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Everything posted by applepansy

  1. Interesting read. I'm not sure I agree with all of it. But I do agree that impulse control plays a big role in success. Successful people are in control of themselves and their impulses. Dravin, I'm sure someone has already taken it out of context and its trying to figure out how to verbalize their views. Maybe not here at or maybe yes here. :)
  2. We're suppose to live by faith. If all the questions are answered conclusively then where does faith fit?
  3. If I have a full name I give the full name, including middle or maiden. If I don't then I give the name I have. Heavenly Father knows his children.
  4. send the snow to Utah please. We need the water.
  5. Yes, I've seen a guitar in Sacrament meeting. I found this performance... Love it.
  6. Great advice from Backroads. Focus on being the best person you can be. Time will help you heal and space will help you heal. I completely agree with her about serving a mission. Just the prep will help you. Right now all or most of your thoughts are towards yourself. Start redirecting them towards helping others even if its just something written on a sticky note and put on the fridge, car, etc. Turning your thoughts to others will help lift you. Don't try to make it big, just little things that can naturally happen in the course of the day, but don't turn down any opportunity to serve that comes your way. Marion D Hanks said (paraphrase) Get on your knees. Get the Lord on your side. Go to work helping others. I wish you the best.
  7. I've been trying to think of ways to put the word I chose in front of my face wherever I am. I hadn't thought of Pinterest. :)
  8. The foundation of the Church is Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.
  9. I saw things I liked too. I guess somebody handy with computer graphics who is LDS could come up with one. But... I guess in the meantime its best to use Church approved charts. Justice posted several years ago about using the chart as we know it from Primary and the scriptures to fill it out more. Just the exercise itself was a learning experience and I learned more each time I did it. (three times total). I think if I started with this chart I would have lost the learning experience. Here is the link to the thread Justice started. Plan of Salvation
  10. not sure AT the time I posted that yesterday I was thinking "10 truths 1 Lie: LOL Maybe just leave it as is. The discussion is helpful for anyone looking. I just worry someone will see it and use it in Sunday School. LOL
  11. They are probably watching so they can make suggestions to the clothing department. :)
  12. Thank you everyone. Seems to be 10 truths to get us to believe one Lie. Pam, maybe we should change the title of the thread?
  13. Thanks. I didn't notice either. Which is one of the reasons I asked for thoughts on this. My brain doesn't work well anymore.
  14. I saw this on pinterest this morning. Is it more informative? accurate? What are your thoughts?
  15. When I first read this thread and chose the word Grateful, I printed out the word in a large script font, which filled a sheet of paper, and taped it to the wall in the kitchen. Not one other adult in my house has said a single word about it hanging there. :) But... there seems to be a bit of a change in attitudes. Maybe I'm imagining this but I'm going to be hopeful. I think each month, or my brain gets tweeked by the Spirit, I will print out other words and tape them up around the house. hmmmmmm, I think my next word will be Hopeful. :)
  16. The Hunger Games Catching Fire. I loved the last song at the end of the credits. The movie was depressing.
  17. I saw this today and thought of this thread. :) It applies to all sorts of situations. :)
  18. Leah, We all have agency. We all get to choose. We don't get to condemn. So when we see someone living the commandments is a way in which we wouldn't then its appropriate to say "its their choice", because it is their choice. We all get to choose. We all get to suffer the consequences of our choices. But we don't get to choose those consequences. The rules aren't different. But again agency plays a role. I understand it can get confusing for new converts who often have a deeper commitment than someone who has grown up in the church and hasn't really had to sacrifice or work for their beliefs. When they do... and they will have to eventually because we are a church of converts ... then we often see a change in behavior.
  19. My personal opinion of why the Church doesn't support Girls Scouts for girls is because the Girl Scout organization doesn't support many of the standards the Church is trying to teach young girls. My opinion is on experience not just because.
  20. 25 years ago when I was involved with YW I was shocked at the difference in attitude between the girls who attended YW only and those who attended Girls Scouts too. As a result of my observations I didn't send my daughter to Girl Scouts. The church's program for young women is very good. If a family wants to add Girl Scouts to their daughter's activities there is nothing in church policy against it.
  21. Please remember that all members are not the same. Not all members are on the same level of progression as all other members. My aunt said once "I have a hard time understanding and relating to members who are not on the same level of progression as I am." She didn't mean she was on a higher level, just a different level. The older I get the more I feel the same way. I do not understand not wearing garments when its entirely possible to do so. On our honeymoon my husband and I stopped by Bear Lake to spend a day with his extended family. We changed in the bathrooms when we got there and changed back before we left the lake. I'm on the side of not understanding taking off garments for vacations or anniversaries etc. I just don't get it. But then... I"m not in there shoes. I'll leave judgement to Christ but it does make me uncomfortable and it does make me wonder about their commitment to covenants.
  22. He probably isn't even thinking about that. But maybe some day he will.
  23. LED is so expensive. I'm looking at the LED under-cupboard lights for my kitchen. The price makes me cringe. My husband put a fluorescent with two tubes in our kitchen when we built the house. When the fixture broke I was so happy. I need more light in the kitchen but at least the incandescents don't make me hurt. I'll be looking into the newcandescents.