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Everything posted by mdfxdb

  1. If you want to stay married you need to forgive. Unconditionally. I cannot comment on the gravity of his "sin" or make a determination as to if you are making a mountain out of a mole hill without further information. However, that does in no way change how you feel right now. As mortal men and women, we are required to forgive. If you love your husband and want to be with him you need to make a conscious decision to forgive. That means you will not hold it over his head, you will not mash it in his face when he has another failing. He is still the person you married and you married him for good reasons. What were those reasons? Does what he did undo all of that?
  2. Agency comes with consequence. If your husband wants his agency you cannot deprive him of it, but you have to be willing to draw clear lines as to what in your mind is acceptable and unacceptable. For me I would not allow contact with this person. My significant other would be allowed to do what they want (agency) and then I would have to make a decision. That decision may be to leave the relationship. Your mileage may vary...
  3. ?? the reason is you turned faith required. couldn't be helped unless you have a fancy way-back machine with a flux capacitor in it...
  4. What do you think goes on? If they aren't interested, they should say so and move on. the end. besides it wont last long. he will be asked to leave. Attractive young women get hit on in the general population and there are no dividers for age. they can deflect really old guys as easily as a 31 year old. 20 something dating a 30 something isn't creepy. That varies based on the person. The real problem is when the 31 year old has some significant baggage they are trying to bring to a relationship with someone relatively young who has significantly less life experience. I'm not disagreeing with the 30 year old rule as a divider. It is put there to negate the possibility of what I just mentioned, however I would still go until I got asked to leave.
  5. 31 isn't creepy. And you obviously want to date younger women. So you have to go where they are. Don't worry you will be asked to leave...
  6. I say go to the 30 and younger ward until you are kicked out.
  7. hitting the nail on the head. I do not doubt the veracity of your personal revelation, however we all get to exercise our agency, and because of that those things which are revealed to us may or may not come to pass. Add into that our limited perspective on time vs. Gods perspective on time. Who knows what will happen?
  8. this is the right answer
  9. nobody's mentioned the three S's of garment wearing. Wear at all times except for: Swimming, sports, sex... Seriously though, who looks up a woman's skirts to determine what kind of underwear they are wearing? need to do what you feel is right as regards to garments. It was stated early on in the thread that we are not to be instructed/commanded in all things.
  10. What can make a marriage work: Knowing that the whole is greater than the individual, complete and total selflessness, unconditional love. What makes it not work: Selfishness Most marital problems stem from one party or the other being selfish. Sexual problems, communication problems, ... most of those stem from one party or the other being selfish.
  11. I am sure she is complicit in the actions they are engaging in. That does not negate the fact that it is a mistake on both parts. By the way doesn't he hold the priesthood?...
  12. Just because something is unethical, does not make it unlawful. Some states have very stringent tenant rights. Also, most tenants in my experience know little to nothing about how to properly repair the properties. Add on to that most tenants do not care for their properties as if they are their own and you have a situation that leads to neglect on the part of the tenant. If a tenant takes into his hands to effect a repair on one of my properties, they are in effect spending my money... Most tenant repairs, not all, but most take the path of least resistance and you typically see a half-way job done by an inexperienced or unlicensed repair man which in the long run can cause more damage the property than not fixing it. A lot of things can happen when you own real property, there are a lot of what if's. That is why you should carry an umbrella policy. That being said, I think a contentious land lord (like myself) looks to be ahead of repairs and looks to keep their properties maintained. Which is why I will iterate that any tenant that seeks to spend my money will be evicted in accordance with the laws of the state and city where I live. You don't let strangers spend your money do you? The OP should take all measures to inform both the management company, and the owner of his problems. If those problems persist then they should seek to leave the property. A good land lord will fix those problems because it is in their best interest to keep the properties as maintained as possible. Neglect of small fixes inevitably leads to more expensive fixes down the road, or even major renovations. whose been banned???
  13. criticizing ones bishop is not prima facie evidence of unwillingness to sustain ones leaders. Bishops are people just like the rest of us, and they screw things up just like the rest of us. from what I can glean from the OP it sounds like the bishop was out of line. Just because you sustain a leader doesn't mean he's always right, nor does it mean you have to do what they say every time. and to answer the OP there is no other requirement/additional question other than those which are standard for a temple recommend. It has been handled above through specific reference that the leadership may not add additional requirements. It is entirely possible the bishop screwed up the scouting deal and now can't handle the criticism.
  14. I don't know anything about you, but if you are worried about day-care then don't drop your kid off at day-care. Do the jogging stroller thing, or get up earlier and have your husband watch your child before work. Like many things in life most people do not care for things as their own..children included.
  15. You need to check local laws. As a landlord I understand how frustrating things can be when repairs don't get made, and I try my best to be attentive. It seems odd the property management company isn't communicating very well. That being said in the state where I live the tenant has no right to deduct from rent the cost of repairs or refurbishments unless specifically spelled out in the lease/rental contract. If my tenant were to try to deduct from rents a perceived repair I would give them an eviction notice for non-payment of rents.
  16. Without getting into specifics or worrying too much about the inter-family relationships. Here is my advice: Your sister should dump her pseudo missionary boyfriend and move on to a real man who can keep his commitments and covenants. Just because you give her this excellent advice doesn't mean she will do it. She is in love and people in love are not known for making good decisions.
  17. 1. See someone about your depression. This may be what the root cause is. If you can get help for your depression you will become clear on other matters. 2. I will skip your other stuff, and just address the "girl". You should only be friends with her. Do not form an emotional attachment to her or have her form one to you if you know you are not ready or worthy. To do different is to toy with her emotions and is unfair.
  18. Home repentance plan for me on this one. You know if you have completed the repentance process. You know how to stop doing those things you shouldn't be doing.
  19. I think you are reading too much into it. Don't talk to your bishop about it, he's a busy guy. People are people, and the church is the church. One does not always fully represent the other. Some of the most righteous, upstanding, and Christ like people I know are not members of the LDS faith. Some of my biggest let downs have been by members of the LDS faith. That doesn't mean the church isn't true, or correct it just means people misbehave in all walks of life.
  20. When your motorcycle wont start a piece of you dies inside..
  21. mdfxdb

