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Everything posted by Tarnished

  1. I agree with Wingnut on this one, there is no way I would go to one of the Bishop's counselors over something private. There are certain things that they are advised on keeping to themselves, but they are not in the same position as the Bishop, they are not to fill in for him when it comes to confessions by ward members. The counselor should not have told anyone about what you talked to him about, but he is not trained in the same way as the bishop would have been.
  2. We had a collie when I was a kid, really sweet dog, but sooooo much hair! There are a lot of smart dog breeds, it really depends on what you want in a dog. But collies are good dogs.
  3. Ring by Spring or your money back!
  4. I had to do this as well. The computer is an insinuating device, it draws you in and does not want to let you go. Or at least it does this to me. I often have found that if I leave the computer alone I get more done. While at work though I am stuck on my computer all day long. Sometimes I wish I could get away from it.
  5. I didn't think you were refering to a tactile difference, I figured there was just a different prescence to the body than there might have been if they were just sleeping. Thank you for clarifying though.
  6. Why didn't he just say, "You know, I need to step out, someone needs to take my place." I have yet to be in a temple where the officiators are really mean to people. It just seems weird that an adult man would not stand up for himself and say, "I have to stop." I mean they usually change people out every so often in every single part of the temple. The workers, the patrons, everyone. Even in sealings they change the people who are at the altar every so often because they have had people faint at the altar. Best to keep people safe and keep the spirit in the proceedings.
  7. That is interesting. Interesting that the bodies feel different. Thanks for sharing that.
  8. Ah, I see what you are saying with that. The problem is that they are not alive for a long period of time. But it does make you wonder, people who are kept alive by machines, are they still there, or has the spirit gone on and all you have left is an animated corpse?
  9. Same with my weimaraners, they are both smart in different ways. My male is smart in that he figures out how to get to food, and he is very quick at picking up tricks we teach him, and very very bright when it comes to understanding human language. He has figured out conversations my husband and I have and then acts upon them. My female is smart in a different way, she has figured out that she can sit on chairs like people do and that chairs and stools and other things are great for stepping on or sitting on and getting closer to the counters, or the table, or whatever else she is interested in. She has figured out that she can wrap her paw around the neighbors fence boards and pull them off, and then get out of the yard that way. It is sometimes scary with both of them around, I never know what they are going to get into, or out of, or figure out next. I am just waiting for them to figure out how to open their kennels while we are gone at work.
  10. When I was in high school we had Homecoming, Prom, Turnabout, and all of them you dressed up fancy and went to a dance. Prom was the fanciest out of all of them. Usually it happened in the ballroom of a fancy Hotel or something. For the ones I attended I usually bought my date a boutonniere, which is a tiny flower arrangement he can pin to his tux. The guy usually brings a corsage for the girl, usually a slightly larger flower arrangement that you can wear on your wrist. I never bought a gift for my date, but it really depends on the relationship at the time and on the customs of the area. Usually there are pictures ahead of time, and usually the guy takes the girl out to eat before the dance. Some dances will provide a dinner for the people attending. The best etiquette for a fancy dance is to spend most if not all of your time with your date. Have fun though, I miss going to dances. They don’t really have any for married adults, and besides which my husband and I almost always get into fights at dances. But it still would be fun to go to one again.
  11. I am guessing that a ball there is much the same as a dance in the US. Other than have fun, be yourself and such, I am not sure what kind of advice to give. What in particular are you looking for? What kind of etiquette?
  12. The body sometimes has problems believing it is dead. When they used the guillotine on people they would often show the head the body, because often after the head had been cut off it would continue praying or mouthing the words it was saying before being cut off. I think the same is with chickens. The muscles and parts of the body still function for a short time after the head is removed. I don't think it is the spirit still with the body rather the body having a hard time dying right away.
  13. No, no. Cats are actually more based on instinct rather than choice. They are the programmed ones. Dogs actually make choices every day. Do I jump up on the table and eat the food that is there? Do I dig a hole in the yard? Do I sit when told or is disobeying more satisfying than the treat I may or may not get? Do I lick my master's face in the morning to wake them up or should I wait patiently by their bed? Do I jump on the couch that I am not allowed on when my master is gone? Programmed...HAH! Dogs obey commands because they think they are going to get something for it, and some because they are good dogs and want to make their master happy with them. But they are not programmed, far from it. If dogs make good choices then they can go to heaven, cats though...that's iffy. They are like pre-programmed hunting machines, can machines go to heaven? I think not.
  14. We are currently in the situation where we will have to either go with a Short Sale or a Deed in Lieu. We need to move because my husband's job moved him two hours from where we currently live and the commute is killing him and our finances. When we looked into selling our house we discovered that it is now not worth the amount we owe for our mortgage. This is more than a little discouraging because if we had sold it right after we bought it we could have made a profit on the house. When we found out that our house was worth less than we had bought it for I called up the bank to discuss our options. They told me that I could either do a Short Sale (where you sell the house for what it is worth and the bank forgives the amount of the mortgage that is not covered by the sale), or a Deed in Lieu (where the bank takes the house in lieu of the mortgage). Problem is both options would kill our credit score, so we are currently trying to get into a house in the town that we need to move to, and then go through the short sale or deed in lieu option. Problem is, for both options you have to stop paying your mortgage payments on the house. I don't like the whole situation, but it is what the bank is advising us to do. When it comes to the foreclosure route I do wonder if there are other options out there. Can the person do a short sale or deed in lieu instead? From what I have heard, the bank is often willing to work with people as long as the people come and talk to them first about the whole thing.
