Your Ugly!?!?


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There has been something on my mind for the last while and I thought I would just throw it out there and see what happens. I guess more for a warning this is NOT about Blacks and some curse! If this turns into that then it well be shut down.

I was trying to figure out what determines how we look. These are some of the thoughts I had…

I guess the real question that would first have to be asked is: Are looking a blessing or a curse? (or neather)

I would think God would know how much of an advantage (to some degree) Looks would play down here. As we learn in the scriptures money can be evil depending on how the person uses it. I think the same can be true of looks.

We also know that some blessings in this life were predicated on what we did in the the Pre-mortal life. We know from Alma 13 those that have the priesthood were called before this world was. We learn in the Bible, that God foreordained which tribe we would come to in this world. We also learn from Paul that God even knew the time we were appoint to come down here. I read somewhere and I think it was James E. Talmage that said something to the effect that our Spirits helped form what our bodies would look like. I have to assume my physical body looks something like my spirit? This is how I’m going to be resurrected right? So it just doesn’t make sense that God would not have some control over how we would look.

But that starts to get my mind going. I know I have heard that Jesus Christ, and Adam and Joseph Smith were all suppose to be nice handsome me. WE know that Mary (the mother of Jesus) was a pretty woman.

But what about the rest of us? I can’t feel that it is just up to chance! I wouldn’t really say there are more or less good looking people in or out of the church. I just think those that are good looking tend to be shown off more. Then what about the other Prophets that have come along?

But how far can this really go. Do I blame God because I have crooked teeth? I do realize some things just happen at Birth. Do I blame God on how my ears look or just on chance, or something I did in the pre-mortal life?

The only kind of answer I thought of was that God set up some laws (along the lines of Genetics) and allowed those laws to be in motion. This allowed for varying degrees of people, the same way we all have varying degrees of how we use our agency. God put the Laws in motion and let things happen. I also think that to some degree we have some group of people we are attracted to. That some type of traits we would find more appealing then others. (I don't know if this is something that came with us from Pre-mortal life, or something that happens down here)???? But this allowed each of us to find somebody.

I just wondering if Pre-Mortal life had something to do with how I look! :rolleyes:

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There has been something on my mind for the last while and I thought I would just throw it out there and see what happens. I guess more for a warning this is NOT about Blacks and some curse! If this turns into that then it well be shut down.

I was trying to figure out what determines how we look. These are some of the thoughts I had…

I guess the real question that would first have to be asked is: Are looking a blessing or a curse? (or neather)

I would think God would know how much of an advantage (to some degree) Looks would play down here. As we learn in the scriptures money can be evil depending on how the person uses it. I think the same can be true of looks.

We also know that some blessings in this life were predicated on what we did in the the Pre-mortal life. We know from Alma 13 those that have the priesthood were called before this world was. We learn in the Bible, that God foreordained which tribe we would come to in this world. We also learn from Paul that God even knew the time we were appoint to come down here. I read somewhere and I think it was James E. Talmage that said something to the effect that our Spirits helped form what our bodies would look like. I have to assume my physical body looks something like my spirit? This is how I’m going to be resurrected right? So it just doesn’t make sense that God would not have some control over how we would look.

But that starts to get my mind going. I know I have heard that Jesus Christ, and Adam and Joseph Smith were all suppose to be nice handsome me. WE know that Mary (the mother of Jesus) was a pretty woman.

But what about the rest of us? I can’t feel that it is just up to chance! I wouldn’t really say there are more or less good looking people in or out of the church. I just think those that are good looking tend to be shown off more. Then what about the other Prophets that have come along?

But how far can this really go. Do I blame God because I have crooked teeth? I do realize some things just happen at Birth. Do I blame God on how my ears look or just on chance, or something I did in the pre-mortal life?

