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Everything posted by Iggy

  1. Before it was MormonHub wasn't it LDS.Talk? Why can't it go back to that? I vote for Latter-daySaintsTalkForum.
  2. Yeah, NO @NeuroTypical YES @anatess2 When it comes to President Nelsen - God would not have allowed a child molester to become the living prophet of His church!
  3. I'm sorry. PURE distilled water is water with absolutely nothing in it. No needed minerals, elements: From ~ www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/nutrientschap4.pdf Once the pdf file is opened, scroll to III ~ Fluoridation in the water in Seattle, where I grew up, helped to prevent cavities. It was also given in pill form to my little brother from the time he was 18 months old to prevent the hemorrhages in his nose & sinus's. Where my mother grew up in Faith, SD there was an over abundance of F (Fluoride) in their well water - everyone in her family had the most beautiful teeth! I started filtering water when I lived in Casa Grande, AZ in 2004. our tap water was the most horrible tasting & smelling water I had ever come across that hadn't come from sulpha springs or wells. I filtered out the stink and bad taste but didn't use the *Remove everything but the Wet* filter. Now that I am back to the Central Oregon Coast and on city water, I only filter out the excessive chlorine. Hubby thinks our city water is sweet and refreshing. But, remember, he has been drinking/using that horrible Casa Grande/Phoenix/Tempe AZ water since 1952! @Vort you said: It is not just from the sugar content, if it was the entire body would be big-fat. That beer belly or beer gut is from an enlarged liver due to the damaging effect of ethyl alcohol. To prove that most bottled waters, but most especially Distilled water wasn't good for you, I challenged my neighbors teen son to take two identical plants, purchased at the same time from the local plant stand in town. Water one with tap water, the other with his preferred brand of Distilled water. After asking the owners of the plant stand how often to water the plants, he proceeded with the test. In 4 months the plant watered only with distilled water was well on it's way to dying. The other plant was flourishing and in need of being re-potted. He didn't like the taste of the tap water - well neither did I, so as a gift to him, I gave him a Brita refrigerator dispenser and two three packs of filters. He was also drinking Mt. Dew. Check out the ingredients why don't you. After googling all of the ingredients, he found that BVO is also the chemical in fire retardant clothes!
  4. In her sentence prefacing the video she says: I'm a fan of Jordan Peterson as he's a guy who champions boys.
  5. You are right, it is very interesting. Finally someone has given a great definition between Career and Job. Don't you think that this could be the same about boys/men also??
  6. If where you obtain the raw milk is from someone who does not keep their cow(s) healthy, and are not clean from cleansing down the cows teats and their own hands, to the bucket to collect the milk, to the chilled room (not refrigerated but 65 to 50 degrees) to allow the cream to separate, and then pour into the gallons, quarts and/or pints to then put in the refrigerator. There is no threat of any contamination or illness such as E coli. It is such a shame that those people born after 1980 have no clue where their food actually comes from. Like dairies, ranches and farms. NOT the grocery store. Those steaks, ground beef, bacon, ham, chops and roasts come from living Beef cattle and Hogs. Eggs come from living chickens. Etc. Etc.
  7. My first husband's mother is pure Japanese - she never drank a drop of an alcoholic beverage. His father was half Native America and half Irish, his father was a cruel, mean and nasty drunk. The Indian side of my husband was prevalent in that he got drunk easily, the Irish side of him LIKED drinking and being drunk. It was a Lose-Lose situation. Even his mother disliked his drinking. Yes he was an alcoholic, but HE refused to see that. His two sisters loved their wine, and they drank a lot of it. They too were alcoholics. When I met my MIL's sisters and parents and we went out to dinner the only people ordering alcoholic drinks were my two SIL's and my husband. No one else in her extended family drank. She had 8 sisters that I met and had dinner with. It was a pre-wedding/reception dinner with just the brides family. The next night was with the grooms family. I opted NOT to go - too many people for me to assimilate.
