Perks of being favored of God?


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I don't know if it's a perk, but I would say that they are given more responsibility toward others. "Feed my sheep, feed my lambs."

The other thing that comes to mind is that they have a deeper understanding of God and His mysteries.

Those are my initial thoughts. It's an interesting question, though, I'll have to think about it some more.

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1 hour ago, Fether said:

We know fro scripture that the righteous are favored if God (1 Nephi 17:35) What perks Are there from being favored?

Receiving blessings from the Lord.

The Holy Ghost can comfort us and any who have received it.  Those who have this gift are all favored (in my opinion) and the comforting influence of the Holy Ghost can keep us calm in times when others are panicking or afraid.  It can help us weather the storms of life and help us have an easier time with the troubles of life.

The Holy Ghost can also teach us the truths of the Gospel.  While others wonder about our purposes in life, our purposes in regards to heaven, or why things happen in this life as they do, we can learn for ourselves directly from the Holy Ghost about the plan of salvation and our purposes here.

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I believe that sometimes to realize the perks that such things can be seen better when realizing the contrast or what is lost by refusing righteousness.   Anciently the term righteousness did not necessarily mean an honest citizen - it was a reference and an identification of someone that has entered into a covenant with G-d.  The contrast is someone that enters into a covenant with Satan.  Sometimes we like to think of this as a binary condition - that it is either one or the other but with some simple logic we can realize that there is another condition and that is the option of neither or pre-choice or the state of innocence before we establish or make a covenant.  For the sake of understanding and the time to explain everything - I will proceed with a shortened version.

What does it mean to be favored of G-d - or to have covenant with G-d?  There are three basic elements or promises that G-d gives with his covenants:

#1. Is a Promised Land.  Most people think of this as a place on earth that is our's to have and to keep.  But there is much more than that.  It is also freedom and liberty.  Often we think of such things in a political setting but it needs to be understood to mean that we can exercise Agency and be responsible.  It means that we are not forced into a state of bondage where the fruits of our labors are not ours to determine.  We can serve others without being compelled or forced.  We can live free by the delight of our agency and choice.  There is much much more that could be said about this perk but I will leave the rest as an exercise for the reader.

#2. Is protection and deliverance from our enemies.  Having a Promised Land is not so great if someone can come in and take it away from you.  G-d premises that if we loose our promised land (our freedom and liberty) that he will hear our pleas and come to our rescue and deliver us.  There are both physical and spiritual perks with this particular promise and perk.  Some to be realized in this life but most importantly deliverance from our arch enemies of death and hell.

#3. Is an enduring seed.  Mostly this is thought of as having a good marriage and lots of children, grandchildren and so on and so on for generations and generations.  Of course we all would like to see this particular promise fulfilled in this life.  But the real promise is for eternity or after this life.  This life being but a type and shadow of what is to come.  I realize that not everybody is married to their eternal partner in this mortal life - (though a great many are).  The promise is that you will become part of the family of Saints and the children of G-d - even in this mortal existence.  That the priesthood will be part of your heritage and that you will enjoy the loving family relationship of the Saints of G-d throughout all the dispensations of men.


These are the basic perks that can and will include many blessings and additional promises to fulfill the basics.  But we must also realize two additional things.  Number one additional thing is that we promise to give something to G-d in return for these perks.  With many in the religious community; they hear that G-d's perks are free (that we do not earn them) so they do not realize that to covenant with G-d we are under obligation to be loyal to him and obey his commandments.  This bring me the a closure and the second very important additional "thing" that we call a trial.  It is not enough that we say we covenant - a covenant with G-d demands we are loyal to that covenant through a trial or perhaps more than one.  The trial is necessary so that we can fulfill our choice and be responsible and loyal - That we do choose G-d not just in word but in deed also.

I thought to go on with the contrast of what happens when we covenant with Satan and succumb to his flattering words and temptations.  But alas this post is long enough - though I am willing to discuss openly any issue of infection to our perks of deliverance, healthy freedom, liberty  and family (marriage between a man and a woman).


The Traveler

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/25/2020 at 7:03 AM, Fether said:

We know fro scripture that the righteous are favored if God (1 Nephi 17:35) What perks Are there from being favored?

Careful about mixing "individuals" with "people".  That verse you cite is talking about societies in general -- which is, of course, made up of individuals.

Your so called "perks" come to entire societies which are righteous.  And these perks benefit both the righteous and wicked in that righteous society.


  • Can be given protection from some of the evils of the world.  Righteous behavior tends to protect us from many evils.  Don't get into drugs, we don't get on a drug lord's radar -- who also happens to be a human trafficker.
  • Can receive blessings from following commandments. (D&C 130:20-21).
  • Usually have the same random things happen to them in life as the wicked.  But they are given the strength/ability to handle such things.
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