antimormonism on a catholic site.

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Rather sad to see this coming from a catholic board. I post on that board mainly defending the mormon church. But I am also rather close to the catholic faith. But I don't like to see such things happen. It seems that even catholic apologetic sites are in on the antimormon game. But I also know that such people are a small minority in the catholic community. And I thank god for that fact. I was glad to see such respect for the catholic faith on the thread that mentions the catholic faith in the Gospel Discussion section. Here is the information from the catholic site:

Mormonism Special Report Project

Mormonism Special Report Project - $35 Donation



Catholic Answers is a non-profit, lay-run apostolate dedicated to serving Christ by bringing the fullness of Catholic truth to the world. We help good Catholics become better Catholics, bring former Catholics “home,” and lead non-Catholics into the fullness of the faith. We explain Catholic truth, equip the faithful to live fully the sacramental life, and assist them in spreading the Good News.

With our new special report on Mormonism, we believe we can “inoculate” Catholics from the falsehoods, half-truths, and twisted history presented by the well-intentioned but sorely misled Mormon faithful.

That’s why I’m hoping you’ll be able to send us a special gift of $35 or more to get this project off the ground.

In return for your gift, we’ll send you a set of these special reports to distribute to your friends, family, and Mormon acquaintances.

For $35, we’ll send you 5 copies of our special report.

For $75, we’ll send you 10 copies.

And for $150 or more, we’ll send you 15 copies.

This way, you can be directly involved in this project. First, with your donation, by helping us get tens of thousands of copies distributed nationwide, where they’re needed most. And second, by doing your own distribution in your local area.

Think the Mormons are just a group of nice folks who uphold family values, clean living, and American patriotism?

Think the Mormons are just a strange offshoot of Protestant Christianity?

Think Mormons are actually Christian?

Think again!

The truth is, Mormonism is far different from what most people think it is.

This is just one of the many projects that can be continued only if we receive generous support from people like you.

Thank you for your generous donation that will help continue the apostolic work of Catholic Answers.

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Just a heads up, while it is horrible to see this, lets make sure we see that there is a line drawn between the catholic church and the mislead members of the church who are doing this.

I've seen some nasty comments in chat about other faiths and views put forth by LDS people, but we know it's the members who are making the mistakes, not the church.

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that doesn't make any sense. it's a better deal at $7 a report to only give them $35(5 copies of the 'special report'), than to give them $150 for $10 a report(15 copies of the 'special report'). lol, if they're trying to sell these things, i think they have it a little backwards. aren't people supposed to get a little discount if they spend more?

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I've worked with three or four priests in my chaplaincy--none of them are fond of Catholic Answers. They seem to have adopted lay-evangelical verbage and tactics, but their "answers" are not official church doctrine, and tend to represent a rather narrow "fundamentalist Catholic" viewpoint.

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I happen to like Catholic Answers. I know they have some critical positions on Mormonism, but i try and look past that. They do have a number of good articles. I have used ideas from them in discussions with evangelicals. I found some of their stuff helpful with films and books like Jesus Christ/Joseph Smith. They get scriptural objection's to things like priesthood, grace/works issues that i also get as a Reorganized latter Day Saint. They do some good scriptural work on topics like instant salvation, once saved always saved. They do a lot of good scriptural work.

I also like reading the Catholic point of view. The two religions are not the same. But i have slightly more in common with Catholics than i do Evangelicals. Not that i don't have many fundemental differences with Catholics. But i think it is good to find some common ground with persons of other faiths if you can.

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Guest Malcolm

Doctrinally, LDS do seem closer to Catholics than Evangelicals. However, socially and politically, you're probably more evangelical than we evangelicals are. :-)


I am curious about your assertions that RC and LDS are closer doctrinally.

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I happen to like Catholic Answers. I know they have some critical positions on Mormonism, but i try and look past that. They do have a number of good articles. I have used ideas from them in discussions with evangelicals. I found some of their stuff helpful with films and books like Jesus Christ/Joseph Smith. They get scriptural objection's to things like priesthood, grace/works issues that i also get as a Reorganized latter Day Saint. They do some good scriptural work on topics like instant salvation, once saved always saved. They do a lot of good scriptural work.

The problem that I see is that they are pretty negative about other churches, especially the mormons. But I can also include the JW's and other faiths. I am sure that they mean well. But I don't think that they are representive of the catholic community at large. They seem to be a 'crusade' type organization, attempting to spread their truth and directly critizing other faiths.

