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  • Birthday 08/22/1946

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    Sandy Utah
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    Science, Cycling, Skiing, (outdoors in general), Liberty and Gospel Doctrine.
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    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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  1. Some time ago I wondered about the physical appearance of Christ. I thought it odd that many claim to know Jesus Christ but at the same time I wondered if they knew him well enough that they could pick him out in a crowd. I have a brother that I ski with, we meet at the ski resort. We know each other so well we do not even have to plan on where or when to meet. We can spot each other on the lifts or the slopes because we are so familiar with each other. When Jesus walked among us as a man there were some that immediately recognized him (even a rather impious heathen lady) and some that despite all the evidence could not recognize him (even the most respected pious among the Jews). I have come to believe physical appearance is likely not the best means of recognizing Christ. I speculate that Jesus is likely shorter than most men of this modern age. I have no idea concerning the pigment of his skin, the color of his hair or his eyes. I speculate that he does not look so much like me. Anciently there was a great King of the East that had spies in various areas (including in and around Jerusalem) that heard of Jesus and his miracles and teachings. I speculate this great King was of the sort that were among those that sought Christ from the star when He was born and also perhaps related to or was Prester John or of a line of Prester Johns. This great King was converted that Jesus was the Christ and knew of plots to kill Jesus. So, he commanded his spies deliver a letter to Jesus along with an artist that was commanded to draw a portrait of Jesus. It was believed that Jesus hand wrote a letter to this king that was delivered with the drawn portrait. Though the portrait was lost in time the letter was presumably preserved among “Christians” in the East that became to be known as Nestorian Christians. The letter that is claimed to be written by Jesus is the only original document text of possible sacred ancient documents known to exist today concerning the Christ. This document has been tested and proven to be written at the time of Jesus upon parchment available only around the Jerusalem area – thus extremely unlikely a fake. I am amazed that this document is not better known but what is more astonishing to me is how many “Christians” do not care about such a document just because it was not included in our (their) “Western” Bible. I am convinced that in this day and age – it is quite dangerous to know anything of the “man”hood of Christ – for a great many reasons, including some religious (Christian) reasons. The Traveler
  2. Since this thread has been brought back up – I thought to add some more of my thoughts about the one and only true and “LIVING” church. In my mind the importance of the one and only true and living church is equivalent to or saying that there is only one true and living path or way. In a previous post of mine on this thread I used the metaphor of Kingdom that is often used in scripture in reference to the society of G-d. Obviously, there are many kingdoms that we encounter in mortality – we could also say governments or the structure of laws by which societies on earth are governed. Just as there is only one true and living G-d, there is only one true and living church structured with G-d’s laws (not man’s or man’s interpretations) and ordinances and commandments. Since there were no comments about divine kingdoms or governments my assumption was that this concept was not understood or considered of upmost importance. This leads me to believe somewhat that few are capable or interested in discussing the structure of laws by which G-d governs his Kingdom (which his Church is part). The one example I used in a previous thread pointed directly to the law given to Peter that would allow him to seal here on earth (perform functions) within the church on earth that were valid in Heaven or after we die. Of course, baptism is an example of such a function. As I said previously, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only organization I know of on earth that claim and/or attempt to insure all have opportunity to be baptized on earth and have that sacred law sealed in heaven. Many “churches”, rather than deal with such necessity as baptism claim that it is not all that necessary, despite the fact that Jesus himself, of necessity, was baptized. I would now point out that the scriptures bring to bear a second witness that there is a true and living Church in the giving witness of the “Path” or “Way” of G-d to salvation. The post that started this thread seemed to indicate (as I understood it) that there is no such thing as the only one true and living path or way – only a best path or way available at the time. I find no such witness in scripture. Rather I find comments like straight, and narrow is the way or path – implying only one path leads to salvation. Jesus said that he is the way. I understand that to mean that He is the Christ, and that Christ (Messiah) is the only means or path of salvation and exaltation and that he is not a Christ or Messiah of confusion but of clarity and exactness for all his disciples and followers. There is no other true and living path. If one is not convinced, they are on the one and only true and living path it can only be because they do not know the one and only true and living G-d nor His Son (Jesus Christ). It is not possible to know G-d without knowing His Son – the Son of G-d – Jesus Christ (the Messiah) and the one and only way that they have provided. There is a caveat that needs to be understood. Though the path is currently available to some in this life – it is not complete or completed in this life. One of the simple truths that was lost from scripture that was restored in the Book of Mormon is that there is of necessity a “time” between death and the resurrection to complete the way or path. There are spiritual echoes of this in the ancient scripture of Genesis that