to help charities in their respective missions.

Why don't they just sell cigarettes to earn money for their charities?

Gimme a break, these absolute idiots just amaze me with their stupidity. I knew missionaries like this on my mission, and they were all idiots and hamstrung the Lord's work. They didn't then and they aren't now helping anybody.

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