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It's trendy to be anti-Mormon now. BIG LOVE has just started ruining on a local channel up here. We watched a bit of it last night and thought it was horrible how they didn't separate the Church from these "fundamentalists".

My wife has lost all respect for Tom Hanks, who is a producer of the show.

It does seem to be trendy and obviously there is money to be made in antimormonism. And I suppose that it is the point of it all. Spead fear in the catholic answer membership and make some money through donations.

But I do like the catholic church. I find it very peaceful and holy to be in a catholic church.

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As a former Roman Catholic I am saddened to see this blatant ploy to make money and spread possibly misunderstood information about the Mormon religion/people. If I was a Catholic now, I would like to see a copy of what I was sending for before laying out any cash, so that I could try to see if it was a balanced document or not.

I've noticed similarities between the RC church and the LDS church too, which made my transition from Catholicism to Mormonism easier. I'm just saddened that different religious groups can't take the time to find out the real facts about others' religions before dissing them in any way... :(

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There can be no end to antimormonism as long as Mormonism upholds itself as the singular authoritative arbiter of God's modern direction for mankind. What is a seeming contradiction in the minds of many outsiders is the notion that Mormons do not find themselves subjects of that authority, but supporters of it only as individuals who have obtained the same divine communication received by even the most authoritative church leaders.

Perhaps the greatest support for antimormonism comes from the lack of testimony already present within the church. Efforts to deny a man's personal contact with God are as futile as attempts to convince a man he is blind when he has 20/20 vision. It is when the saints take their eyes from the salvation of God and take no part in the communion of the Holy Ghost that the antis have power.


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Guest Malcolm

The sprawl of Christianity as a self defined, non-ecclesiastical, non-denominational entity is the root of such vociferous opposition. When EVERYBODY believes they are called of God to do His work however they see fit it sounds threatening and counterintuitive to have an organization claiming to have ALL the keys of the kingdom of God on the earth.

We should note, however, that for 2000 years there were 1 billion living beings in the earth but God was speaking to a handful of men, called by Him by His own mouth and they belonged to the same family trees. 99% of the inhabitants of the earth never got to hear the name of the God of Israel. And most of the ones that heard it did not care about it.

That they dismiss the LDS claims, I am not surprised.

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I just visited Catholic Answers i see a lot of their objections to Mormonism sincere. To me rather than accuse them of misunderstanding i prefer to discuss their concerns. LDS have some apologetics organization of its own, and can comment directly on their stuff if needed.

To me their current LDS related stuff is milder than a lot of Evangelical stuff i read. But it should be remembered as a Catholic apologetics group they get serious questions from Catholics on Mormonism. So they have to write articles on Fundemental LDS and Catholic differences. Catholics want to know how to answer LDS claims and they have a need to meet.

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But, Pushka, if I take time to learn about the other, it might be harder to look down on them, and puff myself up with self-righteous pride. :-)

LOL PC...I can't argue with you on that one!! :D

Dale: I just visited Catholic Answers i see a lot of their objections to Mormonism sincere. To me rather than accuse them of misunderstanding i prefer to discuss their concerns. LDS have some apologetics organization of its own, and can comment directly on their stuff if needed.

To me their current LDS related stuff is milder than a lot of Evangelical stuff i read. But it should be remembered as a Catholic apologetics group they get serious questions from Catholics on Mormonism. So they have to write articles on Fundemental LDS and Catholic differences. Catholics want to know how to answer LDS claims and they have a need to meet.

I must admit that I didn't look on the website listed, to see how their articles regarding the LDS church were worded. I used the word misunderstood, because I was assuming that some of their comments may have been that way regarding LDS doctrine. Of course it would be beneficial to both groups to meet and discuss their differences in a neutral manner. (Time for PC to promote that LDS meets Evangelist book he likes, lol :lol:)

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I wish their apologetic was less tough. Apologetics tends to be a mean business. LDS apologetics tends to be very mild. To me apologetics can be a dog eat smaller dog business. Do you take being bitten by the dog or use mace on him?

It is hard to research Mormonism. Unless the persons writing the articles were familiar with LDS apologetics they used anti-Mormon research.

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The beauty of...I'll use the word apologetics rather than anti-whatever...on the internet is that every word is a hypertext opportunity to consider and stumble apon. Considering that word indexing may bring a significant amount of people to a site that are not your targetted audience and that each word may end up on a search related index with a significant amount of sites that do not support your targetted opinion it can produce interesting results. Censorship of alternate viewpoints is nigh impossible.

