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Mine is a long story which I have written a testimony of (link in my profile) - the short version is that I went looking. I searched and investigated lots of churches, joined and left some, joined and stayed with 2 for a while, then eventually found the one. It took me a year before I realised that I knew it was the one.
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Guest tomk

I was born into an LDS family.

I went through a few years of inactivity, before coming back.

I don't know if I have ever suffered persecution, like tar and feathering or even verbally, except that which I heaped upon myself by becoming inactive and taking my blessings for granted. It has been a long road back. The Lord Jesus Christ is loving, patient and kind.

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Mine is a long story which I have written a testimony of (link in my profile) - the short version is that I went looking. I searched and investigated lots of churches, joined and left some, joined and stayed with 2 for a while, then eventually found the one. It took me a year before I realised that I knew it was the one.

I read it great story.
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I was greek orthadox my whole life. I moved out of my parents home and lived with my sister in NY, she was LDS and wanted me to start going to church with her. I absolutely refused to go at first but the very first sunday was all it took for me, and later I was baptized by my brother in law.

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I was baptized by my dad at 8. I was pretty solid with my testimony up through my mission. I guess I have been off and on since then. I don't know that I would ever have considered myself "less active" but there were times that I didn't want to go to church. Right now things seem to be working really nicely for me and I see that it is because I have renewed my faith in my Savior and my dilegence in doing what is right.

The only persecution I ever suffered (that I know about) was on my mission in Texas. Yeah let's just say that they are very deep in the Bible belt there and don't take kindly to us Mormons. Hahahahaha. It was a very good testimony builder for me though.

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Thanks for this thread, lostnfound.

You may have already said elsewhere, but I'd love to hear how you came to Jesus. I hope non-lds also tell their conversion stories here if they like.

I consider myself to have been "born" into the church. I followed my mother's faith (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.) I was baptized at the age of 8. There came a time, starting when I was a teenager that I had a desire to know for myself and so since that time I have been studying, praying and obeying what I believe and continuing that journey of faith. I have had many challenges of sin and of life circumstances, but I almost always manage to get my rear in the bench on the Sabbath day (to church! :lol:), and I have always had a desire to keep the Lord's commandments as I understood them.

Even though my father and mother were married in an LDS temple, my father has told me that he already did not believe in the Church, especially during when he was on his mission he decided that he did not believe. So he never went to church with us and eventually he was excommunicated from the Church (for adultery). My father was always an example to me of love and kindness and similar great qualities (as was my mother). My parents divorced. My mother remarried my stepfather (who was LDS). As the parents in the home they set a pretty good example of things such as church attendance, paying tithing, family prayer, family home evening, attending the temple, etc. etc. I recall that as a teenager attending my weekly Mutual (youth group) activities, and daily seminary (instruction in the scriptures during the school year -- as one of my school classes), and I loved them both very much. They saved my life, as there were many material and spiritual challenges in our family.

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Thanks for this thread, lostnfound.

You may have already said elsewhere, but I'd love to hear how you came to Jesus. I hope non-lds also tell their conversion stories here if they like.

I consider myself to have been "born" into the church. I followed my mother's faith (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.) I was baptized at the age of 8. There came a time, starting when I was a teenager that I had a desire to know for myself and so since that time I have been studying, praying and obeying what I believe and continuing that journey of faith. I have had many challenges of sin and of life circumstances, but I almost always manage to get my rear in the bench on the Sabbath day (to church! :lol:), and I have always had a desire to keep the Lord's commandments as I understood them.

Even though my father and mother were married in an LDS temple, my father has told me that he already did not believe in the Church, especially during when he was on his mission he decided that he did not believe. So he never went to church with us and eventually he was excommunicated from the Church (for adultery). My father was always an example to me of love and kindness and similar great qualities (as was my mother). My parents divorced. My mother remarried my stepfather (who was LDS). As the parents in the home they set a pretty good example of things such as church attendance, paying tithing, family prayer, family home evening, attending the temple, etc. etc. I recall that as a teenager attending my weekly Mutual (youth group) activities, and daily seminary (instruction in the scriptures during the school year -- as one of my school classes), and I loved them both very much. They saved my life, as there were many material and spiritual challenges in our family.

your welcome..I thought we needed something lighter.;)

I came to know about Christ at really young age when my father was killed. It was then that I started to ask the questions of where would I go when I die. My mom had remarried and when my step-father who was believer and former when I asked the question to my step-father he started to share with me the gospel and I gave my life to christ.and baptized a few years later...But to be honest..Years and years later after growing up in a christian home..this was not enough. I needed to know for certain that my faith was real. So this is when I started to learn if my faith was real or just something I grew up with and started to ask the questions that I believe Digitalshadow is asking currently...This is when my faith become solid. I have served in ministry every since and have traveled to distant countries telling the world about christ.