references the way or path to the “Tree of Life”. The Book of Mormon provides more concerning this path in what is known as “Lehi’s Dream” of the path and the “Tree of Life”. It is true that other churches (religions) have access to truths. It is possible that there are individuals in other religions and churches that know and better understand certain truths than some (even many) of the Latter-day Saints. Their understandings and efforts to appreciate and honor the truth they have received or discovered will be of their benefit when they leave this life and await the resurrection. Likewise, there will be many things individual Latter-day Saints will think they understand that will have to be adjusted for when they leave this life and await the resurrection. I do not believe we (LDS) have to convince anybody of anything in this life. Our job is to testify of Christ and teach the doctrine of Christ – particularly the doctrine of Christ that was lost and restored for us now in the Book of Mormon. There are great advantages in this life and the next to know and follow the path holding on to rod of iron (way), being aware of the fulness of the Gospel of Christ (or doctrine of Christ) that is in the Book of Mormon and take advantage of the Laws, Ordinances and Covenants of the only true and living Church of Christ. The Traveler
  3. I believe the proper term for NPR (or any political commentary) – political activists (specific political party alignment) is narcissistic personality disorder. Though Trump is often called out for being narcissistic (for very good reason) it is a label that fits 99.9999% of those seeking elected political office. Explanation from the Mayo Clinic: The Traveler
  4. Monday Ukraine announced (Monday April 22) that they had captured a Russian General. This is a little perplexing because I have not seen any coverage of this in USA news broadcasting. But then I do not watch every minute of news coverage. There is a lot of stuff on You Tube and other internet sources but there does not seem to be any Russian response or US responses???? In light of this and what Israel did with Iran – there has to be repercussions – across the entire world structure of country alignments. At first glance this looks to be good for Western aligned countries, but I am concerned that without solid Western (democratic) leadership that all this could be more destabilizing – especially in light of political unrest and demonstrations against Israel and not Hamas. Things seem to keep turning in ways I do not expect. The Traveler
  5. Perhaps many have seen this video about the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine of Christ. I realize that it is longer than most would care to listen, but I recommend it if you have not seen it before. I especially like the reference to Lehi’s Dream and the three points of doctrine of Christ and what we can understand from the examples given in revelation. The Traveler
  6. Dear Friend @SparksFly; (For some reason your handle is not registered with the forum?) You are very lucky and fortunate to have dodged a bullet. Perhaps I should say a deadly fiery dart of the adversary. Scripture tells us that Satan flatters us into following a course that leads to destruction and bondage. Though I am retired now I spent much of my professional life traveling. I would say about ¼ of my life. Sometimes for several weeks at a time. Joining me in my travels have been several good LDS serving in what many would call high positions. Also, I traveled with many rather shady characters. I think there is something about traveling that tends to get a person out of sorts and venerable to flattery. Especially from seemingly good looking and smart seaming others. I witnessed those that under such circumstances succumbed to the temptations of the moment. I would say that without a single exception (good LDS or wild heathen) that never did anyone falling for the flattery of predators and pursuing pleasures contrary to the Law and covenant of Chasity end in anything even remotely close a happy ending. Much more, if for any reason you would become the predator. It was (is) always a heartbreaking disaster for all involved – even for the remotely involved. The guilty feeling for being flirty is nothing compared to the guilt Satan has planned for you. I personally do not know you nor do I know anything about your marriage relationship. I will not pretend I know how to advise you moving forward beyond the admonition to repent. Let the spirit guide you through the process as to what you should do and who to tell. It is possible that your husband could be devastated and unable to cope even though for now it seems quite harmless. I can truthfully say that there is great rewards for remaining loyal and faithful to sacred covenant. There is spiritual strength and great happiness in keeping divine covenant – especially the covenant of marriage. I am personally grateful that in the few times my beloved wife has asked, that I can honestly look her in the eyes and say I have never strayed (though tempted) and remained loyal to our covenants to G-d and each other. I believe there would be joy in your life knowing that your husband is faithful to you. I remember the Prophet David O. McKay saying that it is a greater honor to be trusted than to be loved. The Traveler
  7. Greetings @MarkJedidiah: I am going to speculate a little with the assumption that you are not a member or very well acquainted with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Never-the-less welcome to the forum and thank you for your contribution. It is always interesting to have points of view outside the usual box of LDS posters. We have a few non-LDS posters – but with the cacophony of LDS that post, many non-LDS are a little shell shocked from diving deep into religious themed discussions – especially if there are scientific ramifications. There really is no theologian class within the LDS society. Even our current Prophet and president made his living (profession) as a world-renowned heart surgeon. There are some that study scholastically into our divine prophetic based theology, but our belief and ordinance structure is not based on scholarship (including scholarship of ancient scripture) but rather on a direct line of priesthood authority to ancient apostles and prophets chosen by Jesus Christ (which was the source anciently of scripture). As a scientist I believe that I can speak concerning the elements of our universe as unsustainable without intelligent manipulation on at least level III of the Kardashev scale. As a covenant member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I was ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood through a line direct to Jesus Christ. I have a complete line without any gaps or missing pieces or even speculations. A line of authority necessary to prepare a people for the inevitable return of the Messiah. Those Christians of the Protestant movement are of necessity ignorant of lines of authority direct to Christ, based instead, in claims of inspiration through the Holy Spirit in the name of Christ. We LDS believe that Christ prophesied of such claims from those that would say they did their deeds are in the name of Christ but that he (Christ) never knew them - meaning that he never authorized them through an ordaining by the laying on of hands as he did for his apostles. We are instructed in our temples that order is brought to this universe through a divine power hierarchy. That this divine power has it source in G-d the Father and is made available to mankind through Jesus Christ the Son of G-d. That Jesus Christ is the Word by which our earth and solar system was created and prepared for life as we currently know and experience life. We LDS also believe that Jesus Christ (Word) has created (ordered and organized) many worlds and solar systems. We are instructed through modern revelation that such authority (priesthood) is inseparable from the powers of heaven and can only be exercised upon principles of righteousness (meaning by covenant with G-d). This means that one must be loyal and obedient to divine covenants with G-d that begin with the covenant of Baptism – not any baptism claimed to be in the Name of Christ but that baptism that was divinely authorized as was that of the Prophet, John the Baptist that baptized Jesus in the waters of Jordan. The Traveler
  8. Hmmmmmm --- I would think that graph ought to indicate even greater concern. The Traveler
  9. What can you do with an elephant on the freeway? Almost 21 miles an hour. How do you know if you just passed an elephant? The toilet won’t flush. The Traveler
  10. The economy and commodities are such a weird confusing mixed bag of conundrum in my mind – I am not sure how good of an indicator (especially in the short term before the election) such things are. In the entire history of civilization there has never been a drop in money supply that was not followed by a depression – I must emphasize a depression not a recession! We are currently experiencing a drop in the money supply. With war looming something very serious must give in our economy and supply chain. I am not an expert, nor do I pretend to understand all possibilities, but it sure looks to me like all efforts are being made by both political parties (as well as the corporate and financial structures) to kick the can down the road and blame the other party for everything and definitely not to take any responsibility (even a minor responsibility). I am concerned that any give that arises in either the economy or supply chain will result in a cataclysmic seismic shift. And with our borders open I am concerned that the first effort of terrorists will be soft targets on our infrastructure which will exacerbate any financial or supply chain problem. My hope and trust is in the revelations given recently (in the last few years of General Conference). I am counting on the miracles President Nelson spoke of. (woops sorry about the ending with a preposition). I am of the mind and impression that things are so already in motion that the coming election will not matter much one way or the other. The Traveler
  11. I believe that had the Abraham accords been continued under Biden all this would not have happened. Our country has become so divided (especially with a hatred of Trump) that the democrats were not willing to give Trump any credit for anything (especially in the Middle East) and this is the result. I wonder how soon that the left wing blames Trump for this whole problem. From revelation of the restoration, we are told explicitly that although we hear of wars in foreign places – we know not the hearts of men in our own country. The Traveler
  12. Brigham City. The Traveler
  13. My impression and opinion is that the withdrawal in Gaza is to prepare themselves for a defensive position from a possible Iran backed invasion of Israel. The Traveler
  14. Though I would agree with some of your assessments of confusion over plural marriage in the early Church of the restoration – It is my opinion that that your assumptions of Ether 1 are not well founded. My great grandfather was a polygamist late in the era of Utah polygamy. He noted in his journal that most of the polygamists of his era were in error and disobedient to covenants concerning their plural wives (among his references of those disobedient was his brother). He also referred to his entire family as singular. I speculate that it was more likely that the brother of Jared had married children and thus the reason for plural reference to his families. Or another possibility is that his first wife had died, and he remarried a woman that was previously married with children and then had more children. This is only my opinion and I have nothing other than my opinion to reference. There are other references like Jacob 1 verse 15. While we are on the subject of plural wives. Anciently the difference between a wife and concubine was that a wife entered the marriage with a dowry and a concubine had none. The dowry was considered the property of the wife and if the wife was divorced the dowry had to be given back to the wife. The same goes if the wife died – her dowry was to be returned to her family or children. Early in the restored Church there was never a distinction between a wife and concubine – all were considered wives. Many in modern western civilization think of concubines as illegitimate – akin to current standards of living together or common law wives. The Traveler
  15. Woops It should read all that G-d commands to be included, should be included in scripture. Sorry for the confusion - and thanks for asking to be clarified. The Traveler