  8. @DennisTate we actually spell it Latter-day Saint, and the correct abbreviation is LDS Church. No periods (.) used at all. Latter-day Saints try to apply the 13 Articles of Faith ~ Pay attention to 11 especially. 1 We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. 2 We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression. 3 We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. 4 We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. 5 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. 6 We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth. 7 We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth. 8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. 9 We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. 10 We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory. 11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may. 12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. 13 We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. Joseph Smith. Found here:https://www.lds.org/scriptures/pgp/a-of-f/1?lang=eng @Telemantros welcome to our forum, am looking forward to your posts.
  9. @MormonGator From the time I was born until I was 18 I drank fresh from the cow milk aka RAW milk. It was never *pasteurized*, always *raw* and it was NOT filthy. The milk was obtained from the cows the exact same way as in Joseph Smith's time, milked by human hands from the cows teats into buckets that were probably cleaner than you would imagine. When raw milk goes sour, it is still very usable. Sour milk is used for a variety of cooking uses, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheeses, clobbered milk. You get cream from raw milk, and from cream you get butter and butter milk. As long as the cow(s) are healthy, the items used when milking and separating the cream from the milk, pouring the milk into smaller containers to place in a refrigerator all are clean and as sterile as one can get them - then RAW milk is NOT filthy or unhealthy to consume. All of our ancestors thrived on it. Up until my pancreas was damaged by new Rx of high blood pressure pills, I got my cream from a small dairy farmer about 35 miles from me. I asked for and got the cream BEFORE he pasteurized the milk. I got a gallon of cream AND a gallon of UN-pasteurized milk. Plus his little dairy was 100% GMO free. At the grocery store for a gallon of GMO free/Organic PASTEURIZED milk I paid 6.99$. The cream was 4.99$ for a pint. I paid the dairy farmer 10.00$ for both!! It would have been 12.00$ but I supplied my own glass gallon jars with plastic lids. As for filthy water, out of a well it is pretty much clean. But it depends on where your creek/river/stream water comes from or what is living in it (beavers are a great source of bad, nasty things) or being dumped into it. On the 5 acres I lived on for 8 years the well water was pure, BUT from Sept to March I had to get my water from a creek that the beavers lived in, thus I had to filter it and make sure the cartridge could filter out all those nasty pathogens and germs. Boiling it just wasn't that good of an option. Once our well was producing enough for us to disengage the pump from the creek, we turned off the well, emptied nearly all of it, then Hubby #1 climbed inside wearing his hip waders and scrubbed the inside of the 1500 gallon holding tank. From the bottom to the top - can't remember what he used but it was what the county extension office told him to use. He scrubbed, then emptied that out and with a hose attached directly to the well pump, he rinsed it all out, then filled it up to his shins, and scrubbed once again with bleach water. THAT is why he wore hip waders to protect himself. That all got rinsed and drained out, then we let the holding tank fill with well water. While he was cleaning and draining that drained water went through our pipes to the house - only instead of entering the house, we had it drain out into our meadow of a yard. While he was cleaning the holding tank, I was draining and cleaning the hot water heater. Once the holding tank was 3/4 of the way full we added 1 gallon of bleach. THAT was the only bleach we ever added. We allowed half of that to drain through the lines, then stopped the flow, hooked the line up to the house and allowed the holding tank to fill completely from the well. Nothing has ever tasted as sweet and pure as that well water! Having to drink city water now - well it is so full of chlorine it gags me. I filter it with a Brita pitcher and filter that is for chlorine mostly. My new refrigerator side by side with freezer has an ice and water dispenser and the filter for that gets rid of the chlorine also.
