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Everything posted by estradling75

  1. Nope.. At least not that I am aware of... The simple fact is vaccines have been incredibly rushed, which is what some people have a problem with. The vaccines have not been "approved." NT is part of a trial to get one of the vaccines "approved" he is still having his blood drawn regularly. The vaccines are being distributed to the masses. These are the simple facts. People see this mess and who are understandably hesitant to take the vaccines are being told they are apostate.
  2. I think you are confusing @NeuroTypical being in a medical trial for the vaccine. (which makes him a very special snow flake ) And the rest of us rubes who only get the injections because we are not in a trial.
  3. Indeed, telling a different Bishop (yours) does not do much good. Telling their Bishop is unlikely to do anything either... If they are going to lie before the Lord and their Bishop they are going to lie... There simply is not much more the church can do in that case. They are not the courts or the law... that is were people should go to to address it.
  4. The idea and feeling that the missionary is being punished, is simply wrong. While it is understandable why that feeling exists it does not make it any less wrong. The truth is the missionary is not being punished... he is being protected. Hundreds of thousands of faithful Saints are regularly praying for the safety of the missionaries. And the hand of God is reaching out (through his servants) and protecting this one, very clearly in this case. But like in many cases the individuals in question do not see the hand of God in their lives when it is happening. Missionary assignments are done by the same revelatory process that the church teaches its members to use. The leaders study things out, make a choice, take it to the Lord for confirmation. This is the spirit of revelation, the spirit of prophecy, this is what has called and assigned the missionary in question to where he is now. It is not unheard of for a missionary to develop a medical condition while serving. When this happens it becomes something the leader include in their study for assignments. While missions always have some dangers, it is unacceptable for a leader to purposely endanger a missionary by sending them some place they can not get the care they need. Now one might be thinking that the leader's screwed up, and it is possible, our leaders are human. That is where faith in the Lord comes in. COVID might have caught our leaders by surprise, but it did not catch the Lord by surprise. An emergent medical issue might have caught a missionary and our leaders by surprise, but it did not catch the Lord by surprise. Our leaders might even screw up and forget about a missionary for a while, but the Lord never will. Every missionary can exercise faith that he is exactly where the Lord wants him to be. The only question we need to ask is "Are we going to serve God with all our heart mind and strength even when we did not expect to be where we ended up?"
  5. Indeed we should follow the example of the Prophet and the Apostles... And they would be the first to tell you to follow their example in How they reach a decision (ie Study and Prayer) not to blindly copy their choices without calling upon the Lord. Having said that the Prophet having been vaccinated is a huge plus in the Pro Vaccination Column for any faithful saint studying it out. It just does not void our need to do our own study and prayer about it.
  6. The church has the Law of Chasity. Anyone violating it is subject to Church discipline and lost of Temple privileges. The Law of Chasity applies to all and can be summarized as No sexual relations except between a man and woman who are legally and lawfully married to each other. This is the standard for everyone but it clearly does not recognize homosexual marriages. People who do not meet the Church standard of marriage and refrain from sexual relations do not trigger church discipline over the Law of Chasity and can serve. No matter how they identify or what temptations they might have. However we also need to remember the Lord's words concerning a person that Lusts after another, even if they do not reach the having relations stage. Lusting is still a sin... even if it is common, even if it does not, by itself, trigger Church discipline. Temptation is that initial spark, lust is when we allow that spark to catch fire, by choosing to not put it out when it happens. This holds for everyone no matter how they identify or even if they are married. (Note that desire for ones spouse is not temptation)
  7. My niece was recently baptized... For the filler time between the baptism and the rest of the service they handed out a postcard size paper and a pen. And asked everyone to write a note to my niece. I had never had that happen before but I though it was pretty cool. After the service was over we were invited back to their house for lunch...
