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Everything posted by NightSG

  1. Nope; all the rest can happen just fine, but musical theater definitely make him gay. Maybe confused too, but absolutely gay.
  2. [ThatoneHPineveryward]Yes those heathens do have plenty to be ashamed of! If they had any real faith at all, God wouldn't let them get sick![/ThatoneHPineveryward]
  3. It would be rather hard to drink from an open container in a vacuum, but remember total vacuum is only 14 PSI lower than sea level pressure; the boiling quickly lowers the temperature enough to slow the process somewhat.
  4. In fairness, the Bible only mentions one incidence of Jesus maybe folding His laundry.
  5. Think about that one; it started with the same amount of heat in it as everything else around it, convection doesn't work in a vacuum, and conduction is easy to control with fairly primitive insulators. That leaves only radiation, which is pretty slow at that temperature range; radiative heat sinks require some pretty careful engineering to be able to dump even relatively small amounts of heat effectively in space.
  6. Well, if you do something in your car, it would generally be considered to happen "on Earth." (Unless you're the guy pretending to be an empty spacesuit in Elon Musk's car.)
  7. Couple weeks ago at an Indian-owned motel.
  8. Yes: if done now, the primary focus would be on how it excludes transgender "women."
  10. Steel building design. Its component handling makes that sort of construction modeling quick and easy. Create components for all the common structural members, then just push/pull to length and assemble.
  11. No. They just fit snugly steel-to-steel. Leakage is fairly uncommon as long as it's not bent.
  12. Goodwill had a couple of martini shakers for $2 each. I could send him one.
  13. Finally, a Glock with an honest appearance.
  14. None of the Above is Acceptable In several elections it would have won by a landslide.
  15. Then where did that error creep in from?
  16. Best bit of advice I got on setting prices was to overprice yourself out of quite bit of work. No one will complain if you offer them a discount after the exact job is laid out, and most of the ones who won't even ask would complain about any price.
  17. The man got a court-ordered refund with interest from a high end hooker. Pelosi is going to regret getting higher on his target list.
  18. Maybe someday they'll even let you carry a real gun. Best thing about a 1911 is that you don't have to remember to put it in the top rack of the dishwasher to keep it from melting.
  19. Somebody had to come up with the name in the first place.
  20. That only applies to God, not to His self-appointed superiors on here.
  21. Well, they needed a hopeless quest, so they flipped a coin and nailing Jello to the ceiling lost.
  22. Nope; 1/1,000 at best. People may think they're coming, but really, they're just insignificant anomalies in the statistics. It's similar to trying to deal five cards; the probability of any combination from a 52 card deck is around 2.6 million to one. That's for every possible combination, so as you can see, it's virtually impossible to deal five cards because they'd have to form one of those ridiculously improbable combinations.
  23. You mean "60-75% of their slowest tempo." That could be the reason there's no dancing; even tai chi masters can't move slowly enough to dance to a funeral dirge.