Word of Wisdom question


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Hi all,

Well, I've been a member a decade but I am still confused a bit by the Word of Wisdom. I feel this is probably the right place to get a general consenus.

I am reading a book about the church right now (written by an LDS man). In it, he says that we don't drink "caffineated" tea or coffee.

When I joined the church the missionaries told me coffee and tea had carcinogens, and that's why we don't drink it. It was not the caffiene.

Well, I have LDS friends who don't drink Coke and then i have ones who do. The ones who don't say its because we can't drink caffeine and the ones who do say we can have caffeinated Coke, just not coffee or tea.

So, which is it? Am I allowed to drink decaffinated coffee then but not Coke? Also, the missionaries were telling me tea caused cancer but its been proven that its full of anxtioxidants that fight cancer.

Or, is it just hot drinks we can't consume? I don't believe so because all of my years at girls camp we woke up to a big cup of hot cocoa in the mornings!

BTW, I drink alot of herbal tea....green tea, peppermint tea, etc. I love it AND i know its good for me....its basically just drinking herbs....and I was told that herbal tea was okay. BUT green tea has caffeine??!?!

Enlighten me? :confused:

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The Word of Wisdom is a law of health revealed by the Lord for the physical and spiritual benefit of His children. On February 27, 1833, as recorded in section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord revealed which foods are good for us to eat and which substances are not good for the human body. He also promised health, protection, knowledge, and wisdom to those who obey the Word of Wisdom.

Word of Wisdom prohibits decaffeinated or caffeinated coffee. The Lord also counsels us against the use of “hot drinks.” Church leaders have said that this means coffee and tea, which contain harmful drugs. We should avoid all drinks that contain harmful drugs.

Black teas are against the Word of Wisdom. I would counsel with your Bishop concerning green teas but I have been informed that they are a drink that should be avoided.

Caffeinated soda pop is not against the Word of Wisdom unless you are addicted to it and or drink excessive amounts of it.

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Thanks still small voice,

I'm not in any way trying to rebel against the counsel of the church on this, just needing clarification, but I don't see how tea contains harmful drugs? I mean black teas....which I know are against the word of wisdom and I don't drink, but I'm still wondering.

And I can't see anything wrong with green teas myself......

but at least you've clarified the caffeine thing for me! Thanks!

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The principle is we are to have an intake of what are considered "harmful substances." Whether it be carcinogens, caffeine, or tannic acid(I think that is right, one missionary told me that was the problem). Anyways, the point is our bodies are temples, and thus should be treated as such. Do you defile the House of the Lord?(rhetorical)

One of the general authorities(want to say Benson), said that Arsenic isn't listed in the word of wisdom, however use of it might limit your other opportunities to partake of harmful substances.(If you know what I mean)

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Here is what I've figured out: Pepsi is for those who think young because of its slightly sweeter taste. It is good when you are feeling frivolous. You need more than a modicum of frivolous for good mental health.

For more serious or mature Mormons, Coke is the real thing.

For those who just want a buzz, without that wonderful cola taste, Mountain Dew fits the bill.

Green tea appears to be a health food. Still, you know what they say....

Hope this experiential research helps.

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Always there to brighten the picture Mo... Thanks

I think it is personal besides the obvious you should pray and come to your own opinion. I like green tea, my mother get's it decaffinated. I'm kinda into flavored sparkling water these days. I really for me just do my best to do what I feel is right.

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Thanks all!

So....I guess its all up for personal interpration then? Black tea bad, green tea maybe bad, caffeine okay because its really the carciongens and tannic acid in tea and coffee that are bad...but people such as the author of the LDS book who say its about caffeine are just interpreting it their own way...

I guess I'll just keep drinking my green tea,then. Because I see it as good for my body and thats what the WoW is all about.

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...Whether it be carcinogens, caffeine, or tannic acid(I think that is right, one missionary told me that was the problem). Anyways, the point is our bodies are temples, and thus should be treated as such. Do you defile the House of the Lord?(rhetorical)

There are several kinds of food and beverages that have tannins. If you're going to include tea because of tannin then you'd have to consider all other food and beverage products that also have tannin, just to be fair to your temple. But the WoW does not say it prohibits the consumption of certain foods and beverages due to tannin. To be honest, the main reason the WoW is followed is due to obedience, not for health reasons. Coffee, tea, and red wine have been shown to have many health benefits when consumed in moderation. And personally, I don't see any health benefits to soda pop, which is something that should really be included in the WoW.

Tannin-containing foods & products


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Hi all,

Well, I've been a member a decade but I am still confused a bit by the Word of Wisdom. I feel this is probably the right place to get a general consenus.

I am reading a book about the church right now (written by an LDS man). In it, he says that we don't drink "caffineated" tea or coffee.

When I joined the church the missionaries told me coffee and tea had carcinogens, and that's why we don't drink it. It was not the caffiene.

Well, I have LDS friends who don't drink Coke and then i have ones who do. The ones who don't say its because we can't drink caffeine and the ones who do say we can have caffeinated Coke, just not coffee or tea.

So, which is it? Am I allowed to drink decaffinated coffee then but not Coke? Also, the missionaries were telling me tea caused cancer but its been proven that its full of anxtioxidants that fight cancer.

Or, is it just hot drinks we can't consume? I don't believe so because all of my years at girls camp we woke up to a big cup of hot cocoa in the mornings!

BTW, I drink alot of herbal tea....green tea, peppermint tea, etc. I love it AND i know its good for me....its basically just drinking herbs....and I was told that herbal tea was okay. BUT green tea has caffeine??!?!

Enlighten me? :confused:

Good luck. You ask 10 Mormons their take on the WofW and you get 13 different opinions. Just read D&C 89, pray about it, and do what YHWH (the Lord) tells you to do.

