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  1. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from Sunday21 in Hugh Nibley Lecture Series   
    I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, or if this is really, really old news, but I thought I'd make aware that The Maxwell Institute has a youtube channel and one of their playlists is the Hugh Nibley's Pearl of Great Price Lecture Series.  I enjoyed it, thought others might also.
  2. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from Iggy in Hugh Nibley Lecture Series   
    I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, or if this is really, really old news, but I thought I'd make aware that The Maxwell Institute has a youtube channel and one of their playlists is the Hugh Nibley's Pearl of Great Price Lecture Series.  I enjoyed it, thought others might also.
  3. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from applepansy in Hugh Nibley Lecture Series   
    I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, or if this is really, really old news, but I thought I'd make aware that The Maxwell Institute has a youtube channel and one of their playlists is the Hugh Nibley's Pearl of Great Price Lecture Series.  I enjoyed it, thought others might also.
  4. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from Vort in Hugh Nibley Lecture Series   
    I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, or if this is really, really old news, but I thought I'd make aware that The Maxwell Institute has a youtube channel and one of their playlists is the Hugh Nibley's Pearl of Great Price Lecture Series.  I enjoyed it, thought others might also.
  5. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from JohnnyRudick in So is it wrong to not like lounging about in garments?   
    Husbands don't care, wives wear pj's, and congrats on hitting 6000 posts.
  6. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from Blackmarch in If you were not LDS what religion would you be?   
    Hedonism - May as well have fun
  7. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from Backroads in If you were not LDS what religion would you be?   
    Hedonism - May as well have fun
  8. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from mordorbund in Confession box   
    FINE!  I'll confess, I might be a nice guy...
  9. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from carlimac in A person cannot be happy without....   
    I rely on 300mg of Wellbutrin XL daily to be happy.  But then, somedays it's not as effective. 

  10. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from applepansy in A person cannot be happy without....   
    I rely on 300mg of Wellbutrin XL daily to be happy.  But then, somedays it's not as effective. 

  11. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from Windseeker in A person cannot be happy without....   
    I rely on 300mg of Wellbutrin XL daily to be happy.  But then, somedays it's not as effective. 

  12. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from faith4 in A person cannot be happy without....   
    I rely on 300mg of Wellbutrin XL daily to be happy.  But then, somedays it's not as effective. 

  13. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from srmaher in A person cannot be happy without....   
    I rely on 300mg of Wellbutrin XL daily to be happy.  But then, somedays it's not as effective. 

  14. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from Backroads in Cross on the High Plains   
    I was traveling on I-40, driving my son home, when we stopped at a pretty interesting place.  It's called the Cross on the High Plains in Groom, TX (right next to the interstate).  It's the home of the second largest cross (190' tall) and has the 14 Stations of the Cross (plus other Truths) on bronze plaques and depicted by bronze statues (as well as other statues).  I tell ya, it's worth the stop.
    Some pictures, because this post is worthless without em...






  15. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from Blackmarch in Cross on the High Plains   
    I was traveling on I-40, driving my son home, when we stopped at a pretty interesting place.  It's called the Cross on the High Plains in Groom, TX (right next to the interstate).  It's the home of the second largest cross (190' tall) and has the 14 Stations of the Cross (plus other Truths) on bronze plaques and depicted by bronze statues (as well as other statues).  I tell ya, it's worth the stop.
    Some pictures, because this post is worthless without em...






  16. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from Miami in Cross on the High Plains   
    I was traveling on I-40, driving my son home, when we stopped at a pretty interesting place.  It's called the Cross on the High Plains in Groom, TX (right next to the interstate).  It's the home of the second largest cross (190' tall) and has the 14 Stations of the Cross (plus other Truths) on bronze plaques and depicted by bronze statues (as well as other statues).  I tell ya, it's worth the stop.
    Some pictures, because this post is worthless without em...






  17. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from jerome1232 in Cross on the High Plains   
    I was traveling on I-40, driving my son home, when we stopped at a pretty interesting place.  It's called the Cross on the High Plains in Groom, TX (right next to the interstate).  It's the home of the second largest cross (190' tall) and has the 14 Stations of the Cross (plus other Truths) on bronze plaques and depicted by bronze statues (as well as other statues).  I tell ya, it's worth the stop.
    Some pictures, because this post is worthless without em...






