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Everything posted by rosie321

  1. I'm a little confused by what you mean by "they would no longer have his protection." Hasn't the Lord always provided a way.? Through all scriptural history they had the Lord/God to turn to for guidance and recieved protection. Did you mean in different words. New lesson time? How long is that lesson on for? Yes it did look like they misunderstood and tried to hard.Take no purse or scrip .... but now he was telling them to. Do you mean that to be why apostles are now paid. Since they don't work in the traditional sense but need to provide for themselves it makes them independent and are more protected. I'm used to LDS talking about that line no purse or scrip to discourage paid clergy from other faiths or to help encourage support for missionaries. Also in terms of purse or script -they did carry one around that Judas stole from-correct? Interesting idea. How do you come to that conclusion that it was just for that time? What did they do with them afterwards? Or was it just a teaching example for him in their getting the sword and taking it out. To stand guard. Why would they need swords. If all the events in the garden were meant to happen wouldn't a way have been provided to stop Judas and associates from finding him?It was kind of strange to read of Christ instructing his apostles to purchase sword (possess) and carry them. It goes against what most people think about him. Usually theres the God of peace and love. Not one instructing his followers to become armed (and dangerous as demonstrated ) Wonder what he'd think of gun control Would he be pro or against by these verses?
  2. Boy I come back and post. Look what I find? No body likes me. or maybe a little paranoia has set in? MrsS does this mean you won't be posting either anymore? No tv.. no posting? What can you do? (Sorry couldn't resist a little fun) Just for public record :) Disclaimer: The Rosie on this forum known as Rosie321 bears no intentional or unintentional connection to the publically known Rosie (formerly of the View and the Rosie O'Donnell show). Any resemblance is purely coincidental (acribed from birth).
  3. I too hope everything works for you. B) I'm going to say something for you to ponder out in your own mind-no need to respond here on it. I'm a person who says what comes to mind. While you don't know me , I have a few observations I'd like to comment on that hopefully may be of benefit to you. I don't try to say things with hidden meanings or hurtful in anyway so if what I'm saying is too personal please don't take offense by it. I don't mean it in any bad way. Use what you can and ignore what isn't good. I love questions :) . I can't help but notice that you have been to a lot of different churches. It seems that you are a seeker in that you have gone to so many different faiths. What are you seeking from the different churches? What has drawn you to them? What have you liked or hated about them? What principles ideas or doctrines do you feel are important? What are you hoping the church can do for you? Do you have gifts and talents you can share with others in a church? I hope no matter what church you choose that you realize you are special and have worth. Seek to love and serve others. Realize that certain paths/choices will make you happier then others The world is full of imperfect people trying to get through life somehow. Some of the more imperfect people realize this and go to church to get fixed up by the Master/Gospel. So chances are you will be offended at church. You will experience hurt in this life. Pray for the strength to get through it. Sending you best wishes and prayers for your search :) .
  4. Luke 22: 36-38 During the last supper gathering Christ tells the disciples to take their money and buy a sword. then one of the followers takes the sword and cuts off the guards ear. Christ then says Matthew 26:51-52 Put up again they sword into his place........... Curious as to others thoughts. Why do you think he asked them use their money to get the swords? Why was the follower rebuked? Might he have been doing what he thought was correct given the previous instruction?