  15. Is there any hip LDS music? Yes, but we need more | Mormon Times Maybe this article may help a bit.
  16. Not always, as Mormons we take all that stuff for granted. But in other churches they often have to pay for confirmation, marriage and even funeral services.
  17. I think that is running. Or at least that is what I have heard about running. Running is my arch nemesis though, so I don't understand how it could become addictive. Run till you hurt all over and until your lungs are on fire and every breath feels like it is being ripped from your chest through your ribs and muscles and skin, and eventually it becomes addictive...right, that sounds like something I really want to become addicted to.
  18. I am also a big alarm clock snoozer, ask my husband who has nicknamed me the "snooze queen". Though I don't do it now, because it would drive my husband batty, I used to set my alarm an hour early, so that I could snooze for an hour and then wake up. Each snooze would wake me up just a little bit more each time. And yes I do place my alarm across the room from me. Slowly over time I have cut back a little more each time. At first it was an hour ahead, then a half hour and now it is just 10 minutes. One snooze, one precious snooze and then I have to wake up if I want to be on time for work. One thing I use to help wake myself up in the morning is washing my face. It is the first thing I do when I wake up, splash water on my face. It is a good way to ensure that I wake up, no matter what.
  19. In tandem to this, I actually plan to use my husband's night owl-ness to help make things easier when we have children. Middle of the night feedings? Perfect, have hubby feed the baby. Depending on whether breast feeding works out or not I will either have him use a prepared bottle of formula or breast milk. I mean heck, if he is up at Midnight, or 2 am or 4 am then why not have him do the feeding? I suppose we will see how well this plan works when the baby actually comes, but right now the plan sounds perfect to me! Once the baby gets on a regular sleep cycle though this will probably be not so perfect anymore, but we will cross that road when it comes. Urban - Your dog sounds like mine, except my dog uncovers my feet and starts to wash them, which I prefer to my face. And he doesn't pull my blankets off, instead he shakes so that he rattles his collar a lot, and whines, and comes up and breathes in my face, and if I begin to move like I might be awake he will crawl up on the bed so just the first half of his torso is up there and then bash/rub his head into my body until I get up. Dogs can sure be persistent.
  20. You possibly could, but I have found when talking to friends that don't claim any religion that they often don't really have a moral structure or guideline that they base their life on, and if they do it came from whatever religion they were beforehand. As for the group of like minded people, I suppose I should change that to say, "A group of like minded people who share your same or similar beliefs in a greater being, etc."
  21. ~A belief in something after death. ~The knowledge that God (or something if not Christian) is there watching out for you, listening to you and caring for you. ~A solid moral structure built on beliefs. ~A group of like minded people that you see on a weekly (or however often you attend) basis ~A moral guideline that you can raise your children with ~Spiritual teachings that you can soak up on a regular basis That is all I can think of for right now, even though I know there are more.
  22. I didn't figure you were serious . Thank you for the congratulations, we appreciate it! :) Hordak - I kind of agree with you. As a morning person I find it is easier to adapt to a night schedule than it is to have my spouse adapt to a morning schedule. However, getting a 2 year old child to understand that may be a bit difficult for Wing. What I like most about being a morning person is that the morning is often very quiet, because people are still sleeping, and I can get more done in the morning because of it. If I get things done in the morning then I have the rest of the day to have fun! :)
  23. I don't think I can really believe that. As Faded stated in our relationship he is the night owl and I am the morning person. And we are about the same intelligence level, which is pretty high. I would say that I am probably smarter than him but that would probably cause problems, so I will just say that our intelligence level is about the same, which works well for us. As far as changing your sleep schedule, I have at times had to become more of a night person. Faded is the more dynamic of the two of us and I am often willing to give up waking up early so that I can spend more time with him. My problem is that I naturally pop right awake at 7 am or earlier, and our dogs insist on being fed if one of us is awake. So if I know that I need more sleep because I need to stay up later then I feed them and then go back to sleep. Doesn't work for everyone, I know. As for turning a night owl into a morning person, I don't really know. Other than sleeping pills I don't really know any good way of getting a night person to fall asleep easily. Faded suffers from insomnia so I know that even the best intentions of going to bed don't always work for him. It is a difficult conundrum.
  24. We had a realtor who used this phrase a lot. But it worked the way she used it. "Well if you go with this house you have the nice yard and the big rooms, but at the end of the day there is still the mold problem." Problem was that she used it so often that my husband began to pick it up as well. I am not hesitant about people using it, I just sometimes hear it too often.
  25. Well, as Gwen pointed out I guess we are both right, it is interesting to see how language changes and morphs over time. Either way we are both talking about the same thing, a type of sore in full bloom, either way not a pleasant sight.