    Retail help

    ?? what happened to Alucard1975?
  22. x2 there is no valid reason to "reconnect" with an ex on FB. I will repeat NO VALID REASON It stops or you're done. He is cheating.
  23. Leaving is never easy, but consider as stated above your children, and the environment they will grow up in. Their male role model will not be a member of the church in good standing. That doesn't mean their father is a bad person, and does not have many admirable qualities. If the good qualities of him as a man can over-ride his position on the church, and if he can treat you with the love, respect, dignity you deserve regarless of his feelings for the church then there is an arguement to work it out.
  24. I might be completely wrong here, but when groups of girls go to a club together they generally dance together. If their intent is to pick up guys then it is a different type of outing, and not a "girls night out". As a husband I personally would not have a problem with my wife going to a club as a "girls night out" type thing. If my wife is going to the club to dance with other guys, or pick up on guys or whatever then there are other problems with the relationship that have nothing to do with the club....
  25. I tend to agree with alucar and his car analogy. If you have ever purchased a new car you know they are not perfect. problems crop up and you need to do maintenance. If you know that your tires are getting worn you fix them, you don't wait for a blow out. As far as comparing it to relationships, why would you purchase a car that leaks oil, has bad brakes, or has been in a wreck? All of those items are dis qualifiers for purchase. I would argue that avoidance is a very evolved form of coping with life. I avoid going into bars. Would I be better off if I just went into bars and learned how to cope with what goes on there? I avoid purchasing cars that have been in a wreck, or have poor maintenance history. I'd say that is a pretty good method to ensure I don't have problems with the car in the future. Is it a guarantee that I will not have problems? No, of course not, but at least I did my best to get the best I could with the information in hand. I don't see how relationships are much different.