  8. Given your constant regurgitation in what you claim are your local leaders failures simply point to your failures as a follower of Christ. For example Christ commands you to forgive everyone. From your postings you clearly have not forgiven your local leaders. Our leaders are flawed and will make mistakes and even sin... They will account to God for their short comings and failure... But every time you complain about the mote in their eyes you clearly show the beam in your own eyes. You state that you did not go on a mission because of family issues. That is understandable but Christ says That is a hard thing to hear but it is straight from Christ in the New Testament. The prophet of God made it very clear that you should serve God on a mission. You chose to let family and worldly concerns override your willingness to obey the command of God. Instead of trusting and having faith in the Lord that he would take care of things while you faithfully served him, you choose not to serve. You put your faith and your trust in your own hands and abilities... Which is a form of idolatry. The consequences of your clear lack of faith in Christ followed you naturally to this day. Young Faithful church women are interested in Young Faithful church men which in the short term aftermath of your failure to go on a mission you clearly were not. When it comes to the church leaders advising Young Woman to seek after only Returned Missionaries, while dating RM's does not guarantee success, and young man that could have gone but does not shows that there are serious issues that need to be resolved. As for the Church expansion into Service Missions... it is exists now to allow more people to serve. In the past many faithful members who wanted to serve would be told no they could not by the Lord's leaders in the Church. Because the Church had no way of supporting the special needs of those members back then. The church has decided to fix this. But in all the cases of Church Service Mission they still need the desire and the willingness to put the Lord first.
  9. Because the flu vaccine is a crap shoot every year... Given the amount of time it takes to create a vaccine the vaccine makers have to "guess" which strains of the flu are most likely to be making the rounds in the up coming flu season... And often they are wrong. So you take a vaccine which is designed to trigger your bodies reaction (aka make you safely sick for a bit) and it does nothing against the flu that is going round because they got the wrong strain.. Vaccines can be wonderful and powerful tools but they are not a magic bullet.
  10. It simply means he is human... Telling/knowing that there is no logical or rational way one could have prevented something from happening from ones actions... Does not stop most people from feeling guilty when their actions unexpectedly cause harm to others even loved ones. This is a normal human reaction and set of feelings. It is not an admission of malice or ill intent on the part of the person performing the action.
  11. It was nice of him to give a perfect example of the Hypocrisy I (and @mirkwood) was talking about
  12. Part of the problem is we are trying to use Mortal definitions and understandings to try to understand the Divine. Mortal Justice is do X crime to Y time. Once Y is done then you have "Paid your debt". Divine Justice is do sin... suffer Eternally. There will be no point were you ever "Paid your debt" to Divine Justice. Lets set up the analogy of a Down Pour, but instead of Rain that is falling on us it is Suffering. This is our state, to exist in the never ending down pour of suffering unless God acts to extend Mercy. This was done through Christ. He lived perfectly showing the standard, while hard, was not impossible. Divine Justice had no claim on him, yet Christ suffered Divine Justice anyways to enact the Atonement. Using the analogy the Atonement is a giant umbrella, created and held by Christ. It is Infinite and Eternal because that is what it takes to Balance Infinite and Eternal Divine Judgement. The only limit to the Atonement of Christ is our willingness to stand under its protection. This is God respecting our Agency. Some will exercise the Faith and Repentance to come under the umbrella in this life, some only after suffering in Hell, and some never (Sons of Perdition) As for Christ paying for our Sins and still having to pay it if we do not repent.. well in Math an Infinite Set minus an Infinite Set still leaves us with an Infinite Set (Math and Infinities are not intuitive)
  13. Indeed... I have lived long enough to learn that stairs can be hard.. (I have my share of issues and near misses with them) So that I would not criticize or laugh at someone that does have a problem. But if a person has the pride and arrogance to laugh and mock someone that did (or was) having such issues, then they have better never ever miss a step ever in their life. Otherwise they deserve (and should expect) to get it right back at them. Biden is one of those people... He has no call for mercy or respect when he stumbles because he did not give any.
  14. If you feel some posts violate the rules please report them. Mods are human sometimes we miss things. I see people mocking and challenging the idea that share accounts are "relics"... I see it doing a thread drift to beds. The closest I see to any kind of attack is that "Maybe," "Possibly," Sister Uchtdorf broke the rule (But that is the Trib's source making an assumption aka "relics"). If we accept that our leaders are human, then we have to accept their spouses (and family members) are too. In this case it seems that it is being corrected (whatever it really was).
