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Posts posted by omegaseamaster75

  1. With all the news stories about unemployed adult children living with their parents in their 20's and 30's I'd say loss of contact is the lesser of the 2 evils.  I'm quite terrified my stepdaughter will never move out, I've started saving to get her an apartment when she finishes high school.  

    The rules in my house are pretty set...a mission or college...anything else and your OUT

  2. Making Sense of the Doctrine and Covenants is actually quite good, even if the title is a bit . . . schmaltzy.

    The key to appreciating the D&C generally is context, context, context. Those revelations, on the whole, answered particular questions and often referred or alluded to very specific details.

    I agree with Just_A_Guy


    context is the key for D&C, try to understand to whom specifically the Lord was talking to, to whom the instruction was given and in what context, think about the political and cultural environment of the saints at that time and how those revelations may have been influenced by that.

  3. I would take the advice to talk to the ward clerk, but it sounds like the ward is pretty unorganized, and often in these situations not everything get put in the computer as it should. Be prepared to discuss these issues with the Bishop,


    If your husband has been called to scouts he should just show up on the activity nights and inquire. As previously posted be more proactive. I know you have inquired etc, but go out of your way to do so and be part of the solution

  4. That really depends on the circumstances of the wanting.


    Someone who wants to be in a position of authority and so goes about building alliances or a pedigree or otherwise trying to work his way into being the "obvious choice" the next time it opens up is probably not the person you want in the job.


    On the other hand, someone who wants to be in a position of authority because they have a rough understanding of the requirements of the job and a vision of what they can accomplish may very well be the kind of person you want for the job.


    I honestly believe we've swung the pendulum of "don't aspire to callings" too far to one side.  I understand that we shouldn't be campaigning or setting goals to be called into positions of authority.  But that doesn't mean we shouldn't study them, learn about them, envision how we might serve in those positions, and prepare ourselves to be called.  I feel like a lot of members try to avoid contemplating how they might act if they were in those positions.  As a result, I feel like a lot of us are wholly unprepared to serve when we are called.

    We may have swung the pendulum to far to "don't aspire to callings" and I agree we should prepare ourselves temporally and spiritually for whatever call the Lord has in mind for us. That said I work very closely with my Bishop, I understand the nature of his job and the pressures and scope of his calling. No one would aspire to that. It is one thing to know and learn and understand the position it is another to do it. God qualifies these individuals for those types of leadership positions. I do see that some people have qualities that translate well to leadership, and others do not. My experience has shown me what I have stated. Those who want to be Bishop/EQ pres are not the people you want in the position.

  5. I do not believe it is possible to be both wealthy and righteous. Indeed, I do not believe it is possible to be both wealthy and in any way moral. This is a tough position for Americans to take on board, I know. I just don't understand how one might be, say, a millionaire, and simultaneously ignore the plight of the fully one third of the world's population, some 2 billion people, who eke out meagre lives on less than $1 per day, and then claim to be 'righteous'. I know I am not particularly righteous, or moral, but I know also that if I ever had that sort of money, it would very quickly be spent to improve the lot of the hungry, and my scant knowledge of the Gospels leads me to believe that this would be what Jesus would do, too.


    Best wishes, 2RM

    I am not sure if you are a member of the LDS faith or not, but I have to assume that you must take real issue with our wealthy leadership in the church. Your line of thought is very idealistic "if I had millions i'd give it all away" Easy to say not so easy to do. Make your millions and get back us on that.


    I read through your posts and it is evident that you are from or live in the UK. Redistribution of wealth is a foreign/not socially popular policy in general in th US. Unless your poor...


    I like to think that we should help the helpless not the hopeless.

  6. You guys are reading to much into the speculations of the GA's, why can't the Jews build a temple? They know how to do it and how it operates. Let us remember that they were once the "true" faith. their records I am sure are complete. Why do we think we are the only ones who can build a temple?

  7. I suggest discussing with a YW leader first, and then the bishop, maybe even having the YW leader with you when you meet with the bishop. I question the appropriateness of a YW discussing such things one on one with a male adult.

    Not this.


    I to have reservations about bishops meeting by themselves with YW, but I am sure your bishop will know how to deal with the situation 

  8. Regular school, ultimately your daughter wants to be with her friends and socialize. I am sure that the teacher has great things planned and she does not want to miss out. I have always felt the "social anxiety" excuse was a co-out anyways. I am sure I will get blasted for that statement. 


    I would not  worry about the conflicting "revelations"

  9. It wasn't harsh.  It was the truth.  A lot of times, we don't want to face the truth because it hurts or it is too hard and we want to just be happy already... but, it's still the truth.


