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Everything posted by Tyler90AZ

  1. Is there a wait time after taking Sacrament to receive a calling?
  2. I used to be strongly against it, until my wife changed my mind. My thought now is that we need to make church as memorable and great feeling for our kids as possible. If we make church memorable and let them have great feelings they will remember that into adulthood. For a lack of a better way to explain it, think about how companies market to children to get the children to spend money into adulthood. Think about the kids meal, Lowe's and Home Depot building workshops and so on. They make it enjoyable for children so that they will associate good feelings with the company.
  3. I think people who wish to discuss midwest parks would type what I searched. Although you are right more would come just by searching midwest parks. As far as you being high on Google already Hoosier. That means you have found a niche. It also happens, like you said from links. If you have been sharing your site on a lot of forums it will help.
  4. Add discuss or forums to that and it will be on first page.
  5. Wow, I was searching google for various topics relating to midwest parks and your high up on the list. How did you do that? Did you utilize keywords? I am really surprised it how quick, I guess you found a good niche.
  6. Good job on the forums man! However, you need some meat to your site, write articles about various topics and link to them from a homepage. It is very hard to get a forum established. That is why it is pertinent you draw people to your site. Also make sure you submit your website to Google search.
  7. That sounds interesting! Do you know the expected release date or title?
  8. They have a video of the Temple on the front page now.
  9. Well the better entertainment is on the strip. Good catch though!
  10. I am not saying the strip has the only good stuff. Just the fact that strip has millions of tourists yearly, therefore, the better entertainment seems to be on the strip. That is what logic would tell me, then again I don't use common sense often.
  11. The good entertainment, hotels and buffets are only on the strip. Not laughable at all, rather true. Also people need to realize that Las Vegas is a top vacation spot for many around the world and USA. Just because you live by it does it make it one of the best Vacation spots. I am sure the people who live in Europe would laugh at you for saying it is one of the best vacation spots. In a previous post, I forgot to mention the Temple.
  12. My understanding is that everything is intelligence. That God created* intelligences to take different forms. That we are his literal sons and daughters cause he creates our intelligence to be like him. Unlike animals or anything else, humans are created in his image. The fact that were created in his image shows that were his sons and daughters, not animals. *I think shaped would be a better word. I am looking for what we believe. I understand we our sons and daughters of god but how. Is it through adoption or what? Just-a-guy - That is pretty much what I was getting at, turning us from a fallen state to a Godlike. You used the correct terminology though, always helps.
  13. It is interesting to think about the fact that he is the only begotten of the flesh, not of the spirit. What is greater flesh or spirit? That really gives me a sense of my worth to Heavenly Father.
  14. The Israelites may have been God's chosen people, but they are not his only people. Despite not being his chosen people everyone are sons and daughters of God. We can all be traced back to Adam.
  15. I am aware that some Christian religions believes we are Gods children only through adoption. Why? If God had a hand in creating Adam then it would follow that we are all his physical children and spiritual children. I think maybe the scriptures are referring to the fact that we are in a fallen state. That when we accept Christ he adopts us from our fallen state to a godlike state. Just interested in what people have to say about this issue or talks given.
  16. Seems like your all a wee bit paranoid. I guess CPS must be horrible.
  17. Why even let them in? Why even talk to them?
  18. My comment was not referring to anybody else posts. Just to the fact that he should not beat him self up over it. To me it sounds like he knows what he did is wrong and needs to repent and see the bishop. Therefore, it is unwise to stress about it so much that it effects her negatively or doesn't see the bishop. Godly sorrow doesn't have to equal killing yourself over something. Yes, grinding is violating the law of chastity and she should stop. Lena, I would also make sure to not take the next step before you are married. That is something you will regret for the rest of your life. However, the small shred of good news to come out of this sin, is that it is with your future wife. I would be more concerned if it was just with some random girl. Although it is very important that you repent and see the Bishop immediately.
  19. Grinding?? That is it!!! You are a saint compared to most Americans, even some Mormons. It is breaking the law of chastity, but you are not the only one who has done it. If you are beating yourself up over it, stop doing it. See the Bishop and move forward. The fact that you are so worried shows that you are one of Gods chosen.
  20. You are right, the atmosphere in Vegas just makes it feel like that is all to do. In Vegas there are shows, walking the strip, food, clubs(don't have to drink), circus circus and much more.
  21. Take a breath, this is a friendly conversation.
  22. It would not happen overnight but steps can be taken to make it happen. The first step is giving everybody the same chance at a great education. The next step is showing youth there is a way, which is education.
  23. There is nothing to do in Vegas besides gamble and get drunk. That is why I would choose cruise, also everything is included, except offshore excursions.