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  1. Like
    Crypto reacted to pam in Cops are people too   
    Interesting.  A white cop kills a black person and it's racism.  Two cops get killed and it's called mental illness.  I think it was just down right evil.
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    Crypto reacted to Vort in Fell way behind with tithing this year. Now what?   
    Tithing settlement is a time for you to declare your status as a tithe-payer. It's not something to be afraid of.
    Will the bishop take away your temple recommend? I suppose it's possible, but that is completely up to the bishop. If you are bankrupt, the bishop may decide you had no net income for the year and thus have no tithing expectation. But of course, I have no idea what your bishop will decide.
    Don't sweat the meeting. Go and talk to the bishop. Tell him what's going on. Let him worry about doing his job. You just do your best.
  3. Like
    Crypto got a reaction from Backroads in So, I'll be posting less often, now.   
    Strawman of peoples positions, and False Dichotomy.
    This is not my perception.
    [tu quoque from me] The same argument could be stated towards your views since you have admitted that they would potentially benefit you. Ad hominem, particular peoples self interest (attacking the character, or stating it's prudence, supporting the character) doesn't make any argument of theirs or your's stronger nor weaker. Regardless this doesn't get the discussion anywhere. (when discussing social/political issues)
    Another Strawman, and False Dichotomy.
    The conclusions can't be substantiated based on a flawed/inductively weak argument. Even if I agreed with your reasoning: Composition/Division, what is true of individuals can't be equally assumed to apply to the whole.
    This is also a strawman, several have commented that there is a social injustice. It is also an appeal to emotion, since people will feel sorry for the poor which would reflect poorly on those you indicate are in support of the straw man "If you can't see the social injustice"
    Another False Dichotomy.
    To be fair everyone participates in these fallacies.
    This is why people are getting a bit frustrated.
  4. Like
    Crypto got a reaction from Misshalfway in Caring for the poor and needy   
    Actually I don't think it really matters too much whether it is done organizationally, or individually.
    I do think that individual responsibility is given to the individual regardless of which method is used.
  5. Like
    Crypto reacted to mordorbund in Reckoning of time   
    John Gee has written about Abrahamic astronomy as a reflection of ancient views: "And I Saw the Stars": The Book of Abraham and Ancient Geocentric Astronomy.
    What's missing in this paper is something he's shared in lecture. Facsimile 3 shows Abraham teaching the Egyptians about astronomy, and the Egyptians held the belief that if A circumscribes B, then A is greater than and governs B.
    Now, from the paper:
    And the conclusion from the lecture, was that Kolob, circumscribing all, was greater than all (except the throne of God, which is even greater). So the conclusion Abraham would be driving at with the Egyptians is that as powerful as their local gods are, they are magnitudes inferior to the True God of Abraham (and this sort of teaching is consistent with traditions of Abraham zealously fighting idol worship).
  6. Like
    Crypto got a reaction from Anddenex in Ying and Yang   
    I agree in part.( please forgive me if i'm reading to far into this)
    There is an underlying trend i've been noticing brought up in church on occasion, it's this idea that all things physical, carnal are bad. People hinting that their bodies are gross and disgusting, their appetites are bad etc.
    It is the job of the Spiritual to over come the Physical, but that doesn't mean the physical is bad. We got our bodies because they are good. Yes they and physical things can be used improperly, and there are flaws because of the fallen state of the world, but sometimes people need to remember of how physical things are also a blessing, to complement the spirit. 

    The body complements the spirit, to receive a fullness of joy.
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    Crypto got a reaction from Seminarysnoozer in Reckoning of time   
    They way that I read this, is the planet over "even the night" would refer to the moon above the earth.
    So in terms of time, what is it that we are counting? Revolutions around the axis, revolutions around the earth? Sun? The effect of gravity on it's relative space time? (The effect on gravity from what, the sun? The earth? The galactic center? The place nearest unto God?
    Is the model based on current understanding of astronomy, or not? It is allegory instead?
    These things would make a difference to how I would understand the verse, but I don't think there are many answers. Looking forward to what others say.
