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  1. Like
    pam reacted to Irishcolleen in Childhood things now extinct!   
    Spending all day outside exploring without adult supervision.  We were sent out to play and we came home for lunch and dinner.  We had fun.  We never thought of danger.  I feel so bad for kids now.  It's all structured activities or video games.  Spontaneous play and exploration seem to be a thing of the past.
  2. Like
    pam got a reaction from classylady in Activities w/o your spouse   
    When my kids were small, being able to go to the grocery store by myself was like a vacation.
  3. Like
    pam got a reaction from Wingnut in Activities w/o your spouse   
    When my kids were small, being able to go to the grocery store by myself was like a vacation.
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    pam reacted to estradling75 in Word of Wisdom and marijuana. Very serious.   
    You can hold whatever opinion you want, you can do whatever you what.  What you don't get to do is selectively choose your consequence, nor do you get to force others to agree with you.
    If there is someone who chooses to use medical MJ for their condition that is their choice and right.  However if their bishop is of the understanding that medical MJ breaks the word of wisdom.  Then the bishop has every right not to sign off on a recommend for that person and potentially restrict other church worthiness related things.  He is the gatekeeper that is his job, the medical MJ user has no right to expect his desires and understanding to trump the bishops.  That person could appeal to the Stake President (Who could override the Bishop) but that is it, barring a more official church policy being given.
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    pam reacted to MrShorty in Broke The Law of Chasity   
    I hope the first thing your Bishop does is help you get over hating yourself. From statistics I have seen, masturbation is likely one of the most common "sins" we are guilty of. In this day and age, porn use is also very common. Neither sin is anything to "hate yourself" over. You are not perverted, hypersexual, gross, disgusting, or any other form of bad. You have succumbed to a "temptation that is common to man" (1 Cor 10:13). I would encourage you to talk to your bishop and work on developing a healthy and proper relationship with your sexuality.
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    pam reacted to Dravin in Broke The Law of Chasity   
    Mikey, you may be getting frustrated because people aren't coming out with lists such as, "He'll likely do X, Y, or Z". Pam has touched on why people aren't able to give such lists with confidence, because it depends on multiple things, but there is a degree of danger in us just blindly speculating. If say Pam or Estradling pipped up with, "He'll likely do X, or Y" and your Bishop does in fact do Z you may be inclined to feel that since Z is less desirable, from your perspective, than X or Y that your Bishop is being unreasonable. After all, you asked about online and the consensus was X or Y, not Z!
    You may immediately object with, "I'm not that silly! I understand that these are just in the dark suggestions offered by people divorced from the realities involved.", but folks who have been on the site long enough know to be wary. We have seen people come and complain that because, based on what other people have told them (most likely with the best of intentions), that their Bishop is being unreasonable because he's doing Z and not the expected X or Y. So while it may be frustrating for you, understand people like Pam or Estradling aren't trying to be frustrating or unhelpful, they just don't want to accidentally undermine your Bishop.
  7. Like
    pam got a reaction from Wingnut in Activities w/o your spouse   
    I've actually known one couple that did everything together. They would even find jobs where they could work together.  They enjoyed each others company so much they couldn't stand to be a apart for any length of time.  While that's awesome for them...I would find it a bit stifling.
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    pam got a reaction from Daybreak79 in Childhood things now extinct!   
    Is there a limit on how much we can post in one post?  :)
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    pam reacted to estradling75 in Broke The Law of Chasity   
    Since you are asking from a position of fear... lets talk about what will not happen.
    You will not be kicked out of the church.
    You will not be laughed at.
    You will not be publicly humiliated.
    You will not be told you are a horrible person.
    While we can not tell you details of what will happen, in general your bishop will listen and learn about what you are struggling with. Then he will recommend certain actions and changes for you to make to help you overcome your issues.  Then he will follow up to offer encouragement and support as needed.