  10. @Carborendum the title of your post is incorrect - Abraham WAS a prophet. From: https://www.lds.org/ensign/series/old-testament-prophets?lang=eng in the Ensign's of 2014, the prophets of the Old Testament are written about. Prophet Ensign-Date Malachi December 2014 Jeremiah October 2014 Isaiah September 2014 Job August 2014 Elijah July 2014 Samuel June 2014 Moses April 2014 ABRAHAM MARCH 2014 Noah Feb 2014 Adam Jan 2014 From a non-LDS source, here are the prophets they have listed. Please note they have also listed many women, and those who only received personal revelation. This place apparently doesn't recognize personal revelation without the person receiving it as NOT a prophet. Such as Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. She received a revelation for herself and those under her stewardship. Prophets in the Old Testament https://www.gotquestions.org/prophets-in-the-Bible.htm • Noah: • Abraham: • Jacob: • Joseph: • Moses: • Aaron: • Miriam: • The seventy elders of Israel: • Eldad and Medad: • Balaam: • Elihu: • Joshua: • Deborah: • Gideon: • Samuel: • A procession of prophets: Shortly after Saul’s anointing as king, he met with seventy prophets and joined them (1 Samuel 10:10). • King Saul: • Gad: • Nathan: • David: • Asaph: • Tabernacle musicians: First Chronicles 25:1–7 lists the musicians whom David commissioned to perform before the tabernacle and identifies them as prophets. They include Heman, the grandson of Samuel; Jeduthun; and Asaph, as well as their sons. • Writers of the Psalms: Many of the psalms besides those directly identified as having been written by David refer to the coming Christ, including Psalms 2, 18, 89 (by Ethan the Ezrahite), 132, and many others. • King Solomon: • Agur: • Ahijah: • Iddo: • Shemaiah: • Azariah: • Hanani: • Jehu: • Elijah: • Unnamed Prophet: When the northern kingdom of Israel was threatened by Syria, this prophet assured King Ahab that Israel would triumph with God’s help. • Micaiah: • Jahaziel: • Eliezer: • Unknown prophets: Various prophets lived during the time of Elijah and Elisha, belonging to the school of prophets. Nothing is known about these prophets except some lived in Bethel (2 Kings 2:3) and some in Jericho (2 Kings 2:5), and they all annoyed Elisha by reminding him that Elijah’s departure was imminent. • Elisha: • Zechariah the priest: • Jonah: • Joel: • Amos: • Hosea: • Isaiah: • Micah: • Oded: • Zephaniah: • Nahum: • Huldah: • Jeremiah: • Uriah: • Habakkuk: • Obadiah: • Daniel: • Ezekiel: • Haggai: • Zechariah the prophet: The son of Berechiah • Malachi: I know this is much, much more than you were talking about, but in my research I found this and thought it fascinating. Had the person of this other faith who wrote this web article, had known of the LDS Church's belief that every baptized member has the ability to receive revelation for themselves and those under their stewardship, there wouldn't be enough band-width to list all of their names.
  11. Now to finish D&C 89 10 And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man— 11 Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving This is a Good for you. All wholesome herbs. Herb & every fruit in the season to be used with prudence and thanksgiving. Fresh herbs are much tastier. Fruits in their season are ripe and don't cause stomach aches - like unripe apples. 12 Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; 13 And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine. 14 All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, not only for man but for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that run or creep on the earth; 15 And these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of hunger. 16 All grain is good for the food of man; as also the fruit of the vine; that which yieldeth fruit, whether in the ground or above the ground— 17 Nevertheless, wheat for man, and corn for the ox, and oats for the horse, and rye for the fowls and for swine, and for all beasts of the field, and barley for all useful animals, and for mild drinks, as also other grain. When all herbs, fruits, all grains, fruit of the vine whether in the ground or above the ground have not been used sparingly - we have depleted the land of nutrients by over growing the fruits of the land.Thus we have weakened the plants, we have also destroyed the creeping crawling bugs that fed on the plant eating bugs, totally wrecking the ecosystem. We have turned to caging our animals that we use as food - overcrowding them - thus actually making them unfit to eat. The chickens got scrawny and the meat stringy - so man shot them up with hormones. Same with beef, pork, lamb. The Lord is not telling us to be Vegetarians or Vegans. He has counseled us to eat the foods of the land in their SEASON, and to eat meat during winter, or of cold, or famine. This last bit I feel he counseled regarding the meat during winter, or of cold or famine was that the homes didn't have freezers or refrigerators. Home refrigerators were invented in 1913, Iceboxes were in use where ice harvesting was, and ran from the mid-19th century until the 1930s, when the refrigerator was introduced into the home. Some meats are smoked to cure them also. Have you noticed that nowhere has He given us fish to eat. Interesting isn't it? 18 And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones; 19 And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures; 20 And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint. 21 And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. Amen. Then comes the Lord's blessings starting with verse 18 through 21. As with all of the Lord's blessings, they hinge on us doing something first. Here it is keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments. Then comes the blessing for that - shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones. Verse 19 - find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures. Verse 20 - shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint. Verse 21 - The final blessing from the Lord for our obedience ~ give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass , as the children of Israel, and not slay them. I honestly feel that using the words forbidden to eat, forbidden to drink is wrong. I have read and re-read the entire D&C 89 and using the gift of discernment that the Lord has blessed me with, there is no forbidden meaning anywhere in this text. Benefit of council. Sent by greeting, not by commandment ro constraint, but by revelation. Showing forth the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days. It was given for a "principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints, who are or can be called saints" So when you are asked by your Bishopric /Branch Presidency or Stake Presidency if you obey the Word of Wisdom, you need to consider ALL of D&C 89 - not just verses 5-9.
