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    askandanswer reacted to Jane_Doe in Korean war is over!   
    Speaking as a biologist:
    All humans are one species as they are all capable of interbreeding with each others.  There really isn't a biological "race", though there are certain geographic areas have different gene frequencies than others.  Something like ~90% of genetic diversity today is found among the native peoples of Africa.   These gene frequencies change throughout time as different groups move to different geographic regions and (if applicable) interbreed with with the individuals there.  Random events such as mutation, genetic drift, and founder effect also come into play.  Non-random events such as mate selection (heavily influenced by social customs) also greatly influence the flow of genetic material (or lack thereof).  
  2. Like
    askandanswer reacted to anatess2 in Korean war is over!   
    European leadership:
    Merkel - no children.
    May - no children.
    Macron - no children.
    Gentilon - no children.
    Rutte - no children.
    Sturgeon - no children.
    Lofven - no children of his own, 2 that his wife brought into the marriage.
    The US has never had a childless President.
  3. Haha
    askandanswer reacted to NeuroTypical in For lds people in low density mormonville   
    No teens, no need.
    Know teens, know need.
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    askandanswer got a reaction from Sunday21 in Concerns about baptism   
    @Madeline Turner May your happiness and joy continue and grow
  5. Haha
    askandanswer reacted to Sunday21 in For lds people in low density mormonville   
    So @zil should have been translated before birth? Is this possible? 
  6. Haha
    askandanswer got a reaction from anatess2 in My Bishop took my temple recommend away unfairly. How can I contest his decision?   
    You should have typed in a smaller font  
  7. Thanks
    askandanswer reacted to Just_A_Guy in dead bodies as exhibition   
    I heard much the same reaction from several ward members who saw it in SLC about ten years back.
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    askandanswer reacted to Vort in dead bodies as exhibition   
    I agree with you, A&A. I am reminded of Rome's famous Capuchin Crypt. As a 21-year-old missionary, I thought it was great (though my companion deeply disagreed). As a middle-aged man looking back, I think it was bizarre. No, I am not a fan of corpses as art. Not to say it might not be educational, but in this case, I think the education is not worth the cost.
  9. Thanks
    askandanswer reacted to Sunday21 in dead bodies as exhibition   
    German artist recent
  10. Thanks
    askandanswer reacted to NeuroTypical in dead bodies as exhibition   
    We took our kids to BodyWorlds when it came to a denver museum.  It was fascinating, informative, beautiful, sobering.  We went away better people.  It was a totally secular presentation, but I gained a deepened understanding of God's majesty expressed through human design.
  11. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from Vort in dead bodies as exhibition   
    I'm not well acquainted with the world of art so I don't know how common it is for there to be exhibitions consisting mostly of dead bodies. Have many others come across something like this? It seems a bit odd, a bit macabre to me. Normally, lawyers are quite keen to allow maximum licence to exhibitions of various sorts, but in this case they are calling for it to be shut down.
  12. Like
    askandanswer reacted to person0 in For lds people in low density mormonville   
    On my mission, my companion and I convinced the local Bishop to have a monthly ward cookout on a Saturday during the day.  It became one of the most popular ward activities ever.  We had tons of investigators coming, and lots of ward membership participation as well.  We chose a different park every month.  This made it much easier for families with kids to join in without worries of babysitter, etc.  We had board games and sports at the outing, as well as non sport outdoor activities.  It was awesome.  For some reason, I have not been able to convince any leadership to do this after my mission, even when I was Ward Mission Leader.  I think this would be very effective in many places.
  13. Like
    askandanswer reacted to The Folk Prophet in Why information about Biblical occurancies were written in records that predate the Bible   
    Yep. Arguments have no effect.
    There is only one path to the truth. We must have it given us by the Holy Spirit. Until anyone humbles themselves and asks God if something is or is not true then they'll keep on keepin' on no matter what argument is made.
  14. Haha
    askandanswer got a reaction from Vort in My Bishop took my temple recommend away unfairly. How can I contest his decision?   
    You should have typed in a smaller font  
  15. Okay
    askandanswer got a reaction from Sunday21 in My Bishop took my temple recommend away unfairly. How can I contest his decision?   
    You should have typed in a smaller font  
  16. Okay
    askandanswer got a reaction from NeedleinA in My Bishop took my temple recommend away unfairly. How can I contest his decision?   
    You should have typed in a smaller font  
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    askandanswer reacted to zil in My Bishop took my temple recommend away unfairly. How can I contest his decision?   
    You're not going to resolve it.  You out of the picture resolves nothing.  But it allows them to resolve the problem.
    There's a difference between keeping a covenant (something you do when - and after - you make it), and respecting a covenant - something you do in relation to any covenant, even those not your own.
    Think of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies (people of Ammon).  What if the Nephites, when the next war broke out, said "We have no respect for your covenant. Take up arms and help us defend our lands."  It could (probably would) have led to the destruction of the souls of those who had made a covenant - and for what?  So some people could extend their mortality?  Even the Nephites didn't think it was worth that risk.  They encouraged the people of Ammon to keep their covenant, no matter the mortal cost.  That is respecting another's covenant.  If extension of someone's mortality isn't worth disrespecting a covenant, how can mere mortal friendship be worth it?
  18. Haha
    askandanswer reacted to anatess2 in Only in the Philippines?   
    They're innumerable!  If I take pictures of all of them, I'll run out of space in my phone fast!