  10. Like
    pam reacted to Irishcolleen in Trouble with 15 yr old and bishop interview   
    I hope the situation IS fake.  If it isn't there is a family and a ward with major issues.  Unfortunately there are people who like to play off of perceived "peculiarities" of the LDS and try to cause trouble.  It is terrible because it gets in the way of honest communication and learning. I have grown from animosity to love towards Mormons in my months here.  Not that I'd ever convert- I just have a greater understanding and appreciation for them as individuals and I can't wait for my hubby to find a job in Utah.
  11. Like
    pam reacted to Dravin in Activities w/o your spouse   
    My parsing was:
    Do you do or your spouse do things without the other*? If so: What things things do you do, and how often do you do them? Also, what boundaries do you set on the things you do?
    *There are kinda two ways to parse the "does your marriage allow" aspect of the question. I chose the implication of your marriage being setup such that you actually do things without your spouse rather than the implication that you or your spouse are scary controlling to the point where you forbid each other from doing things without the other.
  12. Like
    pam got a reaction from Wingnut in Family luxuries?   
    Satellite tv.  I don't need it but I like having it.
    Most would say even internet is a luxury. For me it's a necessity as it's how I make my living.
    I have very few luxuries in life.  Going to the theater to see a movie is a luxury to me.
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    pam got a reaction from applepansy in Trouble with 15 yr old and bishop interview   
    Yet we don't know if the OP is not legit so let's assume that it is and move on.
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    pam got a reaction from prisonchaplain in Trouble with 15 yr old and bishop interview   
    None of us have heard the audio recording.  We don't know if the questions being asked were out of line.  Was the Bishop digging deeper into the details because he was a perv?  Or did he need to dig a little deeper to decide if some disciplinary action was required.
    We've always been taught that conversations with the Bishop remain confidential.  Most Bishops respect that aspect of their calling.
    Your daughter betrayed him with her recording and sharing of the audio.  If she really was concerned she could have taken it to you as parents.  Not share it around the school to get a few laughs.  
    Yeh something wrong with the daughter here.
    I actually feel for the Bishop here.
  15. Like
    pam got a reaction from Wingnut in Trouble with 15 yr old and bishop interview   
    Yet we don't know if the OP is not legit so let's assume that it is and move on.
  16. Like
    pam reacted to Palerider in Trouble with 15 yr old and bishop interview   
    When we say Bishops dont receive training is not totally accurate. I cant speak for the whole Church but, it comes down to the Stake Presidents and the training they give to the Bishops. We were always encouraged to make sure door not locked and to leave it partially open and to have someone sitting outside the door. That could be a councilor or parent or even a youth leader.  As for interviewing Youth I personally always used a different set of questions depending on their age. I am not crazy about having a Parent in the room with me while interviewing their son or daughter for two reasons. The first being I would be concerned with getting the young man or woman to open up and feel comfortable and the other reason is....I dont want Mom or Dad answering the questions for their son or daughter or trying to dominate the conversation.
       I have had some very good conversations with the youth when I interviewed them. There were times they told me things and would then ask.....are you going to tell my Parents?? I would reply No i am not....but I think you should. Had a few times where the youth asked if I could get their Parents and bring them into the room.
        Bishops are human and we make mistakes....these callings are hard enough as it is. You get more crap from members sometimes than what you got going door to door as a Missionary. If you have never been a Bishop you have no idea what its like.  The first time I was called I dont think I did a great job at my calling being new and learning what I was suppose to do. I never asked to be called either time, but I am thankfull I was called a second time and I feel like I did a better job the second time around.  Total combined years of serving both times was 11 years.
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    pam reacted to classylady in Trouble with 15 yr old and bishop interview   
    If my daughter did this, even if she truly felt uncomfortable with the Bishop's interview, I would be so ashamed--ashamed that my daughter has no regard for authority or appropriate behavior.  Did I not teach her proper behavior?  How could I as a parent fall so short of my responsibility of teaching correct manners.  If this is an actual occurrence, and not some troll trying to get a rise out of us, I would be so embarrassed over my child's behavior.  And, I as a mother, look at my children's behavior as a reflection on me.  This is not a funny joke that she perpetrated.  This is just totally uncalled for and inappropriate.  I may rile a few people here, because I understand that children can go against their parent's teachings.  But, this behavior is not acceptable.  If the Bishop's questions were a little out of line, then she should have gone to her parents.  This sounds to me like she purposefully egged him on.  And recorded it!
