Hey. I was talking to 2 LDS people at my college and they didn't believe that they are sinners. Do you believe you're a sinner?

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6 minutes ago, AbramM said:

You have no desire to have a discussion with me you have made that clear a few times.

Your powers of clairvoyance are remarkable.

6 minutes ago, AbramM said:

I wish you peace and I hope you come to know that you don't have to be antagonizing as a person. 

I return your warm regards, brother, and sincerely pray that you come to realize that you don't need to be a jerk.

By the way, you're still avoiding.

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6 minutes ago, AbramM said:

Please don't Jesus is my high priest and he is in Heaven not in Buildings made by human hands. That is where my treasures are stored in heaven. 

As @Jane_Doe says, the point isn’t that the temple has some mystical power; the point is that that’s simply one place where members of the Church of Jesus Christ congregate to, among other things, pray for the welfare of other people.  

I will pray for you individually, as well.  :) 

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3 minutes ago, Vort said:

Your powers of clairvoyance are remarkable.

I return your warm regards, brother, and sincerely pray that you come to realize that you don't need to be a jerk.

By the way, you're still avoiding.

I was never a Jerk towards you I have extended Christ like love and concern towards you. I think you are suffering and I pray you will be relieved from that suffering. I would also recommend you seek help for your mental health. 

I won't respond to you further as it is wrong to feed one who is ill with their poison. I do hope you seek professional help too. 


God bless

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17 minutes ago, AbramM said:

Oh man the blessing that come when you serve the Lord are always worth it

I’m having a hard time seeing how that’s true in the long run, given the constraints of the theology you’ve been advancing.  And in the short run—what of the person who decides that the blessings of being Hugh Hefner or Donald Trump are more desirable than the blessings of being Mother Theresa?

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Just now, AbramM said:

I was never a Jerk towards you I have extended Christ like love and concern towards you.

As I have done for you, dearest brother.

Just now, AbramM said:

I think you are suffering and I pray you will be relieved from that suffering.

I will most assuredly be relieved from my grave suffering when you address the point I brought up, which you have been studiously avoiding.

1 minute ago, AbramM said:

I would also recommend you seek help for your mental health.

What a kind sentiment! Can you give me a reference to your psychologist?

(Is anyone else laughing out loud at AbramM's shameless hypocrisy in claiming to be Christ-like while hamfistedly attempting to hurl unveiled insults?)

2 minutes ago, AbramM said:

I do hope you seek professional help too.

Yes, sadly, those drains don't unclog themselves. Sometimes you just have to pay for the professional to do the job.

Meanwhile, about that point you're avoiding...

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17 minutes ago, AbramM said:

I hope you come to know that you don't have to be antagonizing as a person.

then commences to antagonize...:clap:

5 minutes ago, AbramM said:

I would also recommend you seek help for your mental health.



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5 hours ago, AbramM said:

Okay I didn't mean to offend you by calling you a sinner I even said that in my question that I'm not trying to offend anyone. I'm honestly not trying to convince anyone that they are a sinner because God's Law should do that, nobody should need anyone to tell them they are a sinner if they believe God's Law. 

The people I spoke to on campus clearly said that it is possible to follow all the commandments. That is when I told them that they don't understand God's Law. If you believe you can ever get to a point in this mortal life where you are free from sinning, then please tell me why you believe that. If you don't believe that then that's fine, I don't believe that either. 

Well, a good counter would be...

Do you believe you are saved, or do you believe you are a sinner?

It's a binary question. 

Either the Lord has saved you from all your sins and thus, because he has saved you by his grace, you are thus no longer per se...a sinner (you may still sin, but you have been saved by grace, therefore, your sins are as naught as per what the Bible states), OR...you do not believe one can be saved in that manner...OR...you believe in that but refuse to accept him and thus are a sinner.

If one is not Baptist, I can understand the question more fully, but a Baptist asking such a question who is stating that they are still a sinner after being saved...is only tearing down their own belief that the Lord has saved them (from sin) by grace.

If one is a Methodist or another protestant religion, the question itself really makes no sense.  They would not ask a binary question to that degree.  It would be more of the effect of whether one believes, and how far one may be in progressing down the path following him.  It's not one or the other.  It's accepted already that we all makes mistakes but are at different points in following the Lord.

In regards to a more Baptist central idea...

Yes, all are sinners and all need to be saved, and only through the grace of the Lord can we be made perfect in heaven above.  However, normally a Baptist who has been saved does not call themselves a sinner that is going to hell along with all the other sinners.  They have accepted the Lord.  They have had that mighty change of heart.  They no longer actually desire to sin, though they may still fall to temptation (the change of heart changes one from sinful desires to that of turning away from sin and following the Lord).  Thus, in their heart, they have changed from a sinful desire, to that of accepting the Lord's Grace.

So, if we are doing Binary questions....are you saved, or are you a sinner?

If you do not believe it is a binary question or should be one, than why would you be asking it of others?

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thread closed.  Let's remember what this site is for.  It's not for knock down drag out battles of faith systems that become personal.

If anyone wants to contend and argue and stuff, mormondialogue.org is a fine place that would be happy to have you.  I go there to contend and argue sometimes.

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