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  1. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Crypto in Sometimes you gotta stop and do your research   
    I think the French version says Ciao.
  2. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from SpiritDragon in Sometimes you gotta stop and do your research   
    I think the French version says Ciao.
  3. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Blackmarch in Stakes   
    Some thoughts. 

    Stakes are called stakes because they are what keeps the church's tent up.  They are for stability and the more stakes we have the more stable the tent is.
    And I LOOOOOOVE this video as it shows how the gospel truth has grown.  And the music is awesome.  The lyrics are particularly significant.

    And lastly, two words:  Road Shows.
  4. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Blackmarch in Essential reading   
    I have downloaded several of the Talmage books using Google Play (books) for free.  I am sure most of the older books are available there too.
    The church manuals are great too, and are all online for free at 
    Resources are pretty much everywhere at your fingertips. 
    I have found though that if I want to annotate, I have to have a real book.
  5. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from David13 in Stakes   
    Some thoughts. 

    Stakes are called stakes because they are what keeps the church's tent up.  They are for stability and the more stakes we have the more stable the tent is.
    And I LOOOOOOVE this video as it shows how the gospel truth has grown.  And the music is awesome.  The lyrics are particularly significant.

    And lastly, two words:  Road Shows.
  6. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from dahlia in Stakes   
    Some thoughts. 

    Stakes are called stakes because they are what keeps the church's tent up.  They are for stability and the more stakes we have the more stable the tent is.
    And I LOOOOOOVE this video as it shows how the gospel truth has grown.  And the music is awesome.  The lyrics are particularly significant.

    And lastly, two words:  Road Shows.
  7. Like
    bytebear reacted to Sunday21 in 3 wishes   
    I wish...that the data that I am working on at work would gel into a significant result so that I could stop work at a decent hour and go to the gym.
    That my students would stop dressing like prostitutes and homeless people during job interviews so they could get the jobs they need ( my poor rust belt students have never had a college grad in their family so they have no idea what to wear, the people who are paid to teach them what to do are too hidebound by a culture of political correctness to tell them. I told one young woman, wearing an off the shoulder dress that she could not wear that to a job interview and she cried),
    I wish that the economy in my country would improve so my students would find jobs.
  8. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Anddenex in Fallibility of prophets and scripture and revelation -- slavery   
    We don't live in a caste system. That affects culture immensely.  If we did, the Lord would provide revelations to His leaders to best support those of a lower caste, including slaves.  So, do I think the prophets were fallible because they taught things we find deplorable today?  Nope, God works within his means. And even He denied the Israelites higher blessings because of their circumstances and because there is a season and a time for everything. 
  9. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from NeuroTypical in Mormon Urban Legends   
    Do you feel anything?
    Are you sure. Rub harder.  Are you sure you don't feel anything?
    Not even a little foolish?
  10. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from zil in Mormon Urban Legends   
    Do you feel anything?
    Are you sure. Rub harder.  Are you sure you don't feel anything?
    Not even a little foolish?
  11. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from jerome1232 in "Let your light so shine" vs "That thine alms be in secret" and the age of the internet   
    When I read this post, I was reminded of conversion stories, and one in particular, because fame makes it well documented.
    If you read the story, each person introduced to the church were introduced because they had a light that attracted people to the truth. 
    “Since I joined the Church, I desire to be more and more obedient to God. As I do so, many people say to me, ‘I see a light in you more than ever before. What is it?’…During one performance at Disney world…[a member of the audience asked,] ‘Could you please tell us…how you got that light?’
    “the question was direct. so I gave a direct answer: ‘I have become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”