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I personally have no problem with coke,pepsi or caffeine in any form. The word of wisdom does not say, thou shalt not drink tea and coffee due its tannin and caffeine. Theres nothing there about it atall. The caffeine thing has come, in my opinion, from over zealous mormons looking for a specific reason as to why its forbidden, so they can ban all other substances containing the evil caffeine. It is just peoples interpretation of it. I dont even like tea or coffee (apart from the smell..mmmmm) so i stay away from it but I do like herbal teas, and I also sometimes drink a fruit flavoured instant tea which has something like 2% of tea extract in it. (only as a treat mind as its a fiver a tub!!! :D )

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The principle is we are to have an intake of what are considered "harmful substances." Whether it be carcinogens, caffeine, or tannic acid(I think that is right, one missionary told me that was the problem). Anyways, the point is our bodies are temples, and thus should be treated as such. Do you defile the House of the Lord?(rhetorical)

One of the general authorities(want to say Benson), said that Arsenic isn't listed in the word of wisdom, however use of it might limit your other opportunities to partake of harmful substances.(If you know what I mean)

Looking at this WoW, little bit different here. Any substances, whether food, supplements, animal meats, even natural drinks [including water] can be harmful in vast quantities to our mortal flesh. If we look at this revelation given to Joseph Smith, using our spiritual eye vice natural, anything that prevents us from being not attuned with the Godhead, is dangerous path in mortality or spiritually detrimental to our salvation.

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This is just my two cents on the WoW.

When I look at verse four, it gives a whole new meaning to the why certain products may be "banned."

It has been shown that many times that tobacco companies, at least in the US, have "conspired" to market their product in deceptive ways. Likewise, alcohol products are often advertised with misleading information.

With coffee, one can make a case that much of the coffee production is operated in a fashion similar to drug cartels. I know that is harsh, but why do you think there is the "fair trade" coffee these days?

Basically, I think that the WoW is a plea to consume items in moderation (as other scriptural passages implore). Additionally, there is a warning to pay attention to manipulative men in the latter days. Its not too often you see a lettuce salesman trying to "push" lettuce (i.e. you're cool if you eat the lettuce). Or a wheat farmer forcing his crop onto the masses. On the other hand, items such as tea, coffee, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, etc. are often marketed with misleading advertisements (i.e. you'll be happier if you drink "X" product).

I think the the WoW can be summed up by the acronym KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid (or Silly as my wife prefers). If we limit our intake to the "simple" things, we will be better off.

Personally, I think the WoW should include French Fries and donuts.... they are my personal health risk :D.

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After reading D&C in regards to the WoW you should consult your priesthood leader in the Ward and discuss it with him These are very important issues to be left to "personal interpretation." That view, in my opinion, is like quick sand.

And you'll get his opinion on it. What if he counseled you to stop eating meat in the winter months? Most of them will say.. don't drink, don't smoke or do drugs, don't drink coffee or caffeinated tea, and pray about the rest.

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I think we're commanded not to drink coffee because it smells and tastes horrible. :D:P

For real, I think we're not supposed to drink it even in decaffeinated form and caffeinated pops should probably be avoided even if you're not LDS. Actually, I think pop is just bad for you. I don't think we need a huge list of things to avoid because we are smart enough to know what is harmful.

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High fat processed foods with high salt and sugar content are much worse for you than tea or coffee. Yet people in the church still can have poor diets with this kind of food. Yet tea and coffee are forbidden.

I dont get that......

Seventh-Day Adventist are modeling right before our eyes what a Word of Wisdom diet should look like.

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Thanks all!

So....I guess its all up for personal interpration then? Black tea bad, green tea maybe bad, caffeine okay because its really the carciongens and tannic acid in tea and coffee that are bad...but people such as the author of the LDS book who say its about caffeine are just interpreting it their own way...

I guess I'll just keep drinking my green tea,then. Because I see it as good for my body and thats what the WoW is all about.


I really liked Still_small_voice's answer. As far as the tea question goes, the tea we are prohibited from drinking, if we are to live the Word of Wisdom, is Camellia sinensis. White tea, green tea, oolong, black tea, and kukicha are all from the same plant and are therefore not on the list.

There are scientific reasons, no doubt, for us to live the WoW, but the main reason is simply to be obedient. When the Saints first received the WoW, they did not know what we now know about the harmful effects of some of the substances in coffee, tea, alcohol, and tobacco (and now harmful drugs such as LSD and such). They simply lived it in faith. The reason I bring that up, is to point out that sometimes we may not know the reasons for why something is prohibited. Many members in their attempt to provide some reason for the WoW to their non-member friends, come up with all kinds of things, such as it must be the caffeine! As SSV pointed out, even decaffeinated tea and coffee is prohibited.

Beer without alcohol in it, on the otherhand, is ok. :P The WoW, as currently clarified by the Church, prohibits the consumption of alcohol. In this case that specific substance is on the list.

Then there is the spirit of the law, as Hemi pointed out. There are all kinds of things we should avoid. Some completely, others simply should be consumed in moderation. Those things are left to our judgement, and the guidance of the Spirit. But as far as obtaining a temple recommend, and the promised blessings of the WoW, just adhering to it, in it's simplicity, as taught by the missionaries will suffice. :)



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Well, I had it explained to me as a question of dependency. The substances included in the Word of Wisdom were all items that could produce a physical addiction or dependency by the user. Tobacco, alcohol, coffee and tea (and I'm not getting into the black v green tea debates, LOL) are all items that can cause the body to become addicted. I'm not sure what that says about my love affair with Hydrox cookies (which are wayyyyyy better than Oreos), but that certainly seems to make some sense.

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