My LDS journey....


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Hi everyone! :newbie:

I joined about a month ago but I think now that the semester has finished for me I'll have plenty of time for chit chat on this wonderful forum!

To introduce myself, I'm a 24 year old LDS convert. I joined when I was 13 thanks to a wonderful friend I sat beside in art class!! I went to all kinds of churches, as my parents weren't religous, before joining, and I knew this was 'the one'. Joining the church has been the best thing in my life. I am so thankful I joined when I teenage years wold have been much different, I think, had I not.

My first year of college I kind of 'fell off the wagon' so to speak. :conscience: I wasn't a fan of singles ward, I don't think I was ready for marriage, and it freaked me out. I moved to Europe and married a lovely man I met over there. I was semi-active while over there, but my husband isn't a member and it wasn't very easy. My testimony waned a bit upon returning to the US!

Namely, I developed a frustration with the church in the US. It wasn't as 'accepting' as my wards abroad had been of my situation--being married to a nonmember. But, my crisis of faith was needed, I think, to fully develop the testimony I have today. I even went to a few other churches a few times, to truly find out again the truth of gospel.

Now, I'm so happy to have the Spirit back, but I can still relate to those who have became inactive or those who have converted. I'm hoping I can bring some of my experience to this board and hopefully help out some people like me.

Also, I love fellowshipping with fellow members. Being the only member in my household can get kind of lonely sometimes!

So, hello everyone; I look forward to getting to know you. :)

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Namely, I developed a frustration with the church in the US. It wasn't as 'accepting' as my wards abroad had been of my situation--being married to a nonmember. But, my crisis of faith was needed, I think, to fully develop the testimony I have today. I even went to a few other churches a few times, to truly find out again the truth of gospel.

Perhaps we all need to pass thru a crisis of faith so the Lord can use us better. Glad you are here. Welcome.

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fiona where is your husband from?

I think you are right about the church being more accepting abroad. I think members here can be more open minded, compared to some people I have come accross. I dont know why that is, but hey. I know loads of people who have a non member spouse, its just normal here really. Looking forward to get to know you better :D

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Thanks so much everyone!

Aphrodite...he is from Edinburgh. You are spot many people in my ward over there had nonmember spouses! Maybe alot of members are more open minded because many of them are converts? My ward had sooooo many converts...i think most of the people who were born into the church in my Edinburgh ward wee Americans!

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yeah, I think ur right. Most members here are only 2nd generation members-their parents converted perhaps in the 60s or 70s when they were alread married. So thats why its more normal. My ward is very chilled really. There are always the odd one or two who think its their duty to tell you what to do, but we have single mothers, teenage parents, smokers, people who wear shock, horror trousers, to church-and nobody bats an eyelid.

I like that. True christian acceptance :)

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