dead bodies as exhibition


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I'm not well acquainted with the world of art so I don't know how common it is for there to be exhibitions consisting mostly of dead bodies. Have many others come across something like this? It seems a bit odd, a bit macabre to me. Normally, lawyers are quite keen to allow maximum licence to exhibitions of various sorts, but in this case they are calling for it to be shut down.



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We took our kids to BodyWorlds when it came to a denver museum.  It was fascinating, informative, beautiful, sobering.  We went away better people.  It was a totally secular presentation, but I gained a deepened understanding of God's majesty expressed through human design.

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2 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

We took our kids to BodyWorlds when it came to a denver museum.  It was fascinating, informative, beautiful, sobering.  We went away better people.  It was a totally secular presentation, but I gained a deepened understanding of God's majesty expressed through human design.

I heard much the same reaction from several ward members who saw it in SLC about ten years back.

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I agree with you, A&A. I am reminded of Rome's famous Capuchin Crypt. As a 21-year-old missionary, I thought it was great (though my companion deeply disagreed). As a middle-aged man looking back, I think it was bizarre. No, I am not a fan of corpses as art. Not to say it might not be educational, but in this case, I think the education is not worth the cost.

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