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    applepansy reacted to Wingnut in Trouble with 15 yr old and bishop interview   
    This gives me serious pause.  The fact that an obviously rebellious and instigating teenage girl had virtually no reaction to such a stringent list of consequences tells me that she's not done yet.  And that she doesn't care.  That does not bode well for her in the future.  And honestly, one more incident like this, and I think I'd make her prove the last statement:
    The OP was shocking to me, but not entirely out of the realm of possibility.  The follow-up posts have had me more suspicious, though.  I just did a Google search of mormon bishop teenage girl recording interview and after four pages, couldn't find anything.  Most hits referred to record-keeping, and those that referring to this topic did so vaguely ("someday some teen boy/girl is going to record the interview...").
  2. Like
    applepansy reacted to Backroads in Trouble with 15 yr old and bishop interview   
    Still not supporting a lot of your daughter's actions.
    Also not agreeing with a lot of your bishop's comments.
    Get the stake president involved pronto.
  3. Like
    applepansy reacted to Irishcolleen in Trouble with 15 yr old and bishop interview   
    These situations are sad all around.  All I can say is "...Even so, come, Lord Jesus."- Rev:22:20 Someday we will be free from the world and the sin in it.
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    applepansy reacted to Palerider in Trouble with 15 yr old and bishop interview   
    It might be common sense...but if a new rookie Bishop is clueless he would probally shut the door...not meaning any harm by it....but he would shut it....this one did it numerous times....
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    applepansy reacted to Palerider in Trouble with 15 yr old and bishop interview   
    When we say Bishops dont receive training is not totally accurate. I cant speak for the whole Church but, it comes down to the Stake Presidents and the training they give to the Bishops. We were always encouraged to make sure door not locked and to leave it partially open and to have someone sitting outside the door. That could be a councilor or parent or even a youth leader.  As for interviewing Youth I personally always used a different set of questions depending on their age. I am not crazy about having a Parent in the room with me while interviewing their son or daughter for two reasons. The first being I would be concerned with getting the young man or woman to open up and feel comfortable and the other reason is....I dont want Mom or Dad answering the questions for their son or daughter or trying to dominate the conversation.
       I have had some very good conversations with the youth when I interviewed them. There were times they told me things and would then ask.....are you going to tell my Parents?? I would reply No i am not....but I think you should. Had a few times where the youth asked if I could get their Parents and bring them into the room.
        Bishops are human and we make mistakes....these callings are hard enough as it is. You get more crap from members sometimes than what you got going door to door as a Missionary. If you have never been a Bishop you have no idea what its like.  The first time I was called I dont think I did a great job at my calling being new and learning what I was suppose to do. I never asked to be called either time, but I am thankfull I was called a second time and I feel like I did a better job the second time around.  Total combined years of serving both times was 11 years.
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    applepansy reacted to Shepard in Trouble with 15 yr old and bishop interview   
    Classy lady;
    Yeh, that describes most of it, not a good place. A mountain of shame, a small hill of disappointment with my bishop. Out-flanked by a withering frontal assault from my own blood and caught in friendly cross fire from the bishop. But there will be consequences.
    Applepansy; Scary.
    She is not primarily a liar, but uses deception to achieve another agenda. Perhaps worse in some ways. What would you have done differently with your son?
    What was our response when she said the interviews creeped her out?
    She is an oldest child, we had little experience with teenagers. We did what works with small children, we forced her to do the right thing. All of the parents did this, many with more experience than me. We do listen to our church leaders better than we listen to our youth. Yes, that was the origin of the problem. You're not listening I will make you listen. I guess she knew that sharing it with friends would eventually get back to us magnified. I think you hit the nail on the head.
    Do we really listen to our youth?
    Not only bishops need training. Parents need it too.
  7. Like
    applepansy got a reaction from Bini in LDS Motorcyclists   
    My husband would love to ride motorcycles with a group. We've just never been able to afford it. He always had a motorcycle as a teenager. When I met him he only owned a motorcycle. We ditched school one day to go riding up by the Bountiful B.
