Holy Spirit


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well i have posted a few times on here as im guess what you guys would call an investigator. i have had missionaries visiting me for a couple of months now.

anyway i was raised a baptist and taught that as soon as i accepted jesus christ as my saviour that i received the holy spirit. now i have to admit that although i didnt get any warm fuzzy feeling or life changing expeirence i have always believed that the holy spirit has been leading me and guiding me,( up until this point that is when i havnt got a clue which church God wants me in) but the missionaries taught me that i wont recieve the holy spirit until i have been baptised and somone has layed their hands upon me?

i dont want to go on feelings, so can you please tell me do i have the holy spirit or not?

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Guest AutumnBreez


well i have posted a few times on here as im guess what you guys would call an investigator. i have had missionaries visiting me for a couple of months now.

anyway i was raised a baptist and taught that as soon as i accepted jesus christ as my saviour that i received the holy spirit. now i have to admit that although i didnt get any warm fuzzy feeling or life changing expeirence i have always believed that the holy spirit has been leading me and guiding me,( up until this point that is when i havnt got a clue which church God wants me in) but the missionaries taught me that i wont recieve the holy spirit until i have been baptised and somone has layed their hands upon me?

i dont want to go on feelings, so can you please tell me do i have the holy spirit or not?

I am not going to say that you have not had glimpses of guidance along the way. You are investigating with missionaries, if you are earnestly searching your heart of whether you want to know, ask him, ask him, ask him.... Revealing to you does not mean you will have immediate light beams shining down upon you. It may be revealed to you when and where you least expect it to. Open your heart and mind to Him.

When you decide to commit your life to Heavenly Father and Christ, first step in fulfilling baptism ordinance by someone with the Priesthood Authority, then be given the Gift of the Holy Ghost by someone with Priesthood Authority, you will recognize the difference between having temporary guidance to having a constant companion if you are living righteously- you can push it away when not. Life changes occur when you are willing to follow and listen to the commandments and live by them. The constant companion of the Holy Spirit will be there to give you confort and warnings to even the smallest of things. Be aware and listen, you are in process of earning trust from the Highest. Also-- We all faulter, so don't let the advesary bring on confusion/trick you into thinking you are not within reach of Gods Gifts.


Earnest: http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/earnest

Gift: http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/gift

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well i have posted a few times on here as im guess what you guys would call an investigator. i have had missionaries visiting me for a couple of months now.

anyway i was raised a baptist and taught that as soon as i accepted jesus christ as my saviour that i received the holy spirit. now i have to admit that although i didnt get any warm fuzzy feeling or life changing expeirence i have always believed that the holy spirit has been leading me and guiding me,( up until this point that is when i havnt got a clue which church God wants me in) but the missionaries taught me that i wont recieve the holy spirit until i have been baptised and somone has layed their hands upon me?

i dont want to go on feelings, so can you please tell me do i have the holy spirit or not?

I believe that if a person is sincerely seeking for God, then the spirit assists in the process. What the missionaries were speaking of is not the spirit, but rather is the Gift of the Holy Ghost, or, the privilege of having that member of the God head with you 24/7, to comfort, lead and guide you. While ANYONE can receive the Holy Ghost when He comes to them, only those who have been 'confirmed' have the continual presence of the Holy Ghost with them.

So in a nutshell, you can be guided at all times, by the spirit. You can be guided on occasion by the Holy Ghost. So, I agree with you, as a believer, you were being led and guided by the spirit (and hopefully still are!).


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Hi deblldo,

The Holy Ghost most certainly speaks to, guides, and comforts people outside of the LDS church. We don't claim to be the only place where you can find the Holy Ghost. We just claim that through faith, repentence, baptism, and the laying on of hands, we can have the Holy Ghost with us as a constant companion.

That's what the missionaries were talking about by "receiving the Holy Ghost".


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I would ask you to examine yourself and your acts. Do you have the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your life as the Apostle Paul taught?

