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Everything posted by applepansy

  1. With all honesty Wingnut. I like you! But maybe your disclaimer should have come first. You are very biased in your opinions of Utah Mormons or Mormons who don't agree with you on any topic. :)
  2. There is a cultural issues, no doubt. Non LDS residents of Utah (who stay) usually do so because they like the culture. They like the attitude of service. If you sit on a corner in SLC very long you'll see random acts of kindness to strangers that you won't see elsewhere. Get out of SLC and you'll see it more, even in Ogden. :) People of out of state have often criticized Utah drivers as the worst in the States. Yet statistics show that Utah is in the top ten States for safest drivers. I think some of the animosity towards Utah Mormons is based on stereotype and not actual fact. I have friends who send their children to BYU from out of State on purpose. Its just not as bad as protrayed. The billboard issue? The population along the Wasatch Front has the lowest percentage of Mormons than anywhere in Utah. Around 50%. Utah Mormons I know are offended by these billboards. Only one has been removed because of community pressure (from Mormons and other Chrisitans.) Utah Mormons are strong defenders of the rights of others. Its more than cultural, its bred into them from their pioneer ancestors. I'm saddened that Utah Mormons have been so poorly portrayed. I hope there is someone here at who lives out of State and has a higher opinion of us. The one thing I do agree with is Utah Valley. I wouldn't live there if I was given a house. And its not a Utah Mormon thing. Its a University attitude that because they have BYU we're smarter and more cultured. I've been surprised at running into this attitude every year for over 10 years that we spent a weekend in Provo at State High School Sporting tournaments. But... there again. Not all Utah Valley Mormons have that attitude. Some really do live their religion.
  3. Large Grain of Salt taken. I truly hope there is someone in the world without such a poor opinion of Utah Mormons who has had more experience with Mormons in Utah outside Utah County and the Salt Lake Valley (which is less than 50% LDS). Hedonisitc? Seriously? I don't know a Mormon who is hedonistic. Definition: he·don·is·tic ˌhēdnˈistik/Submit adjective 1. engaged in the pursuit of pleasure; sensually self-indulgent. "a hedonistic existence of drink, drugs, and parties" synonyms: self-indulgent, pleasure-seeking, sybaritic, lotus-eating, epicurean, good-time; More
  4. Yes. Sometimes it feels that way. Only you can decide that. Personally I don't think I can give enough. The reason I feel this way is because Christ gave everything for me, for you, for everyone. He suffered everything for me, for you, for everyone. He doesn't ask for much in return. Believe in Him. Believing in Christ is faith. If you believe in Christ then you will believe the promises we find in the scriptures. If you believe in the promises then you'll act on the commandments we've been given. If you act on the commandments with nothing wavering the blessings do come and faith becomes knowledge. See Either 12:6 above.
  5. Ether 12:6 And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.
  6. In our ward/stake the sooner the better after baptism. There is a retention video that was done about a ward in...can't remember which state... Iowa? not sure... anyway, They found the faster they got a new convert involved in family history and doing baptisms in the temple the more likely they would stay active.
  7. 1. get a lock on your bedroom door. Today! 2. set some boundaries or leave him to himself and agencies who help people like this. You have to be safe. You're not flunking the test.
  8. The Utah caucus system bothers me. If you're not Republican or Democrat you have no voice.
  9. Yes, we're reading Winnie the Pooh and Lehi's Dream.
  10. Anatess, I agree with most of what you're saying. But there is a difference in schools today. We are teaching children younger and younger. Parents haven't caught up yet. And that's a fact I'm seeing with my own eyes. My sister put my nephew (her 2nd oldest in 2nd grade after Kindergarten. She had to fight the school to get it done. He was ready. Some kids aren't ready for kindergarten at 5 and need to be held back a year. Often because of where their birthday lands in the calendar year. Both of the little boys my grandson's age in our ward have birthdays in the spring. One month and two months after my grandson's birthday. Their parents chose to keep them out another year. But both also realize there is some learning that needs to be done BEFORE they go to Kindergarten. Everychild is different and its up the the parents first and the school 2nd to tailor the teaching to fit the child. All that doesn't change the fact that schools are expecting children to know more BEFORE they get to Kindergarten. Parents needs to be aware of this and then do what is best for their child.
  11. I agree. They might not recognize it as the Spirit but we know better, don't we? :)
  12. I love to read and my grandson is learning to love to read. We read Pete the Cat, Splat the Cat, Dr. Suess, If You Give a Dog and Donut and her other books, If You Read to Me, I'll Read to You series, etc. I am finding it difficult time wise but also physically to find books for my grandson. We spent an hour at the library. I first went through the two top shelves while standing and then went through the two bottom shelves on my knees. Afterwards I had trouble walking. Of the 15 books we checked out 3 of them I wish I handed bothered with. The time issue is reading each kids book before checking it out or buying it. So..... I'm asking all the young parents in What are your favorite children's books and which ones do your children like? Thanks for your help. :)
  13. Bini, I read your opening post again. Are you doing regular play dates? Play Dates are new to me. When my kids were growing up I just sent them outside and they played with whomever was outside. They ended up in my house or friends' houses but... friends were around. My toddlers got lots of interaction with other children because their older siblings had friends in and out a lot. Raising an only child has been a challenge for me. I have to plan the social interaction. We have to do play dates. And play dates are the culture least here. I've established relationships with 3-4 other mothers in my ward/area who have children in the general age range as my grandson. I have their kids over, and they invite my grandson over. Now he's in Kindergarten his circle of friends is growing and the play date thing is becoming more complicated (partly because I live in a rural area) Its been good, but a challenge for me. I'm older than dirt and I have health issues. I digress... :) Play Dates will give your daughter the social interaction, without formal preschool. at her young age. And you'll have her home more with you right now, which is important. bottom line: Be prayerful. Follow your feelings. Your feelings will often be the Spirit whispering to you.