  5. I was listening to a christian speaker I found from flipping through the radio the other day. He made comments I had heard before but struck me very differently now. He was talking about the fact that the Jews didn't kill Christ. We did and that he and his sin were personally responsible for Christs death. He killed Christ. I have always understood speakers who said things like that in the past said it to help illustrate that everyone has sinned and then theres the saving grace of christ. I was always able to understand why people said things like that. But the other day it did not make sense to me from a christian perspective for the first time. For the LDS beliefs it seemed doctrinally off. 1. Adam sinned and ate the apple. He brought death into the world. Then from a christian perspective we are being punished for Adams wrong doing. Any sins that entered in after he ate the fruit would be as a result from the action of being removed from God's presence. Or if sin was always present from the start why would a perfect God let an evil being roam seeking whom he would destroy? Could God even create an evil being? It makes you think about who God is and what is powers really are. From LDS perspective (more will follow) it is believed we are punished for our sins and not Adam's transgressions. But yet in a way we are. That act did seperate us (regardless of what following joy/sorrow we may obtain from it). 2. Why are we here? Especially from a traditional Christian view? What is the purpose of God in keeping us around in a messed up world? Why would you create new people and stick them in a messed up world of sin? Would you send your child to party into the worst area you can think of where people are getting hurt, killed, raped etc? Or would you stop it? If Christ died in the meridian of time before us then we did not kill Christ. Shouldn't the world have stopped then? If we are reopening the wounds every time we sin then why does God keep allowing this to happen? Seems like a pretty cruel way to say you are in control of a world. This makes a little more sense from an LDS perspective. We chose what we got. We were put in places to test us according to what we can handle. When we fail it would be more of our doing. It wouldn't necessarily be as a result of Adam's transgression but acts/ propensities that may have happened/developed prior. There's a whole chapter of life that happened before the one that we were in that we don't know about.
  6. Today I have spent a good portion of the day trying resolve a matter concerning my child and have been led on the wild ride of phone tag, watching professionals cover their backsides, imbetween trying to calm down my distraught child with special needs. My child was defineately treated inappropriately by "professionals". All I want is to see that it does not happen again and try to understand why people acted the way they did. Maybe they had some reason unbeknownest to me. However, I see no reason why a "professional" trained in handling special needs children would act the way they have. There is no excuse in my book for the trauma they caused this child. I talked to the supervisor, the supervisor of the supervisor. They don't understand why it happened but said maybe there's a reason. What reason could there possibly be? They don't know. Ask the people involved. I would if they'd talk to me My child was mistreated in a way that might legally be able to fly beneath the radar or be labeled as a misunderstanding but from a parents perspective it can not be ignored. Something needs to change. This is just another one of a number of little situations that has occured. As always they can give no justifiable reason as to why this matter ever occured in the first place or assurances that it will never happen again. They say we'll check into this or have you talked to so and so? I'm just the parent here...they have special training (even though I have years of experience too)... blah blah blah. I'm supposed to trust them with my childs care? RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I'm not a parent who thinks their child can do no wrong. I'm willing to work with professionals but this situation has gone past being reasonable. Right now I am not comfortable sending my child back into that environment. Do I keep out of school until this matter and others is resolved? I don't want to face legal repurcussions for doing so or make them an enemy. I also don't want my child to be isolated any more than the disability already isolates. Due to the needs our family had thought the educational environment would be helpful to address them. Instead I'm starting to feel the environment is doing more harm than good and that we should homeschool full time. Due to the needs though I'm not sure if it can be adequately done. The needs are great and there's only so many resources. Ideas? Really upset and don't know what to do.
  7. score 2011.7 smarter (or stupider? for filling my head with so much useless trivia :)
  8. rosie321


    Thanks for the info LT04 I appreciate it... The following is helpful for US homeschoolers but I don't know how it would impact our international homeschoolers You can check this site out. It tells the state laws regarding homeschooling and gives other useful information. The HSLDA does do some international counsel. But I'm not sure to what extent. Sometimes your local districts are less than willing to give you homeschooling information. It all depends on the particular school district. They may try to disuade you since they don't get the aid they would if your child went to the public school. So it might be good for you to go in armed with some knowledge before you approach the school. Do you know any other homeschoolers or homeschooling groups in the area? You might be better off going to them first. Also if you have older students try and get them into college courses or the competancy tests for college credits while in high school if you can in your area. Or encourage them to go to a trade school part time. Many areas offer a 1-2 year program for high school students. They might be able to get their associates by 18. (Great for people contemplating a mission ) Depending on your area, your child may be forced to get a GED if they are homeschooled. This can be a stigma because a GED can make you look like a drop out. But there are areas if you get so many college credits , or test out with so many credits (24-30?) you don't have to worry about it. You are covered and the high school degree is irrelevant. The good thing is with the more homeschoolers there are. The more educational doors are opening. The less the GED is a stigma. The more activities and projects you can get your older child in the better. Are there places the homeschooler can do an internship or apprenticeship? Use your childs interests to creatively open up options. Xhenli liked your post on homeschoolers being "socialized" just not the government way. Also on the muligenerational socialization that takes place. They are exposed to more than just the teacher and 24+ students who are all the same age. The homeschooler must take what they have learned and find a way to apply it to their life where they are at while seeing where they have been and need to go.