Galations Chapter 5

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

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but the missionaries taught me that i wont receive the holy spirit until i have been baptised and somone has layed their hands upon me?

This is correct from the LDS (Mormon) point of view. If we read in the bible in Acts, Simon wanted to buy this power (the Priesthood) that allowed tha laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost

And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost. (Acts 8:18-19)

We believe the Holy Ghost is a blessing (a gift so to speak) for those that make the covenant of baptism with Jesus Christ (and Heavenly Father).

Now to go along with this, the LDS church also believes in a couple of other things:

We also believe that everybody that comes into this world is born with what we call “The light of Christ” This isn’t a “spirit” like the Holy Ghost is, but is more part of each of our own spirit. I kind of look at it as some way we are all connected to God. We also believe this is part of our consciences (that helps us choose right from wrong). This “light of Christ” helps guide us towards the truth of really anything, but mostly about our path in life. Its great power when we tap into this.

Next we also do believe that the Holy Ghost can bare witness to anybody (in or out of the LDS church) about the truthfulness of Christ, the book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, and so forth. This witness is kind of an added power that is given to this light of Christ we all have. Really I kind of think that’s how the Holy Spirit speaks to each of us. But when we feel this “prompting” of the Holy Spirit it is really just to push us closer to the truth. To bare witness of what we are hearing or learning.

After the spirit, (Holy Ghost) leads us to Christ and the waters of Baptism, then we are promised to have the Holy Ghost in are daily lives (by the laying on of hands by somebody with the priesthood). This prompting is more then just leading us to truth, but help us live our life, and even protect us from danger. But this still requires that we live worthy (keep the commandments) to have the Holy Ghost in our life!

The hardest part (kind of) is really taping into what the spirit is trying to tell us. As you listen to the missionaries, Read the Book of Mormon, and even go to Church, Listen for the spirit. Really it isn’t something you hear (even though that can happen) its more something you feel. Get into tune with the spirit!

I hope that answered your questions!

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I would ask you to examine yourself and your acts. Do you have the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your life as the Apostle Paul taught?

Galations Chapter 5

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.


mm well im working on it although somtimes it a bit of a battle!

thankyou for all your anwsers, i think i understand, i did say to the missionaries that when they are here i feel different but as soon as they leave its a struggle once more.

any way thanks for replying,


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well i have posted a few times on here as im guess what you guys would call an investigator. i have had missionaries visiting me for a couple of months now.

anyway i was raised a baptist and taught that as soon as i accepted jesus christ as my saviour that i received the holy spirit. now i have to admit that although i didnt get any warm fuzzy feeling or life changing expeirence i have always believed that the holy spirit has been leading me and guiding me,( up until this point that is when i havnt got a clue which church God wants me in) but the missionaries taught me that i wont recieve the holy spirit until i have been baptised and somone has layed their hands upon me?

i dont want to go on feelings, so can you please tell me do i have the holy spirit or not?

Hi deblldo -

Yes, you have had the influence of the Holy Ghost with you, to confirm that you are heading in the right direction in your search for truth. This is His job, to lead all unto Christ, by bearing witness of ALL truth. His main calling is to bear witness of Jesus Christ and God the Father.

If your life has been one of virtue, according to the knowledge that you have at the time, then the Holy Ghost must confirm what is true, so that you may know it. The feeling of being taught by the Holy Ghost is felt in your mind and in your heart simultaneously. Kind of like the law of witnesses. You will feel a clear certainty, as well as a peaceful and comforting feeling in your heart. This feeling is enlightening and enlivening.