The only kind of answer I thought of was that God set up some laws (along the lines of Genetics) and allowed those laws to be in motion. This allowed for varying degrees of people, the same way we all have varying degrees of how we use our agency. God put the Laws in motion and let things happen. I also think that to some degree we have some group of people we are attracted to. That some type of traits we would find more appealing then others. (I don't know if this is something that came with us from Pre-mortal life, or something that happens down here)???? But this allowed each of us to find somebody.

I just wondering if Pre-Mortal life had something to do with how I look! :rolleyes:

Good question! All i can say, if premortal exsistance had something to do with who i am now, than i must have been very

blessed. Although we have been "predestined" but to what i do not know, i do know that phrophets e.t.c were predestined

to be earthly phrophets. and certain other things have been predestined also, And that we were predestined to some degree

but to what degree is a big question? i beleive we were sent to be in a certain part and time of the world, But i,m not

real sure if we were to have a certain appearance of good teeth,bad teeth e,t,c? Anyway this is a very good question to

think and ponder about!


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I have heard that Jesus Christ, and Adam and Joseph Smith were all suppose to be nice handsome me. WE know that Mary (the mother of Jesus) was a pretty woman.

What? we know this? how? where?

Contrary to current portrayals by actors, the statue in the JS building in SLC and by his death mask and by paintings done of him at the time, Joseph was not that handsome, oh he wasn't hidious, but he would not have won any beauty contests.

As for Jesus, well Isa 53: 2 says "For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him."

And I don't know of any speculation on Adam. and how do we KNOW anything about Mary's looks?

Sorry my friend, but I am not sure where your info comes from, could you share your sources please? You may be right, but I have never heard it.

As for the rest of your premise, well lets just says this, I will not be sad to lay down this body and get a perfected one in its place (if you know what I mean) :P

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I think that Isaiah 53:2 is taken out of context in this matter. This point has been told to me before about this scripture. I do not read into this scripture that the Savior looked homely. But He was not rich in wealth and He did not wear expensive clothing that would impress others. There was certainly no beauty in Him that the prideful or rich would look at and impressed with.

I have also come to the conclusion that looks mean little nowadays. If anyone has money they can buy comeliness. Look at some of the famous and rich in Hollywood. Many of them have had cosmetic surgery but lack the finer things in life that are eternal.

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Well i don't know about that....

But this might make you feel better

Do you know that no one on this earth is ugly..because what might be ugly to you is beautiful to someone else.

I have to completely agree with Lolgirl. What is beautiful or attractive to me might make some people cringe. (as a matter of fact, I know it would) And what others find as attractive, I might not like at all. (like, my bestfriend has a thing for cowboys... cringe! :wacko: )

I really dont' think that what we did in our pre-mortal existence has any bearing on what we look like here.

Plus...haven't you met people that you thought weren't that attractive at first? But the more you got to know them, the better looking they were to you? That's happened to me many a time! :)

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Do you know that no one on this earth is ugly..because what might be ugly to you is beautiful to someone else.

Yes this is what I was kind of trying to get at at the end of my post. That we each come to earth with some type of radar of what we like. Where this comes from I don't know. (Does it come from our spirit/pre-mortal life, maybe there are Cowboys in Pre-mortal life) or is it more something that happens on this earth I don't know. But I think this happens so we all eventually hook up.

I really dont' think that what we did in our pre-mortal existence has any bearing on what we look like here.

I don't know if it does or not, but it makes one think. I mean even our talents/ spirit gifts. Are they something we earned in pre-mortal life?

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I just wondering if Pre-Mortal life had something to do with how I look!

I think that it does not have much to do with it. IF we could choose the family we were born to, or the mother... we probably knew how we might look like if certain geens were combined ... so many possibilities. I also doubt, that we really cared... earthly beautifulness was not excactly something we were aquianted with before coming here and probably we could not even think that way.

I also think that no matter where I had been born in what ever circumstaces... I would have chosen the LDS Church if I ever would have heard of it!

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Just my two cents:

Man looketh on the outward apearence but G-d looketh on the heart...I believe that man is too consumed by how a person looks or what their standing is in society...personally...I believe that none of those things are important...only temperal...what is important is what you do with the life you were given on this planet.