  18. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from Backroads in Being "wishy washy"   
    A few things:
    1) Serenity Prayer - you can't control a thing about other people so don't try.
    2) Fugetaboutit - Now that you learned #1, if someone doesn't like something, then hey, their issue.  No matter what you do, you will never please 100% of the people, so why waste energy trying.
    3) Decisiveness - Now that you learned the first two steps, have an opinion, make a decision and then stick with it unless someone has a better argument. You do it already with your child.
    But then, I'm not nice.
  19. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from Maureen in Being "wishy washy"   
    A few things:
    1) Serenity Prayer - you can't control a thing about other people so don't try.
    2) Fugetaboutit - Now that you learned #1, if someone doesn't like something, then hey, their issue.  No matter what you do, you will never please 100% of the people, so why waste energy trying.
    3) Decisiveness - Now that you learned the first two steps, have an opinion, make a decision and then stick with it unless someone has a better argument. You do it already with your child.
    But then, I'm not nice.
  20. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from Blackmarch in "What did you expect would happen when you made that choice?"   
    Well, regardless of my disagreement with her views and methods, my heart goes out to her because I am quite aquainted with what she's going to now go through.  
    From my experience, there is now only two roads she will need to personally decide to trod when it comes to the church: decide to do what it takes to come back into the fold or decide to fight against the church.  Rarely, if ever, will a middle road be able to be taken by an exommunicant.  The buffeting of the adversary will be real, palpable and intense. 
    Those were very dark days for me, it has been very dark days for other excommunicants I've spoken with, it will be very dark days for her.  I can only hope that she doesn't give in and spiritually drown.
  21. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from Blackmarch in 707 HORSEPOWER!!!!! Historic.   
    Whoa, did he ^^^ shift through three gears while burning out?  That just AWESOME!!!  That's some amazingly fast shifting.  But I'm old school, I like to throw the shifter around.  But I'm waiting for the day I can afford to buy and maintain two cars because I'm gonna cherry out my 96 Mustang, just because.
    I wasn't a big Dodge fan until I rented a Charger to drive to Vegas.  Even with a 6 it was a blast to drive.  Now I'm sold!
  22. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from Blackmarch in 707 HORSEPOWER!!!!! Historic.   
    This thread is useless without pictures




    Be still my beating heart!!!  At least so long as there's a manual tranny.
  23. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from Str8Shooter in 707 HORSEPOWER!!!!! Historic.   
    This thread is useless without pictures




    Be still my beating heart!!!  At least so long as there's a manual tranny.
  24. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from mirkwood in "What did you expect would happen when you made that choice?"   
    I don't know about making things worse.  There have been far worse things that have happened to/in/about/by the church and it's still here.  I wouldn't hang the disposition of a worldwide church on one person and their action.  Look at the Catholic church, they're still around and they've had scandal after scandal after scandal.  Besides, I would surmise that the total number of members who let themselves be affected by this is a pretty small number. 
    As for those who go to their church leadership and demand a disciplinary hearing, well, I dunno, it seems they let the beauty of the gospel be defined by one person.  I don't know about you folks, but I never and will never hang my fortunes on one, mortal person, especially the likes of Kate Kelly or John Dehlin.  I've said it before and I reiterate it here - I've listened to both and read what they have to say and I can come to only one conclusion - they are both wolves in sheep's clothing that will do nothing but devour for their own aggrandizement and conceit.  Been there, done that so I know their type and I know their slick methods.  Their fruits are not good.
    If you're having a faith crisis, go listen to Bill Reel who runs and the Fair Mormon Blog.  He had a faith crisis when he was a Bishop.  There may be nothing flashy or dramatic about his work, but that's how the Lord works, not by creating conflict, distention, and disharmony but by acknowledging and helping.
    If the church survived the death of a prophet, an extermination order, the priesthood ban, the September 6 (which I believe some have come back into the church), the salamander letter, ERA, polygamy, Prop 8, ect, then I do believe the church will go on just fine after the excommunication of Kate Kelly and potentially John Dehlin.
  25. Like
    slamjet got a reaction from Saldrin in "What did you expect would happen when you made that choice?"   
    I really despise it when people say they need to "stay true to one's self" because, just by nature of being mortal, we are all in truth, naturally carnal.  "I need to say true to myself" is the clarion call of the myopic in intellect, thought and deed.  Kind-of kills the notion of personal progress so instead, what they should say is "I refuse to change for the better" and/or "I refuse to allow my knowledge to evolve to a higher state of understanding." 
    Besides, those seeking martyrdom don't really hold a whole lot of repute, only the need for attention.