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well, my dilema (and its not really a dilema) is my brother is dating this girl that was married and sealed for less than year. He is super strong in the church and was just wondering if that would limit his church callings in the future. He is the type of guy that would be an incredible bishop, etc (i know he can only be called of god).


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well, my dilema (and its not really a dilema) is my brother is dating this girl that was married and sealed for less than year. He is super strong in the church and was just wondering if that would limit his church callings in the future. He is the type of guy that would be an incredible bishop, etc (i know he can only be called of god).


I think it depends on if she recieved a cancellation ofsealings, because if she didn't your brother can't be sealed to her and I think I non-sealed marriage can affect the callings you can have.

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well, the cancellation of sealing would more than likely go through (her husband abused her). After that I still wonder if it would limit his abilities to serve.

It wont. If they are married in the temple after cancellation of sealing there is no calling that he cannot be called to. My son is married to a good lady who is a divorcee and has not been told that he is ineligable for any calling. There are some limits on temple callings. You can not be called to work in the temple for 5 years after a divorce. All divorces must be cleared with the Stake President before a new temple reccomend can be issued. Marrying a divorcee has no effect on the person who has never had a divorce other than if the other partner was married in the Temple. In that case they cannot be married in the temple until the Temple Marriage has been annulled.

Larry P

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well, the cancellation of sealing would more than likely go through (her husband abused her). After that I still wonder if it would limit his abilities to serve.

I don'r see why it would. Your brother has never been divorced and with the cancellatin of sealings it's like her first marriage never happened because she wasn't the person in sin.

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Actually, if you have been divorced you can't be the presiding officer in a Quorum or Pesidency.

Wow that's not true. My last Elder's Quorum President was divorced. Of course he was remarried. I think what you meant was currently divorced and you can't serve as Quorum President.

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All divorces must be cleared with the Stake President before a new temple reccomend can be issued.

Again another wow, not true. I just got my temple recommend and the Stake President doesn't even know me or my situation. I just got divorced 2 weeks ago. There is no question regarding your marriage or divorce in the temple recommend interview.

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Actually, if you have been divorced you can't be the presiding officer in a Quorum or Pesidency.

Where did you get this information? Can you please put a link to it, I would really like to read it. Thanks
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Again another wow, not true. I just got my temple recommend and the Stake President doesn't even know me or my situation. I just got divorced 2 weeks ago. There is no question regarding your marriage or divorce in the temple recommend interview.

I don't recall anything like that either - just a question about whether you are fulfilling your financial obligations with child support if it applies. Our bishop told us recently that he can't counsel people to get divorced or not, but for them to come to their own answer through prayer and study.

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Guest User-Removed

well, my dilema (and its not really a dilema) is my brother is dating this girl that was married and sealed for less than year. He is super strong in the church and was just wondering if that would limit his church callings in the future. He is the type of guy that would be an incredible bishop, etc (i know he can only be called of god).


There's an old Catholic saying that relates to the election of a new Pontiff...It goes like this..."The Cardinal who walks into the conclave a Pope...always walks out a Cardinal"

You can somewhat apply this Catholic view to your "pseudo" dilemma.

In the early days of the Restoration, those who struggled and postured to become leaders in many cases didn't fare well. Those who didn't seek it...NOW...They were the ones who did the job.

I'm sure your brother is a fine man. Knowing that, both you and the rest of us on this thread know that the Lord is watching over him.

Our every move should be with a desire to seek perfection...not a calling.

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My brother inlaw (my sister's husband) was divorced with 3 children when they married. He has been a branch president and served in the bishopric. Neither he nor his first wife ever requested a temple cancellation so they are still sealed. She has not been active in the church since before the divorce though.

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I don't recall anything like that either - just a question about whether you are fulfilling your financial obligations with child support if it applies. Our bishop told us recently that he can't counsel people to get divorced or not, but for them to come to their own answer through prayer and study.

thats right....those who are not paying what their divorce states to a spouse or child support,don't get a Temple Recomend.
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Guest ADOZ

Actually, if you have been divorced you can't be the presiding officer in a Quorum or Pesidency.

Can you give a referral of such a statement?

Thanks :)

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Wow that's not true. My last Elder's Quorum President was divorced. Of course he was remarried. I think what you meant was currently divorced and you can't serve as Quorum President.

I think you just have to be married.
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So, my conclusion of this thread is that no, it does not matter if a person has been divorced or not in relation to what callings they hold. Our last bishop was a divorcee and my Dad is divorced and it has not stopped him holding leadership callings or having a temple recommend.

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So, my conclusion of this thread is that no, it does not matter if a person has been divorced or not in relation to what callings they hold. Our last bishop was a divorcee and my Dad is divorced and it has not stopped him holding leadership callings or having a temple recommend.

Darn, you mean I can still be called to high level positions? I was hoping I was free and clear!!! :P

I'm divorced yet I have a Temple recommend. So that one is gone as well. As stated earlier, you need to be up to date on support payments to keep it though.

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