  9. Its too late for this guy. I really agree with you that ultimately if someone is really determined they can do anything but I don't believe everyone falls into that category. Some can be stopped. I don't want the few extreme examples causing the deaths or suffering of innocent victims. Nor do I want them to be able to control everyone from fear of what they might do. If I'm going to die let it be from trying to do whats right. I think the shooter points out the need to maybe start closing the loopholes and changing our public mindset. People need to be able to provide for their own safety and realize there are people out there who want to do harm. Don't wait until after your robbed to lock your doors. Prepare yourself and protect. In cases like this where the average person isn't allowed access to that information or the proper means to protect themselves then it should be made clear that responsibility is taken on by leaders, administrators, security, police, etc. They should be the ones making sure people are safe. Why do we have school adminstration in place if we will not give them the power to act in the best interest of their students? This guy screamed time bomb. If they were afraid before of lawsuits and firings, I wonder what they're thinking now? If they had been able to legally kick him off campus, why shouldn't they be able to get a restraining order of some kind to keep him away from campus? Alerts should then be given to campus security or police to keep their eyes open for him. As a society we need to get back to prevention and stop expecting everyone else to do it. (I know keep dreaming these are the last days) Where are our leaders? Who is raising the "standard of liberty"? The judges should be more proactive in their decisions. Seeing the troubled signs don't they have the power to mandate help or have him commited until no longer a threat? They should be able to put in place restraining orders. As to the comments of the media. I don't understand why they are spending so much time on it either. Its encouraging it. The media isn't offering any solutions. Except gun control I suppose. What they are doing is encouraging it and seeing who can outdo this guys efforts. It just seems like there's more that we can do then wring our hands and say why all the time. Or its going to happen again anyway. Thats thinking is just wrong to me. Even the appearance of putting a stop to this may make the next person think before trying it. People get more upset when they lose their cable or internet for a time than for stuff like this. .
  10. JC, I agree with you gun control wasn't the answer here obviously. They tried that and the only one armed was the gun man. Thats what gun control usually does unarms the innocent and arms the criminals. Also as is typical, after disarming the school they did nothing to increase other means to provide safety for their students. Their safety was meaningless. As was shown miserably in this situation.. The idea of going after people unfairly or because they are a little different concerns me also . But I don't think it is wrong to be keeping our eyes open and identifying potential risks to protect ourselves. The extreme cases, such as the shooter should be identified even just within the leadership and security of that school. This guy had serious issues going on, for some time that was more than someone being a little odd. He had some serious disturbances which raised eyebrows. Concerns like that should be addressed quickly not dismissed. He should have been better monitored, considering all the concerns raised so he did not create harm to himself or others.