    I think this is what is meant by letting your light shine.
  12. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Sunday21 in "Mass Resignation"   
    Do you ever notice that every time they do a mass resignation, it's the same people resigning (again).
  13. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Anddenex in Liberals in the Church   
    I have found that the church has a very good method for people who cannot abide by the gospel principles will leave the church.  The faithful will stay regardless of politics.
  14. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from lagarthaaz in Liberals in the Church   
    I have found that the church has a very good method for people who cannot abide by the gospel principles will leave the church.  The faithful will stay regardless of politics.
  15. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from The Folk Prophet in Million Student March   
    Every time I hear about students demand that the 1% pay for everyone's college, I think,"can we start with math."
  16. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from NeedleinA in Teaching my kids about LDS History   
    Make sure you understand the whole story.  Anti-Mormons like to use the stone in the hat to make it sound odd, but when you understand the translation process (fully documented in church history) it makes perfect sense, and is only a fraction of the miracle that the translation of the Book of Mormon is.  So, tell the whole story, and don't overemphaize things that really aren't that important (but like to be used negatively).
  17. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from lagarthaaz in What will post-resurrection life be like?   
    I asked this in the other thread, but thought I would throw it here too.  Is the resurrection universal, or is it tied to salvation?
  18. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Vort in Judge: "Happy Birthday" now public domain   
    I wonder if it will make the children's songbook. I actaully loved the "Happy Happy Birthday" that I grew up singing in primary.  I hope they keep it.  It always made me feel special knowing we had a special happy birthday song just for primary.
  19. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Traveler in Random Thought about becoming perfect and the atonement   
    I always understood that the perfection of man is not meant to in the modern meaning of the word "perfect", but to mean more complete.  Jesus was always morally perfect, but his mission was not complete until after the atonement and after the resurrection.  He had do become perfect (complete).  And, we know he did not begin his life with a pefect knowledge or even a perfect desire (desiring that the cup be taken from him), but he did have a pefect will. 
    I like the notion that we are all "gods" until we are not, because the definition of "god" is one who continues forever.  And we, right now are continuing.  Perfection and exhaultation comes when our continuation is assured forever.
  20. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Sunday21 in 400 religious leaders to resign -- Ashley Madison Hack   
    I am reminded of how the prophets said your sins will be shouted from the rooftops.  I think that one was spot on.
    I do weep for the next generations who have such wickedness at their fingertips.  Pornography and pick up sites just a few keystrokes away.  Temptation is far more easily found today.
    But, I also heard that most of the female accounts (upwards of 90%) were fake, so I suspect a lot of men were living a fantasy, but not actually having affairs.  That said, I think this is really Satan's plan.  Not to have men fall into sexual sin, but to turn away from real fulfilling relationships and seeking fantasies.  In this way, I think Facebook or video games can be just as damaging. We need real relationships will real people.   I think I am going to take my family hiking this weekend.
  21. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Saint Peter in Concepts that we struggle to discuss because of other religions   
    What troubles me are religious topics that never get discussed in other Christian faiths because of Mormonism.  Polygamy in the Bible, baptism for the dead, degrees of glory, all eschewed to the extreme because they might just give Mormonism some credibility.  And historical precidence seems to be trumped by current dogma, which also troubles me.
  22. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from BladeMoses in Feeling a pull towards LDS   
    Start with the Book of Mormon.  And when you are ready, contact the missionaries.  Their job is to tell you what it's about, and be your guide to investigating the church.  And feel free to attend church service. has info on finding a local church as well as lots of helpful stuff.
  23. Like
    bytebear reacted to Vort in Church ExCommunication   
    The "no" answers are wrong. A Melchizedek Priesthood holder who has abandoned his temple covenants through adultery is most certainly subject to excommunication. Whether that actually happens or not is at the discretion of the stake president, and it may seem an unlikely outcome. But possible? Oh, yes.
  24. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Leah in Ramblings of an Estranged Saint   
    Is that what I said?  I don't think so.  But everyone lives with the consequences of their actions.  Perhaps you should study the parable of the Prodical Son.
  25. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Leah in Ramblings of an Estranged Saint   
    I look at it like this. You made some poor choices which led to some more poor choices, and now you are living with the consequences of them.  I think you just need to accept the possibility that some blessings of the church may have to wait.  I don't know what decisions will be made, but I do know that the church, the bishop, the "rules" are all meant to lead us to greater things, even if those things are delayed until we are ready for them.   So, do what you can.  Participate as much as you can.  And focus on the things that you know are important, like your relationship with your son and surrounding yourself with people who lift you up.   I promise you, we're here to help.