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Everything posted by Spartan117

  1. Marvel Avengers Assemble (2012) Watch the Official trailer | HD - YouTube This is going to be epic.
  2. Lesbian: 'Denied communion' at funeral CNN speaks to Barbara Johnson who says a priest denied her communion at her mom's funeral because she is a lesbian.
  3. Resurrecting a thread that's pushing 6 years old might be a record.
  4. YOU were banned? Pam, Pam, Pam, there is a story here and we allll want to hear it
  5. Why stop at this? Let's get her birthday declared a national holiday and start plans for the Whitney Houston Presidential Library. This is just disgraceful. 3 days ago another American soldier was killed in Afghanistan, and Whitney Houston receives the same honor that he'll get? Seriously? Soldiers are still coming home in caskets ... and pop culture symbols are due the same respect how? As a veteran myself, I'm infuriated at crap like this.
  6. I've seen people wearing crosses in every ward I've ever been in. You should absolutely wear your confirmation medal, or a cross, or an olympic gold medal, or a rosary. Bring your red letter Bible, too. You wear whatever you would wear if you were going to your own church. Bring whatever light and knowledge you have.
  7. Lying to the Lord's anointed to get a temple recommend is also sinful. Lying the whole way into the temple while you know full well that you're unworthy is probably going to land you a church disciplinary council. I think Juan is 100% right, though. So hopefully your trip to the temple together wont be something you look back on and regret one day. Trifle not with sacred things.
  8. Sexual sins aren't transgressions that can be worked through on your own. They need to be confessed to your Bishop as part of the repentance process. You should not be taking the sacrament while stuck in sexual sin that hasn't been confessed. Taking the sacrament unworthily is not a casual matter. If you're ever unsure about taking the sacrament, don't. Not taking the sacrament is absolutely a choice you can make on your own, but taking it if you feel that you shouldn't be is not a choice you should make. You need to talk to your Bishop about why you're feeling unworthy. He'll let you know if you're worthy to take the sacrament, and if you aren't worthy then he'll help you become worthy again. Pretty much all sexual sin is going to involve some type of repentance process. Your Bishop is the one who sets the terms of the repentance. Whatever it is, it can be worked though. It does seem like you might not be taking things as seriously as you could. Breaking the Law of Chastity Is Extremely Serious. Unchastity is next to murder in seriousness. From True to the Faith: My advice is to call your Bishop first thing in the morning and tell you have sexual transgressions that you need his help with. It is infinitely better to go and confess than to be caught. And the longer you wait, the worse this becomes. Please read through some of the stuff I've linked to because I'm not sure you understand the seriousness of breaking the law of chastity. Like I said, whatever it is that's been done, it can be worked through and forgiven. Call your Bishop.
  9. Sexual transgressions need to be confessed to your Bishop. Until you do meet with your Bishop, you should not partake of the sacrament. Read the articles below if you would like more information. On the sacrament & worthiness When should I not take the sacrament? On sexual sin & confession Repentance On waiting to confess Forgiveness for the Repentant
  10. I voted other. I have the free Kindle app on my Android and it works great. I don't know what kind of phone you have, but the money you'll spend on an iPod Touch could get you a very nice phone that can do everything the iPod does and more.
  11. Explosin kills Josh Powell, 2 sons | Deseret News
  12. "I Don't Have a Testimony of the History of the Church" By Davis Bittons 2004 FAIR conference talk. Davis Bitton is an LDS historian and scholar who discusses his beliefs. Some have asked him how he could believe in the Church, when the critics see many problems with Church history. He answers this question with this lecture. Text transcript of the presentation I Don’t Have a Testimony of the History of the Church Youtube: Part 1 Youtube: Part 2 Youtube: Part 3 Youtube: Part 4 Youtube: Part 5 Youtube: Part 6