  11. I'm sorry Crimson I didn't mean to come down on YOU like that . You gave good points as to why people might not have tried to stop. Personally I agree thats probably some of the reasons why people didn't too. Thats what really bothers me and set me off. I'm just angered in general by those reasons people keep using . We keep sticking by them and tragedy after tragedy happens. Then we stop and ask why? (for the camera). Probably because we're stupid and don't learn We don't pay attention to obvious things. Warning bells were ringing and they were clearly ignored. We keep doing the same stupid things over and over. We'd rather pay attention afterwards. I brought up the terrorism thing because I wanted to address those excuses and question their ultimate cost. We didn't tolerate those type of excuses for post 9-11 terrorism. It has stopped much loss of life in this country. This would probably help with these school shootings too. Profiling people before a crime has occured. Then maybe we can even do something different, give them adequate chance for help before it gets to that point. Theres a cost either way. Do we want to pay for prevention or cleanup costs? There will be another senseless crime like this to happen if we don't stop using these excuses and others.I'm not suggesting chasing down every person who's a little different. Wouldn't it make more sense to try and find help for the serious risks or do whats needed to protect others? I want reasonable solutions now Not questioning afterwards. The lawsuits afterwards can never make up for what hasn't been done . Neither can asking why. All done with my ranting now
  12. rosie321


    Aphrodite lots of good questions and observations :) . This is just a very quick, brief, generalized response to them. First, its unfortunate that you had such bad experiences with homeschooled children . There are many people who were homeschooled at one time who are very knowledgeable, well rounded people too. Many great leaders have been homeschooled, for example. As anything the homeschooling commitment should be weighed heavily and all diligence should be made to educate properly. The educating parents have lots of responsibilites to ensure their children get the knowledge and skills they need. Not everyone takes it seriously. As far as your question about socialization. Many opportunities exist for kids to be socialized outside the school setting too. There are lots of good homeschooling groups especially when many different people do it in a given area. Also most homeschoolers are exposed to other kids through activities, sports or community groups outside the home. It depends on the area you live in as to the variety. The good thing is you have more control over what your child is exposed to in their youngest years and can be more aware of what is going on in their life. Minimizing outside threats. Let me ask you a rhetorical question, what socialization are they actually getting at school sitting behind a desk either? Or with kids in their grade only? The school classroom is not always reflective of life outside of it. As for them going to school because of trained professionals.. A degree does not always make someone qualified either. Some professional teachers are out of touch, don't care to reach their students or working the job for reasons other than teaching. Whereas a parent has a vested interest in making sure their child suceeds. They will want to see their child out of their home as a functioning adult at some point. In my opinion the best teachers are ones who can know where to find and recognize knowledge and then share it with others. There are many resources available to help homeschooling parents learn the skills or places to go for help. The wise homeschooling teacher seeks them out. I don't know what education is like in your country but learning in the US schools is not always the best option either depending on your location. Many students are passed without being able to do basic things like reading or drop out. Students often learn for the tests but never really learn how to think through the knowledge and creatively use it. So it doesn't stay with them. They're so used to giving back what they think the teacher wants to hear. When the teacher isn't around its gone. There is also violence, bullying, the new politically correct fad or teaching style of the day. Meanwhile many kids are failing or dropping out. Homeschooling if done right can strengthen free, knowledgeable thinkers who have a balanced life. It gives power back to the individual student and family. Education can be better geared toward a particular students needs and interest. In the schools children must be instructed with a one shoe fits all education. There is no stopping back to look at a specific area as need or interest allows. Those who don't keep upare lost. The best learning takes place when someone is ready and has interest. The schools don't have the time or ability to adequately captivate the students mind. Homeschoolers many times are not as affected by what others are doing. They know how to get the job done and problem solve. They have interactions with people of all age groups and not just whatever grade they are in. Colleges, employers and the military are starting to really take notice and seek out homeschoolers.
  13. rosie321


    Sorry the website above is and not dtlk. There are links to Another great site. They have lesson plans, worksheets, crafts, music, recipes, coloring pages. They've got so much great stuff on them that you're sure to get lots of great help and ideas.
  14. Crimson was thinking of your comments above.I don't mean to put you on the spot but I have to raise these questions. Your quotes brought these thought to mind. I'm going to use the general excuses as to why people might not act with something else. You have expressed before your appreciation of profiling to scout out terrorists. How do you know for sure who is a terrorist or not? To do whatever it takes to protect our country and save lives you agreed to the scanning of every person, without reasonable concern that they would do harm. Your first reason as to why one would do nothing in your above quote concerns me. Should we worry about offending a potential terrorist and pushing him over the edge? Especially when all the security approaches him? The terrorist is going to do what he is going to do regardless. We already made it ok to presume everyone is a potential terrorist by the scans. Therefore we have no idea who may get crazed because of it or come back after the security or bystanders because he was ever considered to be one. Why should profiling people with violent, harmful or extremely deviant behavior as this guy demonstrated be any different? Why would keeping a cautious eye on people with recognizeable and extremely deviant behaviors be any worse than going after potential terrorists? I think there might have been a chance for this guy to get help if someone had taken the issues seriously as there may be for anyone interested to do something in the future. There are certain signs to people going off. Just as there are signs of the Lords coming. There is a possiblity this guy may have been able to turn around. If not the people might be better protected at least. When someone is suspected of terrorism or makes threats they are taken care of immediately. Why is this different? Instead, now we have 33 dead because many people knew this guy was not right and those in power positions did nothing to stop it. How come see typical characteristics and patterns over and over again after each tragedy with few exceptions. Despite this knowledge we have tied our hands behind our back and do nothing. We don't want to hurt someone , or make them mad or be wrong. But now that the murder bar has been raised to 32 murder victims, isn't stopping one potential murderer worth the risk?
