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Everything posted by applepansy

  1. I can't find the "view new content" button this morning. Never mind, found it. :)
  2. I love Kirby's carpet cleaner solution. Even if I didn't have a Kirby I'd use it. It gets out everything. It then dries to a powder that is easily vacuumed up, leaving no residue.
  3. As much as I might hope that this story is fake. I've lived with a teenager who was determined to destroy our family and any other adult who got in the way of what he wanted. The story is entirely plausible to me.
  4. I like your list. Regardless of the inconvenience stick to the consequences. She doesn't understand yet that all parenting is inconvenient. But... I'm troubled by her response in bold. She hasn't learned yet and she might not ever learn. What does she think will happen when another Bishop is called? What if the person called is a person she respects? What if that person is her grandfather or her father? Some day... Maybe... I pray . ... she will learn. I hope when you sell the car she starts to understand that you love her more than any earthly possession.
  5. I would have gotten help sooner. I would have been clearer about expectations and consequences and hopefully without as much anger and hurt. Actually I would do anything at all. Nobody believed me though. It wasn't until he started stealing from grandparents that they started to believe we had a problem and even then my inlaws didn't understand. Thankfully my parents did.. He died in a car accident in 1999. Looking back I'm not sure I could have done anything to change my son. We did all we knew how to do and we did try everything we could find. He had to choose to change. We don't get to take someone's agency away. All we could do is teach correct principles, put in place appropriate consequences and PRAY! I think people like my son are given to us as a test. The test: Are you going to be Christ-like regardless of how badly someone acts? Since my son died I've had the opportunity to talk to other parents who struggle with a child's choices. I've also gotten close with a neighbor who has behaved badly his whole life. My husband was him home teacher and one of the few people who could get in the house. It took years. Someone said at his funeral "If 'neighbor's name' hadn't shot at you at least once you weren't a friend." We learned a lot when he got sick about his family (strong LDS) and about how he acted when he was young (difficult for his parents). He was another person I think was here as a test. I don't know what to tell you about how to deal with your daughter other than to be blatantly honest, consistent with boundaries and consequences, and PRAY. Oh... and keep her name on the temple prayer roll. When my son was in his early teens I would start feeling uneasy about him. I'd put his name on the prayer roll and within 24 hours I would find out what was going on. I started telling him I'd put his name on the prayer roll. After a few times of watching me find out so quickly what he was up to, he would just tell me. Me: Scott, I put your name on the prayer roll today. Scott: Big sigh... then well Mom you're gong to find out so .... and he would proceed to tell me what he'd done. He had faith in God. He was quick to ask for a priesthood blessing when he was sick. Even when he'd been gone for 6 months and we get a call from the hospital that he's in the ER. The first thing he's ask for when we got there was a blessing. I wish you all the best with your daughter. I pray that she doesn't hurt too many people before she learns she's only hurting herself.
  6. I had a teenage son who love and thrived on lies. It started at about age 3. I was told repeatedly that a 3yo can't lie and doesn't understand lies or manipulation. But he did and it got worse and worse. He started running away at 15 ... long long long story. I'm sorry your daughter thinks it was ok to lie and record the Bishop. If she was really concerned about the Bishop's behavior she would have sought help from parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, teacher. Instead she distributed the tape as entertainment. That is very troubling. My guess is the Bishop was truly trying to figure out if she was telling the truth. But... he should have ended the interview and referred her to counseling and to YOU. One of the problems with lay clergy is they don't get enough training. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with such an issue.
  7. Abortion is not the answer. Not ever! I'm sorry you find yourself in this situation. I agree with the advice to break up and start going back to church. Then fast and pray about what the right decision should be or that the baby's father's heart will be softened to allow adoption.
  8. Oh my maternal grandfather's side that would be Joseph Knight Sr. Also Willard Richards and Lot Smith. On my paternal grandfather's side.... my grandfather.
  9. Just because your TSH is within normal range doesn't mean there isn't a thyroid issue. My TSH was normal but I was sick and my symptoms pointed to Thyroid. I begged for an antibody test for about 18 months. Because my TSH was normal the insurance wouldn't cover the cost. I finally told my doctor I would pay for the test if it came back normal. He called himself to tell me my thyroid antibodies were off the chart and to apologize. Please ask your doctor for a full thyroid panel.
  10. applepansy


    There is a great book entitled "Grieving: The Pain and The Promise" by Deanna Edwards. There is a chapter about helping children grieve. I'm sorry your family is going through this.