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My Parents joined the church when I was 5. My mother and father were both very devoutly catholic and my father started reading the book of mormon to find something wrong with it. They had several aquaintances who were members and it piqued my parent's interest. Long story short My father read the book, handed it to my mother and said "I know it is true, you decide what we are going to do" she read it and gained her own testimony. So i grew up in the church but it was not until i was 17 years old that I came to question for myself if this was indeed the Gospel of Christ. My parents being the awesome people they were loved me enough to let me search for myself, I began reading the Book of Mormon and when I got to Moroni's promise at the end I actually took him at his word and prayed about it. The spirit confirmed to me that this is indeed the Savior's church and He stands at it's head.

So that is how I came to know.

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I was born into the Church. I never doubted it was true until after God had worked with me in undeniable ways. Even then, though, I came to realise that that didn't necessarily mean the LDS Church was true.

I'm one of those people who never got a profound 'burning in the bosom' concerning the Book of Mormon, or the Prophet of the Church of the day. I've tried hundreds of times over the last 40 years. Nothing. I do, though, get lots of small warm fuzzies and spiritual epiphanies that in congregate are impossible to ignore.

But then as I experienced the Church as an adult, and learned of philosophy, psychology, and various religious traditions (including pagan, mystical, occult and Eastern, etc.) the Church just made really, really profound sense. And I say now, that the Church is true, and I have no doubt in that.

I don't think the Church is as true as God Himself, though. Not that it makes a difference. If President Monson said "Jump!", I'd ask "how high?".


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I was born into the Church. My mom's side of the family goes back several generations. In fact, one of my ancestors is mentioned in the Doctrine and Covenants.

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I have been a member of the church all my life. About the time I turned 12yrs old I never wanted to go. I was often dragged to church by Mom. When I was old enough to drive I would often leave the building and come back when church was just about over. One day I decided I wanted to serve a Mission. I was 19 at the had to get cleaned up and I left when I was 20 and served in Leeds England. This is where my knowledge and testimony of the Gospel took shape and grew. I have really shortened this alot.
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I have been a member of the church all my life. About the time I turned 12yrs old I never wanted to go. I was often dragged to church by Mom. When I was old enough to drive I would often leave the building and come back when church was just about over. One day I decided I wanted to serve a Mission. I was 19 at the had to get cleaned up and I left when I was 20 and served in Leeds England. This is where my knowledge and testimony of the Gospel took shape and grew. I have really shortened this alot.

that is so funny..I have never heard of anyone sneaking out and coming back. Just thinking about it makes me laugh.

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My parents are both members and I was born into this church, and while it was a great organization that taught good principles to grow up on, I didn't truly believe it until a couple years ago when I started to really look for myself and find out if it's true. Ever since then, my life has changed immensely (it wasn't going so good at the time). I feel like a different person, or maybe just a better version of me. I've come a long way, and tonight was very special to me because I had an interview with the stake president and he's submitting my mission papers online.

In 2-3 weeks I'll let you guys know where I'm called to serve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm mega-excited.

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I was born and raised in the church. We go all the way back to Joseph Knight, who is mentioned in the doc. & cov. My grandparents where always very involved in the church. My grandmother was always helping those in need. She is and always will be the greatest example of the pure love of Christ. My mother on the other hand was the family rebel. She married young, had 4 kids, and divorsed. We were not alway active. When I reached high school I found the best friends anyone could ask for. I became very active, and really thought I knew the church was true. I never doubted it for a second. After high school my grandpa died. It was devistating. Long story short, he's the closest thing I've had to a father. Dad left, stepdad was emotionally and psychologically abusive. I still remained active. Taught primary and loved it. I met my husband and fell madly in love. Unfortunately I slipped up and got pregnant before I was married. Which caused me to become inactive. I was ashamed. No one treated me differently. It was me who passed judgement. The moment I REALLY KNEW for myself, was when they handed my son to me. I hadn't gone to church since finding out I was pregnant. Wasn't praying or reading scriptures. There really wasnt much spirituality in my life, but I will tell you now, the second I put eyes on that little bald head I knew. I didn't cry. It was so strange to me, but I knew without a doubt what the Lords plan is. There was such a peace that I couldnt cry. I knew exactly what the meaning of life is. Needless to say I became active again right away. And I'll tell ya what, that kid continues to stregnthen my testimony. Even before he could talk he knew who Christ was. He was always so drawn to His pictures. We'd show him pictures of us and he didnt care at all. He always wanted to see the pictures of Christ. When he started to talk, we'd be driving down the road and if we passed a church with a statue or picture of Christ he'd get excited and yell, "Jesus, Jesus!"

Anyway, this ended up a lot longer than I meant. I just want you to know that THIS is the Church of Christ. I know it's true, and I am so blessed to be a part of it. I always think of how my life would have been if I had not been born into it. I admire all of you that found your way here. How great your blessings must be.

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I have been a member of the Church my whole life starting at age 9. Technically I was a convert and was taught and baptized by the missionaries in Lahti, Finland. I don't remember much from that day, but I do remember that the missionary who baptized me was an American with red hair. :-) I also remeber a distinct feeling of having my sins remitted, and the calm assuring presence of the Holy Ghost. That I can never forget. I knew from an early age that the Church was true because of the Spirit that I felt during the missionary lessons and at my baptism.