I am not outwardly attractive (my opinion) but I have a beauty that many people notice and love...when they see how much I love the Lord and the beauty SHINES!!! :sparklygrin: a relitive term!! -_-

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I think our bodies look like our spirits. More or less. I think some of the mortality, imperfectness, has some impact.

But I think when we have progressed to where we are perfect, our attitudes will be perfect too, and we will think all are beautiful, and it won't be because of straight teeth, or nice noses, or big eyes, or whatever.

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The imperfections of the body in this life are a result of mortality and the genes that are part of that as well as disease, birth defects, accident etc. However, it is interesting how the spirit can transform the outer appearance. I once heard a young mother speak who had been badly burned. Her scars were so very noticable even though she had had much surgery. But as she spoke and her spirit took over, I did not notice the scars at all and I started seeing the person she really was.

I think we have a tendency to cringe at first from appparent ugliness but once we recognize the beauty inside the outer appearance begins to be to be transformed in our minds. This goes the other way as well. I once noticed this beautiful woman sitting alone. Then she lit up a cigarette and I heard her speak to someone. Her voice and language were foul and unpleasant and all of a sudden the beautiful woman disappeared. My best friend's ex was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. He literally would make women swoon when he walked into a room. But as my friend said, beauty doesn't last long when they mistreat you.

I think sometimes beauty can be a burden. For women I think it can objectify them and they really can question whether someone is interested in them as a person or because of how they look. I learned to stay away from the really good looking men when I was dating because they seemed so shallow. Everything came too easily for them and as a result they did not develop the strength of character I admired in less handsome men. Of course there are exceptions, but the point is we tend to make instant judgements based on appearance and we really need to look beyond what the eyes can see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My friend's daugher actually dislikes being so beautiful because a lot of men are attracted to her and she never knows if they like her for her looks or for the person she is. When a man she doesn't know well asks her out, she is very hesitant because she attracts the wrong men. Her marriage didn't last long because her husband decided he wanted to behave like a bachelor and now she's really gun shy. She also had a problem with a co-worker who kept IMing her, making sexual comments here and there, and then on her birthday he sent her a picture of himself naked. She forwarded it to her boss and that was the end of that guy. Her boss said, "You could sue our company for sexual harassment if you wanted to." Amazingly, she declined. I guess looks have been a curse for her.

I think we'll all look pretty much the same when we're resurrected except for any genetic imperfections we might have. For me it would be sad if my family and friends looked totally different. I like the way they look right now. :)

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Thanks for the comments (I’m not sure about the pictures… I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep).

I also doubt, that we really cared... earthly beautifulness was not excactly something we were aquianted with before coming here and probably we could not even think that way.

I do agree with this. I don’t think in the pre-mortal life we understand how looks would affect life. That’s why it has to come down to God. This is kind of how I am seeing it.

God created our spirit + we get a mortal body = how we look here. The one factor that is unknown is does our Spirit look like our body. That seems to be the one part that we don’t really know and some people thinking that all spirits looked the same and only here on earth is what makes us different. The farther I go down that path the more unknowns start to come into play. What about spiritual Talents? I have to assume that we each developed different spiritual talents that we all took down here. That not everybody is the same. That when I get resurrected I well look like I do now. I think I would be more bothered by looking completely different. Then looking the same.

I believe that man is too consumed by how a person looks or what their standing is in society...personally...I believe that none of those things are important...only temperal...what is important is what you do with the life you were given on this planet.

I agree, I think that’s why getting a body is part of the test of this life. Not only how to use Arms and legs and so forth. But not be caught up in how people look. I think that’s one of the key parts of coming to this earth.

But I think when we have progressed to where we are perfect, our attitudes will be perfect too, and we will think all are beautiful, and it won't be because of straight teeth, or nice noses, or big eyes, or whatever.

I agree.

