Church Court


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Okfor all... remember it will all be ok at the end, just keep strong in faith and humblein heart.

Isnt it great to be on the right road! May take a while to be completely back in the narrow path, but the direction is right...

Even greatmen make mistakes...sometimes.

And dont forget ...God loves you!

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How can you say it is for love, when you kick a member out when they are at their lowest?

I want to address this, since it IS relevant to the topic.

Excommunicating and kicking out are NOT the same thing.

When you're excommunicated you do lose the blessings you were promised/covenanted, but you're not "kicked out" of the Church. As it's been said, it's a loving process. The excommunicated person is still allowed to come to Church, and it's actually encouraged and part of the process to becoming a member again.

Being excommunicated doesn't mean no one is allowed to be your friend, or that you won't receive any blessings at all.

There's actually times when it takes the severity of excommunication for a person to realize how off course they were and what they need to do to get back on track. There are accounts of members who "rejoined" the Church and were thankful that they had been excommunicated, because it ended up helping them.

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To build a bit on the previous post by Visions of Lehi.

The process of Church court discipline might well be likened to fresh, clean water that is ever flushing out the constantly forming cesspools of sin and corruption common to mortality and continually thrust upon man by the power of Satan.

Part of the Repentance Process calls for Justice to be served. In scriptural terms, justice is the Church members can become candidates for excommunication as they involve themselves in gross iniquity,

plural marriage, apostatize from the teachings of the Church.

Gross iniquity involves such transgressions as murder, adultery, sexual perversion, or serious civil court conviction such as a felony.

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Don't know if you'll see this before you go in, but hang in there. They're kinda nervewracking, but when it's over, you'll be greatful you went thru with it. There's nothing but the utmost love and concern for the one in the hot seat.

Been there, done that.

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Well it has now been put off until Thursday the 27th. Unable to get everyone together. However, the Stake President did give me a blessing and gave me several things to read. You were all right. Only the spirit of love has been shown toward me in this most difficult of times. I am now looking forward to doing what I must do to regain my full fellowship in the Church. Although I do know that at this point the result will be excommunication or disfellowshipment, it will only be imposed as a way that I can break free of my past sins.

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There will be also a clerk recording the essentials of the council. he has no say, but will record the names of those present and their necessary offices, the date and place, the charges and your responses, any general eviences and questions asked, the descision made-for which you will be absent, and the terms and conditions of the decision when presented to you, and perhaps your responses to them. The exact details of your alledged offences will not be recorded, and perhaps not discussed. The whole will, if the more serious discipline is applied, be typed up and submitted to the Area offices. It may be forwarded to SLC for storage, as it may be needed for the first presidency to act when repentance has been adequate. There is no specific time for repentance to occur, it's an individual thing, though there prob are guidelines as to minimum timeframes, but nothing specific. It may take considerable time to be reinstated, no matter how hungry you are for it. The Lord will not be rushed about this, and you will have to decide whether to make the effort or not. I do warn you, make sure you don't die til you're reinstated-it could get very spiritually ugly if you do.

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Posted · Hidden by skippy740, May 19, 2014 - inappropriate
Hidden by skippy740, May 19, 2014 - inappropriate

Well it has now been put off until Thursday the 27th. Unable to get everyone together. However, the Stake President did give me a blessing and gave me several things to read. You were all right. Only the spirit of love has been shown toward me in this most difficult of times. I am now looking forward to doing what I must do to regain my full fellowship in the Church. Although I do know that at this point the result will be excommunication or disfellowshipment, it will only be imposed as a way that I can break free of my past sins.

Bring Ritz Crackers and Cheeze Wiz to the court. That always put the Stake Presidency in a lenient mood. Worked for me.

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I am hoping for the best but am expecting the worst.

I just wanted to interject something here. The worst that could happen would for you to be unrepentant. That certainly doesn't seem to be the case, so I'd say you have no worries! :)

I have had to go through the repentance process twice (though never the court), and both times I was terrified and ashamed to approach my bishop (especially the second time, because it was for the same thing I'd already repented of before). But I was never shown anything other than kindness and love, and never felt judged or condemned. I'm sure you won't be either. You did come forward on your own, after all, which shows to all concerned that you care enough and are repentant enough to want to do what you can to make things right.

Good luck! I'll keep you in my prayers.

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No Michael, not a marital issue. I am divorced, have been for three years. Hey I knew the rules. I was the one who looked the other way and didn't keep the commandments. I can't expect them to look the other way. There was no crime here from a civil standpoint so there is nothing I can repay or restore. I suppose the love aspect is they love me enough to make sure I have a second chance to make it to the CK.

At this point, what I read already, stop posting personal information. That information is held between GOD, the Bishop, involve party, and you. You are a child of GOD and it is expected that you make mistakes in this life. We all have except the Savior. It is our humility, sincerity, and in making honest restitution.

Now, if you are sincere, fast prior to the court date. Live that day as a missionary would dp. As with King David, make that sincere plead before your Maker and to allow the spirit to help the Bishopric to make the right decision.

Nothing is lost here. Remember, it is GOD's love that is really important here after the court decision. The atonement is the key here friend.

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It's over finally. I have never felt such an outpouring of love in my entire life. The concern and the actions of the members of the High Council were beyond description. All I can say it that if there is something about a church action that is bothering you, go and take care of it. This was such a positive experience, one that I will never forget. I look forward to the next year where I can show that I am truly worthy of full fellowship again.

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View the future as one of being uplifting, renewing, and gratitude for a loving God and a great opportunity for growth, peace, and love. Adhere to the churchs basic teachings and always, always have a prayer in your heart. I am so happy for you and your bright future ahead.

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I'm so glad you are feeling better. It sounds like you really have the right mindset and spirit about this, and that will be of huge help to you during your repentance process. Good luck (though it sounds like you don't need it)! :)

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It's over finally. I have never felt such an outpouring of love in my entire life. The concern and the actions of the members of the High Council were beyond description. All I can say it that if there is something about a church action that is bothering you, go and take care of it. This was such a positive experience, one that I will never forget. I look forward to the next year where I can show that I am truly worthy of full fellowship again.

:D glad to hear everything went well. It seems you are not far from the spirit anyway. ;)

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