So when you have received light, or knowledge which is true... His influence will accompany that truth, with a confirming witness, that you are heading in the right direction. When we have those experiences, we then desire to continue moving toward more light. This is more than the 'light of Christ', which is given to all men. The influence of the Holy Ghost is what teaches our conscious mind, and confirms with clarity, that we 'should' choose, by accepting that which is righteous. If we follow this in our lives, we eventually qualify for the Holy Ghost, to now, in a sense -- take our hand and lead us to Jesus Christ and His true servants. When this happen, we then become accountable to the knowledge we have sought and which has been given. If a person rejects this tutoring which has brought them to the truth of His Gospel, and to His chosen servants, then that temporary 'gift' will withdraw, and you will remain only with the influence of the light of Christ, which aides us in knowing good from evil.

Those who accept the true 'Gospel' of Jesus Christ, will accept those of His servants that offer you the 'way', by following the Savior into the waters of Baptism, which will then qualify you for the endowment of, by proper authority given unto His servants... 'the Gift of the Holy Ghost'. A gift is a thing given to us by someone who cares and loves us. A gift is a one-way present, not wanted back.

When we give a thing to someone, our desire is that they will rejoice and treasure always that gift. In the gift of the Holy Ghost, Heavenly Father bestows this gift upon all those who receive His Son, or His Gift to US. We love Him, because He loved us FIRST.

We continue to qualify for His 'constant' influence, from this day forward, by remaining clean through the use of the Atonement. We do this as we remember Him always, and keep His commandments which He has given us. Look at all the gift Giving and RECEIVING!

These are the blessings that come to those who make and keep sacred covenants, or promises.

The Gift of the Holy Ghost ****** Quote taken directly from the official Church website. Topic - Holy Ghost

All honest seekers of the truth can feel the influence of the Holy Ghost, leading them to Jesus Christ and His gospel. However, the fulness of the blessings given through the Holy Ghost are available only to those who receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and remain worthy.

After a person is baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, one or more Melchizedek Priesthood holders lay their hands on the person's head and, in a sacred priesthood ordinance, confirm him or her a member of the Church. As part of this ordinance, called confirmation, the person is given the gift of the Holy Ghost.

The gift of the Holy Ghost is different from the influence of the Holy Ghost. Before baptism, a person can feel the influence of the Holy Ghost from time to time and through that influence can receive a testimony of the truth. After receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, a person has the right to the constant companionship of that member of the Godhead if he or she keeps the commandments.

I would encourage you to ask a lot of questions from your missionaries. When ever you feel confused, let them know this. They will be happy to clarify what they have taught you, until you are comfortable with your understanding of what has been taught. They also benefit as missionaries, in that they are challenged to teach with more clarity the next time they work with a person. You are a blessing to these sweet missionaries as they teach you. They are being taught also, of how to be the best disciples for Christ that they are able to be.

Remember, questions bring clarity, peace and revelation to all. Don't hold back.

I wish you the best in your journey for truth. I know with all of my heart that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. I know that the truths that I have been taught, by those who represent The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints, do come from God, and that this is His Church upon the earth, in this last DAY. I have been blessed by and through my membership in the Church in amazing ways, as I have come to know my Savior.

I love having the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and cannot imagine life without it any longer. As we ask for direction, understanding and to know truth, the Holy Ghost will teach you that which you desire to know. You will know that you have this gift, when He teaches you those truths about Jesus Christ that are much more enlightening than anything you would have figured out on your own. The Holy Ghost makes you much smarter than you are on your own. LOL But this is a fact. When you are understanding concepts and eternal things with clarity that you have not known previously, you can be certain that you are being taught by the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost is a revelator. He not only causes you to 'feel' what is right in your heart, but He reveals understanding to you in your 'mind'. Again, the law of witnesses. It is a beautiful testimony, that we have been given that which is of God.



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I am not going to say that you have not had glimpses of guidance along the way. You are investigating with missionaries, if you are earnestly searching your heart of whether you want to know, ask him, ask him, ask him.... Revealing to you does not mean you will have immediate light beams shining down upon you. It may be revealed to you when and where you least expect it to. Open your heart and mind to Him.