    (These are fishball stands - fish meat made into a ball and stuck into bbq sticks and fried, grew up on this stuff, they are yummy):

  19. Haha
    askandanswer reacted to anatess2 in Only in the Philippines?   
    There are some stuff that are just funny about the Philippines.  This is a people that love to name their kids like doorbell sounds - Bing, Bong, Ding, Dong, Ping, Pong.  And what's more - they're not satisfied with just one sound so they double it - Dongdong, Bongbong, Jinggong...
    Lately, I've been noticing the Filipino creativity in store names.

  20. Like
    askandanswer reacted to anatess2 in For the musos and techies   
    Can confirm.  Musos are people with a musical obsession.  But it's used like "geek" (by nerds) - meant to have a negative connotation... you know like, geeks are wanna-be-nerds but don't have the IQ for it.  Musos are wanna be musical geniuses and would talk endlessly about some indie music to sound cool while critiquing your "normie" collection on your mp3... but then people like my son who are real musicians can tell they're just blowing smoke out of their bums.
  21. Like
    askandanswer reacted to zil in For the musos and techies   
    I've seen multiple variants of this kind of thing on YouTube, but it was a few years back - they were not CGI (but they also didn't involve PVC, they were wood and metal, as I recall).  I'll see if I can find one.
  22. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from NeuroTypical in For the musos and techies   
    This one looks like the real thing. 
    Atom-powered Intel Industrial Controllers replicate the CGI video musical fantasy "Pipe Dream" released by Animusic in 2001. The music is triggered on an Atom-powered music synthesizer when a ball hits one of the frosted plastic "instruments." I
  23. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from NeuroTypical in For the musos and techies   
    I'm not accustomed to sharing youtube links, but this one really amazed me. While watching this, I just kept thinking of all the planning and programming involved in setting this up. The level of precision involved is remarkable.
  24. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from Vort in For the musos and techies   
    This one looks like the real thing. 
    Atom-powered Intel Industrial Controllers replicate the CGI video musical fantasy "Pipe Dream" released by Animusic in 2001. The music is triggered on an Atom-powered music synthesizer when a ball hits one of the frosted plastic "instruments." I
  25. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from Sunday21 in My Bishop took my temple recommend away unfairly. How can I contest his decision?   
    Sometimes the manly thing to do is to step up and save someone from themselves. If she can't make the correct choice to say no to you then you need to be a man and step up and say no to her. You, she, her husband and your fiancee will all be better off if you do. Sometimes people need to be saved from themselves.