  12. Goodness ! @TheOne13 your topic really got derailed did't it? 😲 I have read all four pages of responses. Let's go over D&C 89 okay, because the Word of Wisdom is about more than just NOT drinking HOT DRINKS. Now sit back, and be prepared for quite a LONG read. D&C 89 was given as a Revelation in answer to Joseph Smith Jr's query regarding the use of tobacco in their meetings. But as the Lord so often does, He included a lot more. Also note that He said: For the benefit for the council of high priests, the saints in Zion. Sent by greeting, not by commandment or constraint, but by revelation. Given for a principle with promise. The first No aka Do Not is in verse 5 That inasmuch as any man drinketh wine or strong drink among you, behold it is not good, neither meet in the sight of your Father, only in assembling yourselves together to offer up your sacraments before him. Wait - the last part says: only in assembling yourselves together to offer up your sacraments before him. Then verse 6 And, behold, this should be wine, yea, pure wine of the grape of the vine, of your own make. Of Your Own Make. Many years ago I was taught in a Gospel Doctrines class that this was because the enemies of Joseph Smith Jr and the fledgling church membership had put poison in the wine that they (the LDS church) was going to buy for use in their sacramental services. Then comes verse 7 And, again, strong drinks are not for the belly, but for the washing of your bodies. Before a field surgeon makes an incision on a body, he has the area "washed" with alcohol. Rubbing alcohol, vodka, whiskey, etc. AKA strong drinks. Why? To disinfect the area. Also if soap and HOT water are not available, he will also wash his hands, and instruments with "strong drink". Now on to the second No aka Do Not is in verse 8 And again, tobacco is not for the body, neither for the belly, and is not good for man, but is an herb for bruises and all sick cattle, to be used with judgment and skill. My father should have been a Veterinarian because of his knowledge and skill with animals - pretty much all animals. In watching him tend to my Uncles cows and horses, Daddy would scrub his hands with HOT water and plenty of soap AND wash his face and mouth area too. Why? Because he was a heavy pipe smoker. When I asked him why, he said that the Nicotine in the tobacco he smoked could make the animal sicker or die IF enough of it got into the animals blood system. That in his day (meaning youth to about 30 yo) the Animal Dr's injected Nicotine into the animals vein to euthanize it. BUT they used tobacco leaves on the skin/hide for other hurts that were not open, aka bruises - swollen joints, etc. In verse 9 the Lord reemphasizes the hot drink are not for the body or belly. Again my Daddy was a cowboy. In his youth (from 12-22) he would help the ranchers in his area round up their cattle which meant they went far and wide and spent several nights out under the stars as ALL of the ranchers gathered the cattle, then brought them in. The hot drinks, which was coffee and sometimes chicory root, was cooked over an open fire and it was Boiling Hot. These cowboys drank it HOT and it scalded their mouths, tongue and throat. What the Lord knew and Man did not was that coffee contained harmful substancesand THAT is bad for the body. The following quote if from https://www.lds.org/manual/gospel-principles/chapter-29-the-lords-law-of-health?lang=eng I'll end here for the time being as I have to get to a Dr's appointment, but I shall be back to go over the rest of D&C 89.
