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Everything posted by applepansy

  1. I am not sure 2.5 is too young. I sent my grandson to preschool at age 3. I considered home schooling and looked into the State curriculum for Kindergarten. I was impressed. This year they took half the 1st grad curriculum and are teaching it in Kindergarten. When we went to Kindergarten Roundup parents were told if children do not have preschool they are behind when they start Kindergarten. Now we're half way through this year of Kindergarten and I see it. The kids who didn't have at least one year of preschool are behind, some seriously behind. They need to know their number names and sounds before Kindergarten now... this year - 2014. They need to know their numbers and simple math. 1 apple plus 1 apple equals two apples...this year - 2014. My question is: What are they going to need to know in 2.5 years? More? I would guess yes. The other issue I'm starting to run into is the Common Core curriculum. My grandson will continue to attend public school until it doesn't work anymore, but I'm already having to teach math at home. He learns quickly and he's bored with Math Mountains. Fortunately we live in an area where parents are very involved and we have a high expectation of excellence from teachers, principles and parents. P.S. I completely agree with Eowyn's sentiment. These little ones are too young. Unfortunately our world is pushing and if we don't prepare them either at home or in school they will be behind. Ultimately, it is a parents responsibility to choose what is best for their child. Sometimes that varies from child to child and not just family to family. :)
  2. Bini, I had another thought. All the talks given will have scripture references. If there is a specific talk you're thinking of, have you looked at the scripture references?
  3. I agree that 10-11 yo's should generally not have a smart phone. Then... as I read through the first two pages I remember that it was smart phones who saved my sister's boys from being kidnapped by their father. One of the boys figured out where they were with GPS, sent the coordinates to his mother via text. She and my other sister then went to get them and picked up a Sheriff's deputy in the county where they kids were. The boys came home with my sister. Both my younger sisters are more liberal with technology and their kids. But, in their defense they are both hyper-vigilant and they teach, teach, teach their boys and one girl to be safe, and the consequences of not being safe. I don't know what I'll do with my 5yo grandson. I play dumb sometimes to figure out what he knows and what he knows scares me sometimes. He maneuvers around my phone and our computers better than his dad or grandpa. So, I actively teach him what is good and what is bad. He's been really good so far to come get me and say "I'm not suppose to see this." (usually nothing scary but he knows what children's content looks like and anything other than that he tells me about.) This generation of children have come hard wired for today's technology. We're not going to be able to keep it from them. All we can do is teach them to be responsible and put in place appropriate consequences when they test the rules.
  4. today... 1. Peace. 2. Peace and 3. Peace
  5. I'm so very sorry for you loss. One of the hardest losses we all will face in this life is the death of our mother. You and your family are in my prayers.
  6. Sustaining also means obedience to their counsel even if we disagree. I had a profound experience with a Bishop I didn't agree with. I wasn't overtly disobedient but I didn't have good feelings toward him. I discussed the problem with my dad. His advice was "Sustaining includes obedience. Even if you don't agree with the counsel received from your Bishop, Stake President or GAs, if you are obedient you will be blessed. Even if the person in the position of authority is wrong, you will be blessed and things will work out for your good." He was right.
  7. Then its amazing to me that you took exception to Elder Callister's talk. I took the Ensign with me this morning so I could read it and respond in this thread. What I took away from his talk/Ensign article is exactly what you said here. Not one word he used referred to rape victims.
  8. If Mom, is willing to give permission and participate to the degree you've described there would be no obstacle to the child being baptized. Usually there are ward members who are willing to step in and help out too. I wonder though, if Mom would be willing to go listen when her child gives a talk or sings for Mother's Day in Sacrament meeting? Its usually important to the child that a parent be there.