  8. Like
    Crypto got a reaction from Bini in Holiday blues?   
    Are you getting enough sunlight? Less direct sunlight means less Vitamin D.
    You could always try to take a vitamin D supplement, and a general multivitamin with vitamin B can sometimes help.
    Remember to take a break and some time for yourself to relax?
  9. Like
    Crypto got a reaction from NeedleinA in Two weeks until Divorce   
    If anything would save a marriage, I think true love and open affection helps. I remember reading a story about a woman who was going to be divorced had only one request, to be hugged/held everyday for a month, and afterwards if the husband still found divorce agreeable she would go along with it. People give and receive love in different ways, and when hostile arguments arise, love, charity, and compassion are proverbially pushed off the stage and replace with the actors of darker feelings. Marriage counselling would be ideal.
    It will be hard for people on the internet to give you the advise and counsel you need. There could be more going on, and we don't know you personally, which makes things a little more difficult.
    If divorce happens, allow yourself to go through the grief cycle. Most importantly find someone you can trust to help you through it.
    Keep strong, now might seem like a dark time indeed
    but along the horizon there will be a bright future shinning.
  10. Like
    Crypto got a reaction from Backroads in Reckoning of time   
    They way that I read this, is the planet over "even the night" would refer to the moon above the earth.
    So in terms of time, what is it that we are counting? Revolutions around the axis, revolutions around the earth? Sun? The effect of gravity on it's relative space time? (The effect on gravity from what, the sun? The earth? The galactic center? The place nearest unto God?
    Is the model based on current understanding of astronomy, or not? It is allegory instead?
    These things would make a difference to how I would understand the verse, but I don't think there are many answers. Looking forward to what others say.
  11. Like
    Crypto got a reaction from Backroads in Gifts   
    Seeing as gifts aren't my top language, for me personally other things speak closer to my heart. But when I get gifts from family I prefer 1 gift (that I would like) invested in than many many smaller ones.
  12. Like
    Crypto reacted to Mahone in Poor I.T. arrangement....   
    First question, what does your IT disaster recovery policy/document state regarding that particular system, and how long it can realistically be offline for in the event of a disaster before company operations are seriously affected?
    It sounds to me like whatever period of time is specified, it's clearly too long. Either that, or the person who set this up didn't pay any attention to it. From what you have said, it sounds to me like the company as a whole was very seriously affected by this event.
    When a system is initially implemented and configured, disaster recovery policies and procedures should always be taken into account, and the questions of how long it should take to get this system back online in the event of any disaster, and how that process will occur should be asked. Desktop walkthroughs and real life simulations should be performed. In other words, someone in the IT department should be going through the steps that would be required to re-build such a system from scratch, or get it back online in the event that it was obliterated, and making sure that it can happen in a timely manner. This applies for both small and large companies.
    Where are the failover systems located? Surely such a critical system isn't located on a single physical server in a cupboard? Someone in the IT department needs to be re-thinking this setup.
  13. Like
    Crypto reacted to JimmiGerman in How to have a successful marriage?   
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    Crypto got a reaction from JimmiGerman in How to have a successful marriage?   
    I will strive not to destroy all humans... At least one particular one!
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    Crypto reacted to JimmiGerman in How to have a successful marriage?   
    My comment: find the right girl and take care she won't look like an alien as in your avatar.
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    Crypto reacted to JimmiGerman in How to have a successful marriage?   
    I forgot: and don't behave like an alien after having married. 
  17. Like
    Crypto reacted to askandanswer in Mission   
    When it comes to getting someone excited to go on a mission, I recommend spending as much time as possible with the full time missionaries, doing real missionary work. Hopefully, with time, luck, prayer and hardwork, the person you are inquiring about will get to be involved in preparing someone for baptism. Being involved in that kind of miracle should do a lot to increase their interest in serving. 
    I think for now, I believe should be enough. Hopefully, after not to long, that should change to I know. The sooner that happens, the more likely it is that they will be a powerful and effective missionary.
    As for preparation, see my first point. Same advice applies. 