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Perhaps the greatest support for antimormonism comes from the lack of testimony already present within the church. Efforts to deny a man's personal contact with God are as futile as attempts to convince a man he is blind when he has 20/20 vision. It is when the saints take their eyes from the salvation of God and take no part in the communion of the Holy Ghost that the antis have power.


The lds church has tried, I believe, to make outreaches to other faiths. And I believe that the lds leadership may have felt that the lds church has been successful in doing so. But during the past several months there has been much antimormonism being demonstrated on the Internet and in other media outlets.

Catholic Answers is just getting in the game that seems to be profitable at this moment. When I write profitable, I don't mean financially but rather it is now more acceptable to create antimormon spaces.

And yes, you are right about the Holy Ghost.

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I do not let others prejudices bother me. To me if LDS don't like the objections then they need to hammer them in public and private. FAIR is doing some good in that regard. But without the LDS Church officially getting into apologetics FAIR has very limited ability to educate members and the public. I think the LDS might benifit by atleast an apologetics DVD going over basic Anti-Mormon issues. And then put on it further resources people can go to find answers to issues.

I feel i should love persons caught in anti-Mormon activites. Many of them are good people. I have met some good people in that type of ministry.

It can be upsetting when they hit you with every bit of witnessing trivia they ever heard. I have survived several witnessing episodes because i have been prepared. I have had person's respect my Community of Christ, and the LDS a bit more because i handle myself well. I find being decent with critics is better than being contentious.

I much prefer to discuss their issues not whether they are bigots. The person involved with Catholic Answers might be a fantastic Catholic. The person may be such a great person we could sit and discuss issues over a Coke. When it comes to religion we would have significant differences. It is hard not to be tempted to let that persons prejudice divide them from you.

How would Jesus deal with Catholic Answers? How would he have us deal with them? I feel he would not want me to participate in generating heat towards them. Its not that they should not be answered. FAIRs method of answering issues is very Christlike.

I compare my self defense apologetics to mace. If a dog tries to bite me i will spray them with mace. As long as the dog just growls and stays far away from me i won't go over and bother the dog. If the dog isn't interested in biting me, but is still cranky i will say nice doggy. If i can make friends with a cranky dog i will.

Of course i am not saying Mormon critics are animals. I only used the illustration for illustrative purposes only.

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What on earth does it matter if their bigotry is sincere or insincere? The point is that they are bigots and seek to harm The Church of Jesus Christ.

I think that the point is that the posts on their forum are not sincere in their opinions. They are antimormon and the lds church can be called every name in the book (no curse words) and the posters can get away with it. Some of their posters make Larry McDonnel from the McLaughlin group seem like a boyscout.

Catholic Answers is anti mormon and in some respects no different than the alarmists from the early days of the lds church. At least that is how I read their tract and some of the posters who post on their forum.

Now I have to say that the animosity in on the non-catholic relgion section of the forum. The rest of their forum is multi-faceted with interesting topics for discussion.

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Before they try to remove the mote in their Mormon brother's eye(s) they should remove the beam in their own!

It is not true that they (the Catholics) have a lot of house cleaning to do before they start criticizing other's faiths?

I am sure Mother Mary would be embarrassed and ashamed!

Abraham of the Chaldeas

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Before they try to remove the mote in their Mormon brother's eye(s) they should remove the beam in their own!

It is not true that they (the Catholics) have a lot of house cleaning to do before they start criticizing other's faiths?

I am sure Mother Mary would be embarrassed and ashamed!

Abraham of the Chaldeas

Before labeling "The Catholics," be aware that there are over a billion of them in the world, and that the spectrum of attitudes and beliefs is wide. The priest I work with informs me that some private Catholic publishers and websites are extremely conservative, even urging the faithful to disobey their bishops and report them to the Pope, etc. In other words, let's follow the advice we give others: IF YOU WANT TO KNOW THE TRUE BELIEFS AND ATTITUDES OF ANOTHER RELIGION GO TO THEIR OFFICIAL SOURCES.

Catholic Answers has no more authority to express church doctrine or official church criticism of the LDS faith than does any particular poster on this site have the authority to officially, on behalf of your church, offer criticism of Catholicism.

(Just label me the evangelical referee -- LOL)

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