  9. What exercise program? I guess I should also ask "What is exercise?"
  10. My grandson (same age as your daughter) is very independent also. But his independence is conditional on how he's feeling at the moment or what he wants at that moment. Have you asked your daughter why its taking her so long at school to get ready at the end of the school day? She will know if she is getting distracted. She'll be able to tell you if she really wants to stay at school (where she's having fun with friends) and thinks delaying getting ready for the bus will delay going home. Of...any number of other things that go through a child's mind. If she is independent at home then she is independent at school and her behavior is probably to get something. You know her best. What might she want? I play games with my grandson all the time. I can get dressed faster than you. On your mark, get set, Go! I can eat faster that you, etc. Also, a timer is a good tool. And... concrete consequences. If you aren't ready on time you miss the bus. If you miss the bus you stay home. If you stay home there will be no TV time, no computer games, no ...what is her favorite activity? If she misses the bus from school and you have to go get her what would be an appropriate consequence? Unless her teacher expects the same from her as she does from the other children your daughter will continue to take more time. So set consequences for not being ready on time. Explain them to your daughter until you know she understands. Then follow through. It usually only takes once or twice. Kids are smart. At Kindergarten age they are learning a new world. One with different rules than Mom and Dad's rules at home. She needs to understand you are involved enough to know what is going on and your rules trump all other rules. The thing I like about letting her miss the bus is that it is a natural consequence. My grandson missed the bus once this year. :) Only once. :)
  11. 1- My first wish is that my children will remember their testimonies and their spouses will reactivate or join the church. And that my grandchildren will be raised with a knowledge of their Savior and the gospel of Jesus Christ. 2. That I will always be strong in building and defending the Kingdom of God. 3. I wish (some times desperately) for the resources to take care of our needs first and be able to help others.
  12. It sounds like the two of you are discussing and resolving the big issues LM brought up. When you're out of town and she takes the kids to church, is she going to take your kids to her church? Are you ok with that?
  13. I liked the article. Women really need to understand how much power we have. Why we don't understand has always baffled me.
  14. Customer Service today doesn't exist in very many places. The generation who grew up entitled are those clerks on the front lines. Often I run into the attitude "I have better things to do than earn a paycheck, but I can't get what I really want unless I do this, so I'll begrudgingly work to get the money I need to do fun things"
  15. Anatess, we love August Rush. So much that we bought the DVD. However, we should have stayed home yesterday and watched it instead of going to the theater. We saw Winter's Tale. We watched all the trailers. Saw the list of actors...impressive. Read the synopsis. Thought: Ok we can see this. Saw it. Walked out of the theater feeling empty and depressed. And from the reactions of other viewers in the theater I don't think they felt much better about it than we did. We talked about it on the way out to the car and on the way home. Finally it dawned on me "they left God out". When I said that my husband's eyes lit up and he said "Yes! that's it." Sigh... its getting to the point where I don't want to go see movies anymore. We should have gone to see the movie Vort saw. :)
  16. yes, with God on one side and Satan on the other. Seriously, Separation of church and state only works in a righteous society. Aw... some will say back to religion again. I want to pose the thought that righteous and religion aren't necessarily connected.
  17. I'm in agreement with everyone. Its never ok to use someone else's property even if its left in your home. When my husband was in YMs we had an expensive bike left at our home. He told the boys repeatedly that one of them left their bike, but nobody came to get it. THREE years later, one of the boys showed up to get it. I didn't let my kids ride it. We made sure it wouldn't be stolen off the front porch. During the winter it was in the garage. I was relieved when he came to get it. I was tired of tending it.
  18. Warning: Thread highjack I just read a great article written by Whitney Permann of Mercy River and thought of this thread. So here it is. If she can feel insecure about they type of Mom she is then I guess the rest of us can too. I wish I could sing like she does....instead my talent is tying knots in thread. :) Here's the article: Time Out for Women - YOU Are Their Perfect Mother
  19. This might help. The Best Bridal Shops in Utah | Or google wedding dress shops in SLC and you'll get an even bigger list.
  20. If you were to have an honest heart-to-heart with this "perfect" person you would probably find she has serious insecurities. Most seemingly perfect people do. Yes, I've felt the way you describe. But... I try to quickly remind myself that nobody is perfect and then concentrate on not judging others. The few times I've been brave enough to start a conversation with the "perfect" person I've found they were struggling with life just like me.
  21. Eowyn, it is way past time for a conversation with her mother. Don't expect the message to get sent through the child. Its not fair to this lonely little girl. She's not getting parented at home so I admire you for parenting her at your home. Because you set boundaries is why she wants to be there. However, parenting her is not your responsibility. So.... talk to her mother and set some boundaries with Mom.
  22. I think I would let him do the report. I would use it as a teaching opportunity and insist he include all the bad with the little bit of good Clinton did. Ist grade isn't too early to learn about right and wrong.
  23. I take my phone which has the scriptures on it. Its been nice because my bag is still pretty heavy on Sundays. Its filled with lds children's books, lds coloring book, crayons, etc. Its gets pretty heavy. taking out the heavy scriptures helped my arms and shoulders a lot. The changes in the Youth curriculum has meant more and more people are using a tablet when teaching. Since I don't have a tablet I took my laptop when I taught the 14yo two weeks ago.