  13. Yep, that is weird all right!
  14. I people watch too. Started when I was about 12 and was allowed to take the city bus to downtown Seattle on Saturdays. I would watch the people on the bus. I couldn't understand what they were saying - - couldn't make out the words, just the tone - - I put that together with body language and made up my own stories. I loved to window shop, which actually included going inside the stores and *shopping with my eyes*. One of the places that held my interest until I graduated High School and moved out of Seattle was the Pike Place Market https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pike_Place_Market I spent nearly all day there, watching, learning, enjoying. Not just the customers - but the vendors. And all of those smells. From the Oh So Very Fresh fish, oysters, scallops, and other creatures from the deep, deep sea to spices I couldn't even pronounce, fresh fruits & vegetables ~ in the season thereof, even meats being cut up to order. The wandering further along there are the shops - selling incense, scented candles, shawls, rugs from far away countries. I had to be home by 5:30 pm, and I made that curfew by the *skin of my teeth*. So the weird & unexpected part(s) ~ how many 12 to 18 year old girls prefer to be alone, people watching, exploring exotic shops, discovering the wonders of fish, meats, produce markets where the vendors have been hawking their wares pretty much like they have been doing for centuries? Rrandom: I also would go to the Woodland Park Zoo not only to see and watch the animals there, but also the people. It was fascinating to see how the people reacted to each other, their children and then the animals. Another favorite spot was the Seattle Center - not only the displays, artists, musicians, etc. But walking through the Food Marts. Oh what wonders to behold!! All those foods from far away places, and then the Americanized foods of course. I really didn't have much money to spend - often just $5.00 in my pocket and the 20 cents for the round trip bus fare. [yes it was many years ago - 1964-1970] Nowadays my people watching while shopping has evolved into people interaction. I have to grocery/household shop and I do the major part of it on the 4th Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of the month ~ after our big payday. That is a 25 mile one way trip to 4 to 6 stores, with eating breakfast in my favorite restaurant before I go to any store. I don't people watch there, I read a book and eat. Then I head out to Walmart with my shopping lists from Fred Meyer, Safeway, Thriftway and my *shopping book list* - where I have written down our needs that don't happen to be on sale at any of the stores. I compare prices, if Walmart is cheaper - I buy. While I am shopping, I interact with other shoppers. Usually I am the one to start the conversation. Generally my comments are upbeat or funny or inquisitive. Like once eggplants were on sale for 0.89$ each, they were large, and the most beautiful color. This tiny little Native American (or are they now called First Nation) elderly woman was picking one out. I remarked how beautiful they looked and how my Mother's first and last attempt to cook some ended up in us kids have hard, round, smallish hockey pucks to toss around and have our dog fetch back to us. She then gave me the directions on how to make Eggplant Parmesan. She selected two of the largest ones and I then went to buy the ingredients I needed. There isn't a shopping day where I don't interact with other customers and the store employees - being upbeat, pleasant and with good humor, helps me endure the pain that hits my poor aging body by the third store. Before the last store, it is time to go back to the restaurant for lunch and a much needed rest. If after the last grocery store my feet are not screaming at me and my lower back, hip to foot is not burning (sciatic nerves in overload), then there is a stop at Dollar Tree on the way home. Just to see what they have, and to purchase anything that jumps out at me saying: Buy me, You can't do without me, like the Spicy Brown Mustard, and the bags of buttered popcorn for hubby, or any pasta bowls (which are as rare as hen's teeth). Then it is Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity-Jig. Now while I am on a roll 🙄 I also love to iron clothes. Since the majority of my clothing is natural fibers (linen blends, cottons, and cotton blends, etc. ) it is a good thing that I like it. Even to the point of purchasing a Rowena iron and double padding my ironing board! I absolutely love to see the wrinkles disappear! Oh - wait - loving ironing - that is a Major Weirdness!
  15. Here is another link ~ https://www.ldschurchnews.com/leaders-and-ministry/2018-09-16/president-nelson-shares-5-lessons-life-has-taught-me-with-49000-in-safeco-field-47997
  16. @prisonchaplain I so wanted to be there - but since I have no where to stay, and can't afford a Hotel - sigh - enjoy, listen not only with your ears but with your heart. And please report back to us your thoughts, feelings and what struck a cord [or cords] with you.