    I've been married going on 17 years.  At least 7 of those 17 years my husband and I are fighting.  Big fights.  I remember the time a couple years into the marriage when he gets home he was either playing SOCOM on his PlayStation or watching Football on TV.  I married him knowing he is a super football fanatic.  So, I accepted that.  But, the PlayStation was just too much.  And he didn't listen to me asking him to quit it.  So, while he was at work, I took the PlayStation and all his games and threw it in the trash.  Just imagine the WAR that resulted in that!  What can I say, I was dumb and stupid and so was he...  There was a time when I put all his clothes in bags and threw it out the front door.  There was a time when I put all my clothes in bags and walked out the front door...  And there were the flying plates and glasses that I threw at his head.... Abusive?  Absolutely.  I was (and still am, unfortunately) an abuser!  I have a nasty anger management issue.  But guess what... we're still married.  With 2 children even.  And my husband and I work at it every single day.  Are we happy together?  Absolutely.  Just knowing that we can resolve flying plates and video game obsessions gives us a feeling of Freedom - the Freedom to make a royal mistake and still be able to crawl back to be forgiven.  And the good times are really really really good because we worked hard to get there.  We are partners and companions through thick and thin, sickness and health, stupidity and wisdom... and yes, I admit, my husband held the marriage together with a shoestring in our darkest days as I'm a royal idiot.  But we're over that now.  And I will always love him forever and ever and ever and ever just for hanging on with all his might to that shoestring... because, if there was anybody who is justified for divorcing out of his marriage, it's my husband!

    Your husband is a pillar of light and a long suffering example to all of us quitters.

  10. I read a few posts and deliberately quit reading.


    My husband and I have been married for 38 years.  There have been times when I/we considered divorce.  If we had gone that route we wouldn't be celebrating 38 years.  Has is all been happy? No.  Has it been worth it? YES! YES! YES!


    1.  Marriage is about service.  Its not 50/50.  Its both giving 100%, 100% of the time.  It won't work out well unless you both serve each other.


    2.  You can fix this marriage IF you want to.

         a.  Make the Savior a partner in your marriage.  That means praying TOGETHER as well as alone.  It also means being honest with each other in loving ways.  It also means neither of you get defensive.  Being defensive destroys trust.

         b.  Watch Fireproof (its on Netflix).

         c.  Watch Mark Gungor (on youtube).

         e.  Five Love Lanuages

         d.  Find a counselor who will be fair and hold both of you to your commitments.


    3.  It takes both of you to make a marriage work.  But it only takes one to start the behaviors which will fix the marriage.


    4.  Even people who start out not loving each other can have a successful marriage.  But they have to serve each other and do the hard work a successful marriage takes.  Its harder when you start without love but love can and will grow as you serve each other.


    One last thing:  Nowhere in the church (scripture or otherwise) is divorce encouraged.  The only time divorce is appropriate is when abuse is involved.  That doesn't mean divorce doesn't happen, it does.  What it does mean is that we as LDS members should have a deeper commitment to making marriages successful, especially when we've been sealed in the temple.  You and your husband covenanted with Heavenly Father to be each other's spouse.  You didn't promise your husband and he didn't promise you.  YOU promised GOD!


    I wish you the best and hope you both can make it work out.  You will received tremendous blessings if you can make it work.


    P.S. Whatever you do, do not bring children into this marriage until its stable.

    Quantify abuse, is emotional abuse not as bad as physical abuse or worse? What if they had kids? would your opinion change at all?

  11. I have not read every post, but as a practicing LDS and any practicing LDS should know or come to the realization very quickly that from a historical documented stand point we have NOTHING on the Catholic church. You can make all the arguments you want about the "great apostasy" and weather it did or didn't happen. I personally happen to be a believer, however I am not so naive to think that I "Prove" anything.


    If you want proof go to a Roman Catholic church and you will find a chart hung up somewhere with a picture of Christ at the top and every Pope down to modern time. This is documented and traceable undisputed fact.


    As LDS there comes a point and time in our religion were a leap of faith is needed....a big leap.


    If you want to enter into a scholarly discussion about theology with a Catholic Priest (and I don't know that the responses posted have been done by such a person) by all means go ahead but know that you are out gunned. They go to school for this, they receive training, and instruction. We do not. 

  12. Not all members who use pornographic materials become addicted.....


    This is not to say that members should view pornographic materials they shouldn't and should work towards not viewing them at all ever

    I mention addict because I copied the line I highlighted in bold directly from church materials, so clearly there is a line drawn between viewing/being exposed and addiction.

  13. Uhmm.. hello... this thread is not talking about addiction only.  It is specifically referring to STRUGGLE.


    Just because one struggles does not mean one is addicted!  And of course, everyone who is addicted is struggling!


    There are those who struggle with shopping on Sunday... does that mean they are addicted to shopping?  The word Addiction was not even mentioned until you brought it up.  Geez lueez.

    If your husband stopped smoking from one day to the next he didn't really struggle with it did he? Again not relevant

  14. Let's say the BF says "yeah I watch porn every once in a while but its not a problem"


    The OP has not commented on as to what is an acceptable level to her of porn. Is watching it infrequently ok? Does she have a zero tolerance policy?

  15. Should the church be teaching that every man should view at least some porn?  :eek:


    Also, it should be noted, the standard is also no lying.

    As a consequence of the world we live in I challenge you to find an adult male who has not had some exposure in one form or another however minor to some form of what can be considered pornography.


    Clearly the church standard is to not view pornography and I never said it wasn't. 

  16. Here is an idea, I mentioned earlier that you should just ask him in thinking about it some more it comes to mind that most men have been exposed to porn in one form or another.

    So the question really is do you want to marry someone who has been exposed to porn? Or do you want to marry a liar?

    I think maybe your better off not asking because you'll be disappointed either way