  13. Happy birthday sir. Have lots of cake. And a dancing banana
  14. I think it's also a way to let the Bishop know how serious the situation is, maybe?
  15. I don't believe for a second that you really think that's a weakness
  16. Yes, the employees consent to getting paid less money, no health care options, no access to short or long term disability if they get hurt on the job, no protection under labor laws, no workers compensation, no sick days, no vacation time, no medical leave, no life insurance, the employee gets nothing. The employer, though, gets to pocket all the money that he would have spent on those benefits, even if he is required by law to provide them to his workers. He also gets a free pass on abiding by labor laws that his employee won't be protected by. As long the guy who came to this country in a boxcar doesn't mind his terms of employment, then there's no moral issue for the employer. You're right. Yeah, they're all victims in the same boat. I'm sure the employers don't pay themselves a living wage or carry health insurance either. Nope, He will be holding His own set guidelines. He's going to ask if we tended to the poor and the sick, fed the hungry, took in the stranger, clothed the naked, visited the sick, went to those in prison, He's going to want to know how we treated the least of us and if we loved one another as He loved us. I sure wouldn't want to be in the "poor brown people are a burden and shouldn't get medical care or an education" line. Or you're being a drama queen. But you can still be temple worthy and hold the priesthood, isn't that funny? Maybe the First Presidency knows better than you do. Besides, I thought God won't be holding federal guidelines at the final judgement? Wow. You obviously don't see anything wrong with that comment. I'm embarrassed for you. Okay, are you under the impression that is what I tried to do?
  17. Men In Black 3 - Official Trailer (HD) - YouTube Will Smith just does NOT age.
  18. I bought a Wii just to download old Nintendo and Super Nintendo games. Surf the Wii market once you get it set up. Super Mario 3 is worth the price of the Wii alone.
  19. I hope that the 15-year-old wasn't left in the custody of the people who dropped him off at a 39-year-old mans house to be beat with a metal pole ...
  20. Our health care and education systems have been ineffective and inadequate for some time now. Sick and uneducated people aren't the burden, the systems themselves are. Sick people deserve medical care and children are entitled to an education, regardless of the circumstances. These are the kind of people the Savior hung out with when He came here. Was it a "burden" for Him to heal the ones who were sick? Was it a "burden" for Him to teach people about His Gospel? The stereotype that illegal immigrants are "engaging in illegal activity" either at the same rate or more so than US citizens is not a new one. Center for Immigration Studies Also, being an illegal immigrant in this country does not constitute "immoral" behavior by itself. As quoted before ... There would be no need for someone to lie about their citizenship to their Bishop during a baptismal interview or a temple recommend interview. No one should be assuming that's the standard in situations like this either. Also quoted before ... I agree with you on blaming the the employers, and thanked your post for it. Not sure about the whole "making folks feel better" comment, though. There is nothing immoral about wanting to work. As an employer, on the other hand, it is wholly immoral and unethical to hire someone who you know is not a US citizen so you can pay them less than minimum wage and avoid ALL the legal responsibilities an employer has to their employees. Entering the country illegally is a misdemeanor, hiring an illegal immigrant to work for you is a federal felony. These crimes are clearly not equal. The employers don't get blamed "as well" to make anyone feel better, the illegal immigrants do. Felony > Misdemeanor. I am also completely lost as to how you got to ... faulting "the character of someone who is just trying to do hard work to provide a better life for their family." You don't "fault" someone for having a strong work ethic and good personal traits. Their citizenship is irrelevant and doesn't void someones character.
  21. "A contrarian in life, the writer Christopher Hitchens united the world in death, with friends, colleagues and even debating opponents joining to celebrate his fearless intellect, ready wit and diamantine prose after he died from cancer at the age of 62." Link-O-Matic to full article Once upon a time, in a lifetime far far away .... Christopher Hitchens was my hero. I loved watching his debates. He was brilliant, and he had a real talent for making people look stupid. Something I looked up to, at the time. He was as atheist as atheist could be, but was super Republican at the same time. An odd combination. I wonder if his family will give me permission to do his temple work ...
  22. Last time I caught a season of TUF was when Rampage Jackson was coaching. I'm excited for Brock Overeem later this month.
  23. James E. Talmage: "In the resurrection there will be no marrying nor giving in marriage; for all questions of marital status must be settled before that time, under the authority of the Holy Priesthood, which holds the power to seal in marriage for both time and eternity."