  8. Like
    applepansy reacted to classylady in Trouble with 15 yr old and bishop interview   
    If my daughter did this, even if she truly felt uncomfortable with the Bishop's interview, I would be so ashamed--ashamed that my daughter has no regard for authority or appropriate behavior.  Did I not teach her proper behavior?  How could I as a parent fall so short of my responsibility of teaching correct manners.  If this is an actual occurrence, and not some troll trying to get a rise out of us, I would be so embarrassed over my child's behavior.  And, I as a mother, look at my children's behavior as a reflection on me.  This is not a funny joke that she perpetrated.  This is just totally uncalled for and inappropriate.  I may rile a few people here, because I understand that children can go against their parent's teachings.  But, this behavior is not acceptable.  If the Bishop's questions were a little out of line, then she should have gone to her parents.  This sounds to me like she purposefully egged him on.  And recorded it!
    I should probably just erase what I just typed and not post this.  I usually don't get upset over posts.  And, it's not the post that is upsetting me, it's the behavior of a 15 year old girl.  Not acceptable or funny!
  9. Like
    applepansy reacted to notquiteperfect in I'm pregnant, not married...need advice please!!!   
    I would stick with your original plan - break up and get back to church.  I also suggest prayer and fasting that he'll have a change of heart and sign off on adoption.
  10. Like
    applepansy reacted to skippy740 in I'm pregnant, not married...need advice please!!!   
    Everyone has a bishop.  Regardless of where your records are, you can talk to your local Bishop.
    Bishops have stewardships over their AREA... not just their ward.
    Find a Bishop near you.  Don't worry if he'll be 'your' Bishop or not.  Let him help you figure that out.  You need someone to talk to, in person, and to discuss possible options with LDS Adoption Serivces.

    Here's another GREAT website I'd recommend reviewing:
    Apparently free pregnancy counseling is available.  Just contact them.
  11. Like
    applepansy reacted to Wingnut in I'm pregnant, not married...need advice please!!!   
    Maybe it's just me, but the OP seemed pretty clear about not getting an abortion.  The extent of her mention of it was that it makes her sick, despite what she's been taught.  I don't think she's entertaining the idea at all.
    To the OP:  I'm going to take a different tactic here.
    (1) Are you taking a prenatal vitamin yet?  The early weeks are the most important for getting adequate folic acid (as well as iron and other vitamins).
    (2) Have you seen a doctor yet?  You should see one for the first time around 7-9 weeks at the latest.  The doctor can also help counsel you (non-spiritually) on your options, and will likely (hopefully) respect your wish not to abort.
    (3) Educate yourself.  My favorite pregnancy book is Your Pregnancy Week by Week, by Glade Curtis and Judith Schuler.
    (4) Make sure you have an adequate support network.  Family, friends, church leaders.  Don't try to isolate yourself and be alone in your trouble.  Do your penance in other will need support.  When you see your doctor, ask about local groups affiliated with the hospital.
  12. Like
    applepansy reacted to talisyn in I'm pregnant, not married...need advice please!!!   
    Everything will be ok, really. Heavenly Father is ready and willing to bless you and the little life you're growing. Be open to inspiration and take care of yourself! Being a single parent isn't the end of the world, and adoption isn't, either.
  13. Like
    applepansy reacted to Just_A_Guy in I'm pregnant, not married...need advice please!!!   
    I second the idea of talking to a lawyer in your jurisdiction.  First, because knowledge is power; and second, because you're going to need a court order to establish custody, parent time, child support, etc. sooner or later (and if you do try to push the adoption thing without his consent--that's possible, depending on the states involved; but it's a legal minefield and you shouldn't trust an agency to walk you through it).
  14. Like
    applepansy reacted to The Folk Prophet in I'm pregnant, not married...need advice please!!!   
    From the point of view of someone in a marriage where we have infertility issues, I can't help but wonder why giving the child up for adoption is not on your potential list?
  15. Like
    applepansy reacted to andypg in went to my first home teaching   
    So last night I went to do my very first home teaching. It was great. We visited the 2 girls in my ward know the best. My companion did most of the teaching though he says next month I'm teaching something from General Conference.
    I really enjoyed it. Hopefully I can do a good job with this!
