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Everything posted by applepansy

  1. It wasn't finished. Nothing in that structure was completed enough to live in let alone withstand weather conditions.
  2. You are a son of God! You are worth more than you think you are. When someone continually points out our faults its easy to forget we have good qualities too. Please! Talk to someone face to face about what you are feeling. Suicide is not the answer. It won't help you and it won't help your loved ones. You are in my prayers.
  3. Eowyn I agree completely with you about Orange in the New Black. It could have been a good movie. I don't need to hear and see filth to imagine how hard it is in a women's prison. It could have had a positive message but I didn't get that far. What bothers me about Netlfix is that there are so many movies we can't see. I know licensing and all that.
  4. Breathe by Sarah Crosson This book surprised me. By the middle of the book I was invested in the characters. I found this book through the Overdrive Library app. The story is about a society living in pods because the world has no air.
  5. Its hard to not trust a spouse. But divorce? Only you can decide when its the right time for that. Long before you get to that point there are things you need to do. One is counseling. Talking through the issues with a counselor will help you. Also, If your husband came to you and told the whole truth about everything today would that change how you feel? In the middle of an issue we often feel that there isn't any love left (we're just friends living in the same house), but really search your heart. Its possible to not trust and still love. Also, consider if you're willing to take your children's father away from them. Nothing you've posted can't be fixed. So before you decide on divorce exhaust all the resources you can find to fix the issues. 1- try to calmly tell your husband how hurt you feel. No blaming. "I feel "this way" when I find "fill in the blank." I feel "this way" when it appears "fill in the blank". Best Wishes.
  6. Read the WoW again. Then go talk to your Bishop. There are times I drink tea. I have chronic pain. When I push my body by doing too much and get dizzy and sick. Sometimes I am not where I can fix a cup of ginger tea. There have been times all I could do is stop at a convenience store and buy a bottle of iced tea. WoW issue... sort of. But for medicinal use, I don't feel I'm breaking the WoW and neither has any of my Bishop's in the last 20 years. Tea is not marijuana. But... the medicinal use still applies. so.... read the first line again. :) Best Wishes.
  7. I saw it on the news last night. But when I googled my name I didn't get the website. I regularly google myself and those I love. I want to know what is out there. There was one site that said they would remove information upon request but when I requested they ignored it.
  8. I worked in Home Care/Hospice before my son died at age 21. I also cared for my Grandmother in my home. Pace yourself. When someone asks "What can I do?", give them a job, even if its only doing the dishes or vacuuming your living room. If someone asks if they can bring in a meal, let them. Ask for help. Find the resources you need. Often in the church the resources are just a phone call away. Be specific. For family of a terminally ill patient, just be honest. Nobody expects you to always be cheerful. For those who want to comfort, just say "I'm sorry" and then be open to listening. Sometimes all that's needed is a hug. Avoid recommending "cures", especially those on the internet. If you really do want to share something ask first. Then present it as something you've heard about not the cure that will save their world. Not all remedies work for everyone. Also, saying "Call me if you need anything" will rarely get a request for help. Be there. Visit often if only for a few minutes. Call. Build relationships now, don't wait for a terminal illness to affect a family or a friend's family before you become their friend. When you show that you care by spending your time trying to serve, people in need are more likely to ask for help when its needed. Meaningful service is rarely convenient. Often caregivers and the terminally ill are hesitant to ask for help, so just be there.
  9. The book I recommend is: Grieving: The Pain and The Promise by Deanna Edwards A neighbor whose daughter had passed away gave this book to us when our oldest son died. It was very helpful. I've since given it to others.
  10. Satan magnifies our struggles. Get on your knees. Get the help of God, Then Go fix the problems. (paraphrase from quote by Marion D. Hanks). Everything in your post points to Satan helping to focus inwards and magnifying everything that could possibly be or could be wrong. I don't agree that you're selfish. I think you're overwhelmed. Addiction to nicotine is more than addiction to just nicotine. The tobacco industry have put other chemicals in cigarettes that are much more addicting. You need to seek help. I've heard good things about Chantix. But nothing will help until you want to quit. However, leaving your marriage over smoking seems like the cowards way out.
  11. If they had fleshed out the characters and made it really about getting medical help on Elysium instead of all the robot fighting and weird surgery to make humans with robotic exoskeletons it could have been a lot better.
  12. I've very thankful for modern medicine. They can't fix everything but what they can makes life easier.
  13. 1. I admired his ability to love everyone and they KNEW it. 2. I don't think I can compare them. 3. Pres. Hinckley was a temple building president. I think Service for Pres. Monson. Pres. Hinckley was big on service but more temples were built during his time as President than any other.
  14. Elysium. It was not what I thought it would be. I didn't mind the story but it could have been told better. Too much action not enough character development.
  15. In practice I would say that describes hubby and I. Not by my choice though. While I will deal with his email and the bills and the mail and the house and phone messages and .... and ... and ... and.... he lets me and considered ignorance as bliss.
  16. We're pretty open about most everything. I don't mind anyone getting in my purse but I would like to know first. Not because its private but because I want to know what is taken out so I can put it back. Nothing worse than being at the store expecting a $10 to be in my purse only to discover its gone. We do not share toothbrushes and we don't share pillows. :) I read his email and even answer for him a secretary. I would be surprised if my husband knew how to get into my email but he's welcome to anything there.
  17. Traveler, I completely agree. I also see a change in the young men who are serving missions now. Every generation of young people seem to be more prepared to spread the gospel.
  18. I'm shocked that he's one of the finalists chosen. With four children he has responsibilities here. His comment about a couple of million in life insurance bothered me too. When does the life insurance pay out? When he leaves earth? unlikely. When he's dead? How will we know in a reasonable amount of time. After 7 years of missing? but he's not missing, he's on mars. what a nightmare for his wife.
  19. Good morning Finrock. I hope you're having a great day. I agree with your first paragraph except to say that only a republic form of government is of the people and by the people as you describe. Then the bolded. Since a republic form of government is of the people and for the people then marriage is within the domain of a republic form of government. And the government will follow God's laws as long as the people follow God's laws. God's laws trump any form of government, which has caused all sorts of persecution throughout the history of man, which is what you say in the rest of your post and I agree. We're seeing a form of persecution now in America where the people have turned from God to the point where our government has turned from God too.
  20. Mr, Shorty, If you compare whatever chart you draw with Alma 12 a lot of confusion gets cleared up.
  21. Talk to your Relief Society President. She is responsible for Visiting Teaching and can coordinate with the Priesthood regarding your Home Teachers.
  22. Yes we do have the liberty to do whatever we want. Even in what you call the "real America" we have the Liberty to do anything we want. What we don't get to choose are the consequences of our choices.
  23. Truth doesn't change. Not in the America we live in today and not in "your" alternate world. Good Grief!