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Everything posted by annewandering

  1. purple is great! I would like some tie-dyed ones.
  2. Its not a joke about the mouthwash. Sounds like it but nope. Its real.
  3. And I am jealous! Actually glad you went and you can tell us if they messed it up or not!
  4. Ok now we take off the gloves. Bacon? Have you seen the new bacon condoms?
  5. Anyone ever eat those 'marshmellowy' orange peanuts? I loved them when I was a kid. Dont see them much anymore. They are kinda like stale peeps in that they are harder than usual.
  6. Marshmallow Chicks Recipe - How to Make Marshmallow Chicks for Easter - Marshmallow Peeps Recipe Now the recipe on facebook uses different colors for a variety. Doesnt it look easy?!
  7. Talisyn says peeps are very good roasted. Says they have a nice caramelly crunch.
  8. Do I have to count the late night vampire movies my husband keeps me awake watching?
  9. I like fresh peeps. Never thought about actually saving them to be stale. They are good stale though. hmm.
  10. I love peeps! Theres a recipe going around facebook for a recipe to make your own from scratch! Cool since you can do any color you want. Even combinations maybe? :) They dont look all that hard!
  11. I was doing some research on her awhile back on the internet. Interesting woman but so much legend its hard to see what is real and whats not.
  12. Is it interesting, convincing, or ?
  13. Numbers = Math The letters in algebra are strictly representative. Any symbol would work instead of letters but letters are easy since we are already familiar with them. For that matter numbers are only symbols for how many. sighs. I really dont like math very much. If it were all letters maybe it would be more fun. Figure working in a 26 base system. FUN!!!
  14. sighs. Ok first let me clarify. I was happy to see that a person who is not LDS and is very liberal was such a nice person on the question of the fear that we would be persecuted over the issue of marriage. She was horrified that Van Buren and Polk were not impeached for their stands. Period. If it appeared that I was insulting anyone I want to make it clear that I was not. Unless it was my other liberal friends who I mostly agree with but not on redefining marriage or on same sex marriage. Or abortion for that matter generally. I do believe that same sex marriage and homosexual activities are wrong/sin and yes it has been made clear that is the case numerous times by various general authorities and the bible. What I havent seen is anything directly attributed to Jesus in the Bible that I can use as a reference. I am pretty sure there isnt but would love to have one. If there is I am sure that Vort is the man to find it!
  15. Be so kind as to give me that quote! I would love to have it. Thanks ahead of time. :)
  16. It is possible to carry on a conversation without insults. Today I reposted this quote from Addennex(sp?) onto facebook. "You want to know why most Mormons are worried about the government redefining marriage? It isn’t because they hate gay people. It is because the last time the government redefined the definition of marriage, Mormons got screwed over, imprisoned, invaded, and had their property confiscated for not following along with the federal government’s definition of marriage. The feds said you have to perform marriages like we tell you to, or you’re not a real religion, and we will throw you in prison. And for the people who say this could never happen, that’s super comforting, since it has before. So if you want to know why the Mormons in California voted against gay marriage, they weren’t scared of gay people. They were scared of the feds." I had a very nice conversation with one of my very liberal friends. If everyone was as nice as she was there would be no fear of being forced into situations we can not tolerate as a religion. She is a strong advocate of free agency even as a nonmember. I left the conversation feeling uplifted and wishful that more genuinely good people existed in this world.
  17. Do it. If you allow comments vet them before they post. It would be easy for 'coming back' topics to go antimormon pretty quickly. Also make sure people dont think you are a substitute for a bishop chat. You have a lot to offer that could be helpful for others.
  18. That gives a whole new twist on healing. Thank you so much for sharing!
  19. There too many advantages to electronic scriptures to dismiss them as being secondary forms. Size of type being changeable is a big one. Not spiritual but anything that makes scriptures readable is good. Searchability is expanded. My app will search everything including general conference talks, books like Jesus the Christ and the magazines. Who knows what else. Not only does it search but it displays them all at once so a lot of time is saved from just finding the references. I know this is all basic but it is amazing how easy and useful they are. AND they are so light. AND they can go to audio. And well I just think they are the greatest invention ever. :)
  20. If I am watching it I close my eyes and go along with the prayer although if people are talking to me I quietly answer them. Do you do differently when its live instead of a decade old?
  21. This issue comes up a lot with my non lds friends. It is difficult to get into the reasons because they simply do not understand any eternal perspective for marriage. I tell some that I can not support something that will make them more unhappy in the eternal perspective. They are going to be able to get married because the social forces are very strongly supporting same sex marriage. My stand will not stop them but I want them to know its not from hate or dislike or bigotry that I oppose it but because I just see so much pain ahead for them eternally. They potentially spend this life building a relationship that is very unlikely to carry over to the next stage of their life. Why should I encourage them to be in that situation? They do not understand me but they do know I care about them. Anyway that is how I handle it.
  22. I would not expect Pope Francis to change doctrine. In fact it would be foolish. Whether clergy in the Catholic church has a rampant pedophilia or corruption problem is not the issue. They are perceived to have those issues. If they are not going to deal with those perceptions then they will continue to be slammed in the media. Consider how our church has dealt with the issue of same sex marriage. We have made our position clear concerning our reservations. We have talked to gay rights groups to listen to their side of the problem. We have clarified, repeatedly, that we do not consider gay to be a sin. We have made a webpage to let our own affected members speak on the subject. In other words we address the issue not pretend it doesnt exist. We havent always been perfect in this kind of situation but we have learned. I see no reason why it would help the Catholic church to not deal with their issues in a proactive way. Why would that even be debatable unless them being martyrs to the media is a good thing?
  23. You are not Nephi. We arent dancing for rain. I know you will probably never get a clue but I post so that not everyone thinks that to be a good member of the church you have to be a conservative. Its not true and has never been true. You can ARGUE all you want but flailing in the dark isnt going to get you to any light. Oddly most of us prefer to research issues rather than rely on you to inform us of the correct stand. I expect you are quite capable of doing the same despite evidence to the contrary. I am not now and never will be a victim. What happens to a person is outside that person not inside and you will never be my victimizer. No one ever will be. I dont think you are being mean. Just being run of the mill conservative that watches too much Fox and has decided conservatism is your religion.
  24. Wow, Selek. I am almost tempted to toss a few scriptures at you so you can see the error of your ways as well. Tempted but I really try to avoid scripture bashing. Time to go get me some of that nice homemade chicken soup sitting in the fridge waiting for me!