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    applepansy reacted to Palerider in Family History   
    We had Stake Conference this weekend. One of the speakers challenged us to find out "Who" in our family was the first person to join the church. I was trying to figure out who that would have been on my Mothers side. I have been a life long member and on my Mothers side they have been members since the beginning of time.
    I could not figure out who this was. I asked my sister and she told me that I have the book in my home that would provide that answer. I have a hard back book titled The Lake family History. Started reading and found out it was a man named James Lake.
    Seems he was friends with Brigham Young when they lived in Canada. Was taught and baptized in Canada and he and his wife moved to Kirtland. He helped build the Temple. Received their endowments in the Nauvoo Temple before going west. Stayed in Council Bluffs for 2yrs and served as a Bishop there. When they went west they ended up settling around Ogden. Was later called as a Patriarch for the area. They were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple by Pres Heber C Kimball.
    Pretty awesome stuff.
    How about you....who was the first convert in your family ???
  17. Like
    applepansy got a reaction from classylady in Energy level   
  18. Like
    applepansy got a reaction from classylady in Energy level   
    Just because your TSH is within normal range doesn't mean there isn't a thyroid issue.  My TSH was normal but I was sick and my symptoms pointed to Thyroid.  I begged for an antibody test for about 18 months.  Because my TSH was normal the insurance wouldn't cover the cost.  I finally told my doctor I would pay for the test if it came back normal.  He called himself to tell me my thyroid antibodies were off the chart and to apologize.
    Please ask your doctor for a full thyroid panel.
  19. Like
    applepansy got a reaction from notquiteperfect in Energy level   
    Just because your TSH is within normal range doesn't mean there isn't a thyroid issue.  My TSH was normal but I was sick and my symptoms pointed to Thyroid.  I begged for an antibody test for about 18 months.  Because my TSH was normal the insurance wouldn't cover the cost.  I finally told my doctor I would pay for the test if it came back normal.  He called himself to tell me my thyroid antibodies were off the chart and to apologize.
    Please ask your doctor for a full thyroid panel.
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    applepansy reacted to Jennison in Conflicting advice between Bishop and Doctors?   
    I apologize for being so vague.  I just didn't know if it was appropriate to be more forward.

    I think I have received the answers I needed.  It is exceedingly difficult, but I'll go with my Bishops recommendation. 

    Thank you to everyone who responded.

  21. Like
    applepansy reacted to estradling75 in Conflicting advice between Bishop and Doctors?   
    You can keep it vague and general...  In fact it might even be wise.  But that limits us to vague and general advise.
    You have gotten advice and council from your doctor and your bishop... Both whom have acted within their stewardship to council you.  Now it is time for you to exert your stewardship over yourself.  You are the one that has to live with your choices, you are one that has to face God with your actions.
    Make a choice... then take it to the lord and see if he approves.  If he does then act.  If not the discard that and choose a different one.  What ever choice the lord approves of... do... but know you will have to face the fall out from such a choice
  22. Like
    applepansy reacted to The Folk Prophet in Conflicting advice between Bishop and Doctors?   
    We're talking libido though, right?
    Strength of libido is no excuse to action. It's as simple as that. Beyond that, it's impossible to advise specifically because of the lack of detail.
    I mean, what would you advise if I said I was on a medication that was making me feel homicidal? Go ahead? Kill a few people, it will make you feel better?  Of course not.
    The fact that your doc doesn't see certain actions as sinful does not make those actions acceptable to the Lord.
  23. Like
    applepansy got a reaction from talisyn in When government takes your children   
    Sadly, this kind of thing is happening all across the country and the media is NOT reporting it.  Gag orders are part of the problem.  
    The family is being attacked at every level and every front.  This is just one more.  I'm afraid we'll see more of this before it ends.
  24. Like
    applepansy got a reaction from Backroads in When government takes your children   
    Sadly, this kind of thing is happening all across the country and the media is NOT reporting it.  Gag orders are part of the problem.  
    The family is being attacked at every level and every front.  This is just one more.  I'm afraid we'll see more of this before it ends.
  25. Like
    applepansy got a reaction from talisyn in Would you say you're happy?   
    Happiness is like a buitterfly.
    If you chase it, it will elude you
    But turn your thoughts to other things
    And . . . it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.