  15. So... No Laws were broken. No Church Rules were broken. It had an appearance of Rule breaking, when it wasn't. That means the Rules need refinement / clearer guidance given.
  16. Have you ever during tithing settlement being given a piece of paper with your name, phone number, address, spouse info, children info, and ordinance records and been asked to double check that is it correct? If you have you have seen your membership record and what it contains. (Barring any active Discipline action going on). Going to your new ward and having them request your records is the best way, for you not to have to give your current ward clerk any information. However he is a clerk and part of what he does is "Find members" so if he really wants to he still could find out
  17. It seem like you are trying to find a meaningful distinction... at a level were no meaningful distinction exists. As members of the church we tend to down play the oneness of God as a knee-jerk counter response to the various creeds and other churches statements... In so doing we need to be careful that we do not distort or belittle the actual scriptures which show a oneness of the Father and Son at level we honestly have a hard time fully understanding. (We try analogies but they are poor shadows of the real thing) If the Father speaks the Son has spoken, if the Son speaks the Father has spoken. If the Holy Ghost speaks the Father and Son have spoken. The prophets know this... so it does not matter to them who they tell you to listen to. It literally does not matter to whom they tell you to listen to because it is effectively both. To answer the question of whom are we suppose to be hearing in the praise 'Hear Him' the Father or the Son... the answer is YES. The answer of God also works. Trying to enforce or find a difference in the very oneness of God... is a good way to break your brain.
  18. In the scriptures we often see the Lord commanding his people to flee. If he gives this command he has prepared a place for them to go. The saints simply need to be faithful and obedient. In rarer instances the Lord commands his people to fight. If he gives this command it will come with a promise that he will fight our battles. Thus the saints simply need to be faithful and obedient. No matter how it goes every prophet ever has been trying to prepare us for it. The only real question we should be asking is are we being faithful and obedient?
  19. In additional these Stimulus packages have a lot more then just the checks to citizens... Its a majority of pork and special interest spending that got authorized in the name of "helping those who are hurting"
  20. The power of God is Priesthood... No miracle can happen without Priesthood (aka the power of God). Miracles often do not require Priesthood Holders there is a big difference
  21. I can't help but think how much we (I) abuse the Charity of God, when I hear stories like this. I can totally empathize with the frustration, lack of willingness to do what is necessary for oneself, lack of gratitude etc etc. But then my thoughts turn on me... how often I have been ungrateful? How often have I reached out to the Lord for help and aid when I still haven't done the work? How often do I find my self returning to my sins after he helped me get out. I have nothing to offer to 'fix' the problem other then the acknowledging that in more ways then I like, I am acting much the same, just in a different area of life.
  22. That would be my concern as well. GameStop is a failing company. Its current valuation is not about what it is worth but more about sticking it to the 'man.' That only last as long as the outrage does. Once the little guys start 'cashing out' its going to fall hard, and the ones that are not fast enough are going to get hurt. Not to mention anyone foolish enough to think now is a good time to buy.
  23. It is not odd... It is understanding human nature. As a general rule humans are bad at math and probabilities. The more people hear about something the more likely they are to think it will happen to them. Take the lottery for example. A person is more likely to get hit by lightning Twice then win the lottery... Yet people still think that they will be the winner one day and play because they hear all about the winners every time. Same with a vaccine. Odds of an adverse reaction from a vaccine are very possibly at the "Winning the Lottery" level. If the whole point is to get everyone to take it then you have to avoid spooking many of them into irrationally thinking that they are injecting death. The problem of course is our society is becoming more and more polarized and people want their absolutes. If you do not disclose everything then you are dishonest and can't be trusted, but if you do disclose everything then the most trivial and unlikely to happen events get blown up all out of proportion and context.
  24. No I will not. I (and others) have repeatedly called you personally out over this type of behavior and you continue to engage in it. I see no reason to try to discuss any issues with you as long as you think it is ok for you to personally engage in behavior (ACTIONS speaking louder then words) that you would call deplorable and reprehensible if I were to engage in it.