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Everything posted by Tyler90AZ

  1. What are you trying to imply.
  2. I try to avoid conspiracy theories.
  3. I understand what your saying about community, expected it. The thing is African-Americans are considered a community more then any other race. They see themselves as a community because things that have happened in the past. Similar to how our community(Mormon) is so tight, because things that happened in our past. Regardless rather we like it the African-american race has become a tight community. That is precisely why occupiers had a strong desire to get African-Americans involved, we know they look after their own.The reason other crimes have not been brought to light because they have not been committed against a community member.
  4. Your showing a lack in understanding about why people are angry about the Trayvon killing. They are angry because they feel there is enough evidence against Zimmerman to be charged. It is not that they don't understand the system, it is that the system failed. It has got so much media attention because many people have came out united.
  5. Perfect example of why attention needs to be kept on this, so that way Zimmerman doesn't slip through the cracks.
  6. Should they just let one of their own get killed without justice? You are underestimating the fact that the justice system is flawed. Just because somebody is proven innocent, doesn't mean they didn't commit the crime.
  7. That is why I said The Church won't and wait until it is proven if they do. From what I have heard he said, "they all get away with this." The police even told him to stop chasing him. I am sure Zimmerman didn't set out to kill anyone that day, but he did and needs to be charged. I understand white people are killed everyday and it isn't made a big deal of. This is only a recent thing for blacks to get so much publicity when murdered. Not to long ago the roles were reversed and much worse. Blacks were regularly prosecuted for raping white women when they didn't. Well at the same time whites were raping black women. The whole reason this thing is so huge is because Zimmerman has not been charged. If he was charged rightly this would be a non-issue.
  8. What a tragedy... The 9/11 call is showing that Zimmerman is racist. I wonder if this is all said and done if The Church will comment on the incident. If it is proved that Trayvon Martin was killed in cold blood. Imagine how that would help the image of the church to the African-American community. I doubt it will happen, but it would be nice. What does everyone think about the incident?
  9. The problem with the church counselors is they talk to the Bishop. I wish they would just start with a blank slate, not knowing biases from anybody. It also seemed like counseling was very stressful to go to. It seemed like when we went we would fight more after, with one of us inevitably saying I told you. The gospel changes behavior quicker then any counselor will. That is when we are doers of the word and not just hearers. Not saying my counselor wasn't good, he did change my perspective a lot. I also can't really complain because it was free.
  10. Wow neat!!!!!! That strengthened my testimony that God will see us through any difficulty!
  11. Stop it! Be a doer and not just a hearer. Marriage first, family second. Take time to Ponder the things of Heaven.
  12. I was only able to watch the last two speakers.... Thanks for your summaries so I could catch up. Excited for the remaining!!!!
  13. If anybody ever feels the need to throw down, Lds.org has a study by topic and Bible Dictionary. I have a leg up on any member of another faith because of the great resources The Church provides. Most of the time I don't even use those resources, just common sense. Some times I come across some challenging foes, but most of the time thy get their stuff verbatim off anti-mormon websites. Bible Dictionary Bible Dictionary Study by Topic Study by Topic
  14. To me Christ's sermon is more about taking personal responsibility for our spiritual needs first. for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
  15. The lady at the end posed a wonderful question. How do we as Mormons build social connections when converting is our main objective? Rather that truly is our main objective or not, society views that as our objective. When ever we talk to somebody they have their guard up thinking we will try to convert them. I think they are right, we are taught to share the gospel. I don't think it is a tradeoff worth making. The best chance of this happening is having a Mormon President.
  16. It is not that big of leap for me since I don't go to their site anyway. I don't think a global outcry would be necessary to cause damage, just a Latter-day Saint one. It won't happen but it would hurt them.
  17. I'm boycotting BBC news unless they decide to issue an apology.
  18. In comparison to the rest of the Christian world, three hours is long. Considering the fact they are only used to an hour. I think most converts and non-members are shocked when they hear we attend for three hours. The fact that we attend church three hours and the program as a whole, really attest to the fact this this is a lifestyle. Many people aren't used to their religion being a lifestyle, more of a Sunday only thing. When I first heard three hours I didn't think I would be able to bear it, none to three is a jump. Now I only feel the spirit strongly when I attend for three hours, I feel high. Although sometimes I dread initially going, after Sacrament I desire to stay for the remaining classes.
  19. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I know you were not directing your comments at me. I agree that people will be able to interpret different things from the movie and it is always good to have discussion.
  20. I am not left or right, that is just how I interpreted it. I admit that is an over thought interpretation.
  21. On this earth there is enough food for the whole human family to eat good daily. However, it is due to greed on the part of many people that food is not divided. It is not only the USA, it is many more wealthy countries. I am also sure if the countries roles were reversed it would be the same way.
  22. Interesting, could you elaborate. What do you mean the districts represent North America? I have only read the first book and watched the movie. Despite what I wrote I am PRO USA, I am also a realist though.
  23. I thought the message was about wealthy countries and 3rd world countries. We have everything well the third world countries can barely get enough to eat. We are not scared to exploit the third world countries for their natural resources. Yet, beauty is a billion dollar industry here. Then of course we keep them warring with each other so they won't up rise against us. In the end though people will break free, we have seen that throughout history. You can look at many countries standing up to the big bad capital of the wold(America) right now.
  24. The symbolism in wearing the Temple Clothing when you die is amazing. I also want to point out in Hinduism that they lay their dead on the side of the mountain to be eaten by birds. That is stinkin amazing too! The body is nothing when you die, your soul lives forever. It also stands as a testimony that every religion has some truth. When we return to heavenly father we are wearing our temple clothing. However, it is not just clothing, it is clothing fit for a king and queen.