  15. I understand your point about peoples hesitation to point out another. But look at the cost for not doing anything either?Mental science is subjective and I certainly don't want to go back to the way people were inhumanely treated before. But this guy had more than introversion as his issues. It wasn't him just not hanging out with lots of other kids or participating in a lot of activities. He demonstrated a lot of other serious disturbing behaviors that should have demanded further monitoring. Or in the very least greater protection should be made for others. Granted I'd also hate to see every introvert or different kind of person sent for mental help. But we're not talking about that. There are some people who have serious social and behavioral issues that can clearly be seen and identified. This guy had teacher seriously troubled by what she had seen, he was taken to court, was suicidal. the list goes on. He had lots of issues and was excited by violence. No one is doing any good by ignoring such things. This is not normal social behavior by any means.
  16. I think there was much truth to what the killer said. I can't understand why this Virginia Tech situation ever was allowed to get to the point it did. Its a travesty. Yes while the kid might be taking the cowards way out and making excuses there are a lot of people that do have blood on their hands. He was known to have mental issues so its understandable why he did the things he did. What was everyone elses excuse for not doing more? There's a kid that everyone knew was troubled. He was pointed out to be a concern by at least one teacher (who deserves credit for having tried to stop something bad from happening before it got to the point it did). He was on disciplinary action and had been found stalking other kids. His pedophiliac writings make me wonder if he was not at one point and time the subject of abuse himself. What was being done to monitor him, get him removed from the campus or make sure he got the help he needed (especially if he couldn't afford it)? Instead he's allowed free roaming of the campus and even brings a gun on campus? People knew he had issues. After the first shootings the guy was able to leave, send out information to the media and then continue his rampage? Why was the campus not shut down immediately? The lack of leadership blows me away. Say what you may like about Bush's leadership but his order to stop all flights after 911 to get a handle on things was the wisest thing at the time and probably saved many lives. In so many of these violence cases there are serious warning signs such as the Colombine murders. These may be ramblings of a crazed man but he's right the blood is on a lot of other peoples hands involved in that situation. Even the media and politicians if you ask me who are using this situation to their benefit. Why can't these kids be seperated out and given the help they need? So someone told him he needed to get help. Did they bother to see if he had the means available to get the help he so desperately needed? Its easy to say go there. What if he could not afford it? Maybe thats a possible reason he hated rich kids because they didn't understand what he was going through struggling to make it. He couldn't balance it all out Why do we always have to wait until something happens until something major happens , then wring our hands and go why? Or say well of course that's why it happened. I'm tired of this type of thinking. When will we stop expecting people with serious unresolved issues going on to think normally? When are we going to try and prevent things from ever going this far? The blood is on others hands too if you ask me. Then I don't like the crazy angles people go off to try and prevent such things. I don't think gun control is the answer here. Its probably the reason more people aren't alive. A determined person will use whatever they can and will do whatever despite bans. We still don't get it. How much more blood will have to be shed. (I don't want to know ) I can't believe we'd rather support people in prison for years and pay massive lawsuits rather then put the money to get these people help or to seperate out people with known issues who cannot handle themselves. We spend more time protecting extreme behavior then calling it out and dealing with it before it gets to the point where 33 lives are lost Its maddening. Yes that man is a disturbed killer but the blood of the 33 is not just on his hands.