    Good luck. I have seen with my own eyes how a somewhat less than enthusiastic young man served a mission and came back with a much stronger testimony than what they had when they left.
  18. Like
    Crypto reacted to Vort in How to have a successful marriage?   
    Not to pick at old wounds or second-guess your intimate knowledge, but based purely on the above statements, it's not obvious to me that your father was more to blame. At all.
  19. Like
    Crypto reacted to mordorbund in Everlasting Priesthood   
    I've managed to kill this thread, but I'll continue anyway. Jethro (Moses' father-in-law) is described as the "priest of Midian" (Exodus 3:1) before Aaron and company were ordained High Priest or Priest "after the order of Aaron". So here's another priest running around with a different authority from Aaron. Is there any reason to suppose Jethro was not a high priest? After all, Jesus was "made an high priest after the order of Melchisedec." And nowhere does it say the Melchizedek was a high priest, he was "a priest of the Most High God." So either we have a separate order of the priesthood that has priests (why aren't there any more) and only one high priest (Jesus); or we have a separate order of the priesthood that uses the terms 'priest' and 'high priest' interchangeably, in which case there have been multiple high priests (even with 2 acting high priests under different orders in the days of Aaron and Jethro).
    Regardless, something seems to be missing in the "royal priesthood" (how is that NOT a Melchizedek order reference) that lacks priests after the Melchizedek order.
  20. Like
    Crypto reacted to Blackmarch in Merry Christmas!   
    Wellp dunno when i'll be back on before the school year starts again.. so if not Merry Christmas and a Happy New year y'all !
  21. Like
    Crypto reacted to prisonchaplain in Shaken Faith Syndrome - What brings it on   
    As the resident non-LDS guy, I find this post fantastic!  It had not dawned on me that as disheartening as America's apparent moral decline is to us "religious right social conservative" Evangelicals, it must be doubly so for LDS.  And yet, the conclusion here is powerful--when in doubt cling to Jesus!  Someone else said we are to cling to the rod (of faith?  of God?  of righteousness?  -- probably all of these).
    It is sad that amongst LDS, and indeed most Christian churches, the "inactives" are a majority.  Many of these would probably leave the faith, if push came to shove.  Since it doesn't, they remain, if "in name only."
    Those who do leave tend towards "apatheism" (a cute term somone made up for those apathetic towards God and faith).  Some, embittered, go all the way into atheism.  Yet others veer towards other Christian traditions, or even towards other religions.
    If we would take writesong's counsel, and when doubts come we would cling to Jesus, then the Holy Spirit would sustain us, and help us reach the place that our Father in heaven intends for us.  This reminds me of a youth chorus we used to sing:
    I have decided to follow turning back, no turning back.
    The cross before me, the world behind turning back, no turning back
    Though none go with me, still I will turning back, no turning back
  22. Like
    Crypto reacted to spamlds in Shaken Faith Syndrome - What brings it on   
    When I was running the Society for the Prevention of Anti-Mormonism, I was particularly interested in documenting the process by which a faithful member of the Church turns into an anti-Mormon apostate.  There are people who drift away from the Church because of depression, unworthiness, discouragement, worldliness, or because life's trials overwhelm them, just as Jesus described in the Parable of the Sower.
    However, there is a peculiar process that I documented whereby many exMormons fall away and try to take others with them.  Like Prisonchaplain said, it begins in college for many of them.  A very typical case was a guy who joined the S.P.A.M. social network back around 2009 who went by the screen name "Ishmael."  Ishmael wrote on our site:
    "Fast forward a few years. I'm home from my mission, I've graduated from BYU, I'm married with a couple of kids. I'm a little battle-worn, some of my illusions about the mission, BYU, and the Church itself have been shattered, but that's all part of growing up. My testimony is still strong. I probably don't need to tell you that it wasn't long before I was delving in the world of online Mormonism and anti-Mormonism."
    Ishmael became a sort of case study because he evinced a pattern that showed up over and over.  He had some illusions about his faith that were challenged and didn't hold up.  Instead of praying and studying for further understanding and truth to correct his errors, he begins to let go of the iron rod.  He allows men to instruct him instead of the Holy Spirit.
