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This isn't LDS music, but have you heard of India Arie? I have some of her stuff on my iPod, but today when I was taking my walk I heard this song called "Wings of Forgiveness". You should check it out... it's really uplifting.

No, I have not heard of her. Maybe I will check her out. I did get

another Kenneth Cope song called "Broken" which I really like.

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I like Kenneth Cope- he is LDS

I also love Josh Groban. He is not LDS, but his music is uplifting and spiritually filling. I also like Lex de Azelvedo.

Not very many, but I also love classical- Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart, etc. For me as long as the lyics aren't foul, the music isn't screeching or bringing me down I will listen to it.

Music has such a power to edify. Other selections (music if it can be called such) that has lack of harmony, screaming and yelling accompanied with foul language is repulsive to me. When I have control of what music I listen to I am usually very selective.

One artist I like is Enya. I also like some of Celine Dione's music. Beethoven, Bach and Mozart have many good selections. Good music can also be downloaded from here:

Download a Song (MP3) - LDS Church Music

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Music has such a power to edify. Other selections (music if it can be called such) that has lack of harmony, screaming and yelling accompanied with foul language is repulsive to me. When I have control of what music I listen to I am usually very selective.

One artist I like is Enya. I also like some of Celine Dione's music. Beethoven, Bach and Mozart have many good selections. Good music can also be downloaded from here:

Download a Song (MP3) - LDS Church Music

Oh yeah, Enya is great.
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I really enjoy Micheal McClean. Although he doesn't usually sing his own songs there is a CD called Michael sings McClean where he does. It is totally awesome!! One of his compositions I absolutely love is entitled The Garden. I highly recommend it.

Another very very very (did I mention very) highly recommended is Beautiful Saviour by David Barrus. Very Moving!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really enjoy Micheal McClean. Although he doesn't usually sing his own songs there is a CD called Michael sings McClean where he does. It is totally awesome!! One of his compositions I absolutely love is entitled The Garden. I highly recommend it.

Another very very very (did I mention very) highly recommended is Beautiful Saviour by David Barrus. Very Moving!!

The Garden is a MUST! If you go to, you can listen to audio clips of the different tracks. I also like Afterglow, the Knudsen Brothers, and Peter Breinholt's "The Big Parade" CD.

I'll share a missionary experience that I had with The Garden. I was with a new greenie at the time. We were working with an inactive, part-member family. We stop by and we see that the husband (non-member) is leaving the house and taking his hunting gun with him. She is crying asking him to leave the gun (for exactly what purpose, I don't know - but I suspected it was for her own self-infliction of harm, not for what he might do).

This was a CRAZY situation that we somehow got into the middle of. We called the police to stop by to make sure that the wife and 14 year old daughter would be okay. But I still had a really funny feeling about the entire situation. I was afraid of what HE could do and who he could possibly blame for whatever was going on.

My companion and I were in the car listening to "The Snake Lies in the Grass (full version)" and it just HIT us. The Spirit about that song was SOOO strong.

As far as the situation, we later found out that the daughter was being sexually molested by her father and with the volatility of the rest of everything, our mission president had told us that we were no longer to visit that family - unless we were with the Bishop. The wife didn't like that, but my companion and I had to focus on people that we could actually help -- and we were in no way qualified to help a family in such a situation as that.

(Didn't mean to steal the thread, but I had to share!)

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oki know i am getting to this thread a little late.. but.. here is my two cents. By the way Hoosier guy I have been amazed and humbled by your awesome testimony and journey. You have been a strength to my faith and I know the Lord has blessed you to have these wonderful experiences. Keep up the good work!:) ok now for the music.

I love a cd that is called "the power and the Glory" A group of people got together and recorded some of their favorite hymns with an orchestra and the result is absolutely phenominal! I also love anything kenneth cope.. "women at the well is really good". I also find sacred choral works by the master composers to be uplifting... the robert shaw chorale recorded one called "absolute heaven" that is aptly named. hmmmm let's see... anything else...if you want to have a little fun with the primary songs.. the sound track from "single's ward" is super fun.

ok, there's my two cents...spend it as you will.


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