  17. Since becoming LDS I must say I don't worry about it as much about those questions. The above thoughts concerned me more when I was younger and involved in non-LDS christian denominations. They believed that all answers can be found within the pages of the Bible. So I wanted answers and was disappointed not to be able to find them. Its funny now that I'm LDS I still don't have all the answers. But LDS scriptures and doctrine not known to me before have helped to squelch the concerns and paint a little different picture then the one I had seen before. There's comfort in knowing that God still speaks and reveals things through His prophets. That there are still hidden works that might come forth with some of the answers. God will reveal in His time what we need to know. Knowledge of the preexistance and how Lucifer got cast out of Heaven is interesting too. Things just make more sense to me when taken in the context of LDS gospel principals and church doctrines.
  18. Shade Its funny you brought this up. Believe it or not there is someone out here in cyberspace who used to wonder about the same things and can understand what you are saying . At least I know I'm not alone now. We must have had some strange childhoods :) I drove people crazy with those types of thoughts when I was younger (and probably do now too :) ) I could not fathom everything coming from nothing either. Even for God. I guess I never really questioned God's existance or creation of the earth. But if God was alone and created the earth he must have been pretty lonely out there with only darkness and void. What was he doing out there floating in space with no one and nothing to do? But I got really confused when I heard about Lucifer and the fallen angels. This bothered me more. Where did they come if there was nothing? Why don't we know more about them if the Bible is all complete? In Genesis we hear that God created the heavens and the earth from virtually nothing. So who was Satan and how did he get in the picture? God created Adam and Eve in Genesis. But there's nothing mentioned about Him creating Satan and His fall. My favorite questions to ask people when younger. Where did God come from? Where did he get the materials to make the earth? Answers. He's God (therefore He can do anything) Where did He get the materials to make everything? He made them of course. Or He's God so He can do anything. Where did He get the materials to make the materials? Everything was black and void? He made the materials to make the materials.... Where did he find them if there was nothing? We never got past those questions onto my other ones. I wasn't trying to drive people crazy at the time I just couldn't understand either
  19. rosie321


    Homeschooling is a great option for some but not for everyone.Its good to have such freedoms available. Children get wholistic learning in a loving environment. Classes are smaller for one and you don't have the politics involved in public education. Dr T. You might be interested in exploring the political end of homeschooling. It might prove to be very educational and motivating. There are groups in our country who'd like to see homeschooling go away or at least profit from it. I believe if people don't exercise their right when it fits into their families desires and circumstances this right may be lost. Just as many of our other rights are slipping away (gun control, freedom of speech etc). People should be able to choose the best educational option for their family whether it be public school, private school, or homeschool. For everyone the choice is different. In parts of Europe, Germany for instance, homeschooling is not legal. Many families want the opportunity to homeschool their children. The HSDLA is fighting some serious situations over there where kids have been removed from the home and placed in institutions or state custody. It wasn't so long ago, just over 60 years that Hitler forced the children to go through state programming too. Those who didn't agree. Well you know... Its scary to have only government operated choices available. There needs to be a system of check and balances in my opinion.
  20. rosie321


    Don't think you have to fall into the trap of spending lots of money. Especially at the younger grades. Its easy to go wild and get lots of things you'll never use. Sometimes the best teaching items are things found right in your home or even at a dollar type store. Good topic. Will add more later.
  21. rosie321


    The LDS homeschooling site by Diane Hopkin and her family is a neat site One time she posted this Curriculum Guide for the Latterday Homeschool. It gave lots of great ideas to teach students of all ages and how to integrate different ages. Many things can be done by using what is around you. She operates a Family Resources online LDS store also where you can get the homeschool materials referenced. That guide may be a great place to start. Also each month an online LDS homeschooling newsletter called the Sentinel is sent out.DTLK has lots of lesson ideas especially for the younger kids. There is the Home Legal Defense Association that you can join. On it they have online auctions for educational materials since Ebay won't allow the sale of used curriculum/teachers manuals anymore. Outshined has lots of good stuff on his web site. Consider what skills and concepts they need to learn. Find out what skills other kids in the same grade need to know. Use that knowledge to develop a program thats satisfying to you and the needs of your family while making sure your child is keeps up with what the other kids need to know. Use your local libraries, museums, science centers, zoos, aquariums... whatever resources you can find to help reinforce and teach needed skills. Use your scriptures, Friend magazines, local libraries to come up with ideas. Check out garage sales, online sales.... Great topic will probably give more ideas when I have more time. Best wishes on your decision!