  11. I agree with everyone that its hard to give advice without more specifics. I also agree that being more specific probably isn't a good idea. Estradling hit the nail on the head. It really doesn't matter what medication or side effects. You have to decide and then deal with the consequences of your choice. Nobody can really make the decision for you. I hope you'll make it a matter of prayer and try to err on the side of the Lord.
  12. Sadly, this kind of thing is happening all across the country and the media is NOT reporting it. Gag orders are part of the problem. The family is being attacked at every level and every front. This is just one more. I'm afraid we'll see more of this before it ends.
  13. I wonder what our world would be like if we all loved our neighbor as Christ loves us.
  14. Started with Peri-Memopause In my late 30s-ish and now at age 56 I a long way past done. :) I'm a grandmaMom raising a 6yo. Mood swings abound at my house. LOL
  15. I have several journals for different reasons. Sometimes I journal daily sometimes only when something significant happens. Some of my journals: personal, one for my grandson and what is happening in his life and regarding custody or behavior issues, blessings journal, pain journal, etc. How do you start? just start writing or typing.
  16. I make my own cleaning supplies. What I buy now at the store is White Vinegar, Borax, Washing Soda, Fels Naptha, Dawn (blue). I put orange peels in the vinegar which helps boost its cleaning power and also softens the vinegar smell. I've been pleasantly surprised at the results I've gotten from spraying the shower with vinegar after showering. Even old mildew stains are going away. I like the homemade laundry soap, its saved us lots of money since I started making it. I haven't found a homemade window cleaner I like yet. As for other DIY things. We garden and each year the garden gets bigger. We started with Square Foot Gardening and now are moving on to the concepts in Back To Eden Gardening. I bottle fruit every year and I need to buy a pressure cooker so I can bottle the veggies. Hubby also needs to build a root cellar for the potatoes and carrots, onions, etc. I have always sewn, mended, etc. I knit socks and clothing. I am only one person so I can't produce everything our family needs but I do make a dent in the family budget. Hubby has always done car repairs and home repairs. It took him about two hour to fix the furnace a week or so ago. But it saved us $100. There isn't much he can't fix around the house when he has the time.
  17. I wouldn't respond. Sometimes I give a "why" and sometimes I don't. If someone demanded a reason I would probably not give one and ignore the FB post. I definitely wouldn't say why on facebook.
  18. Boycott is different from taking someone to court. Our country was founded on the principle of freedom OF religion. Setting out to destroy businesses because their owners don't agree with your lifestyle is just as wrong as real discrimination based on rase.
  19. I have an "invisible" disease. Mitochondrial disease is another invisible disease. What that means is some doctors believe and some don't. Those who don't believe diagnose a psych disorder and then all symptoms are ignored. I was lucky. I had good doctors who understood a patient could be in pain without a visible cause. I have been active in online chronic pain communities for over 15 years. I found the communities while looking for anything and everything I could about what I'm dealing with. I have talked to scores of men and women who suffer for years with no relief because their doctor/s has decided he doesn't believe them. Needless suffering. Twenty years ago JACHO (accreditation for hospitals) came out with new rules regarding the treatment of pain. Attitudes started to change. Pain is now considered a separate illness when it becomes chronic, but some doctors still don't believe. If they can't see it, if they can't run a test, if they can't change it, then of course its all in the patient's head. The fact that Justina's condition has deteriorated so significantly since being in State custody says a lot about the naysaying doctors and hospital. Its wrong to take a sick child from their parents. Even if its the parents making the child sick. I say that because the correct course of treatment is Education. IF there really is neglect or abuse time will show it. Medical abuse is rare because doctors usually don't buy into the diagnoses used to abuse. In Justina's case the State and Hospital have been the abusers. P.S. what bothers me most about psychiatric care is how much its grown in the last 30 years. We now have ICD-9 codes for behaviors that aren't really a psychiatric illness. Creating the ICD-9 codes is how psychiatrist and psychologists get paid when they can't find anything to get paid for. This growth in psychiatric disorders (some of which aren't disorders) is a result of greed. I realize that some of the "progress" is psychiatric care was needed, but in my opinion, we've swung too far the other way.
  20. Happiness is like a buitterfly. If you chase it, it will elude you But turn your thoughts to other things And . . . it will come and sit softly on your shoulder. --Unknown
  21. Which theme do I want? IP.Board or Full Version? Nevermind... I think I figured it out.