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Everything posted by pam

  1. I divorced him. But seriously. Ibuprofen and a dark quiet room usually helps me.
  2. pam

    I Did It!

    That is awesome. One step at a time. Sometimes they are only baby steps but a step nonetheless.
  3. PC though we are not of the same faith..your insight into subjects gives me much to ponder on. I appreciate your thoughts and your posts and I personally am so glad you come here. I also love and appreciate our new friendship.
  4. ......LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pale I can still tell you to shut up.
  5. Duly noted and ducking for cover, sir. Proceeding to walk on eggshells, envisioning them as a minefield. I guess I better be on my best behavior and talk in my Sunday best around here now. Congrats, Pam. If you need any ideas on who to punish as your first act as mod (not including me), you can PM me anytime. So funny JD. This would apply to our family gatherings as well. Oh wait....I don't have any authority there. The only thing I have there is the "honor" of being the oldest sibling.
  6. I believe Bishops have guidelines as to who can participate in a Sacrament service in any capacity. I was asked once to sing with my sister in her ward. Her Bishop had to call my Bishop to make sure that I was "okay" to participate.
  7. Thank you Heather for your faith and confidence in me once more. I will do my best.
  8. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. What is your favorite color Strawberry?
  10. Come on Strawberry. Only 3 more and you are back in 3rd place. You can do it.
  11. That is soooo true. My kids are what make my life interesting.
  12. Wouldn't that be an autobiography? Sometimes I feel dead living in a house with kids.
  13. Ohhh "the others" sounds like a good name for a movie.
  14. Sure sure sure. Okay everyone. Dr. T does NOT have a cat. *whispers* but WE know better don't we?
  15. lol ditto....I have teenage boys as well so I have no choice. Not that I would make any other choice. I am just too conservative as well.
  16. I guess it would depend on the jammies
  17. pam


    I for one am ready for the temps to drop a bit in Utah. Triple digits several days in a row are getting a bit old. Only one day in our 7 day forecast below 100. I don't know how those in LV and Arizona do it.
  18. England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland Also I'd love to travel the U.S. in an RV for about 2 months. That would be my ultimate trip.