  22. In actually reading it , and not skimming it , it does tend to take a pro science stance, ergo low religious acceptance. The ideas though still provide interesting reading
  23. I accidently stumbled across the link. #109 From what I skimmed through it has some well though out ideas about the time of Moses from a scientific/ biblical perspective. While I wouldn't base my faith on this article it does introduce some interesting possibilities for consideration, It takes a very scientific view on things but ties it in with events at the time. I would not take it as gospel but as interesting reading. Many believe that God used scientific means to accomplish His purposes. This feeds those type of thinkers and provides interesting reading
  24. When was the first earthly temple? Was there some kind of temple at the time of Adam where he offered his sacrifice? What was it like? From what I've understood the Arc of the Covenant at the time of Moses was like the temple in that it housed the Holy and served the same purpose. It seems that many of the ordinances we follow today origionate at the time of Moses. Its at this time we see a House for the Holies, the passover, the manna, etc. All carry over into ordinances followed today. There were sacrifices made previously but do we have any knowledge of other "ordinances" being performed previously? The first physical temple as we know about it today seems to be at the time of Solomon. Thoughts?
  25. A train sorry to hear of all your hardships. thanks for your post I read your post after posting my second so that is the reason for the strange somewhat insensitive followup post. My heart goes out to you. Its difficult not knowing for sure what's happening to your loved ones or to be concerned with where they might wind up. To burdens become so heavy at times that one gives up. Your post hit home with a struggle I've had. My soul is troubled at times by a loved one I know that passed to the other side. He diligently served God to the best of His knowledge (not LDS) and was very faithful serving in his church. Lots of bad things happened to this person though. His hope kept withering away. He was not able to go to church because of the situations and was so discouraged by all the trials. I watched as this person kept trodding along. While he tried to keep the faith with each problem the trodding came slower and more difficult. He was drained. I helped out as I could and kept hoping this person would find joy. Instead this person was taken suddenly before they were able to find joy or really overcome. How can such a thing happen I wondered? Why couldn't we see him with the joy we used to see on his face. Just for a minute? But who knows whats taking place on the other side. I"m hoping he's experiencing some joy as he's learning about Christ. I don't know why such struggles befall people. Maybe our hope is in vain but I can't believe that or I would have died along time ago. I can't help but feel joy when I think of the truths in the restored gospel. The story is not finished right now. Keep doing all that you can do. Be faithful and diligent and pray for her. Each person will recieve true understandings and will choose one way or another. Right now it seems like your moms judgement is clouded by pain, doubts, hurt and maybe even loneliness. Pray for her strength. A-train you seem like a strong person. Keep plodding forward. I've found comfort in God's promises and through restored gospel principals. Even if in this mortal existance we don't see our loved ones where they should be on earth that doesn't mean the story is done. God has prepared a way whereby if they were unable here on earth but in the time before judgement to choose and serve. Maybe they needed to be taken to give them new environments and to build up the faith of those left behind? There might be people on the other side who can reach them that could never do so here. In the case of your mom if she doesn't have the opportunity to go back to what she used to on earth other plans may be in the works to accomodate her. For instance maybe your dads on the other side ready to recieve her and help get her prepare for judgement? I don't understand fully all the ins and outs but I do believe that God will take into account all factors we can not see and will not penalize someone unfairly. He will take into account all things and will make his final judgements accordingly. Watching and worrying over those we love seems some of the hardest things in this life Probably because trusting Gods promises and help, exercising faith and enduring personally to the end are the things we should be more focused on. He'll help us with the other