When you decide to commit your life to Heavenly Father and Christ, first step in fulfilling baptism ordinance by someone with the Priesthood Authority, then be given the Gift of the Holy Ghost by someone with Priesthood Authority, you will recognize the difference between having temporary guidance to having a constant companion if you are living righteously- you can push it away when not. Life changes occur when you are willing to follow and listen to the commandments and live by them. The constant companion of the Holy Spirit will be there to give you confort and warnings to even the smallest of things. Be aware and listen, you are in process of earning trust from the Highest. Also-- We all faulter, so don't let the advesary bring on confusion/trick you into thinking you are not within reach of Gods Gifts.


Earnest: http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/earnest

Gift: http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/gift

What Automn breeze said to you is absolutey so true and wisdom filled! It is true, you do receive the spirit from time to time as all do. And when you receive the gift of the Holy Ghost And you live Worthily and stay that way, you will be blessed beyond all that you could ever possibly imagine!


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There have been some very good posts. I do not want to sound critical but I sense a problem deblldo. If you expect an answer from the internet you are confused. If you lack wisdom you should ask of G-d. (See James 1:5-6).

Rather than read the responses on the internet - I suggest you read the Book of Mormon and ask that the spirit make know to you what you should understand from you reading.

I have my opinion and witness but what you need can only come from our Father in Heaven

The Traveler

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There have been some very good posts. I do not want to sound critical but I sense a problem deblldo. If you expect an answer from the internet you are confused. If you lack wisdom you should ask of G-d. (See James 1:5-6).

Rather than read the responses on the internet - I suggest you read the Book of Mormon and ask that the spirit make know to you what you should understand from you reading.

I have my opinion and witness but what you need can only come from our Father in Heaven

The Traveler


yes i am confused :blink: i have been taught certain things for 14 years of my life but now i meet these missionaries who tell me different things. im confused because i like the sound of some of those things but i want to make sure those things are true and its not just because my heart wants them to be. as i said above i was taught that once i had recieved christ as my saviour i would recieve the holy spirit, so i have waited and prayed for him to guide me in this matter, bt to be honest i havnt "felt" anything. i simply just dont know what to do which lead to me asking the above question.

i thankyou for all your opnions and maybe your right its just a case of keep praying and reading until i know for certain. thats if i never know for certain the missionaries tell me i should just step out in faith .

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I just happened to listen to a talk by Craig Ostler on recognizing the spirit. It was very enlightening. The main point was that yes we have the burning bushes and the Kirkland Temple experiences, but most revelation from the beginning to the present has been in that still, calm spirit that resides in our hearts and that at the same time gives us intelligence. The spirit is not just a warm feeling, but must be accompanied by this intelligence or enlightenment or this desire to do something.

Br. Ostler also talked about what revelation we receive depends on what our purpose is in asking for it. In other words we must know what to ask for and ask for the right reasons. I realized in listening to him how much revelation I have received without naming it as such at the time. It is that spirt or inspiration which causes us to turn direction or study more or do something we really weren't intending to do. It's for example being in a place where you are just at that moment when someone needs your assistance. If we are expecting the trumpets and glorious visions we will miss those daily moments of pure revelation we receive as we go about our daily lives. Learning to recognize the spirit takes practice and as we do it more and more, it is amazing how often we find ourselves receiving that inspiration or guidance as we go about our daily tasks and how much easier it is to discern from the true spirit and just our own desires.

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Hi deblldo,

LM has it right:

The Holy Ghost most certainly speaks to, guides, and comforts people outside of the LDS church. We don't claim to be the only place where you can find the Holy Ghost. We just claim that through faith, repentence, baptism, and the laying on of hands, we can have the Holy Ghost with us as a constant companion.

That's what the missionaries were talking about by "receiving the Holy Ghost".

No doubt about it. The Lord has been leading you throughout your life. I want to testify to you that He knows you personally, and He is guiding you.