    You have to realize that, when S.P.A.M. was functioning, it became a target of anti-Mormons.  Many former members joined us with the intent of either trying to shake us in our faith or justifying their own apostasy.  Ishmael was one of them.  When you give these guys a chance to tell their story, they start "monologuing" and it always falls into this pattern.
    1. Establish rapport
    2. Establish credibility
    3. Build sympathy
    4. Tell of an "awakening"
    5. Rationalize the loss of commitment, disobedience, etc.
    6. Reveal the deception that snared them
    7. Issue either a disclaimer that excuses them or a hateful rant that vindicates their choice to leave, blaming others.
    Very often, these former members seek out those who are struggling and try to take them down with them.  You have to understand that there are people who are active "wolves" who are seeking to prey on the flock.  When an innocent person who might be struggling with some doubts encounters one of these apostates, they are unaware that there is a careful, manipulative process being worked against them.  
    What amazed me is how consistent this pattern was.  I had to wonder if the consistency of it was because of the adversary's influence over them or whether it was rehearsed.  
    If you want to read the whole article called, Ishmael's Monologue, check it out on the S.P.A.M. archives at:

    It's not my intent to "pimp" my old blog, but I think it's an important aspect of understanding "shaken faith syndrome."  There are over 800 anti-Mormon parachurches and ministries out there.  They publish web sites, videos, and distribute their products (often for a profit) through Christian bookstores and pastors of other denominations.  There are also atheists who are dedicated to undermining all faith and they seem to take a special interest in destroying the faith of people who claim belief in modern revelation.  When you realize that the opposition is active, it takes on a whole new dimension.
  23. Like
    Crypto reacted to Mahone in Sony first casualty in the cyberwar between North Korea and the US.   
    I agree that North Korea didn't do it themselves. Heck, North Korea early have only been assigned 4 IP ranges of 254 usable public IP addresses each for the entire country. Up until recently, all four of those public IP ranges actually routed to another country entirely, I think it was China, who took responsibility for North Koreas public IP addresses on behalf the North Korea, because they didn't have the skills or equipment to do it themselves.
    That means that up until quite recently, North Korea had no access to the public internet at all - all their IP addresses routed to China.
    Now, some of their IP ranges do route into North Korea, but most of these IP addresses rarely show any kind of activity.
    Considering the above, it's likely that very few people in North Korea possess the skills and knowledge required to perform a cyber attack like this.
    As for whether they asked China to do it on their behalf.. who knows.
  24. Like
    Crypto reacted to Vort in Mission   
    Here are a few ideas:
    Live the commandments. This is a sine qua non of missionary preparation.
    Be deeply involved in the Church and its activities. Don't merely attend Church; really serve in your callings, and really work to build fellowship with your fellow Saints. Read and pay attention to the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon but also the other scriptures. Nurture your own testimony. Take Alma 32 to heart. There is no shame in saying "I believe"; we all must start there. But don't be content just to believe. Nurture that belief until it becomes strong and bears fruit.
  25. Like
    Crypto reacted to james12 in Mission   
    If you have desires to serve you are called to the work. But such desire, coupled with belief, are only a starting point. You must learn to cast out your doubts and fears. Faith and fear cannot exist in the same person at the same time for if we have fear we cannot exercise faith and if we have faith we will not have fear. The two are contradictory. This of course does not mean that you will be forever free from questions and doubts but you can be sure of your direction at certain times and moments in your life. 
    Elder Anderson shared an important insight about faith. Once when he was giving a blessing he felt to speak words he had at that point never considered in such a way, he said, "The impression that came to me was: Faith is not only a feeling; it is a decision. He would need to choose faith" ("You Know Enough", Ensign, October 2008). You must do the same. 
    Obtain the word of the Lord. By this I do not simply mean to study the BoM or the Bible, but to gain the spirit of the Lord and his word in your own heart. Come in humility before the Lord, ponder his word, and seek to find the truth. When He speaks to you of the truth and what you must do the voices of the world will drift into insignificance. Then you will know and will not need another person to tell you.