  14. I agree. Elementary school is suppose to teach kids how to learn. That's how it was when I was a kid. It was different when my kids were in Elementary school (I'm still struggling to teach my kids that learning is a lifetime skill ) and I see an even bigger difference with my grandson (but he loves to learn and I can't keep up :) ). The kids who are behind in my grandson's class are struggling. Even though steps are being taken to help them catch up, there is already a "scale" "pecking order" (?... not sure the word I want. Neither of those work). Kids know who is reading well and who is struggling to remember that C is a C and sounds like see or ka. We're half way through the year. The site words they are suppose know right now are: can, I, The, we, be, like, for, do, a, on, see, go, as, to, that, have, you, is, play, his, are, this. Those are just the ones we work on this week. There are more added and the list gets longer each week. If the kids don't know what they need to know, then being behind means they aren't ready for the next step. Most of the kids who didn't have preschool or know their letters, sounds and numbers before starting kindergarten (this can be taught at home) are struggling. They aren't ready for the next step. I volunteer in Kindergarten and 3rd grade once a week. What I'm seeing is kids in 3rd grade who were behind in Kindergarten are still behind. My job for an hour once a week is to help the 3 kids in the 3rd grade class I work in catch up. I'm seeing issues of self worth in these kids. So, While I agree with you in principle. In practice and daily life at school saying that being behind in Kindergarten doesn't matter just isn't the reality anymore. Kindergarten is the new 1st grade. Preschool is the new Kindergarten. And that is just plain sad....but its the reality.
  15. And sometimes its the Spirit telling us what's up. :)
  16. Roseslipper, I truly believe these people who need so much help and yet are abusive and unappreciative are here to test us. My husband and I (husband more than I) is dealing with a similar situation. You are an angel. You're there and you're trying to help. Try to close your ears to the verbal abuse. And, be blunt with him. There are consequences for bad behavior. I can't remember. Is he physically abusive? Is the risk of him becoming physically abusive real? If so, then please stay safe. Even angels need to protect themselves.
  17. I agree. This is the time we've been warned about. The Lord is sifting the Saints.
  18. For me and from what I've observed in my 5 decades of belonging to the church.... yes there is gossip, and some might judge unrighteously when a person is voted against. But most remember they don't know the whole story and suspend judgement. Treating a person differently because we don't know why someone objected is wrong in my eyes. When all is said and done its the Bishop's call. So, if we're sustaining our leaders, and the Bishop resolves whatever the issue was, then all speculation should stop. Those who continue to judge situations such as this without full knowledge are placing themselves at odds with leadership. And to me that's a sad place to be because when we do that the Spirit leaves. The people I've known personally, (one in particular) who have had someone object instead of sustain, have not had the problems you describe. Maybe I'm sheltered. I live in a good ward with good people (who still have problems with each other sometimes). When these situations have occurred, once its resolved its resolved. My heart breaks for the person who decides to hold a grudge when they don't know the circumstances. oh Heck, my heart breaks for a person to decides to hold a grudge, period. :)
  19. I don't know of any thing any where that says you can't pray for the dead. However, this family left other family members besides the two missionaries. This is very sad. We've had carbon monoxide deaths in our area. And when my youngest son was on the swim team we had a carbon monoxide incident at the pool. The janitor at the pool covered the cold air return in the boiler room. The pressure in the room pushed the door open a bit. Because CO is heavier than air it settled on top of the water. It only took minutes for the swimmers to start getting sick. I arrived 10-15 minutes after practice began. Some of the kids were being carried out. Its scary when you realize your training is going to be put to the test in a real life situation. Two kids needed CPR. After the paramedics arrived and things settled down I looked up from the girl I was working on and my son was four feet away. He was one of the first transported to the hospital. I felt so guilty. I'm working on someone else's child while my child was struggling just a few feet away. I'm thankful there were more parents there who knew CPR and what to do. One of the girls had ended up in the hyperbaric machine at the UofU the next day because the CO wouldn't leave her body. The whole scene looked like a disaster area. It was winter and most of the kids were only in swimming suits (back then boys wore speedos instead of jammers). The neighbors brought out blankets and quilts and towels. We saw real heros that day. CO detectors are very important but also important is making sure your mechanical room, closet, etc has adequate fresh air return. Do Not Block of the cold air, especially in the winter.
  20. Friends of Scouting is an annual fund raiser. I used to donate every year. But... with money tight and getting tighter some years we don't donate. I don't feel guilty about it.
  21. applepansy

    The Ache

    ..... and then we have grandbabies. :)
  22. Usually a vote against is done privately. I personally know of changes made because of a dissenting vote. I only know because somebody involved told me later what had happened. In my experience it wasn't ever a member of the bishopric who made it public knowledge. I've never seen the wrath you speak of.