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Posts posted by bytor2112

  1. My eldest son is getting married in February and just returned from his mission in March of last year. I will continue to pay for car insurance, cell phone, tuition and I give him about $600.00 per month while he is in school. 


    I do not want him to graduate with college debt and he also works. So, until he graduates and goes onto grad school I will support him and his wife all that I can and will ween him off mom and dad's financial support as time passes.


    (Note: If either of my sons started doing poorly in school or exhibiting behaviors that were less than honorable, they would find it difficult to get financial support from me.)

  2. I would very much find any information you would be willing to share to be useful. I am 33 and my father had a heart attack at 44, so I am trying to avoid that fate. (To be fair, my father did smoke three packs of cigarettes a day).

    Were there any warning signs beforehand? Was the chest pain just like heartburn? Were there other warning signs? Was there anything you could have done to prevent this, or was this completely just fate? (It sounds like it was fate, being caused by genetics).

    I don't mean to pry, but I am interested in any information I can get to try and avoid heart disease in my future, if possible.


    DL...I am going to post a lot about my experience this week-end. But, the short answer is YES....many warning signs that I did not recognize or was willfully blind to and they began several years before the heart attack. The heart attack itself began on a Monday and ended on a Friday. It did feel like severe heart burn as well as other symptoms....but I was/am a gym rat and the thought that I was having a heart attack was not a consideration.


    First symptom of a heart attack is.....denial. More to come....

  3. 16 months post open heart surgery and I feel AMAZING! I had no idea that I wasn't feeling well.....go figure. Life is pretty much like nothing bad ever happened and I am back to the gym again and doing whatever I want.....maybe even better,


    My LDL cholesterol is 60....weird and I had one 100% blocked artery and three more that were nearly 100% blocked. Anyways, I am going to post more about the whole experience from cardiac arrest to surgery and recovery. Maybe it will be useful to someone...


    The irony is that I had been away from the forum for a year or so and posted "I'm back" the night before the heart attack.About 6-7 hours after posting "I'm back" I was in the ER flat lining. Should have stayed gone....

  4. One side has controlled the narrative and the courts that made it possible since the early 1970's and have taught a couple of generations that it is about choice and not about human life etc I do not like those who do violence or act fanatically either, but, I I get their frustration and I am certain our Heavenly Father weeps at our wickedness.

  5. I thought this was an interesting piece from the hypocratic oath:


    I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion. With purity and with holiness I will pass my life and practice my Art. I will not cut persons laboring under the stone, but will leave this to be done by men who are practitioners of this work. Into whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption; and, further from the seduction of females or males, of freemen and slaves.

  6. Not really shocked....just feeling worn down. 


    Full story here


    “I love providing abortion care to women, and I am proud to do so,” Payne wrote, adding that she and many of her colleagues are “not afraid, embarrassed or ashamed to say so.”

    Payne explained:


    Who wants to be an abortion provider?


    I do. And I don’t have a nose-ring or a tattoo. I’m a 5’ blonde from Ohio and my last boyfriend was a pastor. In fact my Midwest, Christian upbringing is largely responsible for my belief that providing abortion services is one of the most meaningful ways I feel I can contribute to making the world a more fair and equal place for women.

  7. You may think it a quibble, but Christ did not "forgive" her. The words are "Neither do I condemn thee." There's a difference, and I believe it to be significant.



    Not to quibble.....but, what do you suppose HE meant. A quick search for talks using this story as an example yielded one from President Monson in which he begins the story with "One of the most touching examples of mercy and forgiveness is the well-remembered experience in the life of Jesus, when he “went unto the mount of Olives........

  8. My youngest son has been hot/cold on the church for the past several years. He had a not so good youth experience and though he would never admit had a negative effect on him. He attends BYU in Provo and attends church every Sunday and has talked about serving a mission. He recently had his braces off and now has the "all clear" to serve.....if he chooses.


    He is really bright and a very logical/science minded young man. He is currently a Physics major and really loves astronomy. So.......


    I need recommendations for scientific /gospel reads that he might find interesting and of course that are written  to help others with conversion. I know he has a testimony, but, I think it needs some serious reinforcement. 


    I was thinking of something by President Eyring's father and any other recommendations are greatly appreciated!



  9. MM's husband is doing things that would keep him from getting a temple recommend.  That requires a talk with the bishop to clear up before he can get one.  What I cannot understand are those who seem (I could be wrong) to be justifying or mitigating the seriousness of looking at porn.  Yes, I am saying that racy photos, including bikini shots, lingerie and other such filth are pornography.  Nudity is not required.  I don't care how much someone wants to nitpick, dwell on semantics or use deceptive modern worldly definitions, it is nothing more than another form of porn; no if's, and's, or but's.


    I would agree that what I learned after my post would need the Bishop's attention. That said, I do not believe that looking at "racy" pics, bikinis pics, etc require Priesthood authority to resolve. Masturbation + racy pics....without a doubt.

  10. Not to diminish his actions, they are certainly unworthy but not sure Priesthood authority is required to resolve this issue. I do understand that you desire him to change and put away these things and if your husband agrees with you that "racy" sites are wrong and unworthy and resolves to steer clear and change, then he should be able to choose to resolve that with Heavenly Father. 


    That said, Bishop is always an option regardless of the need for Priesthood authority or not. But that should be his choice and not a condition of your forgiveness.