If you were to ask every member in this forum about how they are able to recognize the Spirit though, you'd get many different answers. That's the beauty of it--It's personal. God, in His own time (and in His own way), will help you to gain a testimony if you work for it. Some people gain it through prayer, others from paying a tithe, yet others attending church, etc.

Here is an example from the life of the prophet Elijah. Note how the Lord ultimately spoke to him. It can be that way with us too--very subtle.

Learning to feel and recognize the Spirit can be difficult. It's definitely a learning process--it can take time. Many prominent leaders in the church investigated it a long time before joining. Believe it or not, many people also gain a testimony of the church after they have joined--a huge leap of faith. One such example comes from the life of President Lorenzo Snow:

You may ask, “How do we seek personal revelation?” Paul counseled the Saints to rely on the Spirit rather than the wisdom of the world.3 To obtain that Spirit, we begin with prayer. President Lorenzo Snow had studied the gospel for several years before joining the Church. But he did not receive a witness until two or three weeks after his baptism when he retired in secret prayer. “The Spirit of God descended upon me,” he said. “O, the joy and happiness I felt, [for] I then received a perfect knowledge that God lives, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and of the restoration of the holy Priesthood, and the fulness of the Gospel.”4

Robert D. Hales, “Personal Revelation: The Teachings and Examples of the Prophets,” Liahona, Nov 2007, 86–89

Many think that they need an earth shattering experience to know that they've felt the Spirit before deciding to join the church. I think it's much simpler than that. If you can affirmatively answer this question, I'd say you're ready for baptism: "Do you love God and want to keep His commandments?" 8 year olds have this very simple faith when they choose to be baptized. In fact, this was the question that I was asked in my baptismal interview when I was 8.

As you immerse yourself in the gospel though, it does get easier to recognize. Pray for a spiritual confirmation of what the missionaries have shared with you. Read the scriptures, fast, attend church (and other church activities). You will begin to notice a positive difference in your life. That is the Spirit letting you know that you are on the right path.

President Henry B. Eyring recently gave a wonderful talk about recognizing the hand of the Lord in our lives (Henry B. Eyring, “O Remember, Remember,” Liahona, Nov 2007, 66–69). I hope you can take a minute to read it.


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yes i am confused :blink: i have been taught certain things for 14 years of my life but now i meet these missionaries who tell me different things. im confused because i like the sound of some of those things but i want to make sure those things are true and its not just because my heart wants them to be. as i said above i was taught that once i had recieved christ as my saviour i would recieve the holy spirit, so i have waited and prayed for him to guide me in this matter, bt to be honest i havnt "felt" anything. i simply just dont know what to do which lead to me asking the above question.

i thankyou for all your opnions and maybe your right its just a case of keep praying and reading until i know for certain. thats if i never know for certain the missionaries tell me i should just step out in faith .

What you have indicated is very common. As a youth I could not understand how anyone could say that they knew anything about G-d to be true. I had great difficulty with the "knowing" something to be true. In fact, for example, as I observed life many people that "knew" the error of lies would still lie. How could someone make an error concerning something they know?

As I asked the Father of Heaven - he would teach me but I could not grasp that there was not any connection to coincidence. I have come to know that seeking for truth is not a destination but a process. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth and I believe too many people look at learning the truth of such things as a destination rather than a process.

As a scientist I have come to have doubts of many things – such as electrons. I am convinced that there are great errors in our understanding of electrons – yet there is no reason to allow such doubts to prevent us from using a switch to turn on lights. If you can see and understand more in the light because you used a switch then that is a good thing. If you can “see” things in a better light because of the missionaries then you do have knowledge. If you can see better with such light – I suggest that you have faith and seek more light an use more switches to turn on more light.

But the great failing in many concerning the Holy Spirit and such religious things is that it is not a “Me” thing. It is not about you, your salvation, your forgiveness and your eternal happiness. It is about what you can do for others (read about Enos Book of Enos, in the Book of Mormon).

The Traveler

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