    I should probably just erase what I just typed and not post this.  I usually don't get upset over posts.  And, it's not the post that is upsetting me, it's the behavior of a 15 year old girl.  Not acceptable or funny!
  18. Like
    pam reacted to CiVi in what do missionaries need to know?   
    As a convert who had missionary discussions for months, I think telling the missionaries about any problem you're having is a good idea. Honestly, the missionaries are young, but they have God on their side. Every single time I had an issue, I would convince myself that they shouldn't know or didn't need to know, be bothered by it, then let it slip to them. And every single time, the answers and help they provided made me wish I would have had the bravery to talk to them sooner. 
    It isn't because they had all the life experience to help me with infinite wisdom; it was because they were in touch with the Holy Spirit and ready to do God's work. I think they can help you a lot. I go to them for help with big problems even now (after, of course, foolishly deliberating for too long), and I am never disappointed in what they have to offer.
  19. Like
    pam reacted to AngelMarvel in For those who live alone, Sabbath observance   
    I don't think there is anything wrong with taking a time out for yourself. If you are wore to the bone...what good are you in doing anything for anyone be it Sunday or any other day. You have to rejuvenate for the coming week too.
    I am not sure I understand the question either. Are you thinking if you have other family around it is easier to keep active doing Sabbath day things? Cause sometimes I am so exhausted with the whole family being here that I HAVE to take a nap... I just excuse myself and do what I need to do...only to come out of my room to find out that everyone else is napping on the couch, chairs, and anywhere else they can find to have a rest time.
    I don't believe there is a thing wrong with taking time out on Sunday.
  20. Like
    pam got a reaction from Daybreak79 in Trouble with 15 yr old and bishop interview   
    None of us have heard the audio recording.  We don't know if the questions being asked were out of line.  Was the Bishop digging deeper into the details because he was a perv?  Or did he need to dig a little deeper to decide if some disciplinary action was required.
    We've always been taught that conversations with the Bishop remain confidential.  Most Bishops respect that aspect of their calling.
    Your daughter betrayed him with her recording and sharing of the audio.  If she really was concerned she could have taken it to you as parents.  Not share it around the school to get a few laughs.  
    Yeh something wrong with the daughter here.
    I actually feel for the Bishop here.
  21. Like
    pam got a reaction from Wingnut in Mormon Family Receives Ally Voice Award   
    Okay. Your original post made it sound like Steve Young had found out his son was gay.
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    pam reacted to Windseeker in Mormon Family Receives Ally Voice Award   
    I think they are amazing too and I'm sorry for what they had to go thru. I'm glad they chose to remain members of the church, I just think the message they sent was a little too "seeking the praise of man" then it needed to be and it rubbed me wrong.
  23. Like
    pam reacted to Jenamarie in Mormon Family Receives Ally Voice Award   
    This family is amazing. I listened to an interview with the mother on another podcast, and her family went through some serious cr@p in her previous ward after her son came out, so much so that they had their records transferred to a different one to escape the drama. (things like, people refusing to accept the Sacrament from her gay son, even though the Bishop had declared him worthy to pass it, parents demanding that her husband be released from his calling with the Youth because he might be a "bad influence" since he was supportive of his son, etc. Lots of contention) Those kinds of attitudes are what they're trying to "change". Actions speak louder than words, and I think sometimes the hurtful, judgmental actions of some members speak louder than the message of love coming from the top. I think they're embracing the old addage of "be the change you want to see in the world" (or ward, in this case). She bares her testimony in the podcast I listened to, so there is definitely more to their being members than just wanting to change things from the inside.
  24. Like
    pam got a reaction from Backroads in Mormon Family Receives Ally Voice Award   
    I supported Prop 8 and my son is gay as well.  Would you be laughing at me as well?
  25. Like
    pam got a reaction from Daybreak79 in Mormon Family Receives Ally Voice Award   
    Where did you read in that article about Steve Young?