  17. My experience with drinking sugary drinks, no matter the flavor, no matter that they are carbonated is this: High fructose, fructose, sugar are carbs. Empty carbs. They add absolutely nothing to your nutrition needs. What they do is overload your poor body and cause it to go to sleep. Now for children, I think it is under the age of 10, it causes them to go into overload and bounce off of walls and furniture. BUT you said people at work drink the surgery caffeinated carbonated drinks at work to stay awake. Well, they have to be constantly drinking the stuff to stay awake. Arm, hand to mouth motion will keep them somewhat awake. The best way to wake up is to take half of your lunch time to actually eat a balanced meal, then take a power nap for the other half. Upon waking, drink 8oz of UNSWEETENED apple juice or one apple, walk around your cubicle or office- going to the bathroom will do. Before I was diagnosed as Type II Diabetic, like years before, this is what my PCP told me to do. Worked like a charm. Now as a diabetic, with RA, fibromyalgia, hi blood pressure, I was told by all my attending Dr's, Nurse Practitioners, Diabetic Team to quit with the carbonated drinks. They dehydrate you. Even the no sugar no caffeine ones. Those drinks are a detriment to your health! So, I buy regular Kool-Ade, add only 3/4 or 2/3 of a cup of regular sugar and that is what Hubby and I drink. Mostly he prefers water. Also, the next time you are nodding off at work, stand up and walk to the break room, get yourself 16 to 32 ounces of PLAIN WATER. The nodding off & yawning is your body trying to tell you it is dehydrated. Drink water. My eldest sister called water Adam's Ale. Got our youngest sibs to drink it, as well as her Sunbeam classes.
  18. Do all four on the same day - #1 first, then #4 - actually have her ask her bank if it wouldn't be better to open a new account(s) leaving only the barest minimum in the old accounts, then #2 and finally #3. Unfortunately Hubby allowed *Micro-Soft* to *clean up* a nasty virus and it nearly cost us all of his life savings/pension/etc plus maxing out both of the credit cards. Fortunately, we had insurance through our bank to stop ALL purchases, withdrawals, etc. over $300.00 per purchase a DAY locally, and One hundred $ per purchase a day on-line, out of state & out of country. While he was on the land line w/ Micro-Soft, I got a call from the bank on my cell. The bank told me to unplug ALL computers from the internet, then to contact the real Microsoft [no hyphen] and report what had just happened. To take a screen shot and come to the bank and they will FAX it to the real Microsoft. The bank also told Hubby how to protect our $ when we order anything online, including our Rx's - it is called Safe Pay. Also, she will be without credit and debit cards for 7-10 days. When our debit card # was stolen and sold abroad, we had to close our checking account. That meant that all of our current direct deposits had to be alerted which is a ROYAL pain, as well as all of our auto-pay accounts. Thankfully our bank made up about 50 *counter* checks for us to use, as new checks wouldn't get to us sooner than 10 days. As a senior citizen [66 yo count?] Hammering something home to me seems pretty harsh. Consider this: She has and is going through a rather traumatic time right now. IF she has a responsible adult child in her life, do you think she wouldn't have already called that child? This I agree whole-heartedly, though one class at one time would be a bit overwhelming. If your ward/branch will allow it, having two classes a month for several months would be better, and not just for us old people either. I am constantly amazed at the number of youngsters [30-50 year olds] who are not wise in a computer sense, and even more teens to mid 30's who are clueless when it comes to balancing a check book/ checking account and staying within a household budget. Just a side note here - my hubby is not a dithering knot-head. He helped usher in the computer age while he worked at Kaiser Permanente in CA back in the day. Back when the monitors were small, chunky things with screens of black with green lettering. For his own personal use, he and his 14 year old son put together their own computer, buying all the parts from Radio Shack and some of the parts from work that he requested and paid for on his own. For him to get duped by this Microsoft wanna-be hurt his pride/ego and it wasn't until later when I took a look at our check register that I figured out part of what happened. He had some of the numbers in the register transposed. For him that is a sure sign that his glasses need updating. For me, it means I had a severe headache and should not have been doing the bookkeeping. Also, this Alert on his screen, came in on bright white background, his eyes can no longer tolerate that - thus he has his background color in a med-soft grey, thus he didn't see the hyphen. He has never just gone to Fred Meyer, Fry's, Walmart, Best Buy or Staples to purchase an "Off The Shelf" computer. He orders his through Dell, and puts together what he needs. We have four computer Guru's at our small branch. Hubby is one, one is a 30 yo, one is a married 35yo wife and the last is a 15 yo boy. We also have nearly all of our over 60 widowed Sisters who received computers from their adult children so that they could be on FB w/them and the grandchildren and so they could email the children, grands and a few greats. I have asked all of our Guru's if they would be willing to lead classes in Computer use and safety? They all are agreeable, yet they can't pick and pin down a week day or early evening. Our Branch President is okay - but he wants up to pick two days a month, and STICK to those two days. One thing they are in agreement is this: that ALL ages need to be included.