I think sometimes beauty can be a burden. For women I think it can objectify them and they really can question whether someone is interested in them as a person or because of how they look. I learned to stay away from the really good looking men when I was dating because they seemed so shallow. Everything came too easily for them and as a result they did not develop the strength of character I admired in less handsome men. Of course there are exceptions, but the point is we tend to make instant judgements based on appearance and we really need to look beyond what the eyes can see.

Thank you for sharing this. I again would agree. This then goes back to my first questions. What makes some people have this “burden” as you call it. I have a hard time believe it is just luck of the draw. I don’t know maybe there was some spiritual Talent that was developed in the pre-mortal life that let you be able to handle how people would see you. I just wish I could find the clear cut reason.

Thanks for the comments (I’m not sure about the pictures… I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep).

I also doubt, that we really cared... earthly beautifulness was not excactly something we were aquianted with before coming here and probably we could not even think that way.

I do agree with this. I don’t think in the pre-mortal life we understand how looks would affect life. That’s why it has to come down to God. This is kind of how I am seeing it.

God created our spirit + we get a mortal body = how we look here. The one factor that is unknown is does our Spirit look like our body. That seems to be the one part that we don’t really know and some people thinking that all spirits looked the same and only here on earth is what makes us different. The farther I go down that path the more unknowns start to come into play. What about spiritual Talents? I have to assume that we each developed different spiritual talents that we all took down here. That not everybody is the same. That when I get resurrected I well look like I do now. I think I would be more bothered by looking completely different. Then looking the same.

I believe that man is too consumed by how a person looks or what their standing is in society...personally...I believe that none of those things are important...only temperal...what is important is what you do with the life you were given on this planet.

I agree, I think that’s why getting a body is part of the test of this life. Not only how to use Arms and legs and so forth. But not be caught up in how people look. I think that’s one of the key parts of coming to this earth.

But I think when we have progressed to where we are perfect, our attitudes will be perfect too, and we will think all are beautiful, and it won't be because of straight teeth, or nice noses, or big eyes, or whatever.

I agree.

I think sometimes beauty can be a burden. For women I think it can objectify them and they really can question whether someone is interested in them as a person or because of how they look. I learned to stay away from the really good looking men when I was dating because they seemed so shallow. Everything came too easily for them and as a result they did not develop the strength of character I admired in less handsome men. Of course there are exceptions, but the point is we tend to make instant judgements based on appearance and we really need to look beyond what the eyes can see.

Thank you for sharing this. I again would agree. This then goes back to my first questions. What makes some people have this “burden” as you call it. I have a hard time believe it is just luck of the draw. I don’t know maybe there was some spiritual Talent that was developed in the pre-mortal life that let you be able to handle how people would see you. I just wish I could find the clear cut reason.
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I think I would be more bothered by looking completely different. Then looking the same.

I don't think you will care when you are resurrected if you look different as you will be perfect. Perfect means it can't get any better, you are at your best.

We don't think about this much, but when you are resurrected you will receive a healthy immortal, glorified body of flesh and bones. No more being sick or having any physical pain. You will no longer be stuck with walking or having to ride in a car to travel, you will be able to travel as an immortal being. Your senses will be enhanced in multiples as they will be glorified. Perfect eyesight, smell, hearing and other perfect senses. There are many joys we cannot comprehend while having a veil across out minds and being in this life of trial and probation.

However we are choosing a celestial, terrestrial or telestial body with the choices we are making in this life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think you will care when you are resurrected if you look different as you will be perfect.

I disagree. I think we well care. There are things about ourselves that make us who we are. There are some things we probably all can’t wait to get rid of. But if I get the point of resurrection and my body looks completely different what was the point of me even looking like I do now. Does my spirit vs Earth body vs Resurrected body all look so completely different?

Even more I would think the equation changes more for my spouse (assuming I’ll get married someday). There well be reasons why I choose to marry, some but not all well be based on looks. So I get married for eternity and then the person looks completely different in the next life? Wow great plan of salvation.

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