A lot of credit goes to my mother, and later my father for teaching me what was right. Because of the love of my parents and what they taught me, I was able to get out of a really bad place later in life. I ended up straying away and getting into drugs in my teenage years. What was interesting, and I talk about this with my brothers sometimes, was that even during those times, I never once doubted my testimony. I knew the Church was true, and I knew that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ I could repent, when I had the courage to change my ways. I would often tell one of my good friends stories from the Book of Mormon even.

One day, after having tried many times on my own to quit, I decited to turn to God for help. I was at my dad's house all by myself, and I knew I would have the whole day to work this out. I had my drugs on me as well, and I was tempted to use them. I knelt in prayer and begged Heavenly Father, in the name of his Son, to forgive me and to help me. After my long and tearfilled prayer, I was prompted to throw all my drugs and everything to do with them in to the fire I had going in our fireplace. After overcoming my desire to keep them (just in case), I threw them into the fire and watched them burn. I then fell on my knees again and prayed like I had never prayed. I asked God to heal me and take away my addiction. I promised to never touch that stuff again if he would do that for me.

I went to bed and slept the remainder of the day and all night. When I woke up the next morning, my addiction was gone. God had heard my prayer, and had healed me. Because of this, and many struggles after, I was able to repent and renew my baptismal covenant. I remember that day as distinctly as my baptism, when I partook of the Sacrament (The Lord's Supper) worthily again after a long time. It was like the day of my baptism, and I received the Holy Ghost again into my life. It is the greatest miracle in my life.

Many other great things have happened to me because of my faith and trust in the Lord, and obedience to God's commandments. I received the priesthood, and served an honorable mission after that (in Finland). As a missionary, and now, when I say that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, I'm not just repeating something I heard someone say. I actually know He is the Christ. I have applied his Redeeming blood in my life, and I know it has power to save.

I'm not perfect, and I sometimes make mistakes. But I know in whom I place my trust, and where I can turn for peace and forgiveness. I take the teachings of Paul and Moroni to heart, and am priviledged to work out my salvation with fear and trembling before the Lord (Phil. 2:12-16, Mormon 9:27) I thank my Father in Heaven, for his Son.



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breeb and Vanhin... thanks! And thanks for l to start this thread.

I was converted at the age of 30. Before that I had been searching for years. I had a "high" position in youth in Lutheran Church, but I felt empty and hungry.... you can read my long story in testimonies. You can get there through my icon too. It stil is only apart of the story....moore follows later...

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I don't have a conversion story as my parents were members when I was born. However, my Dad has a very interesting conversion story that he used to recount over the dinner table to missionaries as I was growing up. Ill try to compact it as much as possible as it is long...

My Dad's Dad died when he was 15. This hit him very hard and he said he remembered walking into the room after his Dad had died and thought, where is he? Where's my Dad gone? It hit him hard, and when he was about 17, searching for answers he even considered becoming a Priest. He married my Mum when he was 21.

2 years later, still thinking about and pondering answers as to the meaning of life, he was one day diging up the garden on a really beautiful day. He looked at the soil, and the earth and thought, 'where has this come from, it must have been made SOMEWHERE.' He knew he definitely didn't believe in evolution, so he thought there must be a God. Anyway, he decided to start searching into religions to see what happened. He went to the local library and took out a few books on several religions. Amongst them was a factual history of the church which he read and found fascinating. He then went onto read the next book, the book of Mormon. He got himself settled and quiet to read it, and in the old book of mormons, Moroni 10:4 was inscribed in the front cover. So he went upstairs and tried to pray. He said he felt really silly at the time but just said, God, look is it true, just like the scripture told him to. He said he felt nothing so went back downstairs and started to read again.

I don't know how far in he got, but as he was reading he felt something on his cheek and brushed it away, only to find it was a tear and he had been crying while reading the book. He said what followed was the most powerful experience of his life-he felt the burning in his chest so overwhelming and an immediate thought-this book is true.

So, later that night my Mum gets in from work utterly oblivious to all this. My Dad greets her with hello Darling guess what Ive read this book and I want to join the church. You can only imagine what my Mum must have been thinking.

Ok, trying to fast forward, My Mums sister and husband were members so she rang them to ask for a book of mormon and they were stunned and decided to come down and visit (they lived 200 miles away). My Dad found out the local times of the church and went on Sunday and met the missionaries who were obviosuly very interested in Dad. They invited him to a baptism that night which he went to. Aterwards the elders challenged him to get baptised there and then. He said the only reason he didnt do it was because he wanted his Mother to know what he was foing and wanted her there. So he waited. And got baptised on the wednesday, a week to the day he had go the book of Mormon out the library. Him and Mum. Then they has the missionary discussions after they were baptised.

Two weeks later Mum was called as Young women president and Dad as Young mens president, while they were still having weekly discussions. Bearing in mind a month earlier, they were living ther livesmerrily as before, My Mum had a 40 a day smoking habit and liked a drink. Dasd smoked and drank too, but not heavily and gave up the second he was about to be baptised. To my knowledge, he only strayed from the church once when I was about 5 and him and Mum were having problems in their marriage. Im not sure how long it lasted but he came back.

The missionaries always loved his 'self-referral' conversion story. Cool isnt it???

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