  19. @aruth5000 I also know you from your FB page with another moniker - you & that adorable little dude of yours, have One Heck Of An Amazing Support Group! AND they all have been with your and Lil Dude since the moment he was born! He is quite the fighter - if he was not, he would have gone to be with Heavenly Father a long time ago. I also believe that Heavenly Father has a great and special mission for him [your son] to do. I believe that Lil Dude knows this, deep in his *heart of hearts*, that is maybe why he IS the great fighter for life that he is. Yes you are facing and fighting trials more than the *Average Bear*, but Sweetie, you have way more than the *Average* support group. If you didn't hand over Lil Dude to your support people so that you could work and make the money needed to provide for him, you would totally collapse. Perhaps you and Lil Dude might be in need of a Priesthood Blessing, to calm and reassure you. To ask for healing and protection for your darling little boy. Goodness, he is 5 already! It seems like just a little while ago he was born. The little boy with more hair than any child deserves to have, especially at birth. I was so used to my siblings children who were born nearly bald!! Your and Lil Dude are in my prayers, always.
  20. Promises made in the Temple are more than just promises - he covenanted with the Lord. in other words, he made a contract with the Lord. covenant. Literally, a contract. In the Bible (see also Bible), an agreement between God and his people, in which God makes promises to his people and, usually, requires certain conduct from them. In the Old Testament, God made agreements with Noah, Abraham, and Moses. He broke that contract. If he is sincere in coming Clean to the Lord, he needs to confess to the Bishop and follow what he says to do on his road to repentance.
  21. Good article. The testimony of the Holy Ghost affects me in different ways. Just one is tearing up. One Sunday a young family was visiting our Branch and they "took" hubby and my seats in the chapel. So, we ended up sitting behind them. It was a truly Spirit filled Sacrament, after the sacrament hymn and blessing of the bread, their 10-12 yr old daughter turned to face Hubby and myself and she had the most serene look on her face. Yep, the Holy Ghost was right there, testifying to her of the truth of the words in the hymn AND the words of the sacramental prayer blessing the bread. Now, after the passing of the water - she wrapped her arms around her father's arm - hugged him. Nestled her entire body to him and looked up with such a wondrous look, and again with that serene smile. It actually took my breath away. A few other times I have witnessed the pure love of a child to it's father. Or, was it the pure love of a father to his child??? When I was a 1st Counselor in Primary, we strove to teach the children how to live so that the Holy Ghost would always be with us. To teach the many, many ways we can feel the presence of the Holy Ghost. This article has me wondering if these same lessons are being taught to our teens? Oh, how I hope they are.
  22. This is from Wikipedia about Coco-Cola. I believe that is why the early Prophets cautioned against drinking Cola's. In today's times, caffeine is addictive. When a person has been drinking caffeinated drinks for weeks to years, then quits "Cold Turkey", they suffer withdrawal from it. For me it was headaches, shakes, fatigue, anxiety, irritability. This lasted about two months, and it was really hard NOT to drink my Coke. But I also found out that the carbonation was bad for me too. Whether it was an 8oz fountain UN-cola soda or a 2 liter bottle - I would get muscle cramps bad!! The only thing to stop them was re-hydration drinks - a quart or more! The carbonation dehydrates you. That is why you keep drinking, because your thirst is not quenched.
  23. Have you read this: https://www.lds.org/topics/same-sex-attraction?lang=eng Do so, ponder and pray about it, then go talk with your Bishop so that he can help you with your decision. Whether your name is on the records or not, YOU are still God's child.
  24. Oh, thank you, thank you sooooooo much JAG - If I could only give your a 1,000 thank you emoji's. Well said, young man!