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Everything posted by Laniston

  1. just got 5 tribes and have played it about 5 times. I like it a lot. My favourite board game has got to be Smallworld in any of its varieties.
  2. You just reminded me of the brazen serpent Moses was commanded to put on a staff to cure Israelites bitten by fiery serpents. How looking at a brass serpent would counteract venom in the bloodstream is a mystery, but certainly those who merely looked at it did live. Another object, not particularly notable in and of itself, producing a miraculous result when combined with faith in God (faith for me is hearing the word of God and doing it ie hope+obedience/action).
  3. Economics is amazing. You never run out of reasons to complain. Also you know why everything is so cheap or expensive and have no power to do anything about it!
  4. It's the second answer. The parenthesis only matter if there is something going on inside them. If you change (3) to (3×1×1×1×1×1×1×1×1) it might be more fun but the answer is the same. the first answer would have to be 6^2 ÷ (2×3) + 4
  5. Isn't the podium in the conference center made from a tree from President Hinckley's property? You could say everyone who speaks from that podium has to pass what they say through Pres. Hinckley.
  6. I really want to see ant man but... monies... But I did watch the Rookie recently and Speed Racer (The Wachowskis one). I don't know why but I really like that Speed Racer. It's way better than it should be. The Rookie is so hammy but it's a pretty good movie, plus it's nice to see Jay Hernandez not being attacked for once.
  7. The irony is that legalizing plural marriage probably wouldn't mean it became church policy again and we'd be the ones continuing to oppose it.
  8. I was thinking more like a brontosaurus but dang if that guy doesn't look like the happiest person in the world
  9. Prayer is a form of instantaneous universe spanning telepathy. If we are to learn all that God knows, and God knows Kung-Fu.... Exaltation basically equals superpowers. What's cool to you about LDS doctrine?
  10. "Hey, we're sealed so it's all good. Now leave me alone to die. I gotta get me to the spirit world and ride some dinosaurs."
  11. The guy whose (who's?) wife is in a wheelchair with a collagen disease.
  12. My wife and I are enjoying this season of american ninja warrior. Actually one of the guys who completed the course this year for qualifying was my MTC companion so that was a cool surprise. You just never know who's going to be on the show.
  13. If an innumerable host of liberal phillistines, ammonites, edomites, etc is threatening to beat down my door and rob me of my religious freedom and all I have to defend myself is a stoneware jug and a flashlight, then the odds are stacked in my favour.
  14. I think I will be watching We Bought a Zoo tonight.
  15. I think I will be watching We Bought a Zoo tonight.
  16. Share a talent with him that you're usually too embarassed to.
  17. So in that article the guy says "I suspect many Mormons are saved, but in individual cases it’s not my business to decide. But as a Christian theologian it is my business to decide, for myself and those whom I influence, which churches should be considered authentically Christian" This statement is, for me, at the crux of this ridiculous contention. Because this guy reads a lot he's entitled to take upon himself authority to declare who is Christian or not? And I have to what...justify my beliefs to him and others like him or I'm not a real Christian? It's this simple, as far as I'm concerned. If I declare myself a Christian, here's how it is proven. "By this shall all men know if ye are my disciples. If ye have love one to another."
  18. I just watched Project Almanac. It was entertaining enough. Found footage, so not for everyone. I liked Chronicle better which is similar in a way. Now I have found the series Dig on Shomi. Modern Day Jerusalem but involving some kind of ancient jewish conspiracy. Has Jason Isaacs in it. I like his stuff. So sad Awake was cancelled, but after 1 episode Dig has potential to be good. Anne Heche and a bunch of other great actors in it, too.
  19. I didn't serve a mission until I was 25 largely because I was reacting negatively to what I perceived as cultural pressures to serve a mission. "It's just what young men are supposed to do" didn't cut it for me. All the songs about it, the talks about it, the friendly advice from leaders, the constant question of "Are you going to go on a mission?", the "Young women, make sure the man you marry is a RM (meaning if you don't go on a mission you are worthless as a prospective husband, right?), etc made me, in my teens and forward from that, more and more jaded towards the idea. Everyone seemed to be saying I had to go but for cultural reasons and when mention of the Lord's will came up it just didn't have the power to drown out all the other stuff. I didn't know the Lord, or His will. Things only changed once I finally gained my own testimony of the restored gospel, gained a relationship with God, and actually on my own decided to fast and find out if that's what He wanted me to do. Many times on my mission the powerful response from God, burned into my spirit's memory, was the only thing that kept me there. Personally I didn't want to go and didn't like being a missionary very much but I love God and I knew for myself it was His will and the right thing to do. I believe cultural pressure to go on a mission can feel overwhelming and on my mission I met plenty of people who were there because their dad had gone and their 3 older brothers and it was a family legacy. And I would think....that's nice, that really the only reason? And I wonder if it would hurt them somehow to be doing this as some kind of rite of passage rather than to serve God and serve His children. I think the pressure is something that has been around for a while and will continue. I can't speak for everyone but as a teenager I usually pushed back against the pressures or expectations of other people. If it wasn't my idea then I wasn't very interested. It took a lot of growing up to get over myself, filter out the noise, and make the decision to go be about matching my will to God's. A task impossible to complete until I knew God, and had enough humility and strength of testimony to see through.
  20. I'll be watching Malificent tonight with my wife and parent's in law. Before that... We are Marshall.
  21. I don't think I ever went to a single summer camp where some kid didn't end up scarred, burned, or maimed somehow. I have my own small scar. I was one of the lucky ones. Anyways it's not like camps are safe havens. I mean look at what happened to poor Jason Vorhees.
  22. President Hinckly once spoke on the dangers of gambling. A short while later that world poker tour became a really big deal (Card game pun! woohoo!). Anyways I always felt his talk was prophetic as I saw a public frenzy generated over poker and other forms of gambling.
  23. I think the universe is expanding because Heavenly Father is continuing to create. If our eternal destiny as His children is eternal increase/progression then it is logical that Heavenly Father is in a state of eternal increase/progression. Why wouldn't He be continuing to create? And the things He creates need somewhere to go. As for things holding the universe together, I always think of this scripture: D&C 131:7-8 7 There is no such thing as immaterial matter. All spirit is matter, but it is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes; 8 We cannot see it; but when our bodies are purified we shall see that it is all matter. Dark Matter, if real, would be better called Light Matter. I think if we had the eyes to